IVF/ICSI Support Group

U can ask the dr on day of ET how's the lining then.

I always did under dr loh's time in kkivf. If he said good then i trust him.

Triple lining can go away after a few days after ovulation. Well, mine went away then reappear near to ovulation. I asked the ivf dr on duty, she cant explain too!

u mean during the day of transfer the machine they use to transfer can see the lining? i remember during my fresh cycle they only do stomach scan so that doctor can see the passage to aid in the placing of the embryos. i remember dr loh say actually the machine can see even if doing stomach scan but not as accurate and clear. only roughly. so i dont know how they see. they didn do vaginal u/s right on day of trf back then when you r with dr loh in kkh?

Kkh dont scan again on ET day de. Make me wonder what if triple gone by then.
yes they dont, actually sometime i think even if they do scan on day of transfer and seriously the lining is all gone or not good will we abort the cycle since come so far. i probably will still go ahead with it.
I dunno how dr loh's see the lining. But he will tell me gd lining. This time, i will ask dr tan if my embyro make it after thaw
Hi everyone,

It's been a looooong time since I posted on SMH. There was a long time I didn't want to read anything fertility or pregnancy related, especially in between all the waiting time for IVF. And one by one the friends I knew on this thread all got pregnant, or left.

Anyway, I did my first IVF cycle with PC Wong at NUH in October/November. We ended up freezing all that cycle because I was overstimulated and got really sick. It's not done much here because people don't like to wait, but it's getting popular in the West and doctors believe it's better to rest one cycle before transferring if the patient is showing signs of OHSS.

Along the way, there were so many obstacles and I never thought it would happen for me. Actually, before October, we started one cycle in August, but that was cancelled because of poor response. This time, we changed medications, and I got plenty of eggs.

So after another long wait, we transferred one embryo on 29th January. Again, this was a controversial decision, because what we did is called 'selective single embryo transfer' or eSET. It's increasingly practised in developed countries like Sweden, Belgium, Japan, but they've only started it at NUH. They want to discourage multiples pregnancy because of the high risks of complications and preterm labour. For 'young' patients like myself (< age 35) with good quality embryos, they found that if you transfer two, chances of twins is more than 50%! This is based on overseas medical studies. So even though I had reservations, Prof and my hubby strongly encouraged me to try eSET, and we transferred one good embryo.

I had a quiet Chinese New Year given the timing of the transfer. A few days later, I woke up in the middle of the night with the urge to pee. The next morning, I tested positive (6dp4dt) on one of the sensitive (HCG=25) pregnancy strips I got from the US. Confirmed with a positive beta the next morning.

I'm now in my 6th week and cautiously optimistic. I never believed I would see two lines on the test strip and it's still hard believing I'm pregnant and not worrying. But I wanted to share my story with you all to give you hope. I too, was very upset and very frustrated many times over the past few years.

BTW, I also run a Facebook group, started a few years ago with a group of SMH girls, most of whom are now Moms already. Yeah, I'm behind :) but it's okay. Own pace, own timing.

It's called Our Little Rainbow, and it's a safe and secure harbour for you to share your fertility ups and downs. If you have more questions for me about IVF, freezing all, or eSET, just message me. It's easier to reach me on Facebook as I don't check SMH that often, but I'll do my best to respond :)

Happy TTC-ing, and wishing all of you lots of baby dust!!!
Tewig, congrats!!
Santhiya, tks for sharing. A class also the same hmmm...
Sarah, the ward drs will do their usual morning rounds. But today, it was the subfertility drs who came to see me during the morning rounds. I could see the ward drs talking to other patients in my room. But for me, the subfertility drs spoke to me. Definitely more knowledgeable about embryo size/shape etc than the general drs. Another patient in my room did a major and complicated op so there were a lot more specialists who came to see her. I saw her designated dr (can tell is a pretty senior guy) who brought along other specialists involved in the op and an entourage of students. They were all smiling and congratulated her on a successful op. So i guess if it's a new technique or good test case for students, dr will come visit whether subsidized or not.
Hi ladies,
I am new to this forum. I started my 1st ivf on Feb10th . I was on 100 ul of puregon for one week and later went for first scanning. But doctor told that my eggs r still small size(6 & 7) and increased my dosage to 150 ul. But i am worried weather my eggs can grow or not because i don't feel any symptoms. Can any one please tell wil be there any symptoms like bloating or cramping when eggs r developing?
I was warded in kkh many times. In class A my doc came. In class B only ward docs came. Unless very critical like my last pregnancy i had Dr Tan HH coming to me when i least expect.

So yes it's probably still possible n up to docs to visit for lower ward class but in general they don't unless very necessary.
Anamika I don't think can feel eggs growing. Maybe swelling of ovaries at best. Even with that can be effects of medication. Hard to tell. Still scan will tell if more or bigger follicles.
Hi ladies, decided to share my update after much consideration... Thks so much for yr well wishes.

Pumpkin, glad u r sounding well. U r so strong, m so proud of u! =) Jia you k.

After BT, scan n seeing dr S this PM, I had my medical abortion. Beta only increased by 1 thousand, so I knew a second opinion doesn't matter anymore. She suggested medical since it's early else delay till abt 10 week for natural m/c n a d&g which poses a bit more risk.

E failure was suspected to b genetic issue of the embryo. Does anyone has any insights to this? I did icsi due to hubby's poor sperm issues - count, morph n etc. had no clue at all y or wats wrong with our genes! it's a tough reason to manage right? Perhaps all 3 of my frozen embryo which r grade 4 n 3 will all result in the same since it's genetic? It's been a devastating day.

Wishing everyone more luck than me! Cheers!
Anamika meanwhile you may wanna add protein to your diet. Not guaranteed but no harm ma. Can help lessen ohss too. Eg. Eat egg whites etc ..
Eggs got good and bad ones. BAd eggs labelled to hv genetic issues. Nothing to do w ur genes.

Quality of eggs deteriorate w age. W icsi, men issues r removed.

Every woman is blessed w millions of eggs when she is born. Not all will be good. Dun hv to take it too heart coz of one failure. Every egg is independent. Not related.
I've read too tat age is one of the main factors. I'm 32.... So does tat mean my frozen embryos still hv a chance? Both failed this round.

Dr S is against genetic testing n thinks gg straight to FET is better. But that'll be at least 3 mths later.

Btw, she also don't advice natural conception within e next 6 weeks. Odd when it's the period I read we shd try naturally after a failed process, does anyone know?
Actually I also got this fear on icsi. Understand that if sperm quality no good they naturally no strength to penetrate the egg. That's why they say fertilisation usually is the strongest sperm. So in icsi, they didn allow the fittest sperm to swim to fertilise the egg, instead they select the sperm and inject into the egg. So this is the qns, what if the sperm they select is of a lower quality? Not so good quality? This will results in either no fertilisation or fertilise implant but due to problem unable to continue growing. My fresh was icsi too so all my frozen bb are match by the embryologist not natural fertilisation.
Thank u sunflower for replying as u said I wil add more proteins to my diet from now. Is there any other food that wil improve success? Babystarz i am so sorry for u. don't worry 32 is not a big number to affect the embryos quality. Many people succeed FET after there fresh cycle failure. So let's hope for best and be strong.
Hi, Hope2bb. I am rather new here. I only started posting during my 2ww of my first failed cycle. After the first cycle ended abruptly 2 weeks ago, I stopped posting. Needed the time to sort out my emotions n get back to work before planning my next step. I am seeing Dr S on this Friday. Only have 1 frosty and so I reckon I will go for another fresh when Dr S clears me for the next cycle. Are u with Dr S at KKH too?
Well good luck to you this Friday. I'm with Raffles Hospital Dr Sheila Loh. She has advised that I try natural FET next month. But a lot of feedback here seems to suggest medicated FET is less hassle. Will discuss the options with doc once AF comes.
Babystarz sorry to hear.

Actually nobody knows why embryo fail to grow n thrive. Could be various reasons though most of time doc will say genetic issues .. bad chromosomes etc .. but may or may not really be so.

Grading also is by sight and nobody can tell whether a low grade embryo is really less thriving. Likewise a good grade embryo can arrest too.

So don't despair yet. Your balance embryos may be totally independent of current implanted one. Take heart ok?

If your genes are really that bad there won't even be embryos to use at all. I know of sisters who sadly do not yield at all. Some have even gone overseas to do genetic testing before ivf.
Babystarz if you are concerned with genetics can consider genetic testing on yourself n hb though most of the times doc won't suggest unless recurrent miscarriages. Just an option.

I did these tests (karyotype etc ...) after my mc and turned out waste money - Both hb n me are ok. Just a stroke of poor luck for our mc.
Hi all, I have a aunt who works in a public hospital and she told me the difference between a subsidized and private patient is that private patients will have a fixed doctor who will follow thru your case, if u r on subsidized den will be whoever on duties, which also sounds right coz if everything also one doctor den he / she will b too overwhelmed and no time for patients. But den again, I do understand when something happens, we will want our doctor I/c to come and tell us what's wrong...
My embryo didn't grow well and stop growing at week 8 too. My gynae didn't tell me what's wrong (as usual) n we didn't bother to ask him too. Now I have changed to sgh care, dr yu upon knowing my case said embroyo didn't thrive probably embryos not strong enough. Seeing the post of the sisters here, I can really feel it. Imagine my edd suppose to be same as my bday which is about 1.5 weeks away, with the jabs, the roller coasters at sgh, I will think I don't have to go thru this at all!

Let's be strong n jiayou jiayou jiayou!
anamika- i'm in same situation as u. started the stimmulation 5 days ago and went for scan...they say eggies still small and increase gonal f to 300 and jab another 3 days before scan again. i'm so scared the eggs dont grow. i've been eating 2 eggs everyday..or do i have to increase? does drinking meiji milk helps?
I'm on progynova, utrogestan, aspirin & folic after my natural FET lei. Now 6dp3dt. Pregnyl jabs and hormones blood test twice after ET.
Lol pink martini, care always give max support. I had too progynova, utrogestan, aspirin, folic, progesterone jabs, crinone & pregnyl jabs too. Until now my backside lump still there :(
anamika- i'm in same situation as u. started the stimmulation 5 days ago and went for scan...they say eggies still small and increase gonal f to 300 and jab another 3 days before scan again. i'm so scared the eggs dont grow. i've been eating 2 eggs everyday..or do i have to increase? does drinking meiji milk helps?
For milk, some drink ensure but I drink mamil mama. Now I didn't drink mamil too, think I got to start already since already my 3rd day of stim and I'm on short protocol. How about immunocal?
Bbstarz, I had been thinking of u yesterday.. Read your update. A big hugz *squeeze*
As hazel and sunflower said, one failure doesn't mean your other embryos are no good. Many had failed 1 cycle and succeeded in the next cycle. So don't despair k? 32 is young in the ivf world. Share something with u. 1 of the ward nurses was v sweet. We were chatting and she shared her encouraging story aft she heard I had a miscarriage. She said she took clomid and had a 6-yr old boy. Wanted #2, so asked her dr to double her clomid dosage and she got pregnant. But she miscarriaged suddenly at 8 weeks. Was devastated and would tear easily and was depressed aft she rested and returned to work. But to everyone's surprise, she conceived naturally 1.5 mths later and is blessed with a 15-mth bb girl now. And she's 40 yr old already. So she told me if god thinks bb is not ready to join the world, he will take away. And give us when time is right. But she did tell me she was exceptionally careful with her 3rd pregnancy after the earlier m/c. So I'm not sure if it's advisable to try soon after an m/c but it has happened b4. Just go 'bu' your body as the body needs to recover after m/c
Sarah, forgot to reply u on this earlier. Just call Kk hotline to make an appt with the dr you want and say u wanna see him/her at TPS. They will give u the timeslot dr is at TPS.

Some updates abt myself. Discharged at noon ytd. Rested in the afternoon but felt slightly dizzy in the evening. Still have red staining and some tiny blood clots coming out. Have appt with dr Loh this evening but after much consideration, decided to postpone to nx week. Had done 3 vaginal u/s in 1 week which I think is excessive but unplanned cos of the m/c. So don't wanna add 1 more u/s today though I'm v keen to know how my remaining bb is doing inside. Will let nature take its course. If bb is alive and kicking nx week, that will be wonderful news! But if not, will prob hv a D&C done.
All the best to the rest of you!
pumpkin_pie, you indeed is a very strong lady. i agree with the choice you made, u/s with dr loh next week since by next week any results can be advised more accurately. meanwhile do take care and rest well.

anamika87 & kool123, dont worry too much, you girls are still in early scan stage. doc will increase dosage of injections if it still show little growth to your eggs. i dont start off with a good growth too and numbers. in fact my stimulation stage lasted 14days if i remember correctly. dosage increase from initial and last few days another injection introduce to help me get more and bigger eggs. so practically i am injecting 2 types of needles for my last few days of stimulation.
anamika- i'm in same situation as u. started the stimmulation 5 days ago and went for scan...they say eggies still small and increase gonal f to 300 and jab another 3 days before scan again. i'm so scared the eggs dont grow. i've been eating 2 eggs everyday..or do i have to increase? does drinking meiji milk helps?

Hi kool123, I read some where that eating avacados wil increase our chances of ivf success. But don't know what to eat for our egg growth. Tomorrow Is my scanning. I am worried. Let's hope for best. When is your next scan?
hi janices, i tried ensure but dun like the taste. heard immunocal's taste even worse? Is Mamil Mama's taste same as normal milk?
I hv not tried ensure, mamil mama eh taste like milk powder? Dunno his to explain but I had tried other brands I only like mamil mama n my cousin (a pharmacist) & I compare the ingredients I think mamil not as fattening :D immunocal yes doesn't taste good! But I had tried different drinks, mix with mamil, fresh milk & Yakult taste the best as compared to the rest. I have sinus, during my last fresh, I took immunocal throughout until I stopped bf. I never fell sick or even running nose. Now sinus back n always fell suck after my mc lady august. Erm... Not been taking immunocal diligently ;p
Eh..... Ladies.... Just to let you know that I'm coming 42 in another 1.5 weeks & I'm still trying! Yes egg quality decrease with age but I just need 1 to implant n thrive. My previous fresh my egg quality only so so with only 2 cells, got twins but lost one at the early stage n left 1 inside n my daughter now is already 27 months.
Hi hi!
I am new to this IVF support group... I am currently seeing dr loh from thomson fertility centre.. should be starting my first ivf cycle early next month!
any advice on what i should eat to have better eggs quality.. hee.. :D
i am coming 40 already. going for my no. 2. my first kid is 6 years old..
pumpkin_pie, you indeed is a very strong lady. i agree with the choice you made, u/s with dr loh next week since by next week any results can be advised more accurately. meanwhile do take care and rest well.

anamika87 & kool123, dont worry too much, you girls are still in early scan stage. doc will increase dosage of injections if it still show little growth to your eggs. i dont start off with a good growth too and numbers. in fact my stimulation stage lasted 14days if i remember correctly. dosage increase from initial and last few days another injection introduce to help me get more and bigger eggs. so practically i am injecting 2 types of needles for my last few days of stimulation.

were you on short or long protocol then? i'm on short protocol, will stimulation takes 14 days?
I hv not tried ensure, mamil mama eh taste like milk powder? Dunno his to explain but I had tried other brands I only like mamil mama n my cousin (a pharmacist) & I compare the ingredients I think mamil not as fattening :D immunocal yes doesn't taste good! But I had tried different drinks, mix with mamil, fresh milk & Yakult taste the best as compared to the rest. I have sinus, during my last fresh, I took immunocal throughout until I stopped bf. I never fell sick or even running nose. Now sinus back n always fell suck after my mc lady august. Erm... Not been taking immunocal diligently ;p

hehe, what does immunocal taste like? u mix mamil with yakult? actually i'm lactose intolerance so i seldom drink milk..only once a while drink meiji chocolate milk.hehe.

Animika - I got try to blend avocados with berries and drink (just started this). i also duno how it helps but since website says so, i just try to drink a bit.hahahaha....my next scan is friday. All the best to you, hope to hear good news from u!
Hi ladies...juz ended my ER..managed to retrieve 19 eggs...will be doing ET this fri..hopefully everything turns out well..my BT will be on 10th march.. :)
Actually when we talk about age, do we talk about current age or age of embryos when they were frozen? Say 35yo now, embryos were frozen when 32. So u are 32 or 35??
