IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congras meiling!! catching your bb dusts!!

Can you share what u did this time?

This is my first ivf.

During tww, I ate 4 egg whites daily(later part increased to 6), drink red dates and chicken essence daily. 5 brazil nuts daily.

Everyday stay at home watch dramas. I also rub and talk to my blastocyst everyday.

As for my meals, i never really take note of what can or cannot eat. I ate laksa a few times, mac a couple of times. I just make sure i dont eat raw or semi cooked food.

I guess stay positive is important too bah.

This is my first ivf.

During tww, I ate 4 egg whites daily(later part increased to 6), drink red dates and chicken essence daily. 5 brazil nuts daily.

Everyday stay at home watch dramas. I also rub and talk to my blastocyst everyday.

As for my meals, i never really take note of what can or cannot eat. I ate laksa a few times, mac a couple of times. I just make sure i dont eat raw or semi cooked food.

I guess stay positive is important too bah.
congrats! but egg white meaning boiled egg?? how to cook red dates drink huh keke i dunno
Miracle_bb, maybe i can fish out a contact n meet him separately outside? Haha

Do fresh cycle also wun see him until ER n ET. Unless pregnant. Anyhow, i go kkh v often. So, confirm will bump into him again even if i dun see him as a patient.

The nurse arranged the appt after i failed FET. So go see Him loh n chit chat
finally met the handsome dr u mentioned haha...hubby likes him alot cos he explain v detailed to us...only can do my ivf in may as apr is full but he mentioned he gng away in may mid wk so he hope i dun come menses during his away haha. btw do we need to pay conseling fee or can dun attend???
congrats! but egg white meaning boiled egg?? how to cook red dates drink huh keke i dunno

Ya. During tww, everything u eat must be fully cooked.

I throw in the red dates, wolfberries and a few dried longan into a thermal flask with boiling water then let it sit in for an hr or so then i drink it. Could be quite heaty actually so if you find it too heaty for you, then drink maybe twice or thrice a week. Is to keep womb warm.
I got a call from kkivf. Hcg is 999.7 or 997.4.
Asked me reach clinic after 2pm to get medicine...

Baby dust to all!

My dream finally comes true!
Congrats!!!! So happy to hear so many good news.

I am schedule for ER on thurs.

Now feeling bloated. This morning went for scan and blood test.

Got 22 follicles and the largest one is 27mm... omg.. no wonder i feel like my stomach is bursting..

According to doctor, only maybe 7 is good size. So sad. Hopefully will hv good news like u. :)
Gan, u there? Will u do another fresh cycle to give Grace a sibling?

I just saw dr tan. He gave me 3 months to think abt it. I m really hesitant as for my age, success rate is less than 20% and risk of miscarriage is high at 40%....
It depends on how much you really feel.
Discuss with your hubby and see & decide if you both want to try for 2nd against the odds.
I can tell it is not easy to decide. However I believe you know yourself better.
Miracle_bb, reluctant to try actually... dr tan gave me 3months medicine to boost ovulation n asked me to try on our own.. well... end up wun try on our own... coz of a no of factors

Hubby said one is enough. Unless i push for it.. but the heart is weak.
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Ya. During tww, everything u eat must be fully cooked.

I throw in the red dates, wolfberries and a few dried longan into a thermal flask with boiling water then let it sit in for an hr or so then i drink it. Could be quite heaty actually so if you find it too heaty for you, then drink maybe twice or thrice a week. Is to keep womb warm.
oh u eat so many boiled egg white daily, dun feel like vomit mah. or u mix other food to eat?

Congrats!!!! So happy to hear so many good news.

I am schedule for ER on thurs.

Now feeling bloated. This morning went for scan and blood test.

Got 22 follicles and the largest one is 27mm... omg.. no wonder i feel like my stomach is bursting..

According to doctor, only maybe 7 is good size. So sad. Hopefully will hv good news like u. :)

Good luck to your ER! So your trigger shot will be tonight!

Well, that time i only got 6 good ones. I think the most important is the one that is transfer to your womb. You just need 1 best of the best...
Miracle_bb, he gave me some medication to boost ovulation. Well, women only hv that 2~3 days, the men may not be able to perform due to stress and underlying conditions like high bp, ie, libido is affected as a resulted or may not be in town. Even myself, after 40s, i hv much less Mucus even during ovulation days.

I saw dr tan for 2 reasons. Firstly, i m due for annual paps smear in April n supposed to go see sf loh. But dun wan the long waiting time to see him. So, since seeing dr tan, asked him to do. 2ndly, after a fertility treatment, be it fresh or FET, i wan to make sure my womb is cleared of cysts. Which may be caused by hormones n stimulation medication, esp more so for fresh cycle. ALso, now is abt ovulation timing.. 2 wks plus after a failed cycle n menses. So, wan to make sure hormones r back.. n yes, he saw the follicle today.. i shld ovulate in a few days time.

I seeing him in 3 mths time. But if i m not doing another fresh, i will reschedule a yr later when i m due for normal gynae checks n pap smear. Is good for women yo hv yearly check. So, dun close the file as if more than one yr, need to pay first consultation charge again.

He was v nice n was spending time talking n listening to me. Spent easily 20 minutes in his room. I Went alone but he remembered hubby's name and asked me to discuss w him. He even said tt am stronger than hubby mentally and emotionally.. yes, he is right
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Gan, u there? Will u do another fresh cycle to give Grace a sibling?

I just saw dr tan. He gave me 3 months to think abt it. I m really hesitant as for my age, success rate is less than 20% and risk of miscarriage is high at 40%....
Hazel busy planning a holiday with family in April! No I won't go for a fresh cycle....am 42 ...dun think will do that coz of age. Going for FET with remaining embryos...hopefully will succeed .

Miracle_baby no baby dust to spread....negative.
Hope the good luck streak among all sisters continues to run! Those who are doing cycle now, jia you! All the best :)
Hazel busy planning a holiday with family in April! No I won't go for a fresh cycle....am 42 ...dun think will do that coz of age. Going for FET with remaining embryos...hopefully will succeed .

Miracle_baby no baby dust to spread....negative.

Dont be discouraged, all the best for FET!
I saw dr HH Tan when I was waiting outside the OT for ER last Mon. Young & good looking dr. His patient was so pitiful. She was suffering from OHSS & had to abort the fresh cycle. Her ER was before mine & she was still very much in pain when I was being discharged. I was told she was admitted to the hospital after that.

Actually Dr Sadhana is not too bad. At least I didn't have to wait too long as compared to Dr Loh whom I went under for my 1st ivf & soiui. Before the ET she was trying to discuss my options with me but I said I cant register anything in my head cos my bladder was too full. She was kind enough to wait for me to go release my bladder first. And while I was away she took time to search for answers to the questions I asked wrt my previous cycles. And after we made our decision abt the ET, she said for me to take my time to fill up my bladder again & just ask for her when I'm ready. True to her words she appeared in less than 5 mins.

Im not sure I made the right decision to transfer 3 embryos this time .. but last 2 rounds we trf 2 and they didn't stick so DH & I thought we wanted to do something different this time round. Anyone here has a BFP with d3 3 embies trf? Sigh ... I www after ET & read that the success rate for 3 embies is actually lower !!?

I have 9 grade 4 & 3 frozen .. This the 1st time I managed to have leftovers to freeze. I had 24 ER, 17 ready .. I went for blastocyst during my 2nd fresh cycle & only 2 were left out of 8 we cultured (21 retrieved) Since Dr S said some ladies perform better with frozen cycle, I might as well give some of my embies a chance .. today is 4dp3dt .. and if this cycle fail.. ill go for FET in May. I hope I succeed though cos I event went 注生娘娘there to pray. And i haven prayed in a temple since I was akid ...

Dr S was gentle & nice. We were cracking jokes both times bef ER & during ET. I've got great experience with her both cycles :)

Marino88 I read that putting 3 embryos will increase the chances of pregnancy. Read it in a book when I was doing fresh. I transferred 3 in my FET and bfp
Thanks hi_mei. Surprising felt ok this round.....when I failed my first fresh was feeling very sad.
Maybe too busy to think too much,

Yup I understand. Failed two fresh before, one of them I didnt get to ER. I hope ur next FET will be great :)
morning to everyone and I hope you all have a great day today.

I understand. It is more important to keep your health in check.
I thought it is better to have a full check-up include pap smear and breast check outside. Going to see the busy gynae just for pap smear is a lot of time & money waste?

sorry.. I don't understand why FET won't work fine for you.
But fortunately you still have 4 frozen balance left. There is still 2 chances for you and hope the next time you get blessings.
Enjoy your family trip first before releasing your precious ones from waiting for you :)
Miracle_bb, outside is checked by who? Well, is better to go to a gynae. TPS waiting time is fine. Sn hr wait at most. Money wise not necessary more ex.
ladies, anyone wif dr zou? i understand when she goes "on leave", there is a stand in. any ladies have experience with this dr?
ladies, anyone wif dr zou? i understand when she goes "on leave", there is a stand in. any ladies have experience with this dr?
I don't really like her stand in. The way she do acupuncture is qt painful and feels "not right". Just my experience.
Wow.. Din login for a few days and suddenly a lot of bfp news pop up.. Congrats to all sisters who have bfp :D

My af came on Monday and it is 4 days earlier than my normal cycle, and this time round the stomach cramp is some much worse of compare to previous. Is it normal since I'm not doing ET this round?

Based on estimation, I will probably start my FET cycle on mid April. Hopefully can have bfp like the sisters here..anyone can advise when to start taking Brazil nuts, egg whites all this item?
Hi all!

I graduated from this thread last year. My baby boy turning 1 month old at the end of this month and i'm returning 100 eggs to tpy zsnn this Sunday. Will be returning the eggs in the morning around 11am.

Please feel free to go and take them.

Baby dust to all! :)
I don't really like her stand in. The way she do acupuncture is qt painful and feels "not right". Just my experience.

I don't like the stand in too... first time I blur blur just go ahead since I went all the way there n its the first time I feel it's painful n I actually bleed when she remove the needles. Recently I went dw n its the other dr again. .. I choose to wait for 4 hours to see dr zou.
There are 2 stand ins. The younger one is meticulous and nice. The aunty is not good. She doesn't really know how to adjust the current. End up the current is so strong that I jumped. Asked her to just off the current for that 1 needle.
hi everyone, I'm looking for an acupuncturist to treat blood stasis. Any one to recommend? Preferably in the central so I can go after work. Do you know how many sessions to be completely treated?
Congrats Melling. Grabbing baby dusts. Have a safe and smooth pregnancy. Thanks for sharing. May I knw where to get red dates wolfberries n dried longan pls
Congrats Melling. Grabbing baby dusts. Have a safe and smooth pregnancy. Thanks for sharing. May I knw where to get red dates wolfberries n dried longan pls

Thanks mersara!

You can get those from supermarkets or those chinese medical shops...
Gigi : check with your Dr, u may be able to take some pain killer before your ET.

Meilingg : if u get twins, u are one of the lucky ladies. But then 1 can become triplets too...hehe.
@mesara the red dates and wolfberries tea is ownself make one. can get the red dates and wolfberries separately at chinese medical shop like what @chevynox mention or even in supermarket at the dried goods there. then just make your own. put 5 dates and 10wolfberries into cup and pour hot water. dry longan can add in at times but i think dont have to be a daily thing can be quite heaty...

@chevynox i tried both stand in docs before. personally comfort level is still dr zou. the long hair lady dr qiu is much more friendly while dr ng the short hair older lady who stand-in at dr zou clinic herself seems more serious. both their acu points is the same as dr zou but whether they did the exact correct point i would not know hehehe. for me my pain tolerance quite high so i am ok with all. i got no choice as i am doing fet when dr zou is away for cny period so got to continue doing even its with the stand in doc. lucky before my fet 2 weeks dr zou is back...

@Tinga i started the brazil nuts and egg whites during tww. but maybe when you start after the 1st scan for your fet, should have no harm. just in case you start too early you might grew tired and sick of it fast thats why i waited till tww then eat. everyday 2 egg whites and 5 brazil nuts. some sisters eat more than 2 egg whites i think.
hello girls,

i may not be active posting but i am always reading your posts. the encouraging ones, the happy and the sad ones. Thank you to everyone's tips on what to eat and avoid. Thank you for recommending which acupuncturist to go to.

Finally, after failing my fresh, my FET is positive. Numbers are not high but it surpasses the 250 mark!

Spreading baby dusts to you girls here!
Gigi : check with your Dr, u may be able to take some pain killer before your ET.

Meilingg : if u get twins, u are one of the lucky ladies. But then 1 can become triplets too...hehe.

hahaha! really? oopsss... mine maybe is one healthy one that why hcg so high... haha.. wait till 8th apr and see what doc says...
Both of my fresh cycles, I have swollen breasts after ER all the way till near the end of my 2WW .. It's always the same every month during my AF actually. My AF will come about a day after they stop being swollen. For those tested BFP, do you get swollen breasts like PMS & do they continue to be swollen after bt?
Both of my fresh cycles, I have swollen breasts after ER all the way till near the end of my 2WW .. It's always the same every month during my AF actually. My AF will come about a day after they stop being swollen. For those tested BFP, do you get swollen breasts like PMS & do they continue to be swollen after bt?

For me, i think it wasn't really swollen but last week of the 2ww till now, i will get sharp pains on and off.
Hi meilingg .. How does this compare to your monthly AF? Do you get swollen breasts before AF? Both times, I knew I was going to get BFN cos before bt I already felt the swell go down .. And I feel mine ain't as swollen as yesterday .. I want twins like you !!

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Hi meilingg .. How does this compare to your monthly AF? Do you get swollen breasts before AF? Both times, I knew I was going to get BFN cos before bt I already felt the swell go down .. And I have a hunch mine ain't as swollen as yesterday .. I want twins like you !!

i got put 1 blast so although i got a high hcg, still not confirm it is a twins.. haha... most important is a healthy bb...

Hmm.. i do get swollen breast before AF is coming, but i don't get the sharp pain... this time round, before the bt, the pain comes quite often...

don't give up, you will get yours soon~
