IVF/ICSI Support Group

Maplebabies - long time no chat! I wish u plenty of luck and take good care, you will be granted your wish. Hope me too.....i am stil struggling haven plan on SO-IUI or IVF.

Hi MapleBabies,
Heard you call my name...I'm here!
Was out whole day today, just came home..haven't even bath cos can't wait to chk updates from you ladies.

Thanks very much for yr prayer. I have not been praying much, think I really must remind myself to pray.

Today is just the 10th day of my lucrin jab..haven't start Puregon yet so dun know when ER also. May I know how long was yr Lucrin jab at that time?

I was reading yr result for Day 2 hormone test and wonder whether for E2 is it lower the better or higher better..bcos mine is 98, although within normal range but is high compared to yr's and Theresa's..so not too sure is there any implication?

Petals_blooms, How are you getting on?

Ok me going to bath now..getting late.
Hi Left, no leh, i been rooted at home since ET. Even go downstairs also didnt. Even go out to common corridor throw rubbish also didnt. Even go toilet pee, hubby watch me like a hawk. Hehe, we very paranoid lah. Hubby insist me stay on bed as much as possible. So much so, first 2 days after ET, we forgot i had to bathe!

Wow, you so active! Must rest well in between also ya. U go abdominal cramps ah? Eh good sign hor? So your bloodtest when? I think i am the last of you gals on 2ww, mine is 14 Aug.

Hey Koori!! Ya, long time no chat! Are u on natural cycle this month? How are you?
Thanks for your well wishes. I hope to pass this too. And same to you too! May we get preggy together!

Ya Nano, was wondering how are you cos i rem you were quite close to ER. Oh on 10th day lucrin already, wow ... soon you be on puregon then time flies ... My lucrin was 21 days before start puregon. E2 lower better but then again, maybe different measurement units? Mine if measured in pmol/L is 195.5 but if in ng/ml is 53.3 so must know which measurement metrics is referred.

Me also loggin off le. Tired le. In case got 3 babies in me now, i better be a good mummy and go zzzzz , hehehe ...

Good nite all! C ya in the morning!
Gd morning everyone!

Ok I got it..mine measured in pmol/L so considered low within the normal range, thks!

Most of you are already in 2ww, looks like only me and Petals in Lucrin stage. Seems like quite a few of you staying with yr mum so lunch not a prob during 2ww. For me, I got to start thinking how to settle my lunch...prob go buy or cook my own lunch when my turn comes. Really hope all of you in 2ww will bring us gd news..be it 1,2 or 3 babies!! So rest well!

Can i chk after our D14 blood test n ultrasound, how long will we know the results? Do we have to come back another day to buy the Puregon shots?
Hi Maple,

I am ok, hvg a little princess n due in Nov. So far so good n really really hope nothing major happens though dr told me my placenta bit low lying.
Gd morning!

Gd morn Nano! Ahhh, see? No worries. Your E2 quite low. FSH? If both low, mean you have good ovarian reserve and will respond well to stimulation so you can expect more eggs to be picked up. Thats good news!

Ya lor, left you and Petals for upcoming ERs. JR and Baby not yet start rite? Petals, how's your jabs coming along too?

On the 14day scan, same day, can get the results le. Usually nurses will ask you call back in the PM and they will tell you when next to come back and buy puregon. This is KKH protocol. You with KKIVF rite?

I woke up earlier today cos dunno why last nite, couldnt get to sleep. One side of womb got the 'suan suan' feeling. When pillow dropped on it also hurt abit. But today again no symptoms. Haiz ... Going to make ham and cheese sandwich now. Yum yum! Oh nearly forgot my folic acid too.
Morning Tweetie! Wow, what a gem! Princesses are cute, can dress them up so sweetly. My mom used to babysit a baby gal. Tell you, we all adore her so much. When she went home due to start schooling, my mom lost weight missing her. I find baby gals very cute. Take care ya? I heard placenta low wont cause too drastic problems as long as doc keeps it in check regularly. You are with Dr Fong CW ya? I believe he is very experienced, will take good care of you. Jia you! 3 more mths to go, yea!
Yes, I'm with kk. Oic, have to go another day to buy puregon. Sad to say, my FSH not low, mine is at 7.7 and LH 12.3. Comparing yrs, my LH even more weird so much higher but like you Dr Loh kept saying no PCOS cos no systoms. But my LH so high not sure whether it means anything..anyone knows?? really hope will not have prob responding to stimulation.

Since you did not sleep well yesterday maybe you take nap later? Wondering how is Theresa, Weiwei, Petals..

Wow, Ham and cheese sandwich..
My saliva drooping...makes me hungry. Ciao..going to find something to eat also.
hihi morning gals

confirmed ER on next Tuesday, can't wait to start on 2www.

how's everyone doing? did anyone have to take antibiotics after ER?
For me, i also very paranoid and has been staying at home since first day of ET. I think sometime you have to listen to your body and judge yourself not to walk too much or carry heavy things, probably there might be some truth or else dr wont advise us to do that. I heard that the most critical is the first 4 days. On the first 2 days, i will get tired easily if i sit for too long so it depend on individual.

Maple babies,
Me also didnt really sleep well yesterday nite, having gastric feeling again (i think because of pregnyl jab) and tummy muscle also aching like just complete 100x sit up feeling. Once i toss only got pain. Also feeling giddy when i wake up this morning but feel much better after breakfast.
maple babies,
coming to back the oilment? it is 'yu yee' oil. the slim glass bottle in the steel cylinder bottle. very traditional one. yeap, with 2 oranges as trade mark. just wondering if i made myself clear...

wow, babymaking,
finally you are going to the final stage of the journey, awaiting for good news soon... you see all your hard work pay off...

how long will you be on lucrin jab? are you taking lucrin with puregon as well or only puregon? i spoke to dr loh about my ivf plan next year if need be and he told me 2 months unpaid leave sounds quite good. still planning for the schedule unless i quit my job...

after my failed so-iui the last time, ivf is my next journey if need be... talk to doctor about your choices and perhaps, doctor is the best person to advise you on the decision...

to the 2-weekienders,
are you on HL or going back to work soon?
Wish you all the best for your ER and hope that dr can pick up alot of follicles! I'm on antibiotics after ER but because i'm sensitive to that drug (kenna yeast infection each time i take antibiotics) so doc stop my med after 3 days .

Aiya, 2ww not fun at all leh..... last time i also dont think it will be that difficult but once you start, you mood like roller coaster, one day up another day down and at the same time wish that 2ww dont end that fast cause scare to know the result.... sigh! Everything i do become so paranoid and keep looking out for pregnant symptom and thats really tired you down!
I'm staying with my mum and younger sis, my mum is usually at home in the day but she will go church for praying in the nite.
oh, thanks. My LH is lower than FSH though, but my periods are not very regular. Maybe will ask dr loh next time whether i have pcos.
Yeah, u must take care of your food intake now, cos of ur embies. Actually I'm also like u when it comes to food, just eat what i want and whatever's convenient. So always need to remind myself that I need to think abt being healthy for TTC. Hope u don't mind my lor-sor nagging...:p

My E2 is 93pmol/L. Also don't know what all the blood tests mean. All the nurse said to me was that it's normal. Gee, that really helps...
Anyway, I'm still on lucrin and going for my u/s scan next week...can't wait. So far, I don't mind the jabs...just need to watch the time to make sure i do it around the same time everyday.

All the best for ur ER! Hope to manage to get lots of fertilised eggs!
dear all,
Have been feeling so sad today. think my AF coming liao. No miracles. Haiz... as i expected lah, where got so easy and lucky. But still can't help but feeling down and sad lor. Seems like happy and 'heng' things will not happen to me...
I'm not told how long will i be on Lucrin, prob by next week i'll know, after my bld test n v/scan.

Oh, I always thought during Puregon we must also jab Lucrin at the same time, I do not know some people can just jab Puregon alone...this is something new to me.

Btw, have you done yr scope? It's gd if you can take yr 2mth unpaid leave for yr ivf next yr but who knows you may conceive naturally by then hor.

Our E2 level very close. Ya me too, dun really know what the blood test mean, hope both of us will response well to the jab.

I'm also gettting used to the injections. Haa maybe hubby skill getting better. Also, the book say after swipe the alcohol on stomach let it dry first or else will feel pain when inject. For the first few days din know so prob tis contributes to the pain also. Now just hope i will cope well with Puregon also.

For the acu, I'm still going twice a wk and beginning to enjoy the process..will b going this evening.
Cheer up!
Weekend is here...maybe go out shopping you will feel better?...Hee when i down, go shopping, spend some $, mood will be better. Everybody on same goal; trying for baby..be happy k
Hi, i am new to this forum but has been reading all your posts everyday. It has been very informative!

I am on D14 of the lucrin and just went for blood test and V/scan this morning. The review dr mentioned i have 5 on the left and 5 on the right. Is the number of follicles identified at this stage?

Anyway, i am suppose to call them back at 4pm to check on the results.

For sharing purpose, i had no problem with Lucrin injection, i do not feel any pain or discomfort at all, and it has been very easy and smooth everyday. Is it the same with Puregon or is the needle bigger?
Waa, so many posts after half a morning! I had a good nap just now, then went KKIVF for my progesterone bloodtest. Just came back. Mom cooked porridge with egg and ... mince pork, i think so i ate that and drank some orange juice cos the weather is scorching! No joke!

But didnt had a good time at the payment counters. As usual, payment procedures very messy. I left my form in the 'KKIVF & Blood test' tray cos was told to do so. 1 gal took it out and place at her colleague counter next door, ask her colleague to process but that blur gal didnt even notice, keep calling those who went clinic D only. Another KKIVF gal who came after me also got her forms managed like that and we waited so long. End up, i had to point out to her, she has been missing our forms out. Urghhh!

Hi Nano, if dr Loh say no have PCOS then take it as no have lor. Anyway, fear not, PCOS also can get good success thru IVF. Its the stimulation that is most important irregardless of what problems we are having. Usually we start puregon on the 21st day of lucrin, the first day of puregon is usually done at KKIVF, they will teach us how to jab and thereby we will have the first puregon jab there.

Hi Babymaking, all the best! Do u know how many follicles you have already? Ys the antibiotics meant for after ER. But tell you hor, i was so blur, i ate it before ER cos i got it one visit earlier and the nurse din tell me to wait till ER. Lucky its ok, as long as finish up.

Hi Theresa, same same.
The impregnl jabs also make me very easily pek chek like today, maybe the hot weather also had a factor. Then just now my colleague smsed me about work, haiz ... so sianz.

Hi Babylow, think Lefthander77 was the one asking about the oilment. Its the one babies get to appply to prevent colic rite? It smell quite nice leh. I am still on HL. Going back only after 14 Aug.

Thanks Petals. No i dont mind you nagging me cos at least i can learn a thing or two. Just had lunch but hungry again. Think my appetite picking up till pre-2ww days le. OMG, i looked at myself in outgoing clothes just now, i seem to have put on some weight!

Hi JR, how about ending your shopping with a nice dinner to cheer up? Must try to relax and go easy ok?

Hi Michelle, welcome! I think eggs stimulation varies. Some people have more, some less so its quite hard to gauge a norm by stage. But as long as all 10 follicles grow big enough, then you will have higher chance of getting more eggs. Also, maybe you will grwo more after puregon leh? I had 17 follicles but only about 10 grew big enough and after ER, only managed to get 8 eggs cos some follicles can actually be empty, no egg.
KKH IVF just called to move up the ER to Monday.

altogether 19 follicles only ranging from 7.5 to 14.5, wondering if can get enough eggs as i have severe PCOS.

maples - do you have to go back KKH everyday for progesterone jabs?

petals, babylow and theresa, thks for well wishes. hope everything will be smooth as well.
Hi PL, how are you?

Hi Babymaking, dont worry bah. Usually about 50% can be retrieved. Do you remember how many are around 14.5mm? These will be the ones retrieved most probably. No leh, i was given impregnyl instead which is quite easy to jab at home, like lucrin so i get to jab at home.
I also going to the AMK one. Find that her biz seems very gd prob thks to this thread.

Welcome! You are a few days ahead of Petals and me, both of us are at Lucrin stage also. Do come in often to share with us.

For yr D14 vaginal scan, is it done at kkivf centre or another dept? Are we supposed to see follicles at D14 of Lucrin jab?..thought supposed to suppress? Oh dear, I'm abit confused...got to read up more.

Ya u're rite, will just trust Dr since he said no PCOS. Hopefully, I dun have to be on Lucrin for too long. Btw, when i go for v/scan on D14 of Lucrin, will i get any scan pic of the ovary? Need to take note of anything?
Ooo i c, hang in there PL! You sure will have good news for us okie?!
Wish you BFP BFP BFP!!!

Nano, no leh, wont get ovary pic. IN fact wont get anything. Sometimes if the doctor in duty is busy, she also dont entertain much qns. So wat i did to help myself remember the size was ... shhh ah ... i brought in my handphone, got recording function. Then when i was being scanned, i record, with the screen faced down so they dont know. When i come out, i could replay and remember how many i have on left or right ovaries. Thats how i remember out of 17 follicles, i had about 10 at most that will be big enough for my ER.
You clever ah use hp to record..hee maybe can follow yr idea, dun worry i will do it secretly also.

Oic no pic, so i guess like what Michelle said, I'm supposed to see some follicles issit? All done at KKIVF centre or must go another dept for v/scan?..Sorie so much questions, hope u dun find me 'fan'.
The scan and blood test are all done at the KKIVF centre. I could not see the screen when the dr did the scan for me, she only said out loud that there are 5 on each side. I did not get to see any pictures or printout.

I just called KKIVF and they informed me to carry on with Lucrin for another 7 days, then will start the Puregon AND Lucrin. My hubby was told to start taking some pills on that day too.. wonder what is that for?
PL, thanks. Have you done any test on the home kit or you leaving it to the blood test on monday?

Baby making, ER on Monday, and PL to test BFP on Monday... goodluck to both of you... stay relax....

meanwhile, enjoy the weekend!!
Oic, thks for the info. At this stage, did they tell you the dosage for yr Puregon?

Huh?..How come hubby must take pills? Anyone can advise?
Hi Nano, maplebabies
Thanks, actually, i should be very happy. Last week i was shopping in Shanghai. DH went for work, so i tag along. Next week we will be going tasmania for holiday... but hor, the thot of why i have to go thru so much in order to have my own kids make me sad. why others can just get pregnant so easily.... haiz
lefthander - i only went thru 1 round of IUI, too depressing for me.

Babylow - We went to see Dr Loh from KK, he term us as unexplained infertility, din give us any advice only say if i want to SO-IUI or IVF he will do for us....hmmm... i am not yet mentally prepared.

Maplebabies - yes i am trying natural this cycle, tried TCM. Hope we get preggy togther. I am not so confident of myself, failures too many times.
actually gals, you can just ask KKH IVF to give you the results after the bloodtests and scans.They can't photocopy the sheet but they can write down the numbers for you as a record.

did anyone has heart palpatitions during your IVF cycle?
Maple babies,

How are you feeling? Hope you sleep well last night.

Yesterday night got a very severe gastric at about 1.30am, i tahan until 2.30am then no choice called my dr, he sound very blur lah, i also feel bad to call him so "early". But the pain is so bad until i'm sweating so he ask me take panadol, the moment i swallow the pill, immediately threw out all the gastric juice like a merlion.... i think is the pregnyl jab, each time i had that jab, stomach up / down bloated like mad and meal have to be very small portion or else very "tio"

My dr called this morning and ask me to buy some med from pharmacy to stand by, also ask me to stop Pregnyl jab (suppose to jab tmr again), he says the first 2 jab i have is enough, can skip the 3rd jab but i worry leh so tell him after i threw up yesterday night i felt much better, no more bloated or pain but still ask me not to jab..... no choice lor, hope it will not affect the embies or implantation and just pray hard!
Yeah, KKh will give u copies of your x-rays and blood tests if you ask for them. So far, I've always asked for copies of the blood test results from them, as I want to keep for my own medical records/history.
Out of the 3 IUI that I went thru, I remembered the 2nd failure devastate us quite badly. In the end we went out shopping and bought 2 lazy-boy recliner chair and it became our babies. We felt so much better after.

When we failed the 3rd one, which is SO-IUI, we were tired of IUI. We knew that's when we need a new plan. So we change specialist and now we're on our 1st attempt at IVF-ICSI.

Time I've spent( or wasted) on IUI - 1 1/2yr. I guess we'll never know what will work for us. Ask your Dr about success rate of SO-IUI vs IVF. Then decide.

How are you feeling now?

Come to think of it, my ballooned-up tummy also started after my 3rd jab of Pregnyl! Urgh.... Am looking like I'm 3-4months pregnant when..in actual fact I do not know! I am very upset about this... my self esteem is really dipping. I do not mind being ballooned up IF there is a child inside. But now what it's done is just embarrassing me.
Oh well, at least I do not vomit.

You take care ok? I hope Maplebabies is free of all this undesired effects.
Hi gals

Sorry, didnt have a very pleasant friday evening till today so didnt come in. In fact, didnt even want to come in here anymore. Cos i think my IVF cycle may well just fail, after a big brawl with hubby last nite. We were arguing and i got really pissed and hysterical, not sure if all those HCG hormones jabs influenced me. Was so agitated i wont be surprised if i disrupted my womb or induce negative toxins to disrupt any possible implantation. Anyway, felt resigned and despondent today. Will just get on with normal daily tasks. Haiz ...
Maplebabies- cool down, take a deep breathe! Don let it disrupt you, you have come this far, keep going ok. There'll be a bright tunnel waiting for u.
Oh dear! Maybe all the hormones are giving u mood swings...Don't be too hard on yourselves. Going through IVF can be quite a stressful situation...and you will need each other for support. Don't give up ok? All will be well.
Hope you're feeling better by now. Pls hang on for the sake of yr 3 embryos. You are almost there.
Not easy for you to have been through this stage and surely you are undergoing emotion turmoil. Not sure what cause the big brawl but I believe you and your hubby are anxious about the IVF result. Try to sit down to talk about it calmly. Both of you have to overcome this together. I think would be good if both of you give each other a BiG hug and say 'I need you' at this crucial moment. If you want to cry go ahead to do of course also let him know that his shoulder is very important for you because you need to lean on. Just be open but stay calm. Do not let the misunderstanding affects your embies. You know children need to grow in happy families and same goes for your embies... We will cheer for you...

I am not sure if this is your first IVF but could it be good news for you? Have you been in pregnly and have such symptoms before? think positively... i remember one of my colleague was sharing with me when she was pregnant, she vomitted lot of gastric juice like nobody's business...

PL and lefthander,
Good luck to you and we hope to hear good news from you...

I think they prescribe antibiotic for your hubby because they want your hubby to be in the best condition when he produces sperms. When i did so-iui, my hubby was prescribed with antibiotic...
Today is sunday and it's so quiet here. I think it's good because you all are occupied with your family's matters... Can put your mind off on IVF for a little while...

How are you feeling? Good? Said is easier than to be done but please take everything with stride for the sake of your embies, okie... I believe everything will be fine for you...

Maple babies,
Hope you are fine now and have already make up with your DH. Probably 2 of you are too stress about the whole situation, stay relax and enjoy every moment of eating, resting and sleeping. Dont worry too much and wait for your positve result next week. God Bless you.

Yes, this is my 1st ivf and i think it is probably due to the pregnyl jab. I could feel some gastric feeling from the 1st jab and the 2nd jab make it worse, the grastic juice probably accumulated from these 2 jabs and in the end i just couldnt take it anymore and threw it up. Did your friend experience the same thing?

Suppose to have my 3rd jab today but dr advise not to so today stomach feel much better and not so bloated.
