IVF/ICSI Support Group

@Hope2bb yes it's that simple and straightforward for natural fet. You are luckier than me cause you need only two scans then can proceed et already. Mine follicles and lining growing very slowly after my af finish so I had a total of 4-5 scans before my lining is acceptable and follicles at right size and of course detected ovulation before they say can et. Was so stressed that I wouldn meet the lining standard and that I wouldn ovulate. Lucky manage to catch up with everything before the doc say give up this round.

I simply love Dr Tan! Haha! Even DH loves him too!

He made it a point to come and see me when I was hospitalised those few days. Every time I see him, I always feel that he's so busy and stressed like rush here and there, one moment doing ER or ET, one moment seeing patients, one moment doing delivery, one moment doing operation. See already also very 心疼!:p
Happyblossom, better to choose Dr Tan HH as he's really more friendly and patient-oriented. Even in clinic d, he has spent 30min with us including a simple scan. we waited for almost 2.5hrs though.

really ah....hopefully i can get appt with him. im just worry nurse will insist i must refer by my doc then can. my hubby is saying y change doc since clinic A doc know our history...haiz
Dr tan hh is a charming guy!! Looks v young for his age. Bump into him along corridor n he was on phone he will still wave hi!
I m also seeing him tomorrow at the private suite.

Aiyah, he is quite chatty n will talk beyond ivf stuff. He ever asked me if i was a Catholic when he saw my necklace! Then asked me why not converted, etc... i teased him bk n asked him why he is an ivf dr but yet a catholic! He also will share w me abt his son when i tell him abt my daughter's issue.

Even sf loh, i also know him personally. That's why they will remember me mah. Good coz anytime need advise, know who can help! Keke
I m also seeing him tomorrow at the private suite.

Aiyah, he is quite chatty n will talk beyond ivf stuff. He ever asked me if i was a Catholic when he saw my necklace! Then asked me why not converted, etc... i teased him bk n asked him why he is an ivf dr but yet a catholic! He also will share w me abt his son when i tell him abt my daughter's issue.

Even sf loh, i also know him personally. That's why they will remember me mah. Good coz anytime need advise, know who can help! Keke
wahaha gd one

btw nurse told mine at clinic D, not pte suite. wats e diff?
I told the hotline, i dun wan to go clinic d. Any prob w that call dr tan as he is accomdating. TPS is near the 711. Walk over n take a look. Much nicer environment, less crowds, shorter waiting time, proritiy q for medicine, etc. But consultation is 15 bucks more ex

my problem is i always have very painful transfers - this is not the catheter that hurt me but the speculum - iui ivf1 ivf2 maybe ivf1 was less painful though anyway i was just reading on internet

sometimes transfers are made with no speculum how is it possible? have you heard about that?
Hi hazel.
You need to see Dr Tan tml for help to release your menses or set your body back to normal?

Hi ilovehshoes and Meilingg,
How are you? got bfp already?

You feeling better? I hope so.
Anyone BFP with only 1 follicle?? After 12 days of stimming, we only have 1 lead follicle at 17.5mm and the rest are 6.5 and 8. Just did a E2 blood test today and doc gave green light to go ahead with retrieval on wed. Going down for trigger shot tonight. Really hoping for the best....
@miracle baby: failed this cycle. dr thinks my
Immunity levels were too high and killed my embroyos. Really unsure as to which drug triggered my immunity system as I have used all
Of them many times before.

Taking some time to "mourn".

@circlecircle: reading your lovely blog :). I ought to resurrect mine once I feel better.
I told the hotline, i dun wan to go clinic d. Any prob w that call dr tan as he is accomdating. TPS is near the 711. Walk over n take a look. Much nicer environment, less crowds, shorter waiting time, proritiy q for medicine, etc. But consultation is 15 bucks more ex

I ever asked to see Dr Tan at TPS because I thought I can see him in the evening after work, then I don't need to take leave to see him at Clinic D during day time. Apparently, according to the nurse, even if you see him at TPS, it has to be during normal consultation hours.
I saw dr HH Tan when I was waiting outside the OT for ER last Mon. Young & good looking dr. His patient was so pitiful. She was suffering from OHSS & had to abort the fresh cycle. Her ER was before mine & she was still very much in pain when I was being discharged. I was told she was admitted to the hospital after that.

Actually Dr Sadhana is not too bad. At least I didn't have to wait too long as compared to Dr Loh whom I went under for my 1st ivf & soiui. Before the ET she was trying to discuss my options with me but I said I cant register anything in my head cos my bladder was too full. She was kind enough to wait for me to go release my bladder first. And while I was away she took time to search for answers to the questions I asked wrt my previous cycles. And after we made our decision abt the ET, she said for me to take my time to fill up my bladder again & just ask for her when I'm ready. True to her words she appeared in less than 5 mins.

Im not sure I made the right decision to transfer 3 embryos this time .. but last 2 rounds we trf 2 and they didn't stick so DH & I thought we wanted to do something different this time round. Anyone here has a BFP with d3 3 embies trf? Sigh ... I www after ET & read that the success rate for 3 embies is actually lower !!?

I have 9 grade 4 & 3 frozen .. This the 1st time I managed to have leftovers to freeze. I had 24 ER, 17 ready .. I went for blastocyst during my 2nd fresh cycle & only 2 were left out of 8 we cultured (21 retrieved) Since Dr S said some ladies perform better with frozen cycle, I might as well give some of my embies a chance .. today is 4dp3dt .. and if this cycle fail.. ill go for FET in May. I hope I succeed though cos I event went 注生娘娘there to pray. And i haven prayed in a temple since I was akid ...

Dr S was gentle & nice. We were cracking jokes both times bef ER & during ET. I've got great experience with her both cycles :)
Hi ladies! I have not been posting and have been quiet since my failed cycle in Jan. Within a short span of time, so many sisters have BFP-ed! Really happy for all of you :)

I will be starting my 2nd fresh cycle in May with Dr Tan HH. Today a nurse called me to arrange for a date to do the paperwork. Then she told me I need to attend a counselling session. I told her even though this is my 1st cycle with kkh, it is my 2nd ivf cycle (1st cycle with nuh), so I don't want & don't need to attend the counselling session. However, she said it is compulsory and the session is chargeable.

Can sisters who have done ivf at kkh advise me if it is a must to go for counselling? Has anyone skipped the session?
Hi ladies! I have not been posting and have been quiet since my failed cycle in Jan. Within a short span of time, so many sisters have BFP-ed! Really happy for all of you :)

I will be starting my 2nd fresh cycle in May with Dr Tan HH. Today a nurse called me to arrange for a date to do the paperwork. Then she told me I need to attend a counselling session. I told her even though this is my 1st cycle with kkh, it is my 2nd ivf cycle (1st cycle with nuh), so I don't want & don't need to attend the counselling session. However, she said it is compulsory and the session is chargeable.

Can sisters who have done ivf at kkh advise me if it is a must to go for counselling? Has anyone skipped the session?

Counselling session is compulsory cos needs to sign documents and also take bloodtests.

There will be another session with social worker, that one not compulsory. I never attend.
Miracle_baby, see him coz miss his handsome face mah! Cycle already went bk to normal

Faithfullyyours, dr tan dun hv night or sat clinic at tps. He only operates in TPS on tues pm. Unlike dr sf loh who is a workholic. Well, u can get a MC fr him every visit. No need to take own leave n he will give u whole day MC, even if u see him at 4pm.
Counselling session is compulsory cos needs to sign documents and also take bloodtests.

There will be another session with social worker, that one not compulsory. I never attend.

Thanks Meiling. The nurse said the session is approximately 2-3 hours. Gosh! What do they talk abt that needs so much time? Are they briefing us about the procedures, or is it the type of counselling that prepares you mentally and emotionally? I asked the nurse if I can just sign the documents, she also said cannot... gggrrrr....
Ha... hazel. You willing to pay consultation fees just for his face..ho ho... you can still try for another fresh cycle. That way you can meet him often..heheh..

Oh Sorry, iloveshoes. You can still try again if you have some frozen left.

Hey gan, haven't hear from you yet. Manage to get bfp? Bbs dusts to us.

Congrats hi-mei.

Faithfullyyours, glad you are doing well. Rest more and look forward to your first scan soon.
Baby grin, the compulsory session I think lasted 1hr only. Don't remember being in the room for so long. Maybe plus waiting for the session to begin plus minus. After the session you will be asked to sign the consent form and pay the registration admin charges by cash. Then follow by necessary blood test if you haven't do. Must fix aptm to do the blood test.

Makino, how old are you may I ask? I think below 35 they won't allow transfer of 3 embryos and if no records of previous failed transfer I think also doesn't allow. I thought I read somewhere before if failed twice or thrice and above 35 then can trf 3.
Iloveshoes, maybe you can go to dr loh try out intralipids. It's meant to help prevent any antibiotics in your body that may reject the embryos. Since you say doc suspect your immunity level is high and thus result in failure of implantation maybe can try that.
Thanks Meiling. The nurse said the session is approximately 2-3 hours. Gosh! What do they talk abt that needs so much time? Are they briefing us about the procedures, or is it the type of counselling that prepares you mentally and emotionally? I asked the nurse if I can just sign the documents, she also said cannot... gggrrrr....

We also asked that. Still have to pay them $ to sign documents.

Cos the nurse already briefed us on the procedures therefore they never asked me to go the front part of the session. We only go there listen to doc showing powerpoint slides about ivf and sign documents.
2molo will be my 1st to meet HH Tan….hope i wun faint looking at his face hahaha

best of all…i need luck and baby dust from him

btw, anyone having ivf soon? hopefully i dun hv to wait for mths to start :rolleyes:

did soiui last mth but wonder if ivf same procedure? can the counseling fees under medisave too?
Baby grin, the compulsory session I think lasted 1hr only. Don't remember being in the room for so long. Maybe plus waiting for the session to begin plus minus. After the session you will be asked to sign the consent form and pay the registration admin charges by cash. Then follow by necessary blood test if you haven't do. Must fix aptm to do the blood test.

Makino, how old are you may I ask? I think below 35 they won't allow transfer of 3 embryos and if no records of previous failed transfer I think also doesn't allow. I thought I read somewhere before if failed twice or thrice and above 35 then can trf 3.

Oh well I fulfilled all the requirements .. so im not young anymore.. haha. I'm 39, had 2 failed fresh cycle prior & my child is 10 this year. DH & I have been trying since 2008 ... sigh .. wished I had found my way to this forum earlier so I won be so frightened by the IVF procedures that was portrayed ..im getting alot of encouragement through you girls ... so good to be able to share & get support. if only I could turn back the clock I wouldn't have waited till 2011 to do my 1st IVF .. now time is no longer on my side & at 39 my eggs are aging too ... this will be my last fresh cycle ... 3rd 2ww & I had a whole week of bloatedness since ER. I only started to feel better yesterday 3dp3dt... but im less nervous this time round ... though I still hated the ugesteron inserts. Arrgh
Miracle_bb, maybe i can fish out a contact n meet him separately outside? Haha

Do fresh cycle also wun see him until ER n ET. Unless pregnant. Anyhow, i go kkh v often. So, confirm will bump into him again even if i dun see him as a patient.

The nurse arranged the appt after i failed FET. So go see Him loh n chit chat
Makino, glad all the bloatedness is subsiding. I don't know about the success rate for 3 embryos but I think it will stand a better chance and not lower the chance. Stay positive and relax. All the best in the tww. At least during this period, you can chit chat with your child and guide him in his homework :) time pass very fast.
2molo will be my 1st to meet HH Tan….hope i wun faint looking at his face hahaha

best of all…i need luck and baby dust from him

btw, anyone having ivf soon? hopefully i dun hv to wait for mths to start :rolleyes:

did soiui last mth but wonder if ivf same procedure? can the counseling fees under medisave too?

I will be doing medicated FET once my chemical pregnancy is resolved. Been 2 weeks since my diagnosis but still haven't gotten my AF. Dr Tan already confirmed I will do FET as soon as possible...
@miracle baby: failed this cycle. dr thinks my
Immunity levels were too high and killed my embroyos. Really unsure as to which drug triggered my immunity system as I have used all
Of them many times before.

Taking some time to "mourn".

@circlecircle: reading your lovely blog :). I ought to resurrect mine once I feel better.
Thanks for your compliment! Keeping s blog is a good companion during 2ww. And it is a good exchange among forum sisters too! Let us know your blog address when you are ready to blog again!
Omg!!! Dr Tan so knows how to bao yang! Lol. He really looks like 30+ wor.. why only 1 son...

Congrats hi mei!!!

Iloveshoes, which dr r u with? Do they assess immunity levels? I wana check mine leh but Dr Tan says they don't do this test as it's not scientifically proven..
Goooood luck @meilingg for your bt today! You have very similar symptoms as me so I have good vibes about your results!!! All the best and hope you have baby dust to pass to all in this thread!
Meiling...positive positive. 5 day blasts right? Got gd feeling for u too. Lately really a lot BfP so happy for all ladies who succeeded :) waiting for u to spread more baby dust
@miracle baby: failed this cycle. dr thinks my
Immunity levels were too high and killed my embroyos. Really unsure as to which drug triggered my immunity system as I have used all
Of them many times before.

Taking some time to "mourn".

@circlecircle: reading your lovely blog :). I ought to resurrect mine once I feel better.
iloveshoes, sorry to hear that. Yes, take some time off from TTC and you will come back stronger.
Would like to know how your dr know you have high immunity levels? Did you take blood test? Is this your first cycle?
I recently did a autoimmune BT with Dr Loh and discovered I have immunity issues. He suggested me to take intralipids infusion and aspirin for my next cycle.
Hi ladies, I have been silently following your thread :).
Im doing my ivf at sgh care under dr yu .
Retrieved 22 follicles. 10 was fertilised. Lost 2 due to fragmentation.
Just did my et today with 2 blastocyst. Keeping my fingers crossed for a bfp.
Can I know wat kind of veg or meat I shouldn't be taking at this pt as I know I must keep my body heaty.
Thanks n congrats to all bfps
Just want to check with those who had failed your FET, after your 1st mense came back, how long do your next menses comes? Do any of you have delayed menses for the 2nd one? TIA...
