IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi, PL

It's great to hear that you are feeling better. Good food always do the wonder! It also works for me.

Truly admire your courage & glad to know that you are pressing on, getting ready for yr next cycle.

I also has 1 MC in yr 2005, same problem as you, the baby just didn't grow & there is no heartbeat.

Since then, I have not been able to conceive naturally & I have been diagnosed with blocked fallopian tube. I'm starting my IVF in Sep & guess what, I'm 36.

Let's encourage one another & like what you said MC means at least we can get pregnant but donno when.

So let's keep our finger cross & await the good news.

Hi Ladies,

I understand some of you did accunpture at AMK or Mei Ling Street. Has anyone visited both and compared which is better? Also how often do we have to do? twice a week? I called the Mei Ling Street one and there are 2 Drs there. Which one is the dr to visit?

I just failed my first IVF attempt and thinking of doing accunpture before FET.

Hi PL,
Sorry to hear abt the -ve result. Guess we are at the same boat now. May i know which branch of Eu Yan Sang did u visited Dr Zhong? Did she prescrine medicine for you too? Thinking of tiao my body before next try.
Hey Michelle,Miracle,

I ate only 2eggs/day after ER and after 5 days I couldn't take it. So I stopped. Then 5 days later I began to balloon up. Maybe it's just pure coincidence plus pregnyl injections, but I can't help but feel that I got ballooned up because I stopped eating the eggs. When I called the clinic they also advise me to eat eggs and drink Ensure milk. (high protein foods). So I restarted my egg eating last Friday cos my tummy is so bloated that it stretches my skin and it's painful to sneeze and yawn (life's little pleasures...)

Red date and ginger.... nope I didn't try that. 100 plus I drink... nice to drink and burp but see no diff. I read other forums and apparently this balloon will not subside till 1-2 weeks or some even after 7 weeks.
Hi lefthander,
Take it easy on the eggs, i started to hate it now after so many days and i just stop taking it since 2 days ago. Like what you say, i feel that taking or not doesnt really makes a big difference as i still feel bloated after each meal.

Today is my D8 post ET and was curious and i did a HPT just now and of course the ans is negative. Felt so sad and DH happen to call then started to cry...... i dont know whether still have the confident to do HPT again or not or maybe just wait for bld test on next monday..... sigh!
Hi Theresa,

D8 is too early I think. When I did the HPT on D10, the 2nd line was very very faint and it appeared after the recommended reaction time. I thought it was the evaporation line.

I did it on D13, there was only a faint line. Line only became obvious from D15 onwards for me.

Thus, don't worry abt the -ve, it could be a false -ve since the test may not be able to detect the hcg level.
This is the picture I have as my wallpaper - it gives me hope and strength.

Hi Orangedots,
sorry to know that you failed your 1st cycle too. How many frozen embryies you have? I got one. But I not intend to do FET. One embroy will not max the chances and it is frozen embroy. I went to Paragon #08-04 to see Dr Zhong. Since she ever did the speech in KKH. I believe that she is more reliable. When you told to her, you will feel she is different from other TCM. I had ever been to AMK and Thong Chai TCM B4.

Hi Sunny,
Let Jia you together. have you tried any TCM B4? why your IVF is in Sept. long Q in KKH?

Hi Apple Muffin,
I have spent $8700++ for my 1st IVF cycle in KKH. I spent more than others because I did 300IU puregon per day for 10 days.
hi PL,

could you kindly elaborate on why this Dr Zhong is different?

I am currently doing acu at AMK and TCM under Dr Xia Rong.

I also spent alot of $$ just like you, I was on 300IU puregon for abt 7 days and 600IU for 3 days!! goodness..

I'm now "tiao-ing" my body first and planning for a short trip before i start in say..prob in late October

enjoy first..suffer later..


so u going for ur ER soon? very fast hor! all the best to u and all the gals here
lefthander & PL,
thanks for the v detailed breakdown and advices
appreciate alot...
seems like IVF is an expensive option...sigh..i might not have the funds to do so in short term..

Lefthander, are you undergoing IVF with prof wong? He is my gynea and he told me to try natural for 6 months b4 seeing him again. i hope to strike within this 6 mths...cos IVF is just too expensive.

PL, when u mentioned "tiao" body, does it means taking chinese herb? Your TCM herb must brew type or ?
I am currently with the one in Mei Ling Str. For fertility problem, you should be seeing the lady sinseh - Dr Hong. Never been to AMK, so cannot compare. But i guess is your own comfort zone. Both DH and myself are undergoing acu and we are comfortable with her.

For me, DH is on pills kind of medicine, while mine is either brew herbs or you can choose those little packet kind. She ask me to use the herbs kind cos I am not working so have the time to boil and they are more effective.

When I first see Prof Wong in March he knows I went thru 3 IUI somewhere else already. DH and I were not rushing to have IVF either, so we slowly do the tests over a period of time and started IVF only end june. That gives us time to save some $$ first. And since the payment is scattered you won't feel that you spent so much, until you compile all the receipts and calculate.
Hi Theresa

Same here. I didnt do a HPT but i had a very bad nap. I dreamt that i wasnt pregnant. And i was devastated. In my dream, i was browsing the internet and saw many people post their BFP. But i had none to post. In the dream i was crying uncontrollably, almost like end of the world. Everything was blur cos my eyes were welled with tears. I remeber i kept asking why, why cant we even have a child?

Then next thing i knew, i could hear background noises like pots and pans and doors ... it was my mom preparing dinner in the kitchen. So i woke up, barely relieved from the napmare. I found myself drench in tears, all over my face and pillow as i struggle to get up. Now i am still quite shaken. I never had such a sad dream, not in broad daylight especially, since many many years ago when i was still schooling and back then i dreamt my dad passed away.

Maybe its the HCG jabs. I am not sure. But i have been very emotional. Even last nite also, i think my fear of failing this cycle was so great i couldnt sleep at all.

Anyway, sorry to be sharing this with you, i just felt my napmare was so real.

The gals are rite. 8 days is still early. Most HPT can only pick up little traces of HCG when near menses or when menses is missed so 8 days is totally out of the range. Maybe you can try again on National Day? Your blood test on the 10th or 12th issit? Blood test will be even better gauge cos can pick up whatever HCG HPT cant. Dont be too sad now ok? For all you know its really too early.
Now i am having a headache, haiz ... i think i agitated my brain and eyes too much during the nap. Haiz ...

Trust me Theresa, 8 days is too early. Dont scare yourself first ok?
Hi Lefty,
Me too. yesterday I compiled all the receipts, then just realized that I have spent so much. I tok I only spent $6K++. Now have increased to $8.7k. haiz..............

Hi Hopes,
Fr our conversation with Dr Zhong, we knew that she has understood all the process in KKH. She also discussed with Dr Loh on the ways to improve the fertility. She carefully read thru all our report and try to understood everything in details like lining, fibroids, size of fibroids, semen.

she also assure that we will see our body improvement after a few mths with the body temperature chart. I just felt that other TCMs are not serious like her but it is my personal opinions. Maybe other sis think differently.

I never tried Dr Xia Rong. What about her? she good and professional?
Hi Lefty,
ya, the expired kit may be correct. you tested on D12? U probably strike liao. take care and dont move much.
Hi Left, i dunno leh. Count from ET issit? Ok, then my ET is 28 Jul so today should be DP10 only. My last HCG jab was yesterday so if i test now, sure get false positive. When do you think i can test next? Friday? That will be DP13 and 5 days after HCG jab.
hi PL,

So far, Dr Xia Rong seems quite pro. At least she took the effort to tok and analyse to me with regards to my condition. She seems to know quite a fair bit also.. so, I'll just leave myself in her hands..hehe..

Dr Xia is also good friends with my acupunturist in AMK, so, at least i know they did discuss abt my case and hopefully the TCM medication will complement the acupuncture sessions to yield best results.

May I know how much Dr Zhong charge for the TCM consultation and medication? The herbs given, is it powder form kind?
Hi PL, whay you think your egg quality is not good? Can share your day2 's hormone levels for FSH, LH and Estradiol/E2?

Cos i think you did very well to have 20+ eggs. You know what? I only had 17 follicles and 8 eggs retrieved and only 3 fertilized. Then my case must be so terrible.

Is your hubby sperm quality and quantity ok? Mine has always got morphology probs so i half suspect if we fail, must be half half, poor egg + poor sperm. I am gonna ask Dr Loh, since the lab will have done some washing and anaylsis before the IVF.
Hi, PL

I'm now seeing Thong Chai Dr Tan Siew Buoy for TCM. Actually was thinking to swith to AMK Dr Zou since she do both Acu & TCM, somemore, medicine is in power form which is more convenient.

When I was refer to KKH IVF centre in Jul, they told me I can only start my cycle in Sep. You mean ususally is not that long? How long you have to wait when you did it?
hi Maple Babies,
Yes, Dr Xia Rong and the AMK acu treat male factor infertiity conditions also. I have heard them mentioned before. Sometimes hubby and wife do treatment at the same time..

However, I'm not sure how effective they are in treating the Males thou..


If you wanna go to the AMK one, suggest you give Dr Zou a call and see whether she can arrange you to see her friend Dr Xia Rong next Sunday. Dr Xia Rong only come to Sg for a few days a mth, once u missed it, you have to wait for quite some time before u can see her again.

But i have to warn you, the TCM powder herbs not cheap, about $200+ for a mth's supply. But then come to think of it.. it's a small price to pay if it really works..hehe..
maple babies
on my 1st icsi cycle i hav 11eggs on ER but only 2 ferilised, on 2nd icsi i hav 18eggs but still only 2 fertilised. when the 1st cycle failed, we thought tat it might be lab problem. we did 2nd ivf in another hospital and the embryo is better grade than the first time. i have done abit of reading and it seem like it is quite difficult to explain such result. it could be due to the sperm, the egg or both. the doc advise me to use donor egg if i wan to try 3rd time. Has anyone here heard of cases like mine? I need to know more before my next attempt.
Hi Sunny,
I registerd on 05/05/07 and my mense came on 24/05/07. it did not take me more than 1 mth. But heard lots of sis here, they wait for few mths.

I think the price for Dr Xia Rong and Dr Zhong are the same. consultation fee is S$50 and my 14 days TCM powder herbs is S$120. why Dr Xia Rong only comes to SG for few days a mth?

I did not know my D2 's hormone levels for FSH, LH and Estradiol/E2? Nurse did not tell me leh. I was told by Dr Loh that my egg quality not good during ET, so have 4 eggs fertilized. My DH sperm is normal.

Hi Tan,
how to get the donor egg? I heard donor eggs success rate is very high. When you did your ICSI. have your tried TCM? May be TCM can help.
Hello! Don't worry, I feel the Puregon pen is easier to use than syringe, cos it's quite a natural position to place ur thumb on the top of the pen to push it down. (Oh, it's because i do self-injection. Maybe u can try to so it urself too.) And the nurse told me last time that the puregon needle is the same thickness as the lucrin syringe, so shld be ok. Previously, when I used puregon, I also injected the puregon slowly by clicking slowly, so that i don't inject the whole dose in one push. I found that it was more comfortable.

Hmm, wondering how come u were told to start puregon only one week later after your D14 scan when Nano's scan was this Mon and she starts puregon 3 days later? Wonder why there's a difference? Yeah, our timings quite close...let's jia you together!!
Will keep u all updated when I have my scan tmrw.

testing on D8 is too early...don't scare yourself cos the HPT may not be able to detect the pregnancy yet. Some pte clinics test from D14, while KKH's practice seems to be D17.

Hi!!! Good to hear from you!
No lah, me not ER yet...still on lucrin. Suddenly things seem to be moving very fast once I start the jabs...getting a little anxious as ER gets nearer. Second time for me, so a bit more worrying as I already know what to expect, whereas first time I was blur like sotong, don't even know exactly what happens in ER/ET. Hee hee...sometimes, ignorance is really bliss.

Hope you have got over your dream. I think because we think too much of negative thats why have bad dreams but sometime ppl says the dreams tells you the opp of things, cheer up!

Maple & Petals, thanks for your kind words. I think i will not do HPT again and will leave it to God's hand on next Mon bld test. Instead of worrying, lets put our trust and faith in Him.
Good Wednesday morning ladies!

After last entry yesterday, itching for something to do so guess what I did? I did another HPT (my last unexpired strip) and it turns out positive! Whoohoo! Still trying to stay calm cos my last Pregnyl injection was 31/7 so it supposedly needed a week to clear for my dose. So last night went out to buy more HPT and tested this morning and yes, another BFP! I just can't believe my eyes!

HAhahahhaa....still have 2 more test kit... pretty nervous about the pregnyl lah.... what if the dose clear tomorrow and I get a negative? But I know I am talking rubbish now...Today is D14 post ET.
Can't wait for Friday for my blood test.

If you want to do a HPT, it says "Wait 14 days after a 10,000 IU injection, 10 days after a 5,000 IU injection, or 7 days after a 2,500 IU injection."
I decided I got food aversion to egg. Coincidentally DH ate a boiled sambal egg for dinner and upon seeing the egg I got very very angry! Poor DH have to hide the egg between vege so I won't see the egg. Hahahahahahaaa.. And yes, prior to this I've always add soy sauce when I can't swallow the egg. Sometimes add tomato and mushroom, sometimes fry with cheese... and I still hated it. So no more eggs for me this August!

About moving slowly, that's very hard for me to do. Yesterday I felt that my bloatedness is reduced by 10%, and I find myself moving faster and more agile since the discomfort is lesser...and do plenty plenty of housework that DH got scared. I thought I must let my body got use to movement cos am going back to work next week.
Which hospital are u with. I don't understand why dr ask u to use donor egg where u have your own. At least you still have 2 and not none mah. why must use donor egg. To use donor egg means is no longer you own biology child. Are u ready for it? If that is the case, what difference compare to adoption? I think you really have to give a serious thought about it.

Day 8 is far too early. I use the HPT the day before my blood test and it was still negative. But blood test came back positive. So don't worry too much.

Your HCG must be very high. Congras! Trust me, my six sense is always very strong.
Hi ladies here, needsome advise about ttc journey and path..
need some opinion here

I am 31 this yr and actually had 2 miscarriages before, one in 2006 and one in 2007
so after my 2nd m/c went to do hormone bloodtest n HSG, husband went to do his 1st SA,
for me chkup all normal, but hubby sperm is poor esp morphology and motility

After my 1st m/c in 2006, starting seeing TCM at Thong Ji Dr Tan, she is good and my overall health and reproductive are much much better
so when I got pregnant 2nd time was happy and thinknig it should be successful cos after months of taking tcm herbs...
Dr Tan mentioned maybe my hb sperm is nt good and true enough after his 1st SA, was very poor so he also start to see Dr Tan.
Think he will do SA a few months later after taking the herbs.

I was thinking since we could stirke naturally both pregnancies, should I go for IUI/IVF?
or should we wait till TCM tiao well for us?? Are we both consider infertile??
Under what circumstances couple will consider IVF??
please advise, thks

I really admire you ladies here embarking this IVF treatment, really hope God bless all of you can hold ur own chubby baby in arms soon
Back fr yr bld test and u/scan? Ok, i will try to see whether i can inject Puregon myself, if really can't then pass to hubby. Haa, somehow, after reading yr assurance on Puregon Pen I feel better, hopefully i will find it easy to use also. Thks! Remember to update us with yr result ok?

Reg Petals question, actually I'm also interested to know. Is it they need to suppress yr body further? That day when i scan, the scan lady say something like my right side got only 1 small follicle and lining is thin. At that time I kept asking the nurses whether is it ok only 1 small follicle as i remembered u got 5 follicles on each side when you scan. Everything was moving so fast that i forgot to ask abt my right side...u know lah, first time abit blur. But when i got the results, the nurse said mine already suppressed and doc say can start 3 days later.

Hope yr blood test on Fri will be positive! Bring us gd news soon!
I did IVF because of my age, 2 MCs and one blocked fallopian. My DH sperm is normal. I regret that I did not start IVF earlier. I have been tring since the 2nd MC in late 2005. May be due to the D&C that may cause me to have the blocked fallopian, we cannot conceive since then.
Nano, I am not very sure too, perhaps it is because i still have 5 on each side, thus i needed a longer time to suppress before I can start on the Puregon? Perhaps I will ask the nurse when i go back to KKH on Friday. i also 1st time.. very blur.. :p

let's wait for Petal's result.. she won't know until after 3pm today..
if money is not a contraints, I will suggest you to start IVF earlier. you dont know whether your fallopian will be blocked due to D&C. the younger you have IVF, the success rate is higher.
thks PL, mind aksing how old are you?
for my case, my LH and FSH are normal...no PCOs and blocked tube, maybe womb not warm enough and lutueal phase not long enough after O base on BBT chart...but think TCM is helping me this as I see improvement slowly.

other ladies, wonder did you all see my 1st postings? hope more of you here can shed somelight...can share ur stories here and wat reason for u all to embark IVF?

isit the only way for IVF if hubby sperm is poor?
I am very worried cos I need to be prepare if I am choosing this option
then you can try for one year. if within one year you do not conceive, then this should be consider infertility (learn from book).

Congratulation! Next will be Maplebabies and my turn and getting excited.

Today my bloatedness is so bad that i can hardly breath or eat anything and also having some on and off menses like cramp (worry cause menses is due soon), do you experience that? My bld test will be next Monday, which is normal should bloatedness gets better or worse?
other ladies, wonder did you all see my 1st postings? hope more of you here can shed somelight...can share ur stories here and wat reason for u all to embark IVF? does TCM really helps??
Hi PL,

Thanks for the info. i have left about 15 frozen embroy. Thinking of building up my body before going to try FET maybe in Oct.

Hi JR,
How long do we have to do the acu for it to be effective? So both ur hubby and urself have to do the acu?
i have no idea how to go abt getting donor egg. i didnt ask doc for more info as i am not considering that. i did my first ivf with tcm but not successful.currently i am taking tcm to tiao my body.
i will not use donor egg as i felt that it is no difference from adoption and my husb also dont like the idea of donor egg.
I just failed my IVF. I was not with any TCM after my MCs. at that time, I did not trust any TCM. since I joined this thread, i just knew how important TCM is to help us.

if you are not hurry or hunger for baby now, you can try naturally. this will be good for your baby.

how you know your condition improved after you did TCM with Dr Tan.
Nano, Michelle,
They told me I have to continue my jabs for another week cos my AF haven't reported yet. Sigh...so, drag by another week. Next week scan again.

Is it AF must come before going to Puregon? Are you expecting yr AF to be here soon? Hopefully by next scan you can go to next stage leow.."jia you"!
