IVF/ICSI Support Group

jklim, thank you for your detailed explanation on the qns i posted. great! hope your tww will be a fruitful one :) i hope kkivf have good thaw system, heard if the thawing process/equipment is not good it affect the survival rates too. hopefully they have invested in a good lab instruments etc.

pingpingzoe, like what pink martini had mention, some see frozen cycle is better as your body is not overloaded with hormones jabs and medicine due to the fresh stimulating cycle. many reasons what could result in the failure thou many a times doc cannot explain too. its really try and error. i transfer 2 blasts and still fail, me age below 35 & both me n hubbs unexplained fertilty so the possible reason that might fail is my body hormones go haywire during fresh so maybe the timing to transfer in the embryos is not suitable. this cycle i am not on any jabs just natural so hope everyting will turns out smoothly. right time to transfer, right body environment and good surviving blasts after thawing *pray*
Yes lately I was so bored at home during 2ww started researching. The success rate seems higher than fresh for some clinics simply because the body is at a more natural state compared to during fresh cycle when it's pumped with medicines and hormones.

For me because every stimulation cycle only produced 4-5 good quality embryos, so no OHSS and can do fresh ET in the same cycle but left only 2-3 eggs for the subsequent FET. I am thinking next time, after ER I wait for one month then go for FET.

I have done 2 fresh ET, 1 FET. At least, the only FET made me pregnant, even though it ends up with a bio-chemical one.
i too have a bio-chemical once from my 2nd iui. i dont know if its consider repeated failures / miscarriage for me. 1st fresh ivf my BT came back with hcg 3 and the doc was saying shows got implantation but dont know what happen after that. so i really hope its nothing serious. hope my coming fet will give me a bfp
hi Hazel,
congrats you went thru ET today and I hope you have 2 little ones in you now.
I know a fresh cycle is better but this time I also hope FET proves us otherwise.

Hi pumpkin_pie,
Reading your story makes me recall my exact same situation I was before.
Dr loh is indeed correct and experienced after perhaps many similar cases. He told me to prepare for the worst but still ask me to pray for the miracle.
In end, I lost twin together after BFP one week later after I found spotting turn into a constant bleeding with thick blood clots. It was sent to lab for checking and turn out all normal. It could be unhealthy growth. I cried my heart out for two weeks. It is better to let twin go than trying a number of times to make them stay alive but sick in later stages of growing. Better not, right? We only want a healthy child. FYI, it is FET.
I can see you are stronger than me and I am sure you will be blessed the next cycle try or even this time you can have 2nd. Take care ya!

Hi everyone else on this forum,
I wish you everyone will meet your dream very soon! All the best, ya!

Now I am waiting for the full menses this month and it is FET from the 2nd cycle with Dr HH Tan. I am not confident about it due to my previous case.
As it is very last FET with only one living embryo, I can't bear to dispose as it deserves a chance to live. I don't know if it can survive thawing.
If it don't success, I am truly sad. If it survives, I just leave it for God.
I really love a few more kids but a pity I have to stop because of my age risks.
It has been 5 years since I start the IVF and it was time to close the IVF journey this year.
But still, I am grateful that IVF is the alternate medical treatment and I got two beautiful kids now.

If not for this forum, I really don't know what to do. This forum is a great help and comfort. Thank you for your kind sharing and news.

Hi Miracle_baby, may I know how old are you? I am turning 33. I want to try until I got a healthy baby... I am not sure how long I can persist.
i too have a bio-chemical once from my 2nd iui. i dont know if its consider repeated failures / miscarriage for me. 1st fresh ivf my BT came back with hcg 3 and the doc was saying shows got implantation but dont know what happen after that. so i really hope its nothing serious. hope my coming fet will give me a bfp

To me bio-chemical is at least one step closer to a successful pregnancy. I hate the most there is completely nothing after 2ww. I am going for BT tomorrow (12dp3dt).
Pingpingzoe, did u try poas? Any symptoms so far? BT on 12dp3dt seems early.

pink_martini,yes. BFN for POAS this morning (11dp3dt). I supposed to do BT next Monday (15dp3dt), but I need to go for progesterone injection tomorrow, I think better do a BT before the injection since POAS already shows negative...
Hazel, it sounds very good. yup yup I very much hope for you.

My last FET only left two embryos and both survive. Both at grade 4 and after thraw, one multiplied other still growing. The embyroist seek dr loh's advise about the other thawed embryo' status, so in end he wants to give it a chance. So put both but fail at end.

So, I have no faith in FET. hehe

Same here, I am also 40 going on 41 this year :)
God will surely bless you with your successful 4th pregnancy. I look forward to your good news soon.
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Hi Miracle_baby, may I know how old are you? I am turning 33. I want to try until I got a healthy baby... I am not sure how long I can persist.

Hi pingpingzoe,
No worry you still have a lot of chances. Keep on trying till you become a mummy.

I started IVF at the age of 34. very late already liao. Now going to be 41 a few months later.
anamika...my scan is tmr, i'm also keeping fingers crossed. U taking gonal f? mine started with 225 then increased to 300....duno tmr how....
Aspirin can be dangerous too. If spotting during pregnancy. I was on it and when I bled in 1st tri I was asked to stop aspirin. So ladies do consult doc. Aspirin is not proven n to be taken with risk.
Some sisters said will hold bk ET after ER st fresh cycle. Do FET instead. If u ask me, i will advise no unless ET cannot proceed coz of ohss.

This view of FET is better than fresh cycle as latter our body is loaded w lots of hormones r not proven. Is just guesses.

In most cases a failed cycle is a result of defective embyro. N whether an embyro has chromosome defects or not the naked eyes cant see. The quality of an embyro is based on look of the embyro n how the cells multiply. All gd do not mean no chromosome defects.

So, it is v possible that a non defective embyro which does not appear to look v nice is frozen instead of being transferred after ER in a fresh cycle.

Tt explain y fresh cycle fails but FET succeeded.

There's so many factors to a successful pregnancy. No one can say which cause the failure. Defective embyro, not enough support etc.

But once u freeze the embyro for future FET, u r introducing more factors that may affect the success rates! Do u really wan tt to happen?

Fresh cycle, at least the embyro r alive. Alive got hope! If no ET, freeze n do FET later, the embryo must first survive thaw! New factors r being introduced, eg thawing techniques, even, the quality of the embyrologist matters. At work, at times we dun form as well coz we dun feel gd. How abt the embyrologist? I am just stating some egs as analogy..

Also, nothing beat a fresh embyro. A fresh fish eaten on the spot is not as fishy as a frozen fish when thaw isnt it? Another analogy.

So if freeze all embyros for subsequent FET, dun wan to do ET immediately after ER, u intro new factora which will affect embyro survival rates even if it is a good embyro. U may end up with nothing to transfer after spending so much money and emotional stress.

Same principle work, those who succeeded at fresh cycle, like me in my 2nd fresh. But FET this round if i fail, wat does not mean? Shldnt i succeed if i use the belief that some sisters said fresh cycle body more strain FET body better condition, does nt it contradict that belief?

Always remember this, got embyro to transfer. MEans got hope. No embyros no hope. So, why do u wan to throw away tt hope?
"kool123, post: 6823467, member: 54476"]anamika...my scan is tmr, i'm also keeping fingers crossed. U taking gonal f? mine started with 225 then increased to 300....duno tmr how....[/quote]
Kool123 I am on puregon not gonal f? Where r u taking treatment? Me in kkh. I am also praying for u. all the best. Me also very tensed. If my eggs does not grow wil they cancel my ivf?
Miracle_bb, i m not too hopeful of this embyro. 3 pregnancies, but only one success. That means my chance this time is only 30%. So, i truely believe tt my embyro may look good but genetically, not great. That explains the miscarriages. I have confident on my womb but not the embyro. I do not think is a lack of hormone support issue too coz none of my pregnancy i hv spotting issues. I believe my support is sufficient coz these oral and pressie support make me sick! Coz they r adding onto the hormones my body is producing. This is an artificial cycle, 2 days ago when i started the pressies, nausea starts! I hv not even done ET or close to getting pregnant.....
Miracle_bb, i m not too hopeful of this embyro. 3 pregnancies, but only one success. That means my chance this time is only 30%. So, i truely believe tt my embyro may look good but genetically, not great. That explains the miscarriages. I have confident on my womb but not the embyro. I do not think is a lack of hormone support issue too coz none of my pregnancy i hv spotting issues. I believe my support is sufficient coz these oral and pressie support make me sick! Coz they r adding onto the hormones my body is producing. This is an artificial cycle, 2 days ago when i started the pressies, nausea starts! I hv not even done ET or close to getting pregnant.....

I do agree with your realistic analysis!
The same here, I also am not thinking much on my FET this time round.
So we will see at end.
We need to give FET a chance to prove us totally wrong haha

Now you take care till BHCG. All the best!
Some sisters said will hold bk ET after ER st fresh cycle. Do FET instead. If u ask me, i will advise no unless ET cannot proceed coz of ohss.

This view of FET is better than fresh cycle as latter our body is loaded w lots of hormones r not proven. Is just guesses.

In most cases a failed cycle is a result of defective embyro. N whether an embyro has chromosome defects or not the naked eyes cant see. The quality of an embyro is based on look of the embyro n how the cells multiply. All gd do not mean no chromosome defects.

So, it is v possible that a non defective embyro which does not appear to look v nice is frozen instead of being transferred after ER in a fresh cycle.

Tt explain y fresh cycle fails but FET succeeded.

There's so many factors to a successful pregnancy. No one can say which cause the failure. Defective embyro, not enough support etc.

But once u freeze the embyro for future FET, u r introducing more factors that may affect the success rates! Do u really wan tt to happen?

Fresh cycle, at least the embyro r alive. Alive got hope! If no ET, freeze n do FET later, the embryo must first survive thaw! New factors r being introduced, eg thawing techniques, even, the quality of the embyrologist matters. At work, at times we dun form as well coz we dun feel gd. How abt the embyrologist? I am just stating some egs as analogy..

Also, nothing beat a fresh embyro. A fresh fish eaten on the spot is not as fishy as a frozen fish when thaw isnt it? Another analogy.

So if freeze all embyros for subsequent FET, dun wan to do ET immediately after ER, u intro new factora which will affect embyro survival rates even if it is a good embyro. U may end up with nothing to transfer after spending so much money and emotional stress.

Same principle work, those who succeeded at fresh cycle, like me in my 2nd fresh. But FET this round if i fail, wat does not mean? Shldnt i succeed if i use the belief that some sisters said fresh cycle body more strain FET body better condition, does nt it contradict that belief?

Always remember this, got embyro to transfer. MEans got hope. No embyros no hope. So, why do u wan to throw away tt hope?

jklim, thanks for your advice. I hear what you say. It is always good to hear different thoughts here. Myself don't know what to do as the next step. I think the best is to discuss with our own doctors.
Miracle_bb, the consoling part is this batch of our frozen embiees r fr the same batch we succeeded. So hopefully, give us some chance.

I was in fact relief when i heard one has arrested! I cant imagine twins if the odds happen! If single embyro still strike twins then is really GOD'S will.... like tt kkivf nurse...
Miracle_bb, i only hv 2 left. So Thawed 2, and 1 arrested. It was frozen at d2, 4 cells. Which is the right no of cells at d2. 2 cells died during thaw but existing cells multiplied and become 4. Dr tan and the embyroist told me this is a good embyro n transferred 1. We shall see.

Kkivf told me just now chances of frozen embyro surviving thaw is 80%

This is the last try for me too. I shld be one of the oldest around in this forum. Just turned 41 yrs old. Am contended with just belle, my only child if that's GOD's will.
Jklim, you are not the oldest. I'm turning 42 soon in a weeks time!
anamika...my scan is tmr, i'm also keeping fingers crossed. U taking gonal f? mine started with 225 then increased to 300....duno tmr how....
Kool, you going for scan tmr? I'm going for my scan tmr too... Suddenly feels kan Cheong about it. Feeling it happened too quickly cos it's short protocol
Miracle_bb, the consoling part is this batch of our frozen embiees r fr the same batch we succeeded. So hopefully, give us some chance.

I was in fact relief when i heard one has arrested! I cant imagine twins if the odds happen! If single embyro still strike twins then is really GOD'S will.... like tt kkivf nurse...

I don't think so about that part.
It is very impossible that we get twin or even triplets from one single embryo since the embyroist inject one sperm into one egg. Unless it is embyroist's error keke
I thought put two can get high chance of being pregnant with at least one. If two, very lucky can close factory already.

yeah let's hope for our FET success together. *crossing our fingers*
I don't think so about that part.
It is very impossible that we get twin or even triplets from one single embryo since the embyroist inject one sperm into one egg.
I thought put two can get high chance of being pregnant with at least one. If two, very lucky can close factory already.

yeah let's hope for our FET success together. *crossing our fingers*
It is possible, even with 1 sperm, it split. I do know someone who got triplet, 1 of them are split from 1 embroyo

Last time I was told putting more doesn't meant will get more but the rest will help to "push" up the other embroyo for implantation or something
Miracle_bb, one emybro can split! That's how identical twins r formed. Kkivf tt pregnant Malay nurse, transferred one but ended w twins! My colleague transferred 2 but ended w 3! Though likelihood of embyro splitting is v low, it does happen!
Kool, you going for scan tmr? I'm going for my scan tmr too... Suddenly feels kan Cheong about it. Feeling it happened too quickly cos it's short protocol

Hi janices, yes i'm going for scan tmr! ya i also quite kan cheong about it...u went for how many scan already? u at kkh or sgh?

anamika, i'm doing at sgh.
It is possible, even with 1 sperm, it split. I do know someone who got triplet, 1 of them are split from 1 embroyo

Last time I was told putting more doesn't meant will get more but the rest will help to "push" up the other embroyo for implantation or something

Oh really? hmm..
It is amazing but guess it is very rare. right?

Surely probably the embryos can help pushing one another for implantation.

By the way, what is your updated status? Hope all is well with you.
Not rare. Lots of identical twins around. be it ivf or natural conception, that's how identical twins r form. Kkivf tt nurse is an eg, my colleaguew triplet too!
Miracle_bb, one emybro can split! That's how identical twins r formed. Kkivf tt pregnant Malay nurse, transferred one but ended w twins! My colleague transferred 2 but ended w 3! Though likelihood of embyro splitting is v low, it does happen!

Cool! It must be very rare.
But not very likely to happen to me haha
Maybe it will happen to you.
Now I learnt but still have doubts. Never mind.
It is already a wonderful blessings... Yeah it is up to God for giving you the best gift.
Oh really? hmm..
It is amazing but guess it is very rare. right?

Surely probably the embryos can help pushing one another for implantation.

By the way, what is your updated status? Hope all is well with you.
Today is my 4th day jab, I'm on short protocol. Tmr going for my 1st scan, hope everything is ok, now start to kan Cheong
Santhiya, all the best for your ET and this cycle!
Hazel, good sharing *thumbs up* wishing u success in this cycle!
Miracle baby, sorry to hear u lost 2 precious in a similar experience. Seems like it's not so uncommon. Hope your coming cycle will yield positive results.
Waouh this thread moves fast !
@santhiya86 wish you all the best for tomorrow - take socks plus a soft blanket to cuddle
@pumpkin_pie all the best - i dont Know if you Know but There are machines to listen up heart beats after my first Mc (i had 2) i bought one And used to listen to my Baby heart day ans night to keep me secured - once born i also bought a breathe monitor (you put under matress ans when Baby stop breathing it rings like hell - it happened once - hb ran took him And monitored him he had a breathlessness due to some bad positionning) anyway for the heart beat thing you put it on Tummy it works at 7 weeks or so
hi.. im trying again too. failed my second fresh n thinking of gg for a third cos I hv only 1 frozen left. dont know why we cant yield many eggs. even embroyologist also cant really explain why. hubby sperm mortolophy is no good too.
shld I just try out fet on my last frostie. or go for my 3rd fresh. last 2nd fresh I only yield 3 usable eggs that meet kkh mark.
Hi janices, yes i'm going for scan tmr! ya i also quite kan cheong about it...u went for how many scan already? u at kkh or sgh?

anamika, i'm doing at sgh.

Hi kool123, I am doing at kkh. Yesterday was my second scanning. How about yours? Don't worry everything wil be fine.
Gigi I have the doptone machine too. Handheld n sounds just like doc machines. But my doc advised me not to use frequently. I think too much sound waves not good ba. I used only when I m very very very very worried or baby very quiet. Ya it was a great tool for me too!
Hazel trust that you are resting well. Just curious how do you manage not carrying Belle? Sure she will ask for you right? Hee .. so sad if cannot carry leh.
Waouh this thread moves fast !
@santhiya86 wish you all the best for tomorrow - take socks plus a soft blanket to cuddle
@pumpkin_pie all the best - i dont Know if you Know but There are machines to listen up heart beats after my first Mc (i had 2) i bought one And used to listen to my Baby heart day ans night to keep me secured - once born i also bought a breathe monitor (you put under matress ans when Baby stop breathing it rings like hell - it happened once - hb ran took him And monitored him he had a breathlessness due to some bad positionning) anyway for the heart beat thing you put it on Tummy it works at 7 weeks or so
The heartbeat thing is a Doppler.
Hazel trust that you are resting well. Just curious how do you manage not carrying Belle? Sure she will ask for you right? Hee .. so sad if cannot carry leh.

Not being able to carry my 12kg 2.5 yo son is the worse of this 2ww. After this I'll never complain he's heavy again. Time and again he hugs my thighs & call mommy bao bao with outstretched arms.... But I still have to use a thousand and 1 excuses to distract him. Or reduce any chance of going out alone with him which is when he wants to be carried most often.
Sunflower, i will still carry her n she is 15kg, 92cm at 2 yrs old. She looks like a 3 yr old... playing scooter w her helmet, etc. N quite independent n sturdy. She will walk n hold my hands when i told her mummy is tired.

Will just try not to carry too long while standing up. Earlier in the evening, she was playing at the playground, climbing up n down n i was running after her. I m more worried on her pressing on my abdomen which is sensitive to touch since transfer. She pressed on it a few times earlier n i scolded her.. she was upset n ran to her daddy...

Is hard not to carry her n is not fair to her too. Will just be careful.

For now, the embiee is safe floating ard still in the womb.. those pregnant naturally also wun know they r pregnant until much later n they carry on their life as usual.
Gigi, u really bought a lot of stuff back then. Can understand yr anxiety aft 2 m/c. Am aware of the Doppler but concerned abt too much sound wave exposure like what sunflower mentioned. My hubby on the other hand, says sound waves wouldn't hurt. Will go get it if I need some assurance later. Tks for the reminder :)
Wow ok .. I mean wondering come my turn how .. sure very heart pain not to carry number 1. As it is now he is running to me calling mama at the same time then yes hug thighs pull dress even curl his legs up and around my legs. Even when I m seated on the floor he will come plonk himself on my lap like that's his throne.

Sisters!!!! I saw a very faint faint faint positive line (in the morning of 12dp3dt). The first time in my life that I could see or dare to image this line. It is so faint that I cannot help to thinking that this maybe a non-viable pregnancy or really my imagination.
