IVF/ICSI Support Group

haha ! wont have hard feelings la, we are all in the same boat. He's really nice and sincere I feel. Last year my cousin did IVF with im and m/c at week 8, he was also very sympathetic and ordered an investigation to help my cousin find out why... good doc! Today he said to me, well if you want we can restart another cycle if you are not confident to transfer your frozen but grade 3 also stands a chance!!

Thanks hope2016 and muff, I'm 11dpt2dt. I'm scared to see negative on Hpt, was thinking to wait till at least tmr to se if af turns up or not. My cramps r like af cramps. Can't help feeling af is on the way. I had lap done in end Jan, tot clearing mild endo ought to clear me of cramps
Maybe test few days later if AF didn't show up? And stay relax..

Left 7. They do not thaw 1 by 1. Imagine thaw 1 by 1, how many abandon ETs and how many months of waiting we need to go through? Wah.... 等到花儿也谢了。Lol

Usually a few coz not all may survive. Dr will give u his suggestion. In my case, Dr ever told me he will thaw all and culture to blast. See if have any to tsf. If hve, good. Dun hve then it's God's will.
That's why I was curious since not all will thaw well, some will not survive.. If they thaw a few and all survived, will only choose the best and discard the rest? Can't re-freeze right?

I did my first appointment with Dr Lim at NUH instead of SGH.
Now waiting for my menses which is 3 days late by the way. Just hoping that the cycle days don't fall on Sat or Sun for the scheduled test or else need to wait for next cycle.
I am usually on time but i think aunt flo got scared with all the scheduled test i suppose hehe.
Can't wait to start the IVF cycle.
This is a really good forum. I learned a lot from you ladies.
I learnt a lot here too. All the best to you!

ya think i can wait out for 2 more days. I just wish it either goes down or zero!!
Hopefully things will get better 2 days later... How long is the bleeding already?
Congrats !!! what a well written note of encouragement! This is also my 5th transfer and it's hellish than ever haha. Will try to keep on fighting.. I feel so defeated when the previous labs always tells me my quality of embryos (and my crappy eggs) is my main problem to getting to pregnancy but I've also decided to abandon them all and try a new Doc, again.

The conflicting feeling of watchign your clsoe friends get pregnant while you are feeling angry, pitying on yourself but wishing them well is so hard. I am 36 this year. Still no sight of any good news. Sometimes hard to not feel like sh*t. But, it will be a new day again, I guess! Hope we will all persevere to the very end !!
Thank you muff. You have been staying strong and positive, with a great heart to encourage others amidst your ordeal. Rooting for you and hope things turn out well *HUGS*
No difference. At 14dp2dt, I had light spotting, very light brown. Had a PIO shot then was ok but next day spot starts again. 16dp2dt night, I had small flow, then next day full flow. Looks exactly like menses and no difference. Until now still red flow like period with clots wor. Gave nothing, just instructed me to repeat beta in 2 days time...

Initially, I just really think its a pure miscarriage and strongly felt it wasn't ectopic but now, I feel dehydrated daily no matter how much I drink then these few days no appetite to eat. Earlier on after the scan, I had 2x diarrhea. The dehydration and no appetite seems very familiar to my ectopic the last time. It was horrible and I didn want to go through that again! In bed for 3 weeks left tube removed and on the verge of blood transfusion. omg! :eek:

Don scare yourself too much. Weather these days is really hot. So it's pretty normal to feel dehydrated and lose appetite.
Maybe test few days later if AF didn't show up? And stay relax..

That's why I was curious since not all will thaw well, some will not survive.. If they thaw a few and all survived, will only choose the best and discard the rest? Can't re-freeze right?

I learnt a lot here too. All the best to you!

Hopefully things will get better 2 days later... How long is the bleeding already?

Since sat small red flow, then sun till now full menses flow heavy kind. omg!
Since sat small red flow, then sun till now full menses flow heavy kind. omg!
Wah.. That's quite long right. Hope it will stop soon

Hi SkyAngel and Hope2016, can check if you guys still feel bloated now or has it subside?
Hi, still very bloated (was looking at 7 months pregnant, now maybe 5 months) haha.. But it's not as painful as before (or as hard as before). I had problem walking last week.. Seems to have come down abit.. Hope the bloating will be gone soon..
I'm just wondering hor, are you ladies working or stay home wives?

I'm sick of people telling me to relax quit my job because DOING NOTHIG AND RELAXING really will help me get a baby. It's really not that simple as just to relax.

If quit my job no money for ivf already. But if I quit my job and stay at home and can get baby, I don't mind lol lol

I am working as well when im doing my IVF now.... none of my colleague know that im doing IVF
My boss was like complaining that I have been taking too much MC all this and I got to use my AL to cover that and of cos investing a lot in cab fare so that I will be in time for my half day work.

Honestly sometime I though to myself maybe if I don work I will have more baby luck. But without Money how to have baby....

I guess most importantly time pass faster with work. Cos the wait for IVF can be quite a pain sometime.
Scan... wait... menses... wait... injection... wait.. scan .. wait.... and the list goes on..... if really sit back and relax at home must ensure that got time to fill in the "waiting" period else it would really be like having too much free time to think a lot....

So work should ok.... as long as is not so stress..... as in so much OT and stuff
Has anyone been having af like cramps since after et and has bfp? I have been having af like cramps the day after et, it comes and goes and Yday on the cramps were much stronger and I'm expecting af tmr. Can't help thinking af is coming. Yet to do Hpt
Hi Hopeful... Relax and stay positive! :)
All the best for your coming blood test!
I tested on cheapo kit and is negative. I didn't test with first pee, but shouldn't make too much of a difference bah. I'm 12dpt2dt. My af pms intensity is growing and I'm sad to hear that clearing endo don't imply no cramps cos dr Tan was asking me if my cramps were way better but cos it was the first month after clearing endo so I couldn't exactly tell if the cramps were way better
I am working as well when im doing my IVF now.... none of my colleague know that im doing IVF
My boss was like complaining that I have been taking too much MC all this and I got to use my AL to cover that and of cos investing a lot in cab fare so that I will be in time for my half day work.

Honestly sometime I though to myself maybe if I don work I will have more baby luck. But without Money how to have baby....

I guess most importantly time pass faster with work. Cos the wait for IVF can be quite a pain sometime.
Scan... wait... menses... wait... injection... wait.. scan .. wait.... and the list goes on..... if really sit back and relax at home must ensure that got time to fill in the "waiting" period else it would really be like having too much free time to think a lot....

So work should ok.... as long as is not so stress..... as in so much OT and stuff
I also thought about the same thing, maybe quit really will have baby! but in the end, I think it is just fated. I also think that going to work is better for me than staying at home. because I am always thinking too much and researching for silly stuff all the time. hehe
I tested on cheapo kit and is negative. I didn't test with first pee, but shouldn't make too much of a difference bah. I'm 12dpt2dt. My af pms intensity is growing and I'm sad to hear that clearing endo don't imply no cramps cos dr Tan was asking me if my cramps were way better but cos it was the first month after clearing endo so I couldn't exactly tell if the cramps were way better
I have an ex colleague who has severe endo and she went for lap twice to clear the endo but it seems that she will still have cramps.... sorry to know that you are still experiencing it too. It's quite painful when her menses comes.
I have an ex colleague who has severe endo and she went for lap twice to clear the endo but it seems that she will still have cramps.... sorry to know that you are still experiencing it too. It's quite painful when her menses comes.
Actually mine was mild endo. But Guess everyone threshold of pain differs as my cramps r bearable but significant. I'm sorry to hear abt what u r going thru now and I hope the best for u
I tested on cheapo kit and is negative. I didn't test with first pee, but shouldn't make too much of a difference bah. I'm 12dpt2dt. My af pms intensity is growing and I'm sad to hear that clearing endo don't imply no cramps cos dr Tan was asking me if my cramps were way better but cos it was the first month after clearing endo so I couldn't exactly tell if the cramps were way better

Could still be too early. Don't lose hope till your BT. When is your BT? My cramps also felt like AF and I had thought AF wascoming.

Yes, unfortunately it doens't mean the cramps will disappear. I have endo for 16 years and had 2 laps but after the laps, the cramps were still there. Maybe some ppl may have their cramps disappear. It depends on individuals also I guess. I guess, we just have to manage the pain.
Could still be too early. Don't lose hope till your BT. When is your BT? My cramps also felt like AF and I had thought AF wascoming.

Yes, unfortunately it doesn't mean the cramps will disappear. I have endo for 16 years and had 2 laps but after the laps, the cramps were still there. Maybe some ppl may have their cramps disappear. It depends on individuals also I guess. I guess, we just have to manage the pain.
Thanks for the encouragement. Bt nxt Mon. Is already 12dpt, early still? Hmm..I Rem previously my chem pregnancy the hcg couldn't be detected via Hpt but only thru bt. Apart from the af like cramps I also have usual pms, backache, heavy feel at lower abdomen area so hopes r sparse for bfp. Likely the inserts r holding back my af. Shall wait for either af to arrive or bt to be done. I tot endo cramps would decrease significantly but wrong I was, cos my doc asked if the cramps lessens so the general thought that hey cramps will lessen
haha ! wont have hard feelings la, we are all in the same boat. He's really nice and sincere I feel. Last year my cousin did IVF with im and m/c at week 8, he was also very sympathetic and ordered an investigation to help my cousin find out why... good doc! Today he said to me, well if you want we can restart another cycle if you are not confident to transfer your frozen but grade 3 also stands a chance!!
:) Let jiayou together!
Thanks for the encouragement. Bt nxt Mon. Is already 12dpt, early still? Hmm..I Rem previously my chem pregnancy the hcg couldn't be detected via Hpt but only thru bt. Apart from the af like cramps I also have usual pms, backache, heavy feel at lower abdomen area so hopes r sparse for bfp. Likely the inserts r holding back my af. Shall wait for either af to arrive or bt to be done. I tot endo cramps would decrease significantly but wrong I was, cos my doc asked if the cramps lessens so the general thought that hey cramps will lessen

Yup it can be early cos you won't know for sure when you implant. Just keep thinking positive thoughts. :) Keep yourself distracted.

And put the endo thoughts aside. Think happy thoughts now!
I have an ex colleague who has severe endo and she went for lap twice to clear the endo but it seems that she will still have cramps.... sorry to know that you are still experiencing it too. It's quite painful when her menses comes.
Did yr ex colleague manage to conceive with severe endo? I also have severe endo...
Did yr ex colleague manage to conceive with severe endo? I also have severe endo...
She was also trying ivf but didn't succeed. Endo cleared though. Till now still no good news I believe so. She left already. The last I heard she was with sincere lab.
I am working. Just need to let this out. Informed my boss about my ET next week. But didn't get a supportive respond from her. Quite disappointed already. Sigh. Looks like i need to make plans to come back to office the next day after ET. :(
I am also working. But I am thinking of taking a break as it is very disruptive to work for the frequent need to take leave for scans etc. Not all bosses and colleagues are supportive and I also can understand why. I just dropped hints to my boss today about taking no pay leave and he said what if u take a break already and still no baby. Duh
Dawn. I give u thumbs up for sure. Yes, u mentioned we need help and beyond control. And I agree the relax and stress part seriously. We can do it and look forward to our promotion - invaluable. Soonest. Cheers!
Ladies, just dropping back in in hope to give some encouragement. I've been married for 14yrs and was 37yo when we found out 1.5yrs ago that ivf was our only option due to severe male factor infertility. I finally got bfp with singleton after my 5th transfer and now going on to 20wks.
I had to quit my job after failing 1st fresh and 1st FET. My management was initially supportive but when knowing I would continue Ivf subsequently my boss told me that can't expect the team to accommodate my frequent long absences. Since this has been made explicit, it was hard for me to continue. Being jobless and having to face repeated bfns is seriously tough and eats into my self esteem. Furthermore we had quite a number of colleagues/ friends who started TTC (spurred by SG50) and there were the usual rave of advices from among many others, those who said when they consciously TTC, nothing happened and when they gave up TTC, they got pregnant so the trick is to must relax. Finally all of them got preggy and even gave birth and one of them was same age as me who got preggy with 3rd kid by accident. We had to deal with the conflict of feeling happy for our friends and feeling sorry for ourselves as we continued on our Ivf journey with no guarantee of success. I count on my blessings that I had some savings, a supportive DH, parents & in laws. This forum has also been a comfort.
That others can conceive naturally while we need help is already beyond our control. We can only focus all positive energy towards our own journey. Having gone through it myself, I would say nothing short of succeeding with a viable pregnancy gave me the greatest relief afterall. For me the motivation to carry my own child one day and the fear of regrets still kept me going then.
"When you could see the prize of the blessing to come, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are now fighting." "When you feel that you can't go any further, just know that the strength that carried you this far will carry you through the rest of the journey." I hope you persevere on and achieve your viable bfp soon. Jia you!
Thanks DawnBB. Your words are very encouraging. I think only pple who is going through this will really understand how we feel.
I am also working. But I am thinking of taking a break as it is very disruptive to work for the frequent need to take leave for scans etc. Not all bosses and colleagues are supportive and I also can understand why. I just dropped hints to my boss today about taking no pay leave and he said what if u take a break already and still no baby. Duh
She like that say... abit er... they can never understand how we feel. Others can easily have it. 1..2..3..But we need extra help.. jus hope to strike soon! :)
I am also working. But I am thinking of taking a break as it is very disruptive to work for the frequent need to take leave for scans etc. Not all bosses and colleagues are supportive and I also can understand why. I just dropped hints to my boss today about taking no pay leave and he said what if u take a break already and still no baby. Duh
Wah lau why your boss like that. Ask him don't jinx u !!
Ladies, just dropping back in in hope to give some encouragement. I've been married for 14yrs and was 37yo when we found out 1.5yrs ago that ivf was our only option due to severe male factor infertility. I finally got bfp with singleton after my 5th transfer and now going on to 20wks.
I had to quit my job after failing 1st fresh and 1st FET. My management was initially supportive but when knowing I would continue Ivf subsequently my boss told me that can't expect the team to accommodate my frequent long absences. Since this has been made explicit, it was hard for me to continue. Being jobless and having to face repeated bfns is seriously tough and eats into my self esteem. Furthermore we had quite a number of colleagues/ friends who started TTC (spurred by SG50) and there were the usual rave of advices from among many others, those who said when they consciously TTC, nothing happened and when they gave up TTC, they got pregnant so the trick is to must relax. Finally all of them got preggy and even gave birth and one of them was same age as me who got preggy with 3rd kid by accident. We had to deal with the conflict of feeling happy for our friends and feeling sorry for ourselves as we continued on our Ivf journey with no guarantee of success. I count on my blessings that I had some savings, a supportive DH, parents & in laws. This forum has also been a comfort.
That others can conceive naturally while we need help is already beyond our control. We can only focus all positive energy towards our own journey. Having gone through it myself, I would say nothing short of succeeding with a viable pregnancy gave me the greatest relief afterall. For me the motivation to carry my own child one day and the fear of regrets still kept me going then.
"When you could see the prize of the blessing to come, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are now fighting." "When you feel that you can't go any further, just know that the strength that carried you this far will carry you through the rest of the journey." I hope you persevere on and achieve your viable bfp soon. Jia you!

Your words are v encouraging. Thanks for still coming back to share so much !
Morning ladies! My blood flow seems to be slowing down now ( FINALLY) still have tot go to KK tomorrow for Blood test and see doc...... my hcg better drop otherwise I will be in trouble:(
Morning ladies! My blood flow seems to be slowing down now ( FINALLY) still have tot go to KK tomorrow for Blood test and see doc...... my hcg better drop otherwise I will be in trouble:(
Why u want your hcg to drop? You mentioned you transferred 2 right? Maybe 1 sticked and the other one didn't?
Why u want your hcg to drop? You mentioned you transferred 2 right? Maybe 1 sticked and the other one didn't?
It's overly heavy my bleeding. Today still red though slowly... Still possible? Although he did ask me not to assume anything yet la. I am just afraid that the pregnancy is somewhere else or a;ready gone but hcg is wacky!
It's overly heavy my bleeding. Today still red though slowly... Still possible? Although he did ask me not to assume anything yet la. I am just afraid that the pregnancy is somewhere else or a;ready gone but hcg is wacky!
I've a Friend who did IVF, had bleeding all the way from week 4, and a massive bleed out during the end of first tri. End up is one of the embryo miscarriaged. One still sticky, and her girl is already 1 plus

What's your latest hcg?
I've a Friend who did IVF, had bleeding all the way from week 4, and a massive bleed out during the end of first tri. End up is one of the embryo miscarriaged. One still sticky, and her girl is already 1 plus

What's your latest hcg?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've read in the ang moh forums of such miracle cases... but most scenarios like mine is either ectopic or MC ... nice to hear that your friend has this miracle!! My hcg is low though....

14dp2dt - 92.5
16dp2dt - 140
19dp2dt - 260

Doc said I am 4 weeks plus for now.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've read in the ang moh forums of such miracle cases... but most scenarios like mine is either ectopic or MC ... nice to hear that your friend has this miracle!! My hcg is low though....

14dp2dt - 92.5
16dp2dt - 140
19dp2dt - 260

Doc said I am 4 weeks plus for now.
So need to wait for week 5/6 scan?

Doc got give u jab in the butt?
So need to wait for week 5/6 scan?

Doc got give u jab in the butt?
Actually when I was spotting on 14dpt, I went to 24hr to ask the doc to give me a PIO jab. Then i started bleeding heavily on 16dpt, I stopped all support because I thought Im a goner. When i went back for Beta, it continue to rise, I told doc i stopped support lei, he also never ask me continue lei, I also dont know how liao. I am going back for beta again tomorrow morning. pure misery keep on gana poked. Some nurse really dont know how to take blood. can die.
Huh meaning now u not on any support? If tmr beta still high then can ask for support? At least give yourself a chance before the first scan?

Usually I'll warn the nurses before they start to poke me as I've running veins, and tell them to use the butterfly needles
Huh meaning now u not on any support? If tmr beta still high then can ask for support? At least give yourself a chance before the first scan?

Usually I'll warn the nurses before they start to poke me as I've running veins, and tell them to use the butterfly needles

ya if tomorrow rises, I will ask Dr tan give me a shot and continue support lor. LOL!!! I have invisible veins, right side more visible. there was once the nurse die die want to take from the left, I regret to let her try because it was so painful. Horrible!
ya if tomorrow rises, I will ask Dr tan give me a shot and continue support lor. LOL!!! I have invisible veins, right side more visible. there was once the nurse die die want to take from the left, I regret to let her try because it was so painful. Horrible!
wa, invisible veins? Same as me! was hospitalised previously for ohss and the nurses and some sr dr actually gave up poking me using normal and butterfly ones. they so scare of poking me and wanted to ask dr tan to do do it himself. ended up full of bruises on both my hands..
ya if tomorrow rises, I will ask Dr tan give me a shot and continue support lor. LOL!!! I have invisible veins, right side more visible. there was once the nurse die die want to take from the left, I regret to let her try because it was so painful. Horrible!
Same, so I'll tell the Nurses u confident Liao then poke..
@tryingforbaby @Dreamscometrue my veins like coward, always disappear when need to do blood test omg..... tomorrow need to see my luck. I only had 2 nurses who are good. no feeling !!!

They always have difficulty drawing blood from me too.
My IVF Dr's nurse taught me a trick. She fill a glove with very warm water and then ask me to hold the glove. Then after that she will draw the blood from the same hand. It works!
They always have difficulty drawing blood from me too.
My IVF Dr's nurse taught me a trick. She fill a glove with very warm water and then ask me to hold the glove. Then after that she will draw the blood from the same hand. It works!
the nurse from the ward did something like that. put warm water inside the gloves. then rest on my hand for like 30 mins. but i think i was too dehydrated (initially they wanna put me icu) in the end still cannot see. but im glad, its over. hehe..
They always have difficulty drawing blood from me too.
My IVF Dr's nurse taught me a trick. She fill a glove with very warm water and then ask me to hold the glove. Then after that she will draw the blood from the same hand. It works!
Wow! Doubt the Kk nurses are that patient Hahahaha
Hi sister, need ur advice. Today juz went for 2nd scanning n ET going to be next Tue. I m given utrogestan 100mg to be insert 2 capsules 3 times daily. Forgotten to ask what is a right timing for each interval starting tomolo till ET. May I know how u all do tat if working. Need bed rest after insert? N anyone need to start insert now prior to ET day. I m cycling FET embroys into blast n ask me to standby on Sat n Mon. Thanks in advance.
Hi sister, need ur advice. Today juz went for 2nd scanning n ET going to be next Tue. I m given utrogestan 100mg to be insert 2 capsules 3 times daily. Forgotten to ask what is a right timing for each interval starting tomolo till ET. May I know how u all do tat if working. Need bed rest after insert? N anyone need to start insert now prior to ET day. I m cycling FET embroys into blast n ask me to standby on Sat n Mon. Thanks in advance.
The night before ET still need to insert, the day of transfer no need insert
Dear sisters,

Just to share an encouraging good news from Hong Kong. Andy Lau's wife is 4 months pregnant recently. She is about 50 years old and Andy Lau is about 54 years old. According to the news, they went for ART treatments regularly.

Hope to send some encouragement to all of us here. We will make it one day, sooner or later! Keep fighting sisters...

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Dear sisters,

Just to share an encouraging good news from Hong Kong. Andy Lau's wife is 4 months pregnant recently. She is about 50 years old and Andy Lau is about 52 years old. According to the news, they went for ART treatments regularly.

Hope to send some encouragement to all of us here. We will make it one day, sooner or later! Keep fighting sisters...

I saw the news too! That's very brave of them but they are rich also so can keep trying for 4 years... But if they can do it, so can we plus we are far off to 50 years... For me I can only try one last round due to financial constraints...
