IVF/ICSI Support Group

Cheeka, I'm so glad I've found u, have been wondering about your condition. My plan is to do iui one more time with raffles hospital while searching for ivf with nuh or kkh since I figured I will have to wait for my turn n the q ain't short right?

Positive, there's a reason y I asked that because I was told that I have to do lapro by kkh last year n they refused to do hsg. I finally did hsg at raffles n there's no blockage, hence I'm rather concern.

Good morning ladies!
Yawn yawn.. Wake up early to go training, feeling sleepy now.

Bubb, u had wet dreams not weird dreams.. *shy*

Chris.. Pat pat... It's a kind of relieve for your bunny too

This mornjng I was counting the no. Of supports left, mixed feelings and feeling.. Excited yet worried about the outcome, we cha boh hor.. Really mafan..

Sorry to hear about your bunny.. Hug hug..


Sorry to hear that your iui failed.. Can try again k.. Jia you! If you wanna have a choice of fixed doctor, then you might wanna consider going to kkh/sgh/nuh as private patient, just that the pre-ivf consultations/tests will be more exp.. Then you can call up the hosp directly to make appt, no need to go thru polyclinic referral..
Ylgoh- if unhad done all bld test like HIV, hep B, Amonrrhea & amh, then don need these.
If scan showed u k go ahead with ivf, then chr missy will teach u how to jab. If is short protocol, then will need bld test to check E2.
Positive : niceeeeee..... I love sea coconut... !!!

Laine : 1 just suddenly remembered something... I have this tofu recipe tat is so easy to make n u may like it...and it's rich in protein. 1 box of tofu ( buy from Ntuc), the Japanese sesame salad seasoning, sesame oil, seaweed n black pepper. Tale the tofu out and put on plate ( no need to cook), slide into 1/12. Pour the salad seasoning, black pepper, sesame and sprinkle your seaweeds.., csn eat already. Less than 5 mins preparation and lots of protein without being too filling...

Lady buggy : I wish !!!! Haha the man in my dream is quite good looking!
Hi Everyone good morning.

I am going for medicated FET as lining was too thick and have to abort fresh transfer. Lining was almost 18mm. AF finally came 4 days ago but the flow was not as heavy as I expected and also lesser than my usual menses. (I am quite heavy on my usual cycles already). Today is Day 4 but menses is showing signs of stopping, tomorrow suppose to start Gynera liao but I am worried that my lining going at this rate wont shed completely! Any sisters have experienced the same situation as me before?
Bubbub, wat is the medi to relax the womb?

Chris, hope u r feeling better now

Sophia, I think accu must be aft mense

Muff, cud b cos it's the cycle str aft ivf, maybe yr hormone not back to yr usual. But 4 days also normal
Lin, not sure. It could be as I was also thinking could it be because of hormones too. Now praying lining will shed completely and be pretty. Sighs. How come we got so many mechanisms that need to take note of while men just need to spit in a bottle lei? hahah.
Hi Min, thanks. You think my plan of doing another iui while waiting for the ivf will work? :p

Yup pte patient still entitled to grant.. Mine came up to 10.4k.. With grant of 6.3k, 4.1k was deducted from my medisave, no cash payment.. I did an iui while waiting for ivf too but was natural iui without any medication.. Not sure if can do so-iui.. Can check with the doc
Muff muff : dun worry.... All these are prob results of u being stress .... Try acu ? Dr zou told me one 45 years old lady had lining at 16mm and doctor asked her to about but she didn't. She persisted and went for acu everyday....on day of transfer, it's reduce to 12mm. She got pregnant eventually. Acu is all about balance of hormones in the body. During my stim, remember I had 2 crazy eggs that grow too fast and doc wanted to give them up? I went acu and suddenly they stop growing, waiting got the rest to catch up... It's quite amazing haha.

Lin : its called nifedipine
Lin: I am ok. Thanks.

Muff: i also didnt have a lot of bleeding after the failed cycle last year but had spotting that were unusual for me after the AF. Usually it's better to wait for the cycle to be regular (I.e. non spotting) then do FET. You can consider. Womb needs to be stable to enable good implantation also.

Hehe.. I think maomi was asking about private patient in govt hosp
Both private and subsidised patient in govt hosp are entitled for co-funding.. But if go private hosp then no co-funding..
bubbub, wah so amazing. Yeh maybe its invisible stress leh. sighs. May want to do accu with Dr zou.

Chris, thanks for sharing. Ya lor. My next appt if lining is no go, I will not pursue further till I am ok.

Gan cheong, no experience. ahaha I must chill ...
Thank you bubbub, Min is right, I'm asking about pte patient in govt hosp... HAHAHAH...
Thanks bubub and Min81. Yes, I was thinking of going to Govt Hosp as private patient. So glad that there would be govt grant. Btw, would the queue for IVF procedure be long if we go in as pvt patient?

Maomi: Im under control, and gaining weight fast. Have to start exercising to slim down :p I will start acupuncture this week, maybe somewhere nearby. I cant go TSB's clinic if have to take leave too often. Probably will ask my TCM for some herbs to drink also to prepare my body.
I saw just an office colleague whom i suspect is expecting...cos she looks a bit like it and wearing flats...whenever i see that and esp if the person is younger than me, i can't help feeling so envious of them and somewhat frustrated why can't i conceive...sigh...
Cheeka, that's great! I'm not seeing TCM already but I feel my couple of mths with TCM really kind of helped my body. Don't think I will be doing accupuncture as well cos like too many things to do at one shot. Adding stress to my aldy stressful life AHHAHAHA.
Muff, the cycle aft my fresh also little. But now seems more, but I hope not like last time so heavy. U scan yr lining n decide again. Dun stress. Guys besides spitting onto the cup also need take in our emotional 'nonsense' lor :p

Cheeka, when u intend to start? Tsb got night clinic too
HI Ladies, I also stop my TCM treatment after 1.5 yr of med and acupunture. Reason, my latest pre-ivf test result is worst if compare the one I did abt 9 mths ago.. FSH level raised from 12.3 to 15.6

now, I only take forlic acid and calcium. my ivf will start ard 14Apr.
Hi Ladies!
I'm a silent reader on this thread for quite sometime already. Now waiting to start my first fresh cycle, short protocol with NUH Prof Wong. Expected to start sometime next week...waiting for the grand arrival of AF...lol

Embarking on this journey as unable to conceive since my blighted ovum episode in mid 2010. After that, while ttc-ing, went to a few gynaes and finally came to know tht my left tube is blocked (hydrosalpinx). I also had a lap done but that didn't help to correct the blocked tube. Anyway, here I am...waiting to start this IVF journey.

Min 81: wave wave...I'm finally here and hope to join you in the other thread soon...

bubbub: Did you get to the hospital in time yesterday? Enjoy your 2ww...I'm the lady you saw at Dr Zou yesterday...hehe
bub, yup,ialso like tofu with the jap sesame sauce! But must inckude sesame oil, seaweed, black pepper? Hee i tot just the tofu n sauce is nice enuff! But is tofu too liang ah?

Blurnosebear, u bfp? Congrats!! Din c ur post

Starry, when u starting? My stim will start next mth too!
Hey Ladylamb, you are the angel! Thanks for that! Haha I was running later with a curry puff in my mouth and another hand holding a water bottle trying to down as much water as possible..

Lin : first time, cos a relaxed uterus helps implantation.... If uterus contracts, it will try to expel things out...

Laine : haha seaweed good for health mah..and black pepper and sesame gives more aroma to the dish

Dreamirene : haha u are not alone Lah.... It is very natural for ladies who been trying to concieve to feel envy of others pregnancy (ESP those who only try like 1 - 2 mths) I also been thru that......it's not jealousy. Psychologist categorized this as disappointment in one self...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2102376/Baby-envy-The-new-social-divide.html

Does your body heat up a lot after ET? Can't stop perspiring ! Damn....
Haha pretty much sums up those in 2ww

As any IVF patient will attest, the 2 week wait after the embryo transfer are the longest 15 days in your life. All the action and the excitement of taking injections , going for scans , monitoring your blood test results and admiring your embryos is now over. Your doctor has put your embryos back into your uterus - and now all you can do is wait for the final outcome , in order to find out whether the embryos have implanted are not. Not only is the fact that the outcome of the treatment completely out of your hands extremely frustrating, what makes it even worse is that there is no way to of finding out what is happening to your precious embryos inside your body.

Your doctor is not very helpful either , because he's finished doing whatever he can do . He just tells you to be patient and wait till you get the HCG result . It's easy for him to say this , because he has other patients to treat - but how do you deal with the uncertainty , the impatience and the anxiety of those 15 days - where every minute seems to last an hour.

Your mind plays all kinds of games with you ! Do my breasts feel more tender than usual ? I am feeling nauseous – is this early morning sickness and does this mean that my embryos have implanted ? Should I panic because I am not feeling anything at all ? Does this mean that my embryos have died and that they cycle has failed ? Was that blood in my vaginal discharge ? Does that mean my embryos are falling out ? Are my symptoms because of PMS or are they a side effect of the medications I'm taking ?

Your mind is full of doubts and questions and there is really no one who can provide the answers. There’s little point in asking your doctor , because most the time all he can say is – We’ll have to wait for the blood test results to find out what’s happening. You can't keep on bothering your husband , which is why you spend hours on the net , googling your symptoms . You try to make sense of them by asking other more experienced IVFers on online IVF bulletin boards , so you can compare what’s happening to you with their experiences. These expeditions often leave you even more confused and frustrated, because there’s so much variability , and so many old wive’s tales !

What you need is emotional support to calm your anxious mind , but while your head understands this, it's very hard for your heart to come to terms with the fact that these 15 days will also pass. You try to do everything possible to maximize your chances of success. Your friend’s mother-in-law suggested that you should be resting in bed , so you spend all day , lying down. You read somewhere that eating pomegranates is good for your fertility , so you drink a bottle of pomegranate juice daily. The nurse at the IVF clinic suggested that you should be eating a lot of pineapples , so you eat a tin-full of slices daily; and your online buddy suggested that royal jelly helps embryos to implant, so you dutifully buy this and consume it religiously.

You try to stop your mind from playing games , by using meditation and other mind-body control techniques, but nothing seems to work . You are dying to find out what's happening inside you , and you start cheating by doing pregnancy tests 4 days after the transfer, even though you know it's too early to really get an answer one way or the other . When you see a second line, you wonder whether it's an optical illusion , or whether you are actually be pregnant.

You just can't understand why your husband is not as obsessed about the result as you are – and because he's busy with his work and you can't keep on bugging him about your feelings and your symptoms every day , you try to bottle them up.

When it's D-day and you go to do your pregnancy test , you are not sure whether you're happy that you are finally going to find out what the results are you . You are so scared , that you find yourself trembling with anxiety. This is not the sort of person you normally are. You are used to being in control of your life and to making decisions for yourself . You find it difficult to understand why you are behaving like a student who's waiting to find out what her exam results are . And then starts the final wait to find out what the results – and every time the telephone rings , you are never sure whether you should pick it up because the nurse may be calling with good news – or not !
Thanks Lin.

Ya positive. Will scan and listen to what doc says. My doc won't let me risk it too. If its ok we can be FET cycle buddy! Hahha
Bubb, wow wow wow! Tat's a very good write up!! Really sums up wat we all went through .... I hav already forgotten how stressed the 2ww is... But dun worry! U sound like a very bubbly ger.. U will succeed this round...
oh ya... Thanks for sharing e article.., that's been how I feel except I hav never shared with anyone.., I thought it was very mean of me to feel jealous towards ladies who didn't hav to go down e same route as us.., even for close frens, I hav to constantly remind myself that they r my good frens and I shd feel happy for them.,, now I know I m not alone in feeling that way,,,

Positive, u r doing FET next mth ? Jia you! We will be rooting hard for u
Bubb!! U actually speaks what's in my mind or most of the sister's here..

Just this evening, I was abit angry with my Hb, I can't decide to buy hpt to test or not. His reply is ' anything lor, up to you..' My reply, if I will not ask you if I can decide. His reply, so go where dinner? Me., roll eyes
ladybuggy, I understand how you feel about your hb. I think all the men are like that one. They don't understand. For eg, my husband will ask why women like to buy so many bags? They serve the same function. Then I will ask him back why you always watch the war film, they are all the same, all fighting the same WW2. He replied that during war time, all the tanks and aircrafts are different. Funny or not? *sigh* I have to accept at we are different lor.
Dreamirene, there was once a pregnant lady was standing beside me (cannot remember waiting for what purpose). Then after that pregnant lady left, my dh told me: "I hope to use my wu kong and push her tummy to you!"
Sunstillshines, exactly lor, today I bought a pair of shoes, he also asked me the same qns. Yah.. My hubby loves war movies too, like the recent local production army movie, he request to watch the show when its premiere. What's so nice, poor me have to acc him, but I mainly want to watch the boyz in the show hahah.
Bubbub, don't apologise, I wasn't clear haha. Thx for the story, I guess it also sums up the feeling of an iui patient.

Thanks Positive.

Gals, kkivf or nuh? Which env do u feel more comfortable? In terms of q, which one has a longer one? Btw, does kkivf use short protocol? Cos I kept seeing them suggesting long protocol
ladybuggy, know how u feel. Guessed most guys dunno how to express themselves...my hub also always give me the same answer. When i questioned tat he dun care, he says he didnt want to comment as he din wan to add stress to me. E.g this ivf. I asked him if we really shld try ivf and whether this is the right time, he also says up to me. His reason is: im the one suffering, so if i feel that im prepared, he'll follow my decision. So maybe they are not bo chap, they just dun wan to add stress to u? But agree guys r diff from us...we need emotional support while they r just rational creatures
Those sisters in 2ww & feeling hot, maybe its cos there are babies in u all le mah, heh!

This round my dh more worried that I may break down. Everyday during lunch will call me ask me how am I. He also scare I rot at hm, lol!

Can any sisters share with me if it is very diff to brew dr tsb med? Need special cooker or pot to cook vey long?? Wondering if I hav e time to cook before I decide to really switch to her? Also, if I were to see her on we'd after work, wld e next appt also b after work? Abit tough for me to disappear during work hours... When is usually e next review??
Pai sei for so many qn.....
