IVF/ICSI Support Group

@Tinga, if u actually manage to see double line, then congrats are in order

a line is a line regardless how faint it is...

the double line wont magically appear even if u stare long & hard enough lah keke

i certainly had my shares of staring long & hard but no double line lor.

now just rest well & dont think too much...

if u really need to cfm again before BT, then do another one 2-3 days later, if its not a evapo line then this time round, e line shd be much darker since HCG doubles up every 2 days...

gd luck & spread the bb dust :)
jts, re symptoms, sometimes we do tend to read too much into everything...
im guilty in doing that too...
there are some mths i had so many classic symptoms that i seriously thought im preggie but then it turns out otherwise...
but i did noticed that pregnant hormones will make my body behave in a diff way
for eg, i do experience cramps and tingling of boobies in my normal cycles then all of a sudden i dont and i was getting disheartened cos no symptoms to date but it was in fact a bfp! the reverse seems true for those who nvr had cramps etc in their normal cycles then when bfp, they start to feel cramps...
juz my own experiences lah...
gd luck to all sisters in e 2ww :)

am gg for my first consult soon.
not sure what to expect?
we dont have any prior tests or evaluations done before... anything else to bring along?
what qns did u ladies ask on ur 1st visit?

Hope and I both did fresh cycle at kkh with the same dr on different dates ..

So which mean you have done the ER & ET.. Good luck and all the best. Take a good care in 2WW.. Heard before that under chemical baby cannot detect using preg test only thru BT.
@Tinga, if u actually manage to see double line, then congrats are in order

a line is a line regardless how faint it is...

the double line wont magically appear even if u stare long & hard enough lah keke

i certainly had my shares of staring long & hard but no double line lor.

now just rest well & dont think too much...

if u really need to cfm again before BT, then do another one 2-3 days later, if its not a evapo line then this time round, e line shd be much darker since HCG doubles up every 2 days...

gd luck & spread the bb dust :)

Hi dramaqueenie, in fact, I think it really my eyes problem, that is not the true double line.
Went for bt this morning and the result is negative. I'm so sad w the result, can't stop crying.
it is over for me this round. :(
Hi ladies went for my review with Dr sadhana today. She planned for me blastocyst culture of 4 frozen embbies out of 7 for next cycle and also I am trying endosctrach for next cycle. Starting my cycle in the end of July.

All the best to portia and santhia for tomorrow scanning.
Thanks for ur wishes..otw back home after appt.. Managed to see baby's heartbeat..Dr Tan has given me HL for 3weeks to rest at home..next appt to see doctor is on 2nd July.. :)

Sorry to hear that Tinga.

Disappointment is surely…. Do let your body and emotions rest for a bit before thinking what’s next. Don’t rush into thinking hard what’s the next plan.

When my first ivf failed, as much as I was disappointed, I kept telling myself it’s normal to fail once or twice. And especially I was already having AF cramping way before my BT. Already preparing for the worst. When the nurse called me after hours of BT, I just took it in and went for a nice yummy meal with my hubby.

It will happen good soon Tinga. Don’t give up.
Hi dramaqueenie, in fact, I think it really my eyes problem, that is not the true double line.
Went for bt this morning and the result is negative. I'm so sad w the result, can't stop crying.
it is over for me this round. :(
Dun worry Tinga.. Ur time will come soon..I failed my first two fresh ivf cycle..went for further test to find out what's the underlying cause..true enuff,I had cervical polyps..had it removed in April,did a FET in May and now I BFPed..try to ask ur doctor wat may be the cause of the failure and try to rectify it first..

What is polyps? During my transfer, the dr who is replacing dr jerry also tell me my unexplained infertility might be due to that.. But after looking at the screen.. He said not possible.. Mine is clear..
Congrats santhiya:). Very happy for u.

Tinga I also failed my last cycle. planning for another FET in July. I am trying endo scratch, intra lipids and TCM for next cycle. So once failed don't worry we always have another chance. Come back strongly for next time. Worries don't change anything.
Hi dramaqueenie, in fact, I think it really my eyes problem, that is not the true double line.
Went for bt this morning and the result is negative. I'm so sad w the result, can't stop crying.
it is over for me this round. :(
So sorry to hear that Tinga.. Are they going to repeat your blood test? Maybe it's too soon for bt?
Hi dramaqueenie, in fact, I think it really my eyes problem, that is not the true double line.
Went for bt this morning and the result is negative. I'm so sad w the result, can't stop crying.
it is over for me this round. :(
gal, hugs. understand e pain when going to private and bfn n no more frosties left..me too,but dun think so much. go have a good meal and life goes on..
What is polyps? During my transfer, the dr who is replacing dr jerry also tell me my unexplained infertility might be due to that.. But after looking at the screen.. He said not possible.. Mine is clear..
Polyps are like skin growths..it can cause infertility..

Thanks for ur wishes..otw back home after appt.. Managed to see baby's heartbeat..Dr Tan has given me HL for 3weeks to rest at home..next appt to see doctor is on 2nd July.. :)

Santhiya, congratulations!

To other sisters, I've been in and out of this forum.
I'm 33, failed my first fresh with prof Wong last sept. Rested a few mths and went on tcm. Consulted dr Loh at tmc and detected endrometria cyst. Did a lap in this April and found to have severe endo. Under decapeptyl jab since lap. Did a review with dr tdy and found that AMH reduced from 11.5 (before lap) to 5.9 (after lap)... From normal reserve to low reserve... Very upset.

Anyone with similar condition and succeeded with Ivf? Starting my 2nd fresh in July with tan hh.
Santhiya, congratulations!

To other sisters, I've been in and out of this forum.
I'm 33, failed my first fresh with prof Wong last sept. Rested a few mths and went on tcm. Consulted dr Loh at tmc and detected endrometria cyst. Did a lap in this April and found to have severe endo. Under decapeptyl jab since lap. Did a review with dr tdy and found that AMH reduced from 11.5 (before lap) to 5.9 (after lap)... From normal reserve to low reserve... Very upset.

Anyone with similar condition and succeeded with Ivf? Starting my 2nd fresh in July with tan hh.

How they found the cyst? By vaginal scan or hsg?
Santhiya, congratulations!

To other sisters, I've been in and out of this forum.
I'm 33, failed my first fresh with prof Wong last sept. Rested a few mths and went on tcm. Consulted dr Loh at tmc and detected endrometria cyst. Did a lap in this April and found to have severe endo. Under decapeptyl jab since lap. Did a review with dr tdy and found that AMH reduced from 11.5 (before lap) to 5.9 (after lap)... From normal reserve to low reserve... Very upset.

Anyone with similar condition and succeeded with Ivf? Starting my 2nd fresh in July with tan hh.

Low reserve does not mean no eggs. Still got hope. All we need is just one gd egg to be fertilised! Wats the pt of high reverse but no good eggs. At least u hv ur problem solved. Quickly try again before the issue recur.
Low reserve does not mean no eggs. Still got hope. All we need is just one gd egg to be fertilised! Wats the pt of high reverse but no good eggs. At least u hv ur problem solved. Quickly try again before the issue recur.
Thanks for yr encouragement. Dr Loh suspects egg or embryo quality not good tat y failed the first time. He also say my endo will return cos v bad..
Can I ask what's endo and what implications does it have on fertility? Is there a treatment/cure? I have fibroids (few fertility docs say it's not an issue for me as they are tiny and not at location of concern) but heard many ladies mentioning about endo.
Santhiya, congratulations!

To other sisters, I've been in and out of this forum.
I'm 33, failed my first fresh with prof Wong last sept. Rested a few mths and went on tcm. Consulted dr Loh at tmc and detected endrometria cyst. Did a lap in this April and found to have severe endo. Under decapeptyl jab since lap. Did a review with dr tdy and found that AMH reduced from 11.5 (before lap) to 5.9 (after lap)... From normal reserve to low reserve... Very upset.

Anyone with similar condition and succeeded with Ivf? Starting my 2nd fresh in July with tan hh.
Hi , Me too , my AMH is only 4.5 worse than u planning to start at AUG fresh cycle and Prof told me success % is only 22 . but don't be upset .
Well, as long as got eggs got hope! Eat well and exercise. Yes, endo will return. So quickly try again!
Yes. Dr Loh says with my AMH, the max no of eggs able to retrieve will be ard 6 eggs. I also found out the cause of high right ovary with him. Endo caused it. I only want quality now.
Yes. Dr Loh says with my AMH, the max no of eggs able to retrieve will be ard 6 eggs. I also found out the cause of high right ovary with him. Endo caused it. I only want quality now.

Babe, i did 2 fresh cycle, each time, i only hv 8 eggs retrieved while i have no endo n have not done a lap before. I had 5 and 4 embyros fr 1st n 2nd fresh. Still got enOugh for one FET each.

As for high right ovary, knowing him, dr loh wld hv reconstructed for u by bringing it down to facilitate egg retrieval at ivf during the lap. So, u dun hv to worry abt it. As long as the dr is skilful, he can retrieve.

Now, be positive and dun keep thinking abt the issues which hv already been resolved. Imagine those who has no eggs and asked to take donor eggs, isnt that worse?

Get pregnant! After no 1, chase for no 2 quickly naturally coz endo will go away w the delivery of a child and ur womb is in the best state to conceive again. Wait too long, endo will come back again n with age, even tougher.
Can I ask what's endo and what implications does it have on fertility? Is there a treatment/cure? I have fibroids (few fertility docs say it's not an issue for me as they are tiny and not at location of concern) but heard many ladies mentioning about endo.

U nv remove fibroids? Fr wat i know, if dr loh will confirm ask u to remove as he wun take chance.

I had polyps. Gynae said no need to remove, same reason given for not removal. But when i went to see dr Loh, he said removed n i did!
Dun worry Tinga.. Ur time will come soon..I failed my first two fresh ivf cycle..went for further test to find out what's the underlying cause..true enuff,I had cervical polyps..had it removed in April,did a FET in May and now I BFPed..try to ask ur doctor wat may be the cause of the failure and try to rectify it first..

I removed fibroid and polyp a year ago and in march. I did another round of polyp removal. This round my uterus is in good condition but yet not able to BFP
Are ur dr cfm that the location is not affecting? For my case when it was scan the fibroid was like 5cm but when removed it was measured at 11cm diameter n it was found to b sitting on my rite tube.
First gynae said not affecting but when I switch gynae was advised to remove it
When fibroid is small can b remove by keyhole but for my case it has grown so big that they have to c sect my tummy to remove it..
Tcm aso told me tat when it's small can b dissolve slowly by tcm medication
Doc said can try hpt or go back have another test on Friday. Guess will do hpt to see any hope.
hi, since doc says like that,so maybi still have hope. maybi continue to do e progesterone inserts and test again. as long as af not come ywt, maybi still got hope. jiayou! stay positive!
Dolly gal 11cm is huge indeed. Were you feeling any discomfort carrying it? Were your af affected too? Good that doc removed it!
U nv remove fibroids? Fr wat i know, if dr loh will confirm ask u to remove as he wun take chance.

I had polyps. Gynae said no need to remove, same reason given for not removal. But when i went to see dr Loh, he said removed n i did!
i have fabriod small 1 too.2cm, consulted dr loh he says location may affect implantation. ask him need to remove he says no need as it was small. consulted my ivf gynae he also says small no need to remove..guees maybi too small..
No lor. It didn't affect my af nor do I have pain. Initially first gynae say 1cm vy small no need worry then after ttc for more than a year I switch gynae N realised it has grown so big. My dh aso scold me I no feel meh, I told him cos I thot it was part of my tummy fats n it didn't cause me any discomfort in the first place..
My menses were regular. No pains too. The polyps did not show up in an abdominal scan.
No matter where the polyps or fibroids or cysts r located, they r afterall alien objects in the womb. Ie, is a time bomb which can grow further, rupture, turn to something bad, etc. Even if it is not coz we wan to conceive, for health reasons they shld be removed. COz every of such stuff removed, they r tested by the lab. Though usually not cancerous but there's still a small probability of risk.
Tat was in oct 2010 so no recurrent after tat as my current gynae said if it's one likelyhood of it coming back is vy vy low. Multiple fibroids higher chance of recurring..
