IVF/ICSI Support Group

gold kiwis have more nutrients, and are sweeter than green kiwis. Also more expensive...
it is an interesting read :)
You know how desperate we are in this ttc journey. Race against time, age, amh, hormones and many things. Anything thats natural food and aids fertility is worth a go I feel. ;)
Hihi! Been busy for the past months after a failed cycle with sgh dr yu? Anybody here or know someone who is under dr yu n had bfp?

Oh, i see. Thanks for sharing!


You take care. At least there is this platform for us to share and pour out our problems. Only women who have been thru IVF journey will know how hard it is.

Anyone in 2ww? I am doing blood test next wed, but totally felt a bfn now...no symptoms at all.
Hi ladies, further my review with Prof. He gave up on me. I'm so sad that he dont even bother to go further for any other ivf or even interested to help me to improve my follicles. Keep saying he cant reach my right ovary but when i did it at SGH there is no problem about reaching the right ovary.
And he did mentioned i ovulated before he take out the follicles. All kind of reasons given, in the end he said you go back and rest. Come back a few months and see what we can do but we actually cannot do much except donor eggs.

I intended to stop seeing him cos i felt that he is not interested to help those with low ovarian reserve. I would like to do TCM also to tiao my body. Which TCM you ladies seeing? Any advise?
petitelady: I'm seeing TSB. U may wanna try? Many sisters here also seeing her.
How abt seeking another doc's opinion? Consider going to pte?
Petitelady if u go and search this thread for sashamama nick and read her threads u will find hope. Just to let u knw she went thru multiple laps and nuh same thing gave up on her. At ivf nothing retrieved. But she went to dr loh at kkh and conceived her first gal and now shes preggy with her son under dr tans magic hands in kk.

So please dont feel de moralized or give up. Have faith and trust in god. Who are mere humans to say u have no hope. Please check it out with dr loh or dr tan I urge.

Also I personally found my tcm Dr Que at Tang Shan Marine Parade to be good. Others sis may recommend tsb or dr zou. Its your take. But please dont give up or feel negative. Jia you gal
Also for some reason I dont understand why prof say ovary high cant reach when other docs can. Think tsd also same. Me also. All of us he cannot reach right. At kk they can. Funny hor. Anyway its different ppl skillset. U just try other drs gal while tiao body.
Hi ladies, further my review with Prof. He gave up on me. I'm so sad that he dont even bother to go further for any other ivf or even interested to help me to improve my follicles. Keep saying he cant reach my right ovary but when i did it at SGH there is no problem about reaching the right ovary.
And he did mentioned i ovulated before he take out the follicles. All kind of reasons given, in the end he said you go back and rest. Come back a few months and see what we can do but we actually cannot do much except donor eggs.

I intended to stop seeing him cos i felt that he is not interested to help those with low ovarian reserve. I would like to do TCM also to tiao my body. Which TCM you ladies seeing? Any advise?
@petitelady.. I'm seeing TSB..
Hi ladies, further my review with Prof. He gave up on me. I'm so sad that he dont even bother to go further for any other ivf or even interested to help me to improve my follicles. Keep saying he cant reach my right ovary but when i did it at SGH there is no problem about reaching the right ovary.
And he did mentioned i ovulated before he take out the follicles. All kind of reasons given, in the end he said you go back and rest. Come back a few months and see what we can do but we actually cannot do much except donor eggs.

I intended to stop seeing him cos i felt that he is not interested to help those with low ovarian reserve. I would like to do TCM also to tiao my body. Which TCM you ladies seeing? Any advise?
Petitelady, I was with Pte CARE n conceived my gal who is 2.5yrs old now. Last aug I did a FET with them but MC at 8th weeks. Due to cost, I went to SGH Dr Yu. Did a fresh short cycle with her and during ER they only found empty follicles and 1 28mm follicle which was too late to be retrieve. Seeing dr yu is very very discouraging. Everytime I see her she said my FSH is high my reserve is low. Kept asking me to take donor egg, adopt or give up since I'm lucky that I already had one. My tcm kept telling me my FSH has no problem too! I myself is not convinced of what dr yu told me too, so today I went back to Pte CARE, did my BT and my result is ok!!!! I'm starting my next fresh which is my 4th with Pte CARE for my last attempt.

I would suggest you to go for a second opinion. Follow your gut feelings and heart :) jiayou!!!!!!
Hi mesara,

May I know which Dr Tan at KKH? Is he good? Alot of good reviews? I am currently with Dr Sahdana, but thinking if change doc will have change of luck?
Hi ladies, further my review with Prof. He gave up on me. I'm so sad that he dont even bother to go further for any other ivf or even interested to help me to improve my follicles. Keep saying he cant reach my right ovary but when i did it at SGH there is no problem about reaching the right ovary.
And he did mentioned i ovulated before he take out the follicles. All kind of reasons given, in the end he said you go back and rest. Come back a few months and see what we can do but we actually cannot do much except donor eggs.

I intended to stop seeing him cos i felt that he is not interested to help those with low ovarian reserve. I would like to do TCM also to tiao my body. Which TCM you ladies seeing? Any advise?

If u intend to go private, i suggest Dr Loh. If not, maybe switch to kkivf.

I went to both Dr Tan Siew Boey at Chinatown for chinese herbs and Dr Zou at AMK for acupunture since this Feb. Many ladies here go to them.
Hi mesara,

May I know which Dr Tan at KKH? Is he good? Alot of good reviews? I am currently with Dr Sahdana, but thinking if change doc will have change of luck?
It's Dr Tan HH. A lot of ladies here go to him. According to the nurses at kkivf, his patients are increasing by a fair number.

I am also with Dr Sadhana. This is my 2nd fresh cycle with her. Hopefully this is the cycle for me.
@portia3, i washed my womb once n mayb tat is y my lining is so thin tat y e doc says. my lining was 6mm for two scans, it never increase. e doc increase e dose of e progynova n oso start mi on patches. but it nvr reaches 8mm. i was depressed too.
I also done d&c before and discover that my lining reduce by 1-2mm during my last fet. Wonder whether it will increase after "tiao"?
@portia3, i washed my womb once n mayb tat is y my lining is so thin tat y e doc says. my lining was 6mm for two scans, it never increase. e doc increase e dose of e progynova n oso start mi on patches. but it nvr reaches 8mm. i was depressed too.

Did you ever consider trying tcm or acupuncture to help? Many of us here ate red bean soup to help lining thickness during stimulation too.
D&c does not reduce lining thickness. I did d&c twice. Lining not affected.

But Hormone levels, age, etc affect lining.
I've done 3 d&c in my life but at my age of 42, my lining is healthy as per doctors. I think acupuncture can help and also exercise and diet and natural healing.
Tsf ya wonder why but endo cyst removal quite painful. I was warded a week after lap as pain was v unbearable. But over time it heals. Take to take fish essence. Helps with internally heal the wound. Ovaries will still have reserves n once u r off suppression jabs and stim starts follicles will bloom. Suppression is good let the system rest n heal. But for me suppression didnt shrink endo in womb. My womb is double normal size. Anyway just be positive dont worry as july still long way to go. After 2nd jab I urge u go tcm to tiao body. Really helps alot. Take the herbs for self n hubby. All will be well.
Thanks mesara, dr Loh says my right ovary has shifted position becos of the endo. He did not help me stitch the ovary as I asked him not to harm it. He says stitching will harm the ovary . Dr Loh retrieves 100%, nt sure if dr tan can retrieve... Anyway, my lap was not painful at all. I guess becos dr Loh is skillful.

hi.. I'm sorry to hear of the discouraging review you had with Prof. I juz wanna say Dont Give Up!
I first started my ivf journey way back in 2008/9 with him & Prof had wasted 2 years of our time. Mine is a challenging case as i had immature eggs. Did 2 fresh with him but no success & all he could say was "I dont know, I don know"... Such replies only make us more exasperating & upset. Since then, we moved to private for help. Long story short, i am now a proud mother of a 5 month old bb boy :)
Sorry for such a spaced-out question but which Prof are you gals referring to? Which hospital?

JaniceS: jia you!
Ladies, is there a possibility that we have ovulated even before retrieval? That would means that trigger timing is not right? Or collection is too late?

hi.. I'm sorry to hear of the discouraging review you had with Prof. I juz wanna say Dont Give Up!
I first started my ivf journey way back in 2008/9 with him & Prof had wasted 2 years of our time. Mine is a challenging case as i had immature eggs. Did 2 fresh with him but no success & all he could say was "I dont know, I don know"... Such replies only make us more exasperating & upset. Since then, we moved to private for help. Long story short, i am now a proud mother of a 5 month old bb boy :)
@holidaygal, what did your private doctor do regarding immature eggs? I have same issue too. First fresh all eggs retrieved are immature.
