IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies,

Would like to check if we need to avoid eating prawns during 2ww.

Asking bcos there's likely to be prawns at the reunion dinners, and I might be questioned if I'm found avoiding certain food.

Hey Happy Peanut, yep I'm a lil worried bout that too. Don't want my family to speculate during cny. I think I may make up excuses, like no prawns because of my cholesterol etc etc heh.
I do try to avoid certain foods. Since I started this, I've been more paranoid about foods. Honestly, just eat everything in moderation then won't stress so much.
Good luck dodging questions :)

Hi sueism,
It's my second try in singapore..and my embryo transfer on 4th Feb. The blood test will be 18th Feb. I will try to test it myself on the 10th day..at least I can be prepared for taking any result of the blood test...sigh...
Hi Ziyin, sorry I missed your post. I don't suggest testing yourself, it'll just set you up for either a temp high or extreme low haha. I had those feelings when I foolishly tested myself on day 7 - it was a negative.
But I felt so sad.

And if it was positive, it could be a false positive because of the hormones that might still be in our bodies. Negative could be because the hpt can't detect the hcg levels etc. I've resisted doing another test since. Too much uncertainty.
Second time might just be the charm for you :)
crossing all my digits for you and the other sisters here!
Hi ttc77,

I was taking dhea (I have low ovarian reserve) n had grainy eggs at retrieval on my 2nd fresh cycle n only 1 survived day 2 but 2nd cycle failed. I was with lsf for 2nd cycle.

Just to share, I stopped taking dhea after that n got pregnant naturally conceived within 3 mths following the failed cycle.

I tot I had death sentence too after 2nd cycle but still got pregnant shortly after n have a healthy baby boy who is now gg to be 4 mths old in a couple of days. What I want to encourage is each cycle is different. When the time is right, baby will cm look for mama. Dont give up hope as long as u still can produce egg n ur husband still has sperm. JY
Hi, does anyone knows how low ovarian reserve is determined? I went to see Dr loh too and he advised me to take dhea but I do not recall doc in sgh commenting that my ovarian reserve is low. Just wondering if it's determined thru blood test.
Hi ziyin,
U with KKH? My ET on 4th Feb too but my blood test on 23rd feb... super long... =(
Good luck to you n all sisters!

Need to vent my fear n disappointment too... today 8dp2dt... no sore breasts n last weekend till monday i had bad cramps n shooting pain to my leg but no more cramps today... cant feel the "喜脉" i had when i bfp in sept too. Tmr gg tcm to confirm my sentence... only sisters here will understand the heartaches we have to go thru in this journey :(

All the best to you, Eeznyl.
I've done my ET just now. Transferred 2 blastocysts. Very relieved to be able to reach this stage. Past few days was highly anxious over development of the embies in the lab. So happy that we managed to have embies for transfer today. Hope my embies will continue to jiayou jiayou jiayou inside me. :):)
Hi Eeznyl,
I'm with Dr. Loh at TFC. ..They asked me if I wanna hv my test earlier b4 CNY. .The earliest I can get is 18th...but it's CNY eve...hahahha..Hv to face whatever the result is...
Hi Ziyin, sorry I missed your post. I don't suggest testing yourself, it'll just set you up for either a temp high or extreme low haha. I had those feelings when I foolishly tested myself on day 7 - it was a negative.
But I felt so sad.

And if it was positive, it could be a false positive because of the hormones that might still be in our bodies. Negative could be because the hpt can't detect the hcg levels etc. I've resisted doing another test since. Too much uncertainty.
Second time might just be the charm for you :)
crossing all my digits for you and the other sisters here!
Tks sueism. ..
My hairs getting thinner and thinner and grey came out. Look so auntie. Just just a very very small portion of diy front hair dye. Can't cover much as dare not leave it for too long
Yep, that was the initial plan for me too, no medicine. Dr Loh advised that I take progynova from Day 2 of AF, to build up the lining. You are seeing TCM, which one are you seeing? I can't get a slot with any of the famous ones.
I am see Dr. Loh as well..The tcm Dr. I was seeing is from China and coming to Singapore every 3 mth time..I just had tcm medication for 3 mth b4 my embryo transfer..quite helpful..and stopped once transferred. The tcm Dr. Is Dr. Wu min from 新中医保.
I've done my ET just now. Transferred 2 blastocysts. Very relieved to be able to reach this stage. Past few days was highly anxious over development of the embies in the lab. So happy that we managed to have embies for transfer today. Hope my embies will continue to jiayou jiayou jiayou inside me. :):)

Hi HappyPeanuts, So happy for you to have 2 blast embies transferred. Good Luck high chance of twins.
Must rest well.
I have been watching drama series, best way to pass time. Last few days feel so bloat and cannot really eat, has been feeling better now but seem like no positive sign for me.
My elder sister who had a BFP and is now a mother of a pair of twins, shared with me that there is no sign during the 2 ww for her. Stay positive! The embies will thrive under happy conditions.
My doc from kkh also say I can resume normal duties. But of course I kiasu, I took the full 2 weeks mc to stay at home watch drama and refrain from heavy chores. I drank warm soya milk daily and 2 kiwi. With bfp after BT on 6 feb, I took leave till my next scan on 24 feb.
Congrats Net73! So happy for you! Wise choice to take 2 weeks mc & leave to rest in.
I'm seeing Dr Zou Yu Min at amk she don't take appointment need to go down to take queue number. Heard a lot about her and almost all her patient are there for fertility treatment
I see. Seemed like the more well-known ones have this system of not taking appointments. Thank you for sharing.
Hey Happy Peanut, yep I'm a lil worried bout that too. Don't want my family to speculate during cny. I think I may make up excuses, like no prawns because of my cholesterol etc etc heh.
I do try to avoid certain foods. Since I started this, I've been more paranoid about foods. Honestly, just eat everything in moderation then won't stress so much.
Good luck dodging questions :)
Hope you will find this useful. I saw from a Australia forum at: http://www.essentialbaby.com.au/forums/index.php?/topic/6164-eating-prawns-during-pregnancy/

Posted 03 April 2005 - 10:41 AM

The reason you are not supposed to eat prawns isn't because they are bad in themselves but because of listeria. Like with cold meat, salami, fresh cheese, chicken and all left-overs, after 12 hours this bacteria can develop, regardless of refridgeration. It's something we probably consume all the time and don't get sick from, but can be dangerous to gestating babies and make you go into labour early. It's not very likely, but it does happen. Don't panic about what you ate over Easter though, you would have had some symptoms by now and like I said, it isn't very likely. Lots of people disregard all this stuff and think the risk is too minimal to worry about.
If you want to be safe and you love prawns, buy them uncooked, cook them yourself and eat before they have been cold for 12 hours - easy. But pre-cooked prawns and other seafood or cold meat should not be eaten without being heated to boiling hot. You could just zap them quickly in the microwave. Same with fresh cheeses - they're fine if you cook with them and eat your meal hot, but cold they supposedly pose a risk.
This is all according to RWH hand-out I have about listeria."
Thank you connie_hopeful! I wish that too. Today is 12dp2dt for me and started to get AF symptoms since yesterday. Noticed some brownish discharge when I wiped today, abit worried. :( My BT is next Monday, 16 Feb, still very long wait. :confused:
It could be implantation bleeding as well. You can call the clinic to ask for advice, if you would need an earlier appointment, to do a scan. Our mind always has a way of preparing us for the worst by default. Thus, get into action or distract yourself from it.
Hope you will find this useful. I saw from a Australia forum at: http://www.essentialbaby.com.au/forums/index.php?/topic/6164-eating-prawns-during-pregnancy/

Posted 03 April 2005 - 10:41 AM

The reason you are not supposed to eat prawns isn't because they are bad in themselves but because of listeria. Like with cold meat, salami, fresh cheese, chicken and all left-overs, after 12 hours this bacteria can develop, regardless of refridgeration. It's something we probably consume all the time and don't get sick from, but can be dangerous to gestating babies and make you go into labour early. It's not very likely, but it does happen. Don't panic about what you ate over Easter though, you would have had some symptoms by now and like I said, it isn't very likely. Lots of people disregard all this stuff and think the risk is too minimal to worry about.
If you want to be safe and you love prawns, buy them uncooked, cook them yourself and eat before they have been cold for 12 hours - easy. But pre-cooked prawns and other seafood or cold meat should not be eaten without being heated to boiling hot. You could just zap them quickly in the microwave. Same with fresh cheeses - they're fine if you cook with them and eat your meal hot, but cold they supposedly pose a risk.
This is all according to RWH hand-out I have about listeria."

Thanks, BFF! Really appreciate your sharing!
Hi Eeznyl,
I'm with Dr. Loh at TFC. ..They asked me if I wanna hv my test earlier b4 CNY. .The earliest I can get is 18th...but it's CNY eve...hahahha..Hv to face whatever the result is...
Why not give yourself more time and allow the HCG more time to develop? You can still get an appointment on Saturday.
I've done my ET just now. Transferred 2 blastocysts. Very relieved to be able to reach this stage. Past few days was highly anxious over development of the embies in the lab. So happy that we managed to have embies for transfer today. Hope my embies will continue to jiayou jiayou jiayou inside me. :):)
Congrats! Which day were your embryos being frozen?
Thanks, pinkfuchsia!
This is my second fresh cycle, not fet. some unused embies will be frozen, depending their development in the next 2 to 3 days.
Which hosp and dr are u with? I heard blasts got better chances than D3... u specifically request for blasts?
I am taking 800 mcg of folic acid daily. My clinic asks me to take 500 mcg of folic acid a day and mentioned that the excess will be passed out of body. However, I saw from other forums that their clinics have asked IVFies to take 5 mg, to increase chances of twin implantation or when there is a family member with spinda bifida. Will appreciate if you can share your clinic's instructions.

I was also going through the vitamin listing in my multi-vitamins from Blackmore and found that its recommended dosage of 2 capsules/day has exceeded the maximum dose of Vitamin A recommended, i.e. 4.8 mg > 3 mg. Is everyone taking multi-vitamins?
I am taking 800 mcg of folic acid daily. My clinic asks me to take 500 mcg of folic acid a day and mentioned that the excess will be passed out of body. However, I saw from other forums that their clinics have asked IVFies to take 5 mg, to increase chances of twin implantation or when there is a family member with spinda bifida. Will appreciate if you can share your clinic's instructions.

I was also going through the vitamin listing in my multi-vitamins from Blackmore and found that its recommended dosage of 2 capsules/day has exceeded the maximum dose of Vitamin A recommended, i.e. 4.8 mg > 3 mg. Is everyone taking multi-vitamins?
I had prescribed with 5mg folic acid ever since I started the jab and now still on 5mg after bfp
Hi, does anyone knows how low ovarian reserve is determined? I went to see Dr loh too and he advised me to take dhea but I do not recall doc in sgh commenting that my ovarian reserve is low. Just wondering if it's determined thru blood test.
Yes blood test can determine.
But I've forgotten whether its FSH or AMH they look at.. Or Mayb both?
I am taking 800 mcg of folic acid daily. My clinic asks me to take 500 mcg of folic acid a day and mentioned that the excess will be passed out of body. However, I saw from other forums that their clinics have asked IVFies to take 5 mg, to increase chances of twin implantation or when there is a family member with spinda bifida. Will appreciate if you can share your clinic's instructions.

I was also going through the vitamin listing in my multi-vitamins from Blackmore and found that its recommended dosage of 2 capsules/day has exceeded the maximum dose of Vitamin A recommended, i.e. 4.8 mg > 3 mg. Is everyone taking multi-vitamins?
I've never ventured into multivits other than Blackmore Conceive Well & GNC Pre-natal vits.. More ex but gd to stick to what's safest for ttc.
Which hosp and dr are u with? I heard blasts got better chances than D3... u specifically request for blasts?

KK. we went for the scheduled transfer on day 2, Dr told us 5 embies ready for transfer, 3 kiv, still dividing, and asked if we want to try to go for blastocyst.

Advantage is higher chance of pregnancy, risk is the embies might not grow well in lab and result in nothing for transfer on day 5. Dr said good chance of having something to transfer going by our numbers, and we took the chance. Today we were told that all went into blastocyst stage, quality varies, and transferred 2. The rest will continue to be cultured, kiv freezing if they are good .
KK. we went for the scheduled transfer on day 2, Dr told us 5 embies ready for transfer, 3 kiv, still dividing, and asked if we want to try to go for blastocyst.

Advantage is higher chance of pregnancy, risk is the embies might not grow well in lab and result in nothing for transfer on day 5. Dr said good chance of having something to transfer going by our numbers, and we took the chance. Today we were told that all went into blastocyst stage, quality varies, and transferred 2. The rest will continue to be cultured, kiv freezing if they are good .
Happy peanuts, same for me. I transfer on day 4 as day 5 is a sat and no ET. All working fine for me. Hope to hear good news from you!

I've done my ET just now. Transferred 2 blastocysts. Very relieved to be able to reach this stage. Past few days was highly anxious over development of the embies in the lab. So happy that we managed to have embies for transfer today. Hope my embies will continue to jiayou jiayou jiayou inside me. :):)

Good luck!!!! Wow... seldom see blastocyst transfer here... i read chances are higher... waiting for ur gd news!!
