IVF/ICSI Support Group

It got heavier just now.. Exactly like day 1 AF. I m juz wondering if I Shld call kkivf or juz leave it till the BT in a week's time. I juz gulp down 1 big glass of ice cold ribena & told myself "it's ok, try again!"

I'm on D11 and woke up with panty liner soaked red. I called KK cos my blood test is D19 which is more than a week away. They still ask me continue with inserts. Already AF came still must continue the treatment, feels weird. Earliest blood test is this Friday. Not sure should go ahead with earlier or just wait till next tues, cos end result same to me.
@kymkym: oh then Maybe still too early for hpt unless you want to give it a try.

You went KKH in the end? Jia you to you too.. Otherwise if all else ok can wait for 2 more days and try HPT. Root for you :)
I'm on D11 and woke up with panty liner soaked red. I called KK cos my blood test is D19 which is more than a week away. They still ask me continue with inserts. Already AF came still must continue the treatment, feels weird. Earliest blood test is this Friday. Not sure should go ahead with earlier or just wait till next tues, cos end result same to me.

How abt take a HPT or go to GP and get a beta? Some do bleed even if BFP. Are you still bleeding like AF now?

If d11pd2t AF arrived, damn sian to continue w silly inserts. I wld say go get the beta and at least u know since today only Monday.. even to wait till friday is a big sigh to continue the support meds (esp inserts). Just my opinion.
Hi, need some help. The supression jab, lucrin needs to be kept chilled?? I gg to collect later. Wan to know if I need to bring bag...
Prefer to back to kk cos consultation n test so much cheaper. Dun like dr loh other than environment n slightly shorter waiting time.
How abt take a HPT or go to GP and get a beta? Some do bleed even if BFP. Are you still bleeding like AF now?

If d11pd2t AF arrived, damn sian to continue w silly inserts. I wld say go get the beta and at least u know since today only Monday.. even to wait till friday is a big sigh to continue the support meds (esp inserts). Just my opinion.
Hi thanks for advice. It will be D9pd2dt. So I think when they mean earliest for blood test means it is the most accurate? I already gave up hope. I keep telling her menses here y still need go blood test.
KK very procedural not flexible e. it's true the inserts now is like just continue for e sake of continuing lo

By the way wats hpt?
I'm on D11 and woke up with panty liner soaked red. I called KK cos my blood test is D19 which is more than a week away. They still ask me continue with inserts. Already AF came still must continue the treatment, feels weird. Earliest blood test is this Friday. Not sure should go ahead with earlier or just wait till next tues, cos end result same to me.
I did not do anything after my AF came on D11. No HPT, no call KK for early BT, no inserts. .. Really simply no mood to since oredi know end result.

Today feeling quite emo.. Tml supposed to be my BT. Sigh .. Sad:(

Hpt home pregnancy test

All clinics will.ask you to go back for BT. Worried abt ectopic or possible single implantation but twin loss or bleeding despite BFP. They just need to be sure all is ok.

But do know some women bleed quite abit even though positive beta. So unless you take a beta you will prob just guai-guai take the support for nxt 4 days till BT @ friday.

Hpt home pregnancy test

All clinics will.ask you to go back for BT. Worried abt ectopic or possible single implantation but twin loss or bleeding despite BFP. They just need to be sure all is ok.

But do know some women bleed quite abit even though positive beta. So unless you take a beta you will prob just guai-guai take the support for nxt 4 days till BT @ friday.
Thanks ron8129, yep I din argue with them. Too tired from the cramps the whole night. I say ok I will continue as normal lo. Discussed with hubby if flow continues on then will go earlier blood test and start plan early for next course of action.
I did not do anything after my AF came on D11. No HPT, no call KK for early BT, no inserts. .. Really simply no mood to since oredi know end result.

Today feeling quite emo.. Tml supposed to be my BT. Sigh .. Sad:(
i understand what you mean. It's like you know the answer Liao but you still have to subject to another confirmation.
The nurse did mention usually AF not so early, it should be closer to our BT. So she say could be weak uterus but I seen my flow and knew its just AF no other way.

I think like wat ron8129 said the protocol requires the blood test before they can schedule follow up with doctor etc ba
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Yes, I m also planning to continue with the BT appt Tml & see what's next. I did read that normally AF Shld be delayed with all the med.. Dunno why. My last cycle oso like dat.. Neva got chance to wait till BT.
Ladies, I am back. After a failed fresh cycle in Nov, will now embark for the natural frozen transfer in 2 months time. Any kind soul who can share how the cycle will be like?
Ladies, I am back. After a failed fresh cycle in Nov, will now embark for the natural frozen transfer in 2 months time. Any kind soul who can share how the cycle will be like?

My natural FET at KKH goes like this:
Day 1 of menses: Call KKIVF to inform them that AF is here. They'll pull up your records and prepare for your cycle this month.
Day 10-Day 14 or 18: Vaginal scans every alternate day to check lining and folicle size. Take ovulation test kit to determine ovulation. If lining is sufficient, folicle size decent and ovulation is present (LH surge detected), then they'll schedule for ER and start thawing the frosties.
Ovulation+2 days: Transfer.
Hi all,
May I know how soon can I do ivf after a failed fresh ivf with no frozen embryos?
@Laoshi, fresh IVF involves a lot of medication and hence I would wait 2-3 months for the body to adjust itself and go for some TCM before attempting again. That's my personal preference. At KKH, we would have to review with doc to see if any other procedures required. When all is clear, then he'll write the memo to KKIVF to schedule you for a new fresh. Are you at KK too?
@Laoshi, fresh IVF involves a lot of medication and hence I would wait 2-3 months for the body to adjust itself and go for some TCM before attempting again. That's my personal preference. At KKH, we would have to review with doc to see if any other procedures required. When all is clear, then he'll write the memo to KKIVF to schedule you for a new fresh. Are you at KK too?
Hi, I'm with Kk. My problem is my job, I'm teaching, can't take leave as n went I can. Tho of doing during jun hols, but must depend on my menses also.
Hi, I'm with Kk. My problem is my job, I'm teaching, can't take leave as n went I can. Tho of doing during jun hols, but must depend on my menses also.
OIC. Yes, with a teaching job, its hard to keep up the KK type of unpredictable queue and scan times. You must be vexed with the scheduling issue. If you can, perhaps speak with your boss to reschedule your early-day commitments before 10am? I tried for 1 fresh + 2 frozen before succeeding, takes me 6-8 months to go back each time cuz of body, emo, work. This could be a long drawn process. On hindsight, I wish I acted faster on things and not take so long to go back each time.
Ladies, I am back. After a failed fresh cycle in Nov, will now embark for the natural frozen transfer in 2 months time. Any kind soul who can share how the cycle will be like?
Hi ring bell, mine with sgh was report on day 2 of menses, do necessary scan and blood test, return on day 9 onwards for three consecutive days both morning and evening to do blood test to monitor ovulation hormones. Thereafter they scheduled my et and instructed me to start taking duphaston from day 13 onwards. After transfer on the day 16( mine was blastocyst transfer) , had a hcg shot before leaving sgh . Continue with duphaston. That's it . Hope I remember correctly.doing ivf at kk will be quite different
OIC. Yes, with a teaching job, its hard to keep up the KK type of unpredictable queue and scan times. You must be vexed with the scheduling issue. If you can, perhaps speak with your boss to reschedule your early-day commitments before 10am? I tried for 1 fresh + 2 frozen before succeeding, takes me 6-8 months to go back each time cuz of body, emo, work. This could be a long drawn process. On hindsight, I wish I acted faster on things and not take so long to go back each time.
bunnymuimui u have a child Liao ah ?gd gd . Succeeded under which hospital which doctor may I ask?
i rested two months aftr my fresh to do fet. dr said ok as mine is natural fet no injections less hormones .according to my dr, for natural fet, the linning need no be too thick . as in natural conception, there is no stimulation, lining wil not go as high as a fresh cycle lining where there r injections to help lining grow.for my fet i preoceeded with i think only a 6mm lining
Old Aunty- Thank you for sharing with your experience. Totally appreciate it. I am glad that I took the break in between cycles, to pass through CNY, hopefully without anyone knowing that I am undergoing IVF.
for natural fet, your doctor will scan you few days everyday before your ovulation and until you ovulate for lining thickness. it must be 8mm above to proceed. depends on your doctor.
Babydusty- Thank you for sharing on FET. I must have missed alot of communications in the thread. How are things for you?
My natural FET at KKH goes like this:
Day 1 of menses: Call KKIVF to inform them that AF is here. They'll pull up your records and prepare for your cycle this month.
Day 10-Day 14 or 18: Vaginal scans every alternate day to check lining and folicle size. Take ovulation test kit to determine ovulation. If lining is sufficient, folicle size decent and ovulation is present (LH surge detected), then they'll schedule for ER and start thawing the frosties.
Ovulation+2 days: Transfer.

Do we need to rest a few cycles before going for fet? Does the doctor decide whether natural or medicated?
I was thinking we should keep the momentum going.. But was wondering we need to regulate e menses cycle in between anot
Dr Loh called me. Wow so touched. Because i emailed him before that i could get any appointment and asked about intralipid. He explained saying intralipid is not proven for bfp. but some do have success with intralipid. He said nvm when im about to near trf, emailed him again. I told him but i already make appointment to see him on 17th. He said ok sure, we shall discuss further. so good hor dr himself call me.
Old Aunty- Thank you for sharing with your experience. Totally appreciate it. I am glad that I took the break in between cycles, to pass through CNY, hopefully without anyone knowing that I am undergoing IVF.
I always find that if doing ivf....there's nothing to hide. Must let people understand that it is not an easy process. I only get to know success stories of ivf thru sharing by colleague and friend's SIL then I find hopeful to do ivf.
Of course this forum helps too.
Hello All,

I've done my ET today. Was so sad to know that out of 5 embryos thawed only 1 survived and only day 4 embryo.
So sad and disappointed as felt that at least with 2 I can hope that if one fail I have another but now only can bank all hope onto that little one.

This is such a difficult frozen cycle with not good lining and now only 1 embryo.
Really hope all goes well.
Now officially in the 2WW.

Jia you all hugs
Hello All,

I've done my ET today. Was so sad to know that out of 5 embryos thawed only 1 survived and only day 4 embryo.
So sad and disappointed as felt that at least with 2 I can hope that if one fail I have another but now only can bank all hope onto that little one.

This is such a difficult frozen cycle with not good lining and now only 1 embryo.
Really hope all goes well.
Now officially in the 2WW.

Jia you all hugs
Take care yyw82.... With one that able to survive thawing ... Hope that you can get BFP with this super egg ...
u doing it at thomson dr loh? im meeting dr loh for first time to ask more about intralipid when the right time i should do and wat he would suggest to increase chance of implantation before i do my trf with prof.
My cycle with kk but intralipid with dr loh
Yes, Jia you lao shi!
I wonder why ivf success rates also quite low sigh.
i guess cuz IVF only addresses e initial phase of conception.. the successful fertilization of embryos~ after tt, there only so much medical science can help.. read somewhere that successful implantation is still a mystery~
Yup...we must rem got 60 to 70% failure. So those who bfp and have a healthy baby 1st time via art when natural ttc have difficulty are really blessed i think. Though e most blessed is to skip injections and natural ttc

My motto or self councelling is Hope for e best n prepare for e worst ;)
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Connie, I agree with you. As long as we are mentally prepared for the worst outcome, whatever comes should not hit us too hard. I must start thinking of plan B.

Yup...we must rem got 60 to 70% failure. So those who bfp and have a healthy baby 1st time via art when natural ttc have difficulty are really blessed i think. Though e most blessed is to skip injections and natural ttc

My motto or self councelling is Hope for e best n prepare for e worst ;)
Agree! For normal couples its 20 percent chance if striking every month but for us time and costs are huge factors. Haiz.
