IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nervous babe, after you have discussed with your gynae, you will be asked to do a amh bt. Then he will advise you to do long or short protocol. For short protocol, he will ask you to see him on the 2nd day of your af to do a scan and then start stim jabs from day2 of af. Subsequently you will need to go back for scan as advised by your gynae so that he can check the growth of your folicles. Once the folicles reached the optimum size and lining is also monitored, he will tell you when will be the trigger shot and then ER date.

I think other sistas can help to advise the long protocol.

Hope these help.

Thks SSS, ur kungfu pandas v cute. was thinking can we actually push back the date to start the cycle. Had done the BT but not seen doc yet. My last month cycle was messed up so I thought to regulate it before I start, maybe 2-3months later
ChrisL: ya, I am a believer of dog obedience one. Dog and cat quite different; if staying in high-rise, dog is easier as I don't need to worry abt the windows. When are u doing your 3rd fresh and will it be in SG? Thank God that all hurdles cleared so I will await AF then start on my cycle in June. Hope for the best.
Good to hear that all is going well
my hubby and I talked and tot that we'll give 1 last try here and see how cos cost is a factor as we hv to filter in airtix that is at least $4k for both of us. Then as they say can slot us in for a fresh cycle this time before they close for summer holidays till Aug, we figured that if really bfn again then we can go back in June/July. My suppression starts next wed, jab in early june, er/et in mid June. You doing fet or fresh?
ChrisL: I see. Sounds like you will be on long? I will be doing 3rd fresh, short and timeline sounds like yours.
we will be cycle buddies
Hi ladies good luck to those in 2ww... Any cycle buddy? I'm starting stimulating jabs on thurs.. I'm on long cycle.. Read previously about healing yoga but can't find much info.. Anyone tried before?
Morning ladies. Me at kk now. Weird leh, the nurse say I no need to see doc today leh. Looks like I no need to collect the puregon today wor. Is this normal?
they've to wait for ur BT result first to ensure ur hormones are well control then they will start u puregon. u will received the call in noon to cfm the date of puregon. most probably u need to go down tmr to collect n learn the injection if ur result are okie.

I was there juz now too for BT
U were there too? I tink I saw u. U r in blue dress is it? Sitting beside a lady in green. Alamak got to take time off again tml. Tot can do it on the same day.

so fast ur 2ww is over. Good luck for ur bt too. Spread us more bbdusts here. Jiayou.
Oic. Just finished the scan. Was told to go to reception for further instructions. Was given the form for the puregon, surprisingly. Can buy the med 1st but only to start the jabs on thurs. This afternoon they will call me for the blood test results.
energetic this means ur scan result is good!!

Acadia n prospina, thanks. but I got a feeling might be bfn coz juz now went toilet saw a bit of light brownish discharge
sleepygal, did you ask the doc how does the scan help to confirm you are in long or short protocol? It must be confirmed and that's why you buy the med right?
Fantasydm, brownish discharge means ur womb is making space to house the bb. Jiayou.

My results means good ah? My lining is 5, only 1 side got 3 follicles wor, not sure how big though. Din get to see the doc today to interpret the scan results.
mayhui, some doc believed that growth hormones can improve the quality of the egg. But some does not believe it. Maybe you have to find out from your doc what's his opinion and what is your own believe.
energetic, u will only get to see the doc in ur next appt on the 2nd scan. now they only see ur lining result. if thin means can proceed for the stim
that was wat being explained to me when I had my first scan.

ur nxt scan they will see how well puregon had reacted on ur body based on ur follicles size.

really hope wat u say is true symptom now can only sit down n pray for the best.

thanks SSS. I hope I Can spray my bb dust over today to u gals. praying hard
Sss, I m already on long protocol. Today is my d14 of lucrin.The med I got is pergoveris wor, not puregon. Is it the same? Anyone usibg this med? Any side effects?
Collected the pergoveris today, will need to start jabbing from thurs onwards. Then only going back on next thurs to start the 2nd scanning. So long.....
Hi, need some advice here. I start my fresh Ivf in jan, feb 14 had my af (bfn) then af again on mar 27. Suppose to start fet in June but ever since my mar af till now my af din report. Issit normal, shld I wait?
Blizzbless, , did u check with your doc??? or tested hpt to see if your BFP? 2 months abit too long...
My Af also haywired after my failed ivf.. can range from 45 - 60 days... so i ask doc to give me duphaston to eat to make the af come..

energticsnake, sounds good on u... hope u can spread bb dusts to us asap..
im still waiting my af to come.. late again.. eating duphaston n hopes it help..
Wondersss, I din check cos I don think I'm pregnant. Suppose to c doc today but my boy is sick n no one bbsit for me.. Stomach very bloated n cramp for 2 weeks but no af.. Haiz..
Blizzbliss: it's still possible to be pregnant after ligation tho the chance is v low but no harm trying out d hpt.
Chris, ya, I call the nurse n she also told me tat but I really don think so cos I got no symptom at all. Mayb later I go c gp to get med to induce..yesterday my hb also ask me, I say no la don b crazy.. Lol..
Blizzbless: if I were u, I will do the hpt first then see gp to induce. The only safe proof is not babydancing and if u had, then there is always a chance, no matter how slim. That's what we call miracle (good things happening out of one's expectation; divine)
SSS: dun give up. Go for a short break n try again.

Jus wanna to ask what kinda of blood test do we need to go for if we need to do FET huh? What preparation for our body we supposed to do huh?
Lisa and Jedai, I also have retroverted uterus. I had quite a difficult transfer for my first 2 ET as the doc had a hard time looking for the spot to place the embryos. Hence, for my 3rd ET, I requested a trial transfer before the actual ET. And that was when we all found out the transfer was so much easier if I do not have a full bladder, maybe only one third full.
Anyway, so on my 3rd ET, I emptied my bladder and only drank a little bit of water while waiting for the doc to arrive. Who knows the doc arrived late by 30 mins and by then my bladder is quite full..again, the transfer took longer than usual. Sigh.

Hence, if you have retroverted uterus and had difficult transfer before, do discuss with your doc if a not-so-full bladder is easier.
Fantasydm, good luck to your BT.

Mei2, one milestone crossed! Congrats. Drink isotonic drink and lotsa egg white to ease the bloatedness.
Hehe good cycle buddy! Just woke up from a nightmare..dreamt that I went er and only retrieved 4eggs and nurse here said not that good quality!! Gosh I hope in real that won't happen. Cos I experienced many times my dreams came true like the exact same events happening! Unless I remember the dream and tell someone..LOL eerie
Take care fantasydm, I got to learn in my own journey that ivf = always bfp is a myth busted. You tried! Jiayou!
fantasydm, what's yr lining size prior to ET? do u know?

Take a break n come back again when u r strong n ready. Meanwhile try natural.
