IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi girl can I ask does the health of husband matters in ivf? my husband is not getting enough rest due to work and we are going for ivf end of this month. I'm quite worried

I'm praying that my next ivf i can at least get some frozen one/s. Please please.

ttc77, according to my ivf doc, the soldiers are not too much of a concern because all's needed is a few of the good swimmers (should have good ones out of the millions?). Maybe you can feed him some zinc, CoQ10, fish oil, and eat seafood? Weekend go massage together to destress?
I'm praying that my next ivf i can at least get some frozen one/s. Please please.

ttc77, according to my ivf doc, the soldiers are not too much of a concern because all's needed is a few of the good swimmers (should have good ones out of the millions?). Maybe you can feed him some zinc, CoQ10, fish oil, and eat seafood? Weekend go massage together to destress?
HI Redvel.. you have wanted to put in 3 blast the next time.. but doing blast will exhaust quite a number of embryos.. have you ever thought of freezing half of the embryo the next time?
Dear all, BT result is 94.3. Super happy for this!! :)
Next Monday will come for another round of BT to see the hcg will double up or not, finger cross.
Baby dust to all sisters here, thanks for all ur support and encouragement in this few days..
wow congrats! u give me hope to try again..
Pretty number Tinga. Big congrats. Geez all those false alarm!

Hope, my Doc told me my chance from blasto is higher for my age. And she is actually wary that unfreezing frozen ones may not be my best option. So I’m also not sure if I should be praying hard for frosties. I did think about “permutations”. Like freeze some day3 and culture some to blasto. But all these also depends on how many are successfully fertilized. I have plans to discuss this with her on my day of endo scratch anyway.

By the way, most of you who succeeded are mostly from fresh or FET?
yes!! I will be grabbing your baby dust! Did doc say on the previous BT?
Doctor is not ard today, only the nurse inform me the result. I asked them by right it Shd double up in 48hrs for the reading, how come my result 2 days ago is 0.1? They can't answer me that. Lab error? I dunno, as long as now it show me positive result, I'm happy edi..
Dear all, BT result is 94.3. Super happy for this!! :)
Next Monday will come for another round of BT to see the hcg will double up or not, finger cross.
Baby dust to all sisters here, thanks for all ur support and encouragement in this few days..
Congrats tinga, grabbing your baby dust ..

Meanwhile please rest.
Pretty number Tinga. Big congrats. Geez all those false alarm!

Hope, my Doc told me my chance from blasto is higher for my age. And she is actually wary that unfreezing frozen ones may not be my best option. So I’m also not sure if I should be praying hard for frosties. I did think about “permutations”. Like freeze some day3 and culture some to blasto. But all these also depends on how many are successfully fertilized. I have plans to discuss this with her on my day of endo scratch anyway.

By the way, most of you who succeeded are mostly from fresh or FET?
Redvel, I read from one article before, if the embryo can survive from thawing, it Shd be healthier and higher chance of getting pregnant.
Talk to ur doc, I think he is the best to give u the advise.
Tinga thanks for the info. Mine might be different case because of my age and thus the question on embie quality (for freezing). Yes she will know best what's up for me.
Dear all, BT result is 94.3. Super happy for this!! :)
Next Monday will come for another round of BT to see the hcg will double up or not, finger cross.
Baby dust to all sisters here, thanks for all ur support and encouragement in this few days..

@Tinga.. Congrats to you!! grabbing some of your baby dust ..

I think we are quite similar in our hcg bt experience. My 13dp3dt reading was 104. Maybe a late implanter...

You shld see it double within 48 to 72 hours.

Ya.. Look similar to urs :)
Will go to test on Monday again, hopefully it will go up to 200. Pray pray..
Congrats to Tinga & Portia! Am back from my long leave and went to see Dr THH on tues. He had ask me to do the SIS to check my lining to make sure there are no scarring in my womb from the lap I did last Oct as my menses ever since the lap is super little. Am happy with him as at least he want to make sure everything is ok before I start my 2nd fresh. He has proposed that I should go on the long protocol since my body doesn't seem to react during the short protocol. But for now, I have to wait for my menses to come, do the SIS then see what is the result before in depth discussion on the protocol.
Congrats to Tinga & Portia! Am back from my long leave and went to see Dr THH on tues. He had ask me to do the SIS to check my lining to make sure there are no scarring in my womb from the lap I did last Oct as my menses ever since the lap is super little. Am happy with him as at least he want to make sure everything is ok before I start my 2nd fresh. He has proposed that I should go on the long protocol since my body doesn't seem to react during the short protocol. But for now, I have to wait for my menses to come, do the SIS then see what is the result before in depth discussion on the protocol.
hopeful13,*waves* welcome back! wat is sis? by e way, my Hub went to see tan kian sing le..but got prob as he cant sleep at nite after taking his medicine...dr tks says he firrst time heard tt patiennt cant slleep after eat his medicine..haiz
Connie_hopeful *waves* thanks!!! SIS is Saline Infusion Sonography. It's like ultrasound but with injection of saline into the womb to separate the walls of womb so that doc can see clearer if there are any abnormalities inside. Oh dear, your hubby can't sleep? Maybe the body is adjusting to the med? Can ask Dr Tan to prescribe some medicine for him to sleep? He used to prescribe some lingzi pills to my hubby & my hubby will knock out soon & sleep very well.
Connie_hopeful *waves* thanks!!! SIS is Saline Infusion Sonography. It's like ultrasound but with injection of saline into the womb to separate the walls of womb so that doc can see clearer if there are any abnormalities inside. Oh dear, your hubby can't sleep? Maybe the body is adjusting to the med? Can ask Dr Tan to prescribe some medicine for him to sleep? He used to prescribe some lingzi pills to my hubby & my hubby will knock out soon & sleep very well.
oic for e sis, its lkke hsg ya. not sure lei, will check with dr tan next time. we got e sheng jin wan,paoshen n fish maw witb packdgrd med from dr,n codyceps
Just curious..Is there suppose to be a temperature guideline if you are pregnant?
should be 36.7 and above. it will remain high when preggy. if mense coming, it will drop. i dunno how true this is though as some of e gals in e forum thpugh me taking bbt is not accurate. bbt temp is taken first thg in e morn and timing to take e temp ha* to be consisstent. hope this helps
I always fail to measure my bbt in the morning when I wake up.. Have not measure for quite a while. I did read something similar to connie_hopeful said. :)bbt will remain high if u pregnant
Thanks Connie..
but hope, i will advise u not to measure yr bbt during tww. becos if it falls, you will feel sian n it doesnt help u in e tww. if it isup, then its good..cos i measured my bbt during tww n it doesnt help give a calm mind. think Better to keep e thermometer away. do a hpt on day 10 after transfer or keep cool n relax to wait for the bloodtest for e result. good luck :)
but hope, i will advise u not to measure yr bbt during tww. becos if it falls, you will feel sian n it doesnt help u in e tww. if it isup, then its good..cos i measured my bbt during tww n it doesnt help give a calm mind. think Better to keep e thermometer away. do a hpt on day 10 after transfer or keep cool n relax to wait for the bloodtest for e result. good luck :)
This is like the hpt, test neg, feel bad, test positive, worry tmr will drop or not. Super tired with these emo roller coaster.
Went KKIVFC for my 2nd scan..

Scan Results @ 13 Jun
Lining: 9.5
R: 13.5/13.5/9.5/8/8.5/7/6/6
L: 13.5/14/9.5/10.5/8/6

Gonna go for my 3rd scan tomorrow morning.. If all goes well.. ER will be on Tue.. Praying hard it'll come soon..
u have a lot of follicles, dun worry,stay happy and let e follicles grow bigger. sleep well. jiayou rachel!:) follicles will still have some days to catch up till er :)
Went KKIVFC for my 2nd scan..

Scan Results @ 13 Jun
Lining: 9.5
R: 13.5/13.5/9.5/8/8.5/7/6/6
L: 13.5/14/9.5/10.5/8/6

Gonna go for my 3rd scan tomorrow morning.. If all goes well.. ER will be on Tue.. Praying hard it'll come soon..
Rachelt, u have a lot of follicles. Good luck for the er :)
Just curious..Is there suppose to be a temperature guideline if you are pregnant?
It really depends on your pre ovulation temp pattern. No one is the same.

I used to bbt. Perhaps done that for a year or so. I'm glad I finally kept away my thermometer. It's a stressful affair. For me after so many months of temping, I know very sure that monthly I do ovulate. Therefore my sinseh questioned me then why I still temp. It just invites unnecessary tension reading into every digit. Because of his wake up call, I stopped and after that I sleep so much better.
True.. Measuring temp really might cause stress..

These 2 days I am having gastric acid reflux.. Don't dare to eat any medication at this current moment. Hopefully by breaking up my meal, my gastric will get better..
True.. Measuring temp really might cause stress..

These 2 days I am having gastric acid reflux.. Don't dare to eat any medication at this current moment. Hopefully by breaking up my meal, my gastric will get better..

Your symptom seems promising... I would call it a happy problem.
I always fail to measure my bbt in the morning when I wake up.. Have not measure for quite a while. I did read something similar to connie_hopeful said. :)bbt will remain high if u pregnant
I continued taking my bbt during my tww till a week after i discovered my bfp.

Some interesting findings:
1) temp started rising after ER starting at 36.7c
2) temp continue to rise thereafter to 36.9c in following days
3) temp dip on 4dp3dt to 36.8c
4) temp rise back to 36.9c on 5dp3dt with slight fluctuations to 37.0c on subsequent days
5) temp dip again to 36.8c on 9dp3dt (light watery pink discharge and bfp with hcg @ 23)
6) temp rise back again to 36.9c on 10dp3dpt (brown/red discharge + add. duphaston support with hcg @ 46)
7) temp dip to 36.8c again on 11dp3dt (red discharge + add. proluton jab and progynova with hcg @ 66)
8) temp rise back again to 37.0c on subsequent days ( red discharge continues)
9) Hcg level rise to 116 on 14dp3dt

I did a lot of research and reading on bbt before i embark on my ivf cycles. Although i cannot confirm or be 100% sure, i suspect the following:

- I may hv a first implantation at 4) when temp dip which happens to be the 7th day after ER. However, it probably did not stick/ succeed and could be the reason for the low hcg and the start of the bleed and staining at 5).

- I may hv a (late) second implantation at 5) when temp dip again which happens to be the 12th day after ER. This may explain why my beanie's development is always 3 to 4 days behind.

Of cos, these are only my deductions from my own research and observation of myself in this cycle.
Portia interesting! I try to do it but my thermometer does not seem accurate.

Tinga... I am fine.. Just hate the acid reflux.

Ginger.. I don't dare to think too much. My sinseh tells me it's a good sign but I thought it might just be my gastric problem.

This week is finally over.. I should get some freedom back! Going to town to see see look look!
Portia interesting! I try to do it but my thermometer does not seem accurate.

Tinga... I am fine.. Just hate the acid reflux.

Ginger.. I don't dare to think too much. My sinseh tells me it's a good sign but I thought it might just be my gastric problem.

This week is finally over.. I should get some freedom back! Going to town to see see look look!
Wow Portia, ur tracking and analysis are so detail, well done!

Thanks, hope and tinga.

I thrive on info and feel secure when i know as much as possible what is happening to my body and its response to the cycle. It helps me to manage my emotions and expectations. Hence, I tend to keep close watch and records.

Hope - just relax and think positive. Then wait for the right time for hpt/ bt. In the mean time, (if it helps) prepare yrself and think about how you can/want to manage yrself and the outcome when the time comes.
today is my D1 menses. did a scan and plan to start my medicated frozen cycle this month. My nurse told me to take progynova 3 times a day, each time 1 tablet. However, after so many times of failures, I become a bit obsessed. I am worrying that the nurse could have told me the wrong dosage. Could any sister here give me a bit more assurance? Sorry about this. I feel so bad about myself.

Hi pingpinzoe, I also doing fet this cycle, my cd1 was on 5/16. Started progynova 2 tablet daily on cd4. The dosage increase to 3 tablets daily on cd 14 with crinone insert two times a day. After ET, I'm started to take 1 duphaston twice a days, 2 utrogestan 2 times a day, continue progynova 3 tablets daily and crinone insert 2 times daily, I also taking aspirin to help blood circulation. Hope it helps.
