IVF/ICSI Support Group

how many eggs do they normally retrieve? so far, i've been trying IUI; taking some med from day 2 to day 6; but only 1 egg comes out. did a eggs reserve blood test; on the normal low range..

Hahaha!!! Thank you ladies for the support! I have to maintain this way to make myself sane hehe...

Short protocol about 12-14 days depending on your reaction to the medicine. My ER/ET should be end of next week if everything goes well :)
hehe, what does immunocal taste like? u mix mamil with yakult? actually i'm lactose intolerance so i seldom drink milk..only once a while drink meiji chocolate milk.hehe.

Animika - I got try to blend avocados with berries and drink (just started this). i also duno how it helps but since website says so, i just try to drink a bit.hahahaha....my next scan is friday. All the best to you, hope to hear good news from u!
Kool, no I mix immunocal with mamil, Yakult or fresh milk. But I have not been drinking mamil for a long time. Avo good for embroyo?
Finally found this support group!!! I am doing my 2nd fresh cycle now. Today is 10dp3dt. Tested urine this morning... BFN BFN :( feel so terrible now...
Hi ladies...juz ended my ER..managed to retrieve 19 eggs...will be doing ET this fri..hopefully everything turns out well..my BT will be on 10th march.. :)

19 eggs! nice!I only have 10 eggs this time and eventually only 5 good quality embryos. Hope they are enough to get my pregnant:)
Hi ladies...juz ended my ER..managed to retrieve 19 eggs...will be doing ET this fri..hopefully everything turns out well..my BT will be on 10th march.. :)

19 eggs! nice!I only have 10 eggs this time and eventually only 5 good quality embryos. Hope they are enough to get my pregnant:)
Kool, no I mix immunocal with mamil, Yakult or fresh milk. But I have not been drinking mamil for a long time. Avo good for embroyo?

ooh hahaha, okay i tot u mix ur mamil with yakult. i didnt buy immunocal. heard its expensive also. Well i guess i'll just stick to drink more water and try to gulp the Ensure milk every night. The web article only mentioned Avoc good for IVF cases but duno how exactly it helps.

wah so if everything goes well...next week also my turn for ER? i'm having slight CM liao...
santhiya86 said:
Hi.juz ended my ER..managed to retrieve 19 eggs...will be doing ET this fri..hopefully everything turns out well..my BT will be on 10th march.. :)
19 eggs sounds good santhiya. How are u feeling now. Is It painfull? If everything goes well next week wil be my ER
ooh hahaha, okay i tot u mix ur mamil with yakult. i didnt buy immunocal. heard its expensive also. Well i guess i'll just stick to drink more water and try to gulp the Ensure milk every night. The web article only mentioned Avoc good for IVF cases but duno how exactly it helps.

wah so if everything goes well...next week also my turn for ER? i'm having slight CM liao...
Wow! So we could be cycle buddy!!!! Hmm I better go n buy mamil too :p
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the wishes..I am trying my best to stay warm...
Still in lots of pain after ER..have been on bed rest since I came back home..
Waiting patiently for Friday..my previous cycle,I had 15 eggs but on 2 survived due to poor quality..now I have 19eggs..hope it works out this time..
Hi sistas, can anyone share if down with flu, bad cough and still proceeded ET with BFP? My ET is next week and I have bad cough with sore throat, try to avoid medicine and liang tea, what best can I do?

All the best to those in 2ww and ER / ET soon, jiayou!!!
Hi sistas, can anyone share if down with flu, bad cough and still proceeded ET with BFP? My ET is next week and I have bad cough with sore throat, try to avoid medicine and liang tea, what best can I do?

All the best to those in 2ww and ER / ET soon, jiayou!!!

I have very bad cough on the eve of my ET and only recover few days later. I proceed with ET & request cough med from doc. I bfp last September & due to deliver my baby this may. Can drink warm honey with lemon to soothe the throat
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the wishes..I am trying my best to stay warm...
Still in lots of pain after ER..have been on bed rest since I came back home..
Waiting patiently for Friday..my previous cycle,I had 15 eggs but on 2 survived due to poor quality..now I have 19eggs..hope it works out this time..
Hi Santhiya, 19 is a good number. Hopefully with saizen, yr eggs will improve in quality greatly! By the way, did u opt for 2 days transfer? Does KKH do 3 days or 5 days transfer? If u have many good embryos, it's better to do a 5DT?
Santhiya, was the previous fresh cycle with short stimulation phase too? Yr ER is v fast this round. During my 1st fresh, I stimmed 14 days.

hi there, how was your transfer today? did you check with your doc in kkh whether your lining today is how? they dont do vaginal ultrasound today right just the normal abdominal ultrasound to guide the transfer procedure. so from now to BT day you dont have to go down for anymore testing for progesterone or e2? what medicine support were you given this round? sorry so many qns :oops:
I guess I will be starting my ivf soon...

Spotting last night and some red spotting this morning... now bad cramps... hate the cramp...

Waiting for it to come full before i can call kkh...
Santhiya, was the previous fresh cycle with short stimulation phase too? Yr ER is v fast this round. During my 1st fresh, I stimmed 14 days.
Hi tsf0205..
I was told to come tomorrow for the transfer..it's a 2 day transfer..was not given a choice.. :(.. Previously it took 11 days of stim..this time is 9 days..guess the eggs were ready too early.. :)so nervous abt tomorrow..wonder how many made it thru..
Hi tsf0205..
I was told to come tomorrow for the transfer..it's a 2 day transfer..was not given a choice.. :(.. Previously it took 11 days of stim..this time is 9 days..guess the eggs were ready too early.. :)so nervous abt tomorrow..wonder how many made it thru..

hopefully the change of medicine during this cycle will yield better quality eggs, u started royal jelly too right since last cycle. dont know within a short time will the royal jelly take effect as i read before it actually require 90days of consumption before they can start to improve our egg quality but got start better than no start :) no harm eating.
Hi hi!
I am new to this IVF support group... I am currently seeing dr loh from thomson fertility centre.. should be starting my first ivf cycle early next month!
any advice on what i should eat to have better eggs quality.. hee.. :D
i am coming 40 already. going for my no. 2. my first kid is 6 years old..

hello my kid will turn 6 this year and i will turn 39 and am with loh for my ivf #2 as well loh is a real magician good luck
Hi friends, today went for scanning still my eggs r very small(7 only:() They increased my dosage from 150 to 175 and asked to come for scanning on Saturday. i am worried so much:(. Any one happened the same thing? Now wat can i do? Already i am on day 11. First they started with very low dose (100 only) i think they must be starting with 150 ul.
Same support before n after for transfer for medicated transfer
Ie oral progynova and progesterone pressie. These can only stop after first trimester.

I take aspirin too before n after n will continue to delivery

No BT till 17 days later for bhcg.

Was told lining is already good at 11.5mm last scan n will only grow further. No need to check again.
hopefully the change of medicine during this cycle will yield better quality eggs, u started royal jelly too right since last cycle. dont know within a short time will the royal jelly take effect as i read before it actually require 90days of consumption before they can start to improve our egg quality but got start better than no start :) no harm eating.

I juz started the royal jelly this month..hope it helped.. Will let u know the outcome tomorrow..
Hi friends, today went for scanning still my eggs r very small(7 only:() They increased my dosage from 150 to 175 and asked to come for scanning on Saturday. i am worried so much:(. Any one happened the same thing? Now wat can i do? Already i am on day 11. First they started with very low dose (100 only) i think they must be starting with 150 ul.

my dosage was low to begin with when i 1st started fresh last year, in between like you they increase once and finally they introduce another injection together with my current so total i inject 2 needles daily for last 3days. i stimulate for a good 14-15days cannot remember. during scan my follicles not alot too definetly less than 20 and i remember only few are big and doc told me probably looking at 6-7 eggs that will mature. but during retrieval i got 34
eggs and 24 fertilsed. so dont worry too much sometimes our body during the last few days will work extra hard :)
Same support before n after for transfer for medicated transfer
Ie oral progynova and progesterone pressie. These can only stop after first trimester.

I take aspirin too before n after n will continue to delivery

No BT till 17 days later for bhcg.

Was told lining is already good at 11.5mm last scan n will only grow further. No need to check again.

i see. my support before et is only cyclogest (progesterone support) no oral support for me. no aspirin too (i wonder can i ask for this) why your doc prescribe you aspirin in 1st place? aspirin is to increase lining right?
my dosage was low to begin with when i 1st started fresh last year, in between like you they increase once and finally they introduce another injection together with my current so total i inject 2 needles daily for last 3days. i stimulate for a good 14-15days cannot remember. during scan my follicles not alot too definetly less than 20 and i remember only few are big and doc told me probably looking at 6-7 eggs that will mature. but during retrieval i got 34
eggs and 24 fertilsed. so dont worry too much sometimes our body during the last few days will work extra hard :)
Healthybaby may I ask what jab they added last few days? 24 embryos are alot! So now you slowly fet and culture blastocysts?
i started with menopur then they introduce puregon. yup as i got 24 fertilised the doc straight away put me for 5day transfer and i left 10blastocyst at day5. the rest of the 14 didn make it. failed my fresh even with 2 blast trf, now doing natural fet will transfer 2 more blast. hopefully they r doing well and thawed well too on day of transfer.
This round is artificial thaw, so no ovulation. So need progyona to provide the ovulation hormones. Progesterone is to support pregnancy. 2 r different support.

Aspirin is to thin the blood. So tt more blood go to the womb and increases chance of pregnancy and miscarriages. But i understand not scientifically proven yet. I understand dr S wun give usually as she feels that no guarantee it will work.

I started asprin only at 3rd pregnancy after 2 miscarriages. This time, i asked for it. So started asprin when i started the cycle. It is not the standard medicine tt kkivf will do. I must always remind them to give me. Realised they dun give folic acid too. That's v impt, must take even before starting cycle.
The hormones support n folic acid will stop after first trimester. But for aspirin, i will continue to a few wks before delivery
I see jklim. I always thought aspirin is to make the lining thicker. Opps so actually is thin the blood. But we wouldn know if we need this aspirin anot right since they can't test our blood concentration level during the usual blood test right? Now I understand. So I guess no harm right even if one is not require to take aspirin but they took it for prevention. Since it's to make blood flow into uterus.
Repeated miscarriages
Repeated unexplained cases of failures

Some drs will prescribe aspirin to see if it will help.
Taking Aspirins have risks. It has to be stopped prior to any procedure tt can cause bleeding though the dosage is v low for us. It hinders clotting of blood so in situation where there's is bleeding, is dangerous. though dosage is v low, ia better still to stop prior to such a procedure.

Also may bruise easily when on aspirins as blood vessels burSt more easily when we bump ourselves into something.

These r the risks but v low maybe coz of the low dose.
Hi friends, today went for scanning still my eggs r very small(7 only:() They increased my dosage from 150 to 175 and asked to come for scanning on Saturday. i am worried so much:(. Any one happened the same thing? Now wat can i do? Already i am on day 11. First they started with very low dose (100 only) i think they must be starting with 150 ul.

My eggs were also not growing well even though my dosage was 375 IU gonal F. Then my Dr. changed the drug to puregon. He said the eggs grew much better after the change. I guess I responsed better to puregon. In the end got 10 eggs, of which 7 were mature.
i started with menopur then they introduce puregon. yup as i got 24 fertilised the doc straight away put me for 5day transfer and i left 10blastocyst at day5. the rest of the 14 didn make it. failed my fresh even with 2 blast trf, now doing natural fet will transfer 2 more blast. hopefully they r doing well and thawed well too on day of transfer.

Is there a new theory says that FET has a higher success rate than fresh one?
Is there a new theory says that FET has a higher success rate than fresh one?

Yes lately I was so bored at home during 2ww started researching. The success rate seems higher than fresh for some clinics simply because the body is at a more natural state compared to during fresh cycle when it's pumped with medicines and hormones.
hi Hazel,
congrats you went thru ET today and I hope you have 2 little ones in you now.
I know a fresh cycle is better but this time I also hope FET proves us otherwise.

Hi pumpkin_pie,
Reading your story makes me recall my exact same situation I was before.
Dr loh is indeed correct and experienced after perhaps many similar cases. He told me to prepare for the worst but still ask me to pray for the miracle.
In end, I lost twin together after BFP one week later after I found spotting turn into a constant bleeding with thick blood clots. It was sent to lab for checking and turn out all normal. It could be unhealthy growth. I cried my heart out for two weeks. It is better to let twin go than trying a number of times to make them stay alive but sick in later stages of growing. Better not, right? We only want a healthy child. FYI, it is FET.
I can see you are stronger than me and I am sure you will be blessed the next cycle try or even this time you can have 2nd. Take care ya!

Hi everyone else on this forum,
I wish you everyone will meet your dream very soon! All the best, ya!

Now I am waiting for the full menses this month and it is FET from the 2nd cycle with Dr HH Tan. I am not confident about it due to my previous case.
As it is very last FET with only one living embryo, I can't bear to dispose as it deserves a chance to live. I don't know if it can survive thawing.
If it don't success, I am truly sad. If it survives, I just leave it for God.
I really love a few more kids but a pity I have to stop because of my age risks.
It has been 5 years since I start the IVF and it was time to close the IVF journey this year.
But still, I am grateful that IVF is the alternate medical treatment and I got two beautiful kids now.

If not for this forum, I really don't know what to do. This forum is a great help and comfort. Thank you for your kind sharing and news.

Miracle_bb, i only hv 2 left. So Thawed 2, and 1 arrested. It was frozen at d2, 4 cells. Which is the right no of cells at d2. 2 cells died during thaw but existing cells multiplied and become 4. Dr tan and the embyroist told me this is a good embyro n transferred 1. We shall see.

Kkivf told me just now chances of frozen embyro surviving thaw is 80%

This is the last try for me too. I shld be one of the oldest around in this forum. Just turned 41 yrs old. Am contended with just belle, my only child if that's GOD's will.
