IVF/ICSI Support Group

@Winniewiniepooh @gan1972 was yrs day 2 transfer. Implantation happens 6 to 10 days post transfer. Google for implantation calculator and find out. No symptoms also worrying symptoms also worrying. Am 13dpt2dt. Past 2 days mild cramps but today severe. Kept running to check and praying hard witch shud stay away for 9 months. I took hcg support jab 1000iu and I read that it takes 1 day to discard 1000iu. Just praying v v v hard.

@Sonique2001 how r u feeling gal. Is it bt tomorrow or tue..all the best to you. Hope yr staining has stopped.

@tryingtoconceive2014 yeah it's v important to chase off the bad and negative thoughts. I will just pray and chant some mantras to divert mind. Keep talking to embbies to hold on tight and never leave me.
Thanks mesara... Think mine is day 3 since it is frozen?

@Lambi thanks for all the replies despite being bz with your twinnies. Grabbing tonnes of baby dusts. Can you share food that you took during tww and continued during your pregnancy gal. Did u take public transport to work. Thanks in advance and once again congrats n may God bless you and twinnies with abundance of good health and happiness.
thank you..no i don't go out much during my 2ww as im jobless but thereafter, i took taxis very often to the hospital cos don't want to get flu virus or colds or get sick..though it's very taxing for my wallet! no problem gal..btw i think your nick is very familiar! I actually changed my nick from chrisl ..i've been here very long time since dunno when..

For foodwise, drink more water, avoid spicy foods and simple carboh like white rice, eat more veggies, fish and chicken. Switch to brown rice or red cargo rice or mix half half with white rice if you cannot make the switch entirely. Cut down on white bread, change to wholemeal or softmeal/oats, take milk/yogurt. Soupy stuffs like beehoon /kuey tiao are good too!

very long winded sorry but really hope you gals can also succeed..i hv a 2ww menu for my successful cycle..it's not 100% proven but if you interested pm me Or any other sisters interested pm me..
Thank @Lambi and @DawnBB for the advice...

Was really paranoid that I can't drink the stuff I mention...

Do u know what is day 2 post embryo transfer blood test for? One more thing... The 2wk wait

seem so long....
Thanks..it was my 4th fresh cycle although i hv still frozen think 1 or 2 embbies from my 3rd fresh but this 4th fresh we changed hospital and doc..maybe that helped too. Cos sometimes if one doc/hospital give you no assurance, then no point continuing..cos your luck might be elsewhere. Im pouring truckloads of bb dusts to you girls here!!

Hi.. Which hospital were u from previously? Which hospital u success at?
@Winniewiniepooh @gan1972 was yrs day 2 transfer. Implantation happens 6 to 10 days post transfer. Google for implantation calculator and find out. No symptoms also worrying symptoms also worrying. Am 13dpt2dt. Past 2 days mild cramps but today severe. Kept running to check and praying hard witch shud stay away for 9 months. I took hcg support jab 1000iu and I read that it takes 1 day to discard 1000iu. Just praying v v v hard.

@Sonique2001 how r u feeling gal. Is it bt tomorrow or tue..all the best to you. Hope yr staining has stopped.

@tryingtoconceive2014 yeah it's v important to chase off the bad and negative thoughts. I will just pray and chant some mantras to divert mind. Keep talking to embbies to hold on tight and never leave me.
@mesara hey gal, I had brown spotting for 2 days then subsequently turn red bleeding for 3 days :( I'll call the hotline later to see if I can go down early BT. I think they'll let me because my BT is scheduled Tues...
@mesara hey gal, I had brown spotting for 2 days then subsequently turn red bleeding for 3 days :( I'll call the hotline later to see if I can go down early BT. I think they'll let me because my BT is scheduled Tues...
I think u shld just go kk ivf n tell them u want bloodtest ...they can't turn u away

The one with 3 cells they didn't mention anything about grades.. I did ask if shld transfer but embryologist said she won't recommend coz didn't have the right number of cells.. I think this is the embryo after thaw went from 4 cells to 2 cells then had 3 cells during ET
Hi Winniewiniepooh,

I believe Embryos are graded into 1 to 5, 3 being the average, and 4 is a good one, and 5 is the best. I did 1 failed IVF back in September 2011.
But but FET cycle , Embryo is difficult to achieve grade 4 or 5 after thawing I think , my Embries were at grade when they were frozen at day 3 , however , it turns to grade 2 when transferred . So worry the chances can survive for grade 2 Embries .
I think u shld just go kk ivf n tell them u want bloodtest ...they can't turn u away

The one with 3 cells they didn't mention anything about grades.. I did ask if shld transfer but embryologist said she won't recommend coz didn't have the right number of cells.. I think this is the embryo after thaw went from 4 cells to 2 cells then had 3 cells during ET
Hi sister better check with KK and get more support.
Did u go for acupuncture after ET ?
I think u shld just go kk ivf n tell them u want bloodtest ...they can't turn u away

The one with 3 cells they didn't mention anything about grades.. I did ask if shld transfer but embryologist said she won't recommend coz didn't have the right number of cells.. I think this is the embryo after thaw went from 4 cells to 2 cells then had 3 cells during ET
Yes I'm going in a while..
morning sisters, just sharing~
this morning my tl asked about if i have a date that i will be going for the procedure.. told her est. date but cant confirm and to my surprise, she then say it's ok!! cause dont delay my procedure so dont worry.
then later she pat lightly on my shoulder and asked me to take care. suddenly felt touched cause always had the idea she would mind! felt relieved she was understanding nearer to date!!
But but FET cycle , Embryo is difficult to achieve grade 4 or 5 after thawing I think , my Embries were at grade when they were frozen at day 3 , however , it turns to grade 2 when transferred . So worry the chances can survive for grade 2 Embries .
Gal most of the time the embryo retains its grade. Sometimes drop. But if still survive already a fighter. Believe in the little one. Don't doubt yr own baby's strength. Many sisters in the forum bfp with single grade 2 embryo. So pls be assured and talk to yr embryos to hold on and stay put in womb. Mummy is waiting to cuddle you in 9 months :).
Thanks for your reply sister . Ya ya just can't kick off the negative minds even though I have been trying .... Did you do the pregnancy test ? Think you can test at home ?
Since am on hcg jab it's v high chance to show false positive gal. Also I tried on 12 and 13dpo after hcg jabs and single line. So don't wanna stress out. Holding on for bt n bfp:). When is your bt?

@Winniewiniepooh when's yr bt gal.
Sisters, nurse called after my BT results, I have to do blood test again this wed. My beta reading is 88, they say is too low.

What is the safe zone reading?

So does it mean I'm in between now? Pregnant or maybe not pregnant? Feeling distressed now...
Sisters, nurse called after my BT results, I have to do blood test again this wed. My beta reading is 88, they say is too low.

What is the safe zone reading?

So does it mean I'm in between now? Pregnant or maybe not pregnant? Feeling distressed now...

For KK think they are looking at min 250
As long as the hcg double in 48 hrs u r ok ... Rest well and talk to embbies
When I had my daughter my first blood test also 2 digits subsequently it went up
She is horned healthy and happy
Jia you !
Sisters, nurse called after my BT results, I have to do blood test again this wed. My beta reading is 88, they say is too low.

What is the safe zone reading?

So does it mean I'm in between now? Pregnant or maybe not pregnant? Feeling distressed now...
Still got chance. As long as it doubles by wed. Trust and pray for your beanie to jia you. It doesn't matter what the hcg is as long as it grows. Rooting for you. All the best. Hoping to grab your bb dust.
For KK think they are looking at min 250
As long as the hcg double in 48 hrs u r ok ... Rest well and talk to embbies
When I had my daughter my first blood test also 2 digits subsequently it went up
She is horned healthy and happy
Jia you !
Ok thanks dear
Dear sisters, surviving one week & going into a new week, we all know that the difficulty of ivf & any fertility challenge is the hope then the fear that the hope might be shattered, the dream that it might happen this time but then it may not. Still it is the possibility that keeps us going, not the guarantee. When you feel you can't go any further, may the strength that carried you this far take you the rest of the way. Remember you can be stronger than you think! Stop letting negative thoughts consume you and start adding positive energy to support your mind & body in your journey! Whatever will be will be. Jia you! *HUGS*
Sisters pls advise if it's safe to use feminine wash in tww. Also can drink yakult? Is it v risky to bd in tww? Also those who are back to work in tww what's the mode of transport. Do u feel like bus and trains make tummy shake alot and feel kindof what will happen to embryos? Thanks.

No, don't use feminine wash. My dr's assistant reminded me that after FET.
As for BD-ing, I think during 2ww cannot BD.
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Dear, did they give you progesterone shot? If not, please do ask or insist. My clinic will give PIO shot whenever bleeding after ET even before BT result out. Praying all goes well for you & your growing bb. Hoping to catch be dusts from u. Jia you k.
Thanks dearie. Yea I'm going to my gynae later.
