IVF/ICSI Support Group

Has anyone been having af like cramps since after et and has bfp? I have been having af like cramps the day after et, it comes and goes and Yday on the cramps were much stronger and I'm expecting af tmr. Can't help thinking af is coming. Yet to do Hpt

Oh man I'm in trouble ladies. My beta is still going up though I'm full bleeding. As usual 3 possibilities - ectopic, miscarriage, chemical pregnancy or early pregnancy. Doc said I'm super early into my pregnancy now only 4 weeks +. Can't tell anything for sure. Have to repeat my blood in 2 days time again!! Even in 2 days it's still too early to tell anything. Pure agony!!!!
Hugs..how many embryos did u put in this round? If u put 2, maybi its 1 embryo survive?
I've put in 2. If it's like dual implantation I guess hcg wouldn't be this low. It started with 95, 140, then today 260. He said it could be anything as its too early to tell. For me personally my body is telling me I'm miscarrying. Likely linked to chemical or worst case scenario my ectopic nightmare relived. My bleeding is full AF flow so it's hard to imagine I'm still sustaining a pregnancy
Oh man I'm in trouble ladies. My beta is still going up though I'm full bleeding. As usual 3 possibilities - ectopic, miscarriage, chemical pregnancy or early pregnancy. Doc said I'm super early into my pregnancy now only 4 weeks +. Can't tell anything for sure. Have to repeat my blood in 2 days time again!! Even in 2 days it's still too early to tell anything. Pure agony!!!!
Hope it's for good.. What's the beta now? Maybe there is chance that you are early in the pregnancy..
I've put in 2. If it's like dual implantation I guess hcg wouldn't be this low. It started with 95, 140, then today 260. He said it could be anything as its too early to tell. For me personally my body is telling me I'm miscarrying. Likely linked to chemical or worst case scenario my ectopic nightmare relived. My bleeding is full AF flow so it's hard to imagine I'm still sustaining a pregnancy
Has anyone been having af like cramps since after et and has bfp? I have been having af like cramps the day after et, it comes and goes and Yday on the cramps were much stronger and I'm expecting af tmr. Can't help thinking af is coming. Yet to do Hpt
I have AF cramps up to 6dp5dt and after that just bloating and slight cramps. As long as no bleeding should be ok, don't think too much although it's hard. When is your BT?
Has anyone been having af like cramps since after et and has bfp? I have been having af like cramps the day after et, it comes and goes and Yday on the cramps were much stronger and I'm expecting af tmr. Can't help thinking af is coming. Yet to do Hpt
It's common to have cramps. Can be anything. If you really want to test, test at least from 10dpt. Anything earlier wouldn't be accurate even if it's bfn.
I've put in 2. If it's like dual implantation I guess hcg wouldn't be this low. It started with 95, 140, then today 260. He said it could be anything as its too early to tell. For me personally my body is telling me I'm miscarrying. Likely linked to chemical or worst case scenario my ectopic nightmare relived. My bleeding is full AF flow so it's hard to imagine I'm still sustaining a pregnancy
Hope it's no ectopic.. Still can't scan to see anything?
I'm just wondering hor, are you ladies working or stay home wives?

I'm sick of people telling me to relax quit my job because DOING NOTHIG AND RELAXING really will help me get a baby. It's really not that simple as just to relax.

If quit my job no money for ivf already. But if I quit my job and stay at home and can get baby, I don't mind lol lol
I am working. Just need to let this out. Informed my boss about my ET next week. But didn't get a supportive respond from her. Quite disappointed already. Sigh. Looks like i need to make plans to come back to office the next day after ET. :(
I am working. Just need to let this out. Informed my boss about my ET next week. But didn't get a supportive respond from her. Quite disappointed already. Sigh. Looks like i need to make plans to come back to office the next day after ET. :(
Huhhh cannot take leave ? Does she have kids or not? So unsympathetic meh?
Huhhh cannot take leave ? Does she have kids or not? So unsympathetic meh?
she got lor. i am wondering is it she bad mood or what. worst is working from home.. anyone went back to office the next day after ET? But i think some of them mentioned that first few days very impt need bed rest..
It's common to have cramps. Can be anything. If you really want to test, test at least from 10dpt. Anything earlier wouldn't be accurate even if it's bfn.
Thanks hope2016 and muff, I'm 11dpt2dt. I'm scared to see negative on Hpt, was thinking to wait till at least tmr to se if af turns up or not. My cramps r like af cramps. Can't help feeling af is on the way. I had lap done in end Jan, tot clearing mild endo ought to clear me of cramps
she got lor. i am wondering is it she bad mood or what. worst is working from home.. anyone went back to office the next day after ET? But i think some of them mentioned that first few days very impt need bed rest..
My Tcm says the first 48 hrs very impt to have sufficient rest.. I'm still on HL now.. Feeling lazy.. Lucky my boss never fire me
Hope it's no ectopic.. Still can't scan to see anything?
no lor, too early to tell doc said but we did a scan la anyways... I remember my last ectopic scan i could see fluids around. he scanned and couldnt see any but its also because it is too early. He also couldnt see any sac because he said it's also too early. sac usually shows up when HCG reaches 1000. He kept saying I am 4 weeks + only :rolleyes: so really too early to tell anything. Im starting to have some weird pains as I type now. I am feeling worried in this half hanging case :(
she got lor. i am wondering is it she bad mood or what. worst is working from home.. anyone went back to office the next day after ET? But i think some of them mentioned that first few days very impt need bed rest..
I went back work straight away after 2nd cycle. took leave 2 weeks for 1st cycle. nothing works for me lei.
she got lor. i am wondering is it she bad mood or what. worst is working from home.. anyone went back to office the next day after ET? But i think some of them mentioned that first few days very impt need bed rest..

Me!! I went back to work after ET for all my cycles except the first. But then my job is desk-bound and don't require lotsa walking.
no lor, too early to tell doc said but we did a scan la anyways... I remember my last ectopic scan i could see fluids around. he scanned and couldnt see any but its also because it is too early. He also couldnt see any sac because he said it's also too early. sac usually shows up when HCG reaches 1000. He kept saying I am 4 weeks + only :rolleyes: so really too early to tell anything. Im starting to have some weird pains as I type now. I am feeling worried in this half hanging case :(

How about going for second opinion? The feeling just sucks when the outcome is dangling and neither here nor there. Who's your doc, by the way? Sorry, if you had to repeat :p
U can bring along all reports if u have. If not, some doctors will get u go do some tests eg. Ovulation routine test, HSG, sperm analysis etc which take 2-3 months and if there's other options, they will suggest u to try other methods before ivf unless u hav very good reason to insist for ivf.

Thank you for your advice. I did bring all the documents and the doc agree that we can go for IVF straight.
How about going for second opinion? The feeling just sucks when the outcome is dangling and neither here nor there. Who's your doc, by the way? Sorry, if you had to repeat :p
haha no problem, too many people, hard to remember who is under who,. I am with KKH Dr THH
I thought about seeking 2nd opinion but I am really very early now. The scan also showed nothing. sian
haha no problem, too many people, hard to remember who is under who,. I am with KKH Dr THH
I thought about seeking 2nd opinion but I am really very early now. The scan also showed nothing. sian

Oooo... my doctor. LOL
Though he's good, gentle and careful (duno how many thumbs-up), i thought perhaps can seek further insights/explanations other than waiting for the scan. Especially Dr is still quite young, there may be others older docs who might have came across such encounter. But the question is "Who?". Sorry, 讲了等于没讲。:eek:
haha no problem, too many people, hard to remember who is under who,. I am with KKH Dr THH
I thought about seeking 2nd opinion but I am really very early now. The scan also showed nothing. sian
He's my doctor too. If you don't mind waiting and trust him then I guess it's ok, maybe wait another week for the beta to go up and sac to appear. Otherwise it's harmless to seek another doctor opinion as well.
I've put in 2. If it's like dual implantation I guess hcg wouldn't be this low. It started with 95, 140, then today 260. He said it could be anything as its too early to tell. For me personally my body is telling me I'm miscarrying. Likely linked to chemical or worst case scenario my ectopic nightmare relived. My bleeding is full AF flow so it's hard to imagine I'm still sustaining a pregnancy

Hugz~~~ do you feel any difference for your full bleed? Like more cramps, colour of blood? my colleague with 3 kids told me she had bleeding for all 3 pregnancies and it's not just spotting. She had this sudden gush of blood that can wet her pantyliner completely, giving her a shock to immediately rush to hospital. But all her 3 kids turned out fine. Hope you don give up so soon. Did doc give u anything besides waiting for the scan?
Oooo... my doctor. LOL
Though he's good, gentle and careful (duno how many thumbs-up), i thought perhaps can seek further insights/explanations other than waiting for the scan. Especially Dr is still quite young, there may be others older docs who might have came across such encounter. But the question is "Who?". Sorry, 讲了等于没讲。:eek:
ya really thumbs up for him, he's very steady. At least he made me PREGNANT though I am in beta hell. haha! I had experienced Docs last few cycles hor, but they also like to wait. wait wait wait. Wait until my tube almost ruptured the last time zzzzzz
He's my doctor too. If you don't mind waiting and trust him then I guess it's ok, maybe wait another week for the beta to go up and sac to appear. Otherwise it's harmless to seek another doctor opinion as well.
ya think i can wait out for 2 more days. I just wish it either goes down or zero!!
Hugz~~~ do you feel any difference for your full bleed? Like more cramps, colour of blood? my colleague with 3 kids told me she had bleeding for all 3 pregnancies and it's not just spotting. She had this sudden gush of blood that can wet her pantyliner completely, giving her a shock to immediately rush to hospital. But all her 3 kids turned out fine. Hope you don give up so soon. Did doc give u anything besides waiting for the scan?
No difference. At 14dp2dt, I had light spotting, very light brown. Had a PIO shot then was ok but next day spot starts again. 16dp2dt night, I had small flow, then next day full flow. Looks exactly like menses and no difference. Until now still red flow like period with clots wor. Gave nothing, just instructed me to repeat beta in 2 days time...

Initially, I just really think its a pure miscarriage and strongly felt it wasn't ectopic but now, I feel dehydrated daily no matter how much I drink then these few days no appetite to eat. Earlier on after the scan, I had 2x diarrhea. The dehydration and no appetite seems very familiar to my ectopic the last time. It was horrible and I didn want to go through that again! In bed for 3 weeks left tube removed and on the verge of blood transfusion. omg! :eek:
Ladies, just dropping back in in hope to give some encouragement. I've been married for 14yrs and was 37yo when we found out 1.5yrs ago that ivf was our only option due to severe male factor infertility. I finally got bfp with singleton after my 5th transfer and now going on to 20wks.
I had to quit my job after failing 1st fresh and 1st FET. My management was initially supportive but when knowing I would continue Ivf subsequently my boss told me that can't expect the team to accommodate my frequent long absences. Since this has been made explicit, it was hard for me to continue. Being jobless and having to face repeated bfns is seriously tough and eats into my self esteem. Furthermore we had quite a number of colleagues/ friends who started TTC (spurred by SG50) and there were the usual rave of advices from among many others, those who said when they consciously TTC, nothing happened and when they gave up TTC, they got pregnant so the trick is to must relax. Finally all of them got preggy and even gave birth and one of them was same age as me who got preggy with 3rd kid by accident. We had to deal with the conflict of feeling happy for our friends and feeling sorry for ourselves as we continued on our Ivf journey with no guarantee of success. I count on my blessings that I had some savings, a supportive DH, parents & in laws. This forum has also been a comfort.
That others can conceive naturally while we need help is already beyond our control. We can only focus all positive energy towards our own journey. Having gone through it myself, I would say nothing short of succeeding with a viable pregnancy gave me the greatest relief afterall. For me the motivation to carry my own child one day and the fear of regrets still kept me going then.
"When you could see the prize of the blessing to come, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are now fighting." "When you feel that you can't go any further, just know that the strength that carried you this far will carry you through the rest of the journey." I hope you persevere on and achieve your viable bfp soon. Jia you!
How many frozen ones you have left? Do they thaw one by one? Or a few?

Left 7. They do not thaw 1 by 1. Imagine thaw 1 by 1, how many abandon ETs and how many months of waiting we need to go through? Wah.... 等到花儿也谢了。Lol

Usually a few coz not all may survive. Dr will give u his suggestion. In my case, Dr ever told me he will thaw all and culture to blast. See if have any to tsf. If hve, good. Dun hve then it's God's will.
I've put in 2. If it's like dual implantation I guess hcg wouldn't be this low. It started with 95, 140, then today 260. He said it could be anything as its too early to tell. For me personally my body is telling me I'm miscarrying. Likely linked to chemical or worst case scenario my ectopic nightmare relived. My bleeding is full AF flow so it's hard to imagine I'm still sustaining a pregnancy

Hcg should double and if it's not doubling meaning the pregnancy is not viable. Week 4 is too early to see a yolk sac usually can see from week 5 onwards. Hang in there and continue bedrest.
ya really thumbs up for him, he's very steady. At least he made me PREGNANT though I am in beta hell. haha! I had experienced Docs last few cycles hor, but they also like to wait. wait wait wait. Wait until my tube almost ruptured the last time zzzzzz

Ivf is really trial and error. Maybe 有缘lor. Must persevere ok? U are still considered as pregnant until the professionals conclude otherwise.
Ya lor I also think so. Money is definitely important at this moment to build a family sighs. Easy for them to say always and the thing is exactly like what you've said!! Even if we do nothing at home it will still be stressful!! Then they always quote me those miracle examples of their friends who got pregnant after long try after quitting. Roll eyes wor. Their success is really not my success.
There was a relative who told me "it's very easy! Just have s*x!" I was so hurt... And yes those miracle stories... Good to know but doesn't apply to everyone
I'm working but took 2 weeks off after ET. Like what you said, no money = no money for ivf... After BFP, still need a lot of money to raise bb...
I am working. Just need to let this out. Informed my boss about my ET next week. But didn't get a supportive respond from her. Quite disappointed already. Sigh. Looks like i need to make plans to come back to office the next day after ET. :(

Don't worry going back to work won't affect any outcome. If the embryo is chromosome normal it will implant no matter what.
Ladies, just dropping back in in hope to give some encouragement. I've been married for 14yrs and was 37yo when we found out 1.5yrs ago that ivf was our only option due to severe male factor infertility. I finally got bfp with singleton after my 5th transfer and now going on to 20wks.
I had to quit my job after failing 1st fresh and 1st FET. My management was initially supportive but when knowing I would continue Ivf subsequently my boss told me that can't expect the team to accommodate my frequent long absences. Since this has been made explicit, it was hard for me to continue. Being jobless and having to face repeated bfns is seriously tough and eats into my self esteem. Furthermore we had quite a number of colleagues/ friends who started TTC (spurred by SG50) and there were the usual rave of advices from among many others, those who said when they consciously TTC, nothing happened and when they gave up TTC, they got pregnant so the trick is to must relax. Finally all of them got preggy and even gave birth and one of them was same age as me who got preggy with 3rd kid by accident. We had to deal with the conflict of feeling happy for our friends and feeling sorry for ourselves as we continued on our Ivf journey with no guarantee of success. I count on my blessings that I had some savings, a supportive DH, parents & in laws. This forum has also been a comfort.
That others can conceive naturally while we need help is already beyond our control. We can only focus all positive energy towards our own journey. Having gone through it myself, I would say nothing short of succeeding with a viable pregnancy gave me the greatest relief afterall. For me the motivation to carry my own child one day and the fear of regrets still kept me going then.
"When you could see the prize of the blessing to come, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are now fighting." "When you feel that you can't go any further, just know that the strength that carried you this far will carry you through the rest of the journey." I hope you persevere on and achieve your viable bfp soon. Jia you!

*Pat on the back* Your perserverance has paid off. But don't worry, nothing is happier than carrying your baby girl in your arms in 17 to 20 weeks' time. There won't be any regrets!
Ladies, just dropping back in in hope to give some encouragement. I've been married for 14yrs and was 37yo when we found out 1.5yrs ago that ivf was our only option due to severe male factor infertility. I finally got bfp with singleton after my 5th transfer and now going on to 20wks.
I had to quit my job after failing 1st fresh and 1st FET. My management was initially supportive but when knowing I would continue Ivf subsequently my boss told me that can't expect the team to accommodate my frequent long absences. Since this has been made explicit, it was hard for me to continue. Being jobless and having to face repeated bfns is seriously tough and eats into my self esteem. Furthermore we had quite a number of colleagues/ friends who started TTC (spurred by SG50) and there were the usual rave of advices from among many others, those who said when they consciously TTC, nothing happened and when they gave up TTC, they got pregnant so the trick is to must relax. Finally all of them got preggy and even gave birth and one of them was same age as me who got preggy with 3rd kid by accident. We had to deal with the conflict of feeling happy for our friends and feeling sorry for ourselves as we continued on our Ivf journey with no guarantee of success. I count on my blessings that I had some savings, a supportive DH, parents & in laws. This forum has also been a comfort.
That others can conceive naturally while we need help is already beyond our control. We can only focus all positive energy towards our own journey. Having gone through it myself, I would say nothing short of succeeding with a viable pregnancy gave me the greatest relief afterall. For me the motivation to carry my own child one day and the fear of regrets still kept me going then.
"When you could see the prize of the blessing to come, you would understand the magnitude of the battle you are now fighting." "When you feel that you can't go any further, just know that the strength that carried you this far will carry you through the rest of the journey." I hope you persevere on and achieve your viable bfp soon. Jia you!

Congrats !!! what a well written note of encouragement! This is also my 5th transfer and it's hellish than ever haha. Will try to keep on fighting.. I feel so defeated when the previous labs always tells me my quality of embryos (and my crappy eggs) is my main problem to getting to pregnancy but I've also decided to abandon them all and try a new Doc, again.

The conflicting feeling of watchign your clsoe friends get pregnant while you are feeling angry, pitying on yourself but wishing them well is so hard. I am 36 this year. Still no sight of any good news. Sometimes hard to not feel like sh*t. But, it will be a new day again, I guess! Hope we will all persevere to the very end !!
Hcg level drop to 5.9. Doc says it is a miscarriage since hormone level suggests that implantation took place. Still havent rule out ectopic, told to continue to monitor for pain.

Ordered for a series of blood tests to see if can know why i got 2 miscarriages for ivf. He initially say not necessary cos might not be able to tell anything, but i insisted.
Hugs to you whmc... Am sorry to hear about your loss. Me too have accepted my 1st cycle as failed when I saw bleeding but turn out ectopic. When I ask my doctor why... he told me it is fated to be ectopic the moment transfer was done. But I think yours is not ectopic since hcg went down. Do take good care and nurse yourself back to health. All the best for your next cycle. Don't give up ya! Jiayou
Hugs to you whmc... Am sorry to hear about your loss. Me too have accepted my 1st cycle as failed when I saw bleeding but turn out ectopic. When I ask my doctor why... he told me it is fated to be ectopic the moment transfer was done. But I think yours is not ectopic since hcg went down. Do take good care and nurse yourself back to health. All the best for your next cycle. Don't give up ya! Jiayou
sorry huh, which doc said that? It is definitely not fated in my opinion. Embryos will float around, find a spot to implant. they wouldnt know thats the tube what.
Oh man I'm in trouble ladies. My beta is still going up though I'm full bleeding. As usual 3 possibilities - ectopic, miscarriage, chemical pregnancy or early pregnancy. Doc said I'm super early into my pregnancy now only 4 weeks +. Can't tell anything for sure. Have to repeat my blood in 2 days time again!! Even in 2 days it's still too early to tell anything. Pure agony!!!!
Hugs Muff... I hope things will turn out good for you. Having go through the same thing once, I know how it is like.
Stay positive! Praying the best for you.
she got lor. i am wondering is it she bad mood or what. worst is working from home.. anyone went back to office the next day after ET? But i think some of them mentioned that first few days very impt need bed rest..

Not exactly bed rest but couch rest. I took about a week off to just relax cos my job is pretty stressful. If your job is stressful, then consider asking your boss if it's fine if you take a few days. And during those few days, don't think about work at all. Watch comedies, pamper yourself etc. :)

Thanks hope2016 and muff, I'm 11dpt2dt. I'm scared to see negative on Hpt, was thinking to wait till at least tmr to se if af turns up or not. My cramps r like af cramps. Can't help feeling af is on the way. I had lap done in end Jan, tot clearing mild endo ought to clear me of cramps

I had cramps before my BFP also. I also thought it's my AF coming. But the symptoms differ from ppl to ppl. Unfortunately, for endo, when it's cleared doesn't mean there's no cramps. :-/
I did my first appointment with Dr Lim at NUH instead of SGH.
Now waiting for my menses which is 3 days late by the way. Just hoping that the cycle days don't fall on Sat or Sun for the scheduled test or else need to wait for next cycle.
I am usually on time but i think aunt flo got scared with all the scheduled test i suppose hehe.
Can't wait to start the IVF cycle.
This is a really good forum. I learned a lot from you ladies.

@Dreamscometrue @Mrs Chan00 I think he also meant beyond our control I cannot imagine my idol doc would say in such non scientific terms that the embryo is fated to implant as ectopic[/QUO
@muff @Dreamscometrue ... I understand that it is beyond our control. To begin with, Ivf doesn't guarantee us anything. We can only try and do our best.
@muff... No hard feeling ya. Dr HH Tan my favourite doctor too. He have been very encouraging... Very caring too, When I had my ectopic last nov, he came back to see me although he is on conference leave and not in kkh.
