IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hihi, I've.called.to.book.Dr foong. But earliest slot is in March. So I have to wait

Just went to See Dr Loh today.he mentioned abt taking dhea to improve quality of egg. But he did mentioned he feel might not help much Cos it's meant for people with Low ovarian reserves

Actually I'm not Sure what does grainy egg means But Dr Loh says means the quality of egg is not good.

Dr Loh told me actually grainy eggs is not affected my lifestyle or the food we eat. He says some people are born with grainy eggs. Even if we change life style or diet also won't improve

After today session, I feel quite emo.this is like death sentence to me.really don't know if I will ever have a kid: (
Dun be so sad. Seek a 2nd opinion first with yr reports n see wat they say.

Did he mention all yr eggs are grainy? Maybi there may have some eggs are good. Seek 2nd opinion first. Be kind to yrself and do somethg tt makes u happy for e time being.

Hihi, I've.called.to.book.Dr foong. But earliest slot is in March. So I have to wait

Just went to See Dr Loh today.he mentioned abt taking dhea to improve quality of egg. But he did mentioned he feel might not help much Cos it's meant for people with Low ovarian reserves

Actually I'm not Sure what does grainy egg means But Dr Loh says means the quality of egg is not good.

Dr Loh told me actually grainy eggs is not affected my lifestyle or the food we eat. He says some people are born with grainy eggs. Even if we change life style or diet also won't improve

After today session, I feel quite emo.this is like death sentence to me.really don't know if I will ever have a kid: (

just to share what Dr Sadhana advised me on dhea after my pervious failed cycle. She advised me not to take cos i had high number of eggs, taking it may lead to undesirable high number of eggs. If you had high number of eggs, be more cautious, find out more first before you self medicate.

did Dr loh say how many of your eggs were grainy? i think it's not necessary that all of a person's eggs are grainy, some might not bee.

I believe that's still lots of hope for you, i remember that your embies were good grade. Don't lose faith.
just to share what Dr Sadhana advised me on dhea after my pervious failed cycle. She advised me not to take cos i had high number of eggs, taking it may lead to undesirable high number of eggs. If you had high number of eggs, be more cautious, find out more first before you self medicate.

did Dr loh say how many of your eggs were grainy? i think it's not necessary that all of a person's eggs are grainy, some might not bee.

I believe that's still lots of hope for you, i remember that your embies were good grade. Don't lose faith.

Oh dear I had 18 eggs retrieved the last cycle.so by right I shouldn't be taking dhea right?

I had 8 fertilized egg last cycle n 4 went on to be cultured to be embryo.out of these 4, all the eggs are grainy. Sigh
Hihi, I've.called.to.book.Dr foong. But earliest slot is in March. So I have to wait

Just went to See Dr Loh today.he mentioned abt taking dhea to improve quality of egg. But he did mentioned he feel might not help much Cos it's meant for people with Low ovarian reserves

Actually I'm not Sure what does grainy egg means But Dr Loh says means the quality of egg is not good.

Dr Loh told me actually grainy eggs is not affected my lifestyle or the food we eat. He says some people are born with grainy eggs. Even if we change life style or diet also won't improve

After today session, I feel quite emo.this is like death sentence to me.really don't know if I will ever have a kid: (

I had grainy eggs. You cld actually see the darkish spots all over the embbies. Like a dalmation embbie :) Didnt know abt dhea conceive well cq10 then so clearly fresh #1 BFN.

But i DID change my lifestyle - more fresh veg and fruits, less processed food, lots of exercise, introduced more antioxidants, more regular sleep. It was the only thing I could take charge of.

Did things improve? Eggs were still grainy at fresh #2 BFN but as the embryologist puts it "still bad but better than last time lah". By 3rd fresh, no more issue or at least not serious enough to be an issue. I hv abt the same of eggs retrieved/fertilised and cultured as you in all cycles. Fresh #3 BFP.

My humble suggestion is Don't take dr Loh's words as cast in stone yet until you see further evidence. He cld be right (I am with TFC hehehe) but he too can't be sure abt the cause of the grainy issue for you. It's not a 100% doomed sentenced - only the nxt retrieval will tell. I hv tons of respect for all the doctors but IMHO no one knows what works for our individual bodies so don't give up yet. IVF and how our body works is still much of an art instead of a true science.

I did learn from the sisters here later our body's eggs are affected by what we consume at least 90 days before (you can google this up) so wld need some time to see the effect.
I had grainy eggs. You cld actually see the darkish spots all over the embbies. Like a dalmation embbie :) Didnt know abt dhea conceive well cq10 then so clearly fresh #1 BFN.

But i DID change my lifestyle - more fresh veg and fruits, less processed food, lots of exercise, introduced more antioxidants, more regular sleep. It was the only thing I could take charge of.

Did things improve? Eggs were still grainy at fresh #2 BFN but as the embryologist puts it "still bad but better than last time lah". By 3rd fresh, no more issue or at least not serious enough to be an issue. I hv abt the same of eggs retrieved/fertilised and cultured as you in all cycles. Fresh #3 BFP.

My humble suggestion is Don't take dr Loh's words as cast in stone yet until you see further evidence. He cld be right (I am with TFC hehehe) but he too can't be sure abt the cause of the grainy issue for you. It's not a 100% doomed sentenced - only the nxt retrieval will tell. I hv tons of respect for all the doctors but IMHO no one knows what works for our individual bodies so don't give up yet. IVF and how our body works is still much of an art instead of a true science.

I did learn from the sisters here later our body's eggs are affected by what we consume at least 90 days before (you can google this up) so wld need some time to see the effect.

So between first second n third cycle how long did u rest
Hi ttc77,

I was taking dhea (I have low ovarian reserve) n had grainy eggs at retrieval on my 2nd fresh cycle n only 1 survived day 2 but 2nd cycle failed. I was with lsf for 2nd cycle.

Just to share, I stopped taking dhea after that n got pregnant naturally conceived within 3 mths following the failed cycle.

I tot I had death sentence too after 2nd cycle but still got pregnant shortly after n have a healthy baby boy who is now gg to be 4 mths old in a couple of days. What I want to encourage is each cycle is different. When the time is right, baby will cm look for mama. Dont give up hope as long as u still can produce egg n ur husband still has sperm. JY
I needed a place to share and maybe stress out virtually so I don't freak out in reality. So here I am and hello everyone!

This is our first ivf done and we did the embryo transfer on 2nd of Feb. I'm on day 10 now and stressing out that it won't be a BFP because I've been getting AF symptoms since yesterday. The blood test will be on 17 Feb. This 2ww is literally 16 days of waiting and is torture. Worse than the needles!
Best of luck to everyone and sticky wishes
I needed a place to share and maybe stress out virtually so I don't freak out in reality. So here I am and hello everyone!

This is our first ivf done and we did the embryo transfer on 2nd of Feb. I'm on day 10 now and stressing out that it won't be a BFP because I've been getting AF symptoms since yesterday. The blood test will be on 17 Feb. This 2ww is literally 16 days of waiting and is torture. Worse than the needles!
Best of luck to everyone and sticky wishes

Hi Sueism,

Good Luck. I'm also in my 2WW but my BT is on the 25 Feb this wait is a torture.

Hope you got great news so don't worry too much.

I'm with Dr Loh at TFC and will be doing FET next. He told me to call on the 1st day of my 2nd menses after my failed fresh to arrange for scan on CD10. Anyway I asked the nurse if I must proceed with FET immediately after my fresh? She told me to still come for scan on my 2nd menses even if I decided to do it later. I thought only go for scan when you are ready for FET? Btw will the thawing of embryos be affected the longer they are kept frozen?
I thought the same as you too, scan only when going for FET. Suggest that you email Dr Loh to ask personally. He will respond usually within 2 days. But if he doesn't know you by your email, he may skip reply. Depending on which nurse you ask, the junior ones may just try to play safe, by giving the same instruction as if FET is still going to be in the same week.
Hi sueism,
It's my second try in singapore..and my embryo transfer on 4th Feb. The blood test will be 18th Feb. I will try to test it myself on the 10th day..at least I can be prepared for taking any result of the blood test...sigh...
mayb we gonna be cycle buddies. coz im on medicated so mayb transfer will be in mid march too.

Im taking vitamins to just build my immune system. i take multi-vitamins, coq 10, fish oil and folic acid. Wear socks to sleep and work. No more cold drinks. It may not be necessary since im doing fet but I just want to be kiasu. Maybe starting march, i will start on red dates drink and red bean soup to warm my uterus.
Yeah, its great to have a cycle buddy. I am taking the same supplements. Started taking organic oats and 2 eggs daily, as advised by my sister who had a successful IVF.
I am taking Bai Feng Wan to regain some energy now, menses was haywire last month, such that I had to delay my FET. But when FET start, go to stop all Chinese tonics.
For office wise, i never tell them the truth. Just women thing. For my own family, i did tell them when i do my 2 fresh and frozen because me and hubby are still staying with them that point of time. But this time, im not going to tell anyone. I feel its rather stressing when many people knew and when it failed, even they say something, its not even calm to the heart. Mayb that is just me.
I agree with you. My in-laws know about it because I go there weekly for meals and I had to make sure that my MIL doesn't cook the food that I can't eat. E.g. I stopped taking mackerel which is higher in mercury content. I felt that they will never understand fully. I also realised that my mother can't take too much stress, when I share with her, I think that I am adding to her worry, so I just share briefly with her.
Scan for lining and check if u hv ovulated. likelys will do a trigger jab in order to itime the thaw and transfer date. Since natural, no need for earlier scans to see if meds given is adequate or not. Good luck!

But i wld still recommend you monitor your own ovulation LH surge and if u tracking a surge call clinic asap and see what they hv to recommend.
Thank you for the great advice. Going to get the ovulation kit.
Scan for lining and check if u hv ovulated. likelys will do a trigger jab in order to itime the thaw and transfer date. Since natural, no need for earlier scans to see if meds given is adequate or not. Good luck!

But i wld still recommend you monitor your own ovulation LH surge and if u tracking a surge call clinic asap and see what they hv to recommend.
Thank you for the great advice. Going to get the ovulation test kit.
I nvr told anyone i was cycling. .and i did 5 fresh, 2 FETs, 1 iui, 4 abandoned FETs. And I am considered lucky i nvr had to face a BFP that is taken away too soon.

Friend and those who i know are ttc-ing are married + talking abt children know I am an IVFer. However, i would never share w anyone who is not undergoing the IVF journey when i am cycling. I am glad to discuss high level, simple next steps for those who are interested further and explain things like stimulation drugs and oocyte retrieval etc.

But when you are cycling, no one but an IVFer understands this journey. That's why the sisters on this forum are such a life-saver.

That's just my take as i can't be bothered to entertain those who are just kepoh abt the processs. No one truly understands how deep the knife cuts each time there is bad news (lining not thick enough, eggs not growing, few eggs scanned, uneven maturity, not responding to meds, LH surge before trigger, embryos not cleaving, thawed embbies didnt survive, unknown implantation doubts, why we need so much support meds until must insert vaginally/anally, BFN call, sight of AF, doing blardy BT when already AF arrived, .. how to explain to others not on the same journey?). I am an multiple IVFer so to hv to face others and explain over and over again that the latest attempt failed becomes abit of a sad affair (for me to tell with a brave face; and for them to listen & put on a brave face to show enough concern but not really understanding why a "sure-thing" like ivf didnt work).

You have described exactly of how I felt when my previous IVF didn't work. There was this huge expectation around me that it will be a "sure" thing. Even my hubby thought so. My sister had a successful 1st IVF and gave birth to twins, thus those who know about it, thought I will just be like my sister. Even my sister thought that I will continue her legacy as long as I follow her same doctor. I was feeling so lousy about myself then and so angry for feeling so guilty that I was actually angry with my sister's good luck, even though as sisters, I couldn't have felt happier for her. Such stupid and complex feelings that I had. Arghh...
I needed a place to share and maybe stress out virtually so I don't freak out in reality. So here I am and hello everyone!

This is our first ivf done and we did the embryo transfer on 2nd of Feb. I'm on day 10 now and stressing out that it won't be a BFP because I've been getting AF symptoms since yesterday. The blood test will be on 17 Feb. This 2ww is literally 16 days of waiting and is torture. Worse than the needles!
Best of luck to everyone and sticky wishes
Sueism, stay positive! My ET 5th Feb, BT on 23 Feb. Good luck to all!
Hi, I've heard from my TCM for natural FET, no medication will be given like progynova for lining so which means you can even try natural with your hubby during this period.
The reason for call back during day 13 or day 14 is to see if your lining is thick enough for transfer.

Yep, that was the initial plan for me too, no medicine. Dr Loh advised that I take progynova from Day 2 of AF, to build up the lining. You are seeing TCM, which one are you seeing? I can't get a slot with any of the famous ones.
Hi Sueism,

Good Luck. I'm also in my 2WW but my BT is on the 25 Feb this wait is a torture.

Hope you got great news so don't worry too much.

Thanks yyw82! Positive thoughts only, gotta keep telling myself that. Good luck to you too!
You have described exactly of how I felt when my previous IVF didn't work. There was this huge expectation around me that it will be a "sure" thing. Even my hubby thought so. My sister had a successful 1st IVF and gave birth to twins, thus those who know about it, thought I will just be like my sister. Even my sister thought that I will continue her legacy as long as I follow her same doctor. I was feeling so lousy about myself then and so angry for feeling so guilty that I was actually angry with my sister's good luck, even though as sisters, I couldn't have felt happier for her. Such stupid and complex feelings that I had. Arghh...
Best Fertility Friend, I'm dreading this myself. I've a very high chance of a failure but hope is always there that I will be successful at some point.

My sister has 3 kids, all conceived naturally. People, especially our aunties, say how come my younger sis is so successful but I'm not. It hurts and makes me feel damn envious but yea guilty for those feelings.

I'm at the point where I decided to try the ivf way until I can't anymore. Meanwhile, the support we have around us is invaluable. Especially from ladies here who are going through the same experience. I hope you find solace in this and stay brave and hopeful.

Distract yourself by watching any drama series that you enjoy. I plan to follow my Korean dramas during the 2 ww. Otherwise, I might go insane.
Funnily enough. My hubs surprised me with 2 kittens. He said it's to keep my mind of the 2ww. And it does but I've also tons of scratches from the lil buggers. Dont know to hug or kick my hubs. Heh
Best Fertility Friend, I'm dreading this myself. I've a very high chance of a failure but hope is always there that I will be successful at some point.

My sister has 3 kids, all conceived naturally. People, especially our aunties, say how come my younger sis is so successful but I'm not. It hurts and makes me feel damn envious but yea guilty for those feelings.

I'm at the point where I decided to try the ivf way until I can't anymore. Meanwhile, the support we have around us is invaluable. Especially from ladies here who are going through the same experience. I hope you find solace in this and stay brave and hopeful.

Thank you for empathizing and for all the positive vibes that you are sending!
Funnily enough. My hubs surprised me with 2 kittens. He said it's to keep my mind of the 2ww. And it does but I've also tons of scratches from the lil buggers. Dont know to hug or kick my hubs. Heh
This is really funny! Maybe, we can compile a list of ways to distract ourselves from the 2 ww.
Does your clinic encourage bed-rest after ET? I am with TFC which doesn't encourage that but I saw from other overseas clinics that they are prescribed a 72 hour bed rest after ET. Will appreciate if someone can share instructions from other hospitals?
Distract yourself by watching any drama series that you enjoy. I plan to follow my Korean dramas during the 2 ww. Otherwise, I might go insane.
I have been watching drama series, best way to pass time. Last few days feel so bloat and cannot really eat, has been feeling better now but seem like no positive sign for me.
Does your clinic encourage bed-rest after ET? I am with TFC which doesn't encourage that but I saw from other overseas clinics that they are prescribed a 72 hour bed rest after ET. Will appreciate if someone can share instructions from other hospitals?
My doc from kkh also say I can resume normal duties. But of course I kiasu, I took the full 2 weeks mc to stay at home watch drama and refrain from heavy chores. I drank warm soya milk daily and 2 kiwi. With bfp after BT on 6 feb, I took leave till my next scan on 24 feb.
I have been watching drama series, best way to pass time. Last few days feel so bloat and cannot really eat, has been feeling better now but seem like no positive sign for me.
Dun think too much, I have no sign too. Then on the second week, I keep checking to see if AF coming as the panty liner got wet from the progestrone insert discharge.
My doc from kkh also say I can resume normal duties. But of course I kiasu, I took the full 2 weeks mc to stay at home watch drama and refrain from heavy chores. I drank warm soya milk daily and 2 kiwi. With bfp after BT on 6 feb, I took leave till my next scan on 24 feb.
I did mine at kkh. They gave me 17 days hospitalization leave. I guess cos I'm older n I have adenomyosis, I was recommended bed rest. But no way I could stay in bed. Crazy
To me, since is a new year, new start.. I just proceed with a new hair look and color... I went to those salon that uses organic products lo. Just wanna to look abit Swee Swee for the new year and don be so hard to myself...
I wanted to rebond and color my hair but afraid of those chemicals.
Moine n enchanted,hope u graduate to e next level!!
Thank you connie_hopeful! I wish that too. Today is 12dp2dt for me and started to get AF symptoms since yesterday. Noticed some brownish discharge when I wiped today, abit worried. :( My BT is next Monday, 16 Feb, still very long wait. :confused:
Hi sueism,
It's my second try in singapore..and my embryo transfer on 4th Feb. The blood test will be 18th Feb. I will try to test it myself on the 10th day..at least I can be prepared for taking any result of the blood test...sigh...

Hi ziyin,
U with KKH? My ET on 4th Feb too but my blood test on 23rd feb... super long... =(
Good luck to you n all sisters!

Need to vent my fear n disappointment too... today 8dp2dt... no sore breasts n last weekend till monday i had bad cramps n shooting pain to my leg but no more cramps today... cant feel the "喜脉" i had when i bfp in sept too. Tmr gg tcm to confirm my sentence... only sisters here will understand the heartaches we have to go thru in this journey :(
Hi all,
May I know any of u having medical problem like high blood, diabetes or high cholesterol but still go ahead with ivf?
Hi ladies,

Would like to check if we need to avoid eating prawns during 2ww.

Asking bcos there's likely to be prawns at the reunion dinners, and I might be questioned if I'm found avoiding certain food.

Yep, that was the initial plan for me too, no medicine. Dr Loh advised that I take progynova from Day 2 of AF, to build up the lining. You are seeing TCM, which one are you seeing? I can't get a slot with any of the famous ones.

I'm seeing Dr Zou Yu Min at amk she don't take appointment need to go down to take queue number. Heard a lot about her and almost all her patient are there for fertility treatment
Yep, that was the initial plan for me too, no medicine. Dr Loh advised that I take progynova from Day 2 of AF, to build up the lining. You are seeing TCM, which one are you seeing? I can't get a slot with any of the famous ones.

I'm seeing Dr Zou Yu Min at amk she don't take appointment need to go down to take queue number. Heard a lot about her and almost all her patient are there for fertility treatment

Hi ziyin,
U with KKH? My ET on 4th Feb too but my blood test on 23rd feb... super long... =(
Good luck to you n all sisters!

Need to vent my fear n disappointment too... today 8dp2dt... no sore breasts n last weekend till monday i had bad cramps n shooting pain to my leg but no more cramps today... cant feel the "喜脉" i had when i bfp in sept too. Tmr gg tcm to confirm my sentence... only sisters here will understand the heartaches we have to go thru in this journey :(
Eeznyl, Good luck to you. Wishing you all the best!
