IVF/ICSI Support Group

I understand that if take chilli and oily stuff may cause uterus to contract n effect the implants? U mean u have cramp n vomit immd after transfer? Maybe u want to let your dr know?
Okay, so must avoid those food. I vomited at night, I call the nurse and she said maybe due to the bloat and monitor, lucky I feel okay today

@net73 , congrats!

Some acupuncturist s will ask u to go accu till few days after transfer. I did my last accu on the third day after transfer , felt cramp and bleed a little after I went home and regret big time. So I tell myself I wil nt go accu after my transfer anymore

Hi hi Old Aunty, thank you very much. I will ask the physician what is the intention to do accupuncture after the transfer.

Kinda of worry. Before tww, I already feel my womb has a pulling sensation for nearly a week.Not sure why..
Dear all, I just had my BT and positive. So happy till i cried. I am already 43 now and this is my 2nd try. I did my 1st IVF in 06 with 3 times transfers but all failed then. So everything is possible.
My hubby says he can write in to PM Lee to appeal for change in policy for subsidy! (Cos subsidy is for those before age 40).
Just to share how I prep my self: Since Sep 14, I stopped all alcohol, cold drinks, wear shoes at home, sleep before 11pm, took Chinese med and went for 6 sessions of acupuncture at TMC before ET. Had many chicken soup brewed by my mum till now (everyday after ET).
Going for another scan on 24 Feb, hope all stable.
Thought of not sharing so fast but I been thru the stage so want to let you all know that dun lose faith.
Hi net73, congrats... So happy for you! May I know what are the chicken soups that you mom cooked for you? I thought might wan to include herbal soups as part of my daily diet, might sharing? TIA.
Dear all, I just had my BT and positive. So happy till i cried. I am already 43 now and this is my 2nd try. I did my 1st IVF in 06 with 3 times transfers but all failed then. So everything is possible.
My hubby says he can write in to PM Lee to appeal for change in policy for subsidy! (Cos subsidy is for those before age 40).
Just to share how I prep my self: Since Sep 14, I stopped all alcohol, cold drinks, wear shoes at home, sleep before 11pm, took Chinese med and went for 6 sessions of acupuncture at TMC before ET. Had many chicken soup brewed by my mum till now (everyday after ET).
Going for another scan on 24 Feb, hope all stable.
Thought of not sharing so fast but I been thru the stage so want to let you all know that dun lose faith.
Big congrats! Its good to hear good news
Hi net73, congrats... So happy for you! May I know what are the chicken soups that you mom cooked for you? I thought might wan to include herbal soups as part of my daily diet, might sharing? TIA.
I like to know too! Wat are e ingredients in e soup?black or normal chicken?drink how many times a day?
Hi net73, congrats... So happy for you! May I know what are the chicken soups that you mom cooked for you? I thought might wan to include herbal soups as part of my daily diet, might sharing? TIA.
My mum "dim" ie brewed in small amount of water with chicken, dong gui, huay san and wolfberry.
Sinseh who did acupuncture for me from TMC, asked me to drink soya milk, kiwi, grapes and cherry to prepare my womb
i dun think so ba, they wil stimulate further . say for sgh, before we start ivf they wil scan our follicles, so if they think we are not suitable for ivf they wil tell us , when we report on day 2 af for ivf, they already knw how many follicles u have from the pre check a month ago. so wil continue to stimulate for growth.
Hello old aunty,
Were you with sgh previously? You did long or short cycle?
I am feeling numb not sure go in with what expectations. Going for scan this month before injection start.
My mum "dim" ie brewed in small amount of water with chicken, dong gui, huay san and wolfberry.
Sinseh who did acupuncture for me from TMC, asked me to drink soya milk, kiwi, grapes and cherry to prepare my womb
Oh no. I have stopped soya products for awhile because my tcm said my LH OR FSH numbers no gd due to high soya diet. Alamak my lining maybe thin now Haiz.
Thank you Connie! Hope we bfp at around the same time:)


i seriously no confidence n felt that my polyp is coming back.

Feeling frighten. frighten on e eggs how many available, frighten on e sperm,frighten on e womb condition

Its been 4 mths from my polyp op n e scan 2 mths ago shows only 3 follicles.
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My mum "dim" ie brewed in small amount of water with chicken, dong gui, huay san and wolfberry.
Sinseh who did acupuncture for me from TMC, asked me to drink soya milk, kiwi, grapes and cherry to prepare my womb
Hi net73, might telling me who is your sinseh @ TMC? Is it Xiong Yin? Thanks for sharing the chicken soup receipe...
Hi Connie, I have the same worries. I think I can only turn to my faith now. Seems alittle too late to make adjustments to the diet now.
@connie_hopeful, haha ya... that time he did my laparoscopy on my polyp as well last year.. Don worry so much, I believe that both of us are in good hands of Dr. M Lau. Got to have faith and trust in him first before doing proceeding with anything.
Hi dragon gal, I've been thru so-iui before too. I found the procedure is almost the same as ivf, only difference in ivf there's the egg retrieval. during ER you'll be sedated so no real pain, maybe some stomach cramps thereafter...

The scans are the same as so-iui, injections are similar except the higher dose and extra jabs to stop the eggs from releasing before ER day... You still have the same trigger jab... The ET procedure is somewhat similar to IUI too... Instead of transferring washed sperm, they'll transfer the embryos.

Main difference maybe is the hospitalization leave. With IUI they don't give hosp leave & you can be back to work next day. I had major cramps after my IUI but with ivf found the cramps to be milder.
Hi Rice Cracker,
How long did u have bed rest ?
1 week of Hospitalisation Leave ?
Am worried colleagues will ask a lot of questions.
She is a China lady but I can't remember her name. To do acupuncture at TMC quite relaxing as the ambience is not bad
Hi net73, yes I agreed on the ambience as there were several times that I fallen asleep while receiving treatment. Time for me to book for appointment with them once I started on my IVF. Hope that got slots then.
Hi everyone, I'm going through my 2nd ivf and feeling very emo so thought i'll make new friends who understand how I feel.

Hi yyw, you are welcome to share your feelings with us in this thread.
wd you like to share which stage of ivf you are undergoing now, and which hospital you are with?
Hi all,

Planning to start my 2nd IVF.
last year did et, Positive. At the end, become ectopic pregnancy.

Planning to start in March. Let's Jia you together...
When did you discover that it's etopic?
I had etopic in 2000 then lead to one fallopian tube being cut and left one which is embedded so must do ivf.
Dear all, I just had my BT and positive. So happy till i cried. I am already 43 now and this is my 2nd try. I did my 1st IVF in 06 with 3 times transfers but all failed then. So everything is possible.
My hubby says he can write in to PM Lee to appeal for change in policy for subsidy! (Cos subsidy is for those before age 40).
Just to share how I prep my self: Since Sep 14, I stopped all alcohol, cold drinks, wear shoes at home, sleep before 11pm, took Chinese med and went for 6 sessions of acupuncture at TMC before ET. Had many chicken soup brewed by my mum till now (everyday after ET).
Going for another scan on 24 Feb, hope all stable.
Thought of not sharing so fast but I been thru the stage so want to let you all know that dun lose faith.
Hi I am still having diarrhoea. ...last 2 days were loose stools like 2-3x per day, today become watery. Shall I just call up kkivf, go straight to OnG or normal polyclinic?
Hi yyw, you are welcome to share your feelings with us in this thread.
wd you like to share which stage of ivf you are undergoing now, and which hospital you are with?

Hi HappyPeanuts,

I'm currently on my 2nd IVF frozen cycle. I'm supposed to do ET next Tuesday. With KKH now.
I'm actually quite worried as I have only got 7.1mm lining and despite taking maximum med together with Estraderm patch lining still never improve.
So worried if it will be successful as doc wanted minimum 8mm lining.

Am doing acupuncture too at the moment felt quite lost that despite doing everything right results doesn't seems promising.
Bel and Pinkfuchasia

How many eggs retrieved? Which stage r u in now?

After my miscarriage last year June am just preparing for next fresh. Shud cycle in Apr. Any Cycle buddies. Am with Dr Tan at kkh. Last cycle I retrieved 16 eggs 10 were matured but only 2 fertilized. Lost pregnancy at week 7. No snowies. Third fresh. Last subsidy..fingers crossed. Will do intrapilid this cycle once stim starts. Read on mahy forums that.should do at least thrice ro stabilise pregnancy. Believe intralipid played a big role in my bfp last yr.

All the best to sisters who are cycling. Jia you
Hi I am still having diarrhoea. ...last 2 days were loose stools like 2-3x per day, today become watery. Shall I just call up kkivf, go straight to OnG or normal polyclinic?

I know diarrhoea is a good sign. If it's not serious hang in there.
Dear all, I just had my BT and positive. So happy till i cried. I am already 43 now and this is my 2nd try. I did my 1st IVF in 06 with 3 times transfers but all failed then. So everything is possible.
My hubby says he can write in to PM Lee to appeal for change in policy for subsidy! (Cos subsidy is for those before age 40).
Just to share how I prep my self: Since Sep 14, I stopped all alcohol, cold drinks, wear shoes at home, sleep before 11pm, took Chinese med and went for 6 sessions of acupuncture at TMC before ET. Had many chicken soup brewed by my mum till now (everyday after ET).
Going for another scan on 24 Feb, hope all stable.
Thought of not sharing so fast but I been thru the stage so want to let you all know that dun lose faith.
Congrat net73!!! Collecting bb dust fm u n hope that i can oso share my happy news nxt mth...:)
