IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats Ping!!!! Faint line means got hcg just not a lot yet. No la not unviable la. Don't think rots!
Ooooh cool i love to see Bfp s! Picture ! Which brand ? Maybe its a cheap one - go and get a early first response
A line is a line ! So i beleive you bfped !
Gigi, u really bought a lot of stuff back then. Can understand yr anxiety aft 2 m/c. Am aware of the Doppler but concerned abt too much sound wave exposure like what sunflower mentioned. My hubby on the other hand, says sound waves wouldn't hurt. Will go get it if I need some assurance later. Tks for the reminder :)
Ooooh yes i heard that too but its not right my docs were ok its just to listen you dont send waves its not like a vaginal u/s
Yep am the paranoiac type
Congrats Ping!!!!

Thanks sunflower. Yesterday, I have been crying for hours about my negative POAS on 11dp3dt. My mom doesn't allow me to consider adoption until my age doesn't allow me to do any more Ivf, which probably another 7-8 years down the road. But I want to adopt in 2015 since I will have been TTC for 3+ years by then. I cannot face trying trying trying without seeing any result for such a long period. I want to have my own baby. I will love my kids no matter though my own pregnancy or adopted.
Thanks sunflower. Yesterday, I have been crying for hours about my negative POAS on 11dp3dt. My mom doesn't allow me to consider adoption until my age doesn't allow me to do any more Ivf, which probably another 7-8 years down the road. But I want to adopt in 2015 since I will have been TTC for 3+ years by then. I cannot face trying trying trying without seeing any result for such a long period. I want to have my own baby. I will love my kids no matter though my own pregnancy or adopted.
I heard it takes up to 2 years ttcing for under 35 then consider theres a problem only for +35yo we allow up to 1 year ttcing
You just had to be patient ;) Mum right as always !
Wat is the injection u having? When is the last time u had tt?

If is pregnyl jab, cannot do bhcg test. Thats bhcg itself n will confirm give a false positive.
hi hazel. how many days MC you are given for rest? 3days or one week?
After ET, can go back to work the next day?
I think it is okay to carry kid but not often, till confirmed pregnant then take extra careful. No?
Progesterone injections during 2ww is not kkivf protocol. And that jab is painful meh! Kkh only givea tt jab after pregnancy n there's spotting. If not is oral progesterone tablets or pressies.

U can tell the nurse how many days of mc u need. They r flexible. That's before ET after registration. This is not a fresh cycle. So, yes, next day can go bk to work if u wan too. I asked for 2 days. These days, mc also wun indicate kkivf anymore. I kapo, was checking w them while waiting m turn. Then after ET, i was chatting w the nurse assisting dr tan n embyrologist. Keke...

Well, many pregnant ladies tummy big big also carry their older child.. wat to do.. just b more careful n dun carry too long while standing.
Actually, i do not have much stress this round. Pregnant, good, belle has a sibiling. Not pregnant, is fine too coz i already have belle, i m contended. I will shower all my time n resources on her. Belle follows us everywhere we go since 6 months old. Is always threesome.

Dr loh told me when we hv no 2, the most likely reason is coz we wan our older child to hv a companion. I truely agree w me.
Actually, i do not have much stress this round. Pregnant, good, belle has a sibiling. Not pregnant, is fine too coz i already have belle, i m contended. I will shower all my time n resources on her. Belle follows us everywhere we go since 6 months old. Is always threesome.

Dr loh told me when we hv no 2, the most likely reason is coz we wan our older child to hv a companion. I truely agree w me.

Agree!! No need to stress so much and just need to relax more. That will be good for your soul and mind.
Let it flow as it decides for you. Do enjoy family times now and future.

It is great to know you here and you are really good to share your knowledge with us.
Hi sisters, I'm a little worried. Did my ER on wed and it really hurt for me, maybe because I didn't expect it to be so painful. I got 22 eggs retrieved and today's update is 5 out of the 10 which were fertilised are good quality and the embryologist will cultivate until hopefully blastocyst stage and freeze the eggies. I'm a little disappointed that only 5 out of the 22 eggs that I have. I really really pray that everything will work out with them for my ET.
I am with Thomson fertility center.

Congrats Ping!! Keep doing poas everyday. Shd hey darker. That's how I assured myself in last preg. Also faint line on 12dp3dt.

Progesterone jabs really really hurt. I'm doing it now daily. It's not the jab itself, it's the aftermath 1-2 days that blue black feeling. Bum hit something also pain. I have to do everyday since last BT shows lousy progesterone count. Supposed to be a natural cycle, but after ET, I do insert, pop pills and jabs daily....
Congrats Ping!! Keep doing poas everyday. Shd hey darker. That's how I assured myself in last preg. Also faint line on 12dp3dt.

Progesterone jabs really really hurt. I'm doing it now daily. It's not the jab itself, it's the aftermath 1-2 days that blue black feeling. Bum hit something also pain. I have to do everyday since last BT shows lousy progesterone count. Supposed to be a natural cycle, but after ET, I do insert, pop pills and jabs daily....

This morning, the faint "watermark" disappeared after half an hour.

Pink_martini, how are u now? Have many days into pregnancy? Happy for you.
Sisters!!!! I saw a very faint faint faint positive line (in the morning of 12dp3dt). The first time in my life that I could see or dare to image this line. It is so faint that I cannot help to thinking that this maybe a non-viable pregnancy or really my imagination.

congrats pingpingzoe, 12dp3dt and you detected a faint line in hpt is the correct time. probably at night or tomorrow you do again it will start to darken. anyway since you doing BT today i am sure able to detect hcg inside (more accurate). good luck babe.
Santhiya, have a smooth ET tdy. Hope that u will have many good quality embryos. Update us!
Juz came back after ET..had 5 good quality eggs..froze 3.. Transferred 2 grade 3,4 cell embryos..BT on 10/3/14..had to control urine until peed a little while transferring..so paiseh., hehehehe..
After progesterone jab, use a warm pad n rub gently over the jab site to disperse the medicine. That jab is oil based, doesn't disperse easily.

Dunno how u all csn take so much hormones med. They make Me sick though my support not as Much.
Juz came back after ET..had 5 good quality eggs..froze 3.. Transferred 2 grade 3,4 cell embryos..BT on 10/3/14..had to control urine until peed a little while transferring..so paiseh., hehehehe..

hahaha santhiya i always will think of this too what happen if i pee during transfer...so paiseh...but i guess its not their 1st time seeing this. this round you got more better quality eggs. good luck for your coming BT.
hahaha santhiya i always will think of this too what happen if i pee during transfer...so paiseh...but i guess its not their 1st time seeing this. this round you got more better quality eggs. good luck for your coming BT.
Haha..Dr sadhana was telling me to pee if I can't control..wen I told her I feel paiseh,she said she has experienced many patients who peed on her..hehehe
sisters, my bHCG only 5. The watermark this morning was a false positive or maybe I imaged too much.

Saw my doctor just now. He said that today should be my 11dp3dt as the day of ET doesn't count. Since my HCG is 5, it is still positive but just at low level. The blood test should be done on 16-17 day post ET, a HCG level more than 250 is considered to be good.
pingpingzoe since is 5 means positive and since today is 11days only the embryo only start to implant so you just have to make sure it double up and increase this few days. still got chance and high chance in fact. thats why they always schedule bt 17days after ET.
Oh Ping so sorry a Watermark is not a line :( but dont worry next Time you ll succeed
@santiya great perfect number no need for more
@jklim4642 agree with Loh too same here its mainly for my son
Saw my doctor just now. He said that today should be my 11dp3dt as the day of ET doesn't count. Since my HCG is 5, it is still positive but just at low level. The blood test should be done on 16-17 day post ET, a HCG level more than 250 is considered to be good.

sorry, I said wrongly. I checked with the nurse again. Should do BT on D15 post ET (ET day is D0).
not gg to waste my 1 last frozen embby. but just wonder if i shld just do fresh and then the extra embbies combine with this single one. u know after thawing there might be a chance of cant make it to the womb... dr loh ask me to go n do fresh instead of using that frozen.
not gg to waste my 1 last frozen embby. but just wonder if i shld just do fresh and then the extra embbies combine with this single one. u know after thawing there might be a chance of cant make it to the womb... dr loh ask me to go n do fresh instead of using that frozen.
Ah ok... Loh knows best !!
Pingping: prepare for the worst but keep hoping for the best. If you weren't in hcg support jabs, perhaps the little one did try to implant. Whether it succeeds or not you will know for sure at the actual BT. Not looking too strong for now but these things only God knows the ultimate answer. I would be tempted to POAS the next few days to get satisfy myself before the BT.. u hang in there too...
Pingping: prepare for the worst but keep hoping for the best. If you weren't in hcg support jabs, perhaps the little one did try to implant. Whether it succeeds or not you will know for sure at the actual BT. Not looking too strong for now but these things only God knows the ultimate answer. I would be tempted to POAS the next few days to get satisfy myself before the BT.. u hang in there too...

Ron8129, Good luck with your POAS. Hope you can get BFP!!!!

My doctor used pregnyl (HCG) to trigger the ovulation 36h before the ER. I am sure this morning the faint line or "watermark" is due to my own HCG level as there was completely nothing on the stick yesterday and the day before. Yes, the hope is minimum. When the nurse called me this noon, she straight away said you are not pregnant. It was my doctor who encouraged me and asked me to continue my progesterone supports and do another blood next Monday.
