IVF/ICSI Support Group

I'm also feeling very warm and perspiring the entire day! Even now, with a fan blowing directly at me at no.2 I'm still feeling warm.. argh ! Its the support med I think, heard it increases temperature... I'm also having this nagging headache.. not very pain kind but its there and can feel it...

Dreamirene - tsb Med u can purchase the electrical slow cooker tl cook them which is much easier.. for me, I bought the traditional claypot.. everyday I had to stand in front of the stove for 1hr+ hours to watch the medicine boil on the stove.. double of that time if dh needs to drink the Med too.. I highly recommend the electric one...

U can book the timing for your appt with her but her evening slots are always very full so gotta wait quite long.. usually I think the span in between her visits are around 2 weeks but for ivf I'm not sure cos I stopped seeing her before my cycle. . Other sisters should be able to help u on that.. =)


Not really difficult. Juz troublesome. Haha... I using ceramic de pot to cook. Cannot use aluminium.
Soak med for 20 mins, then cook on high heat for 20 mins, turn to lower heat and boil for 30 mins. I usually open a small gap cos when boiled it will spilled out. I cover my stove wif alum foil too. Lazy to wipe. Pour out the med. put water again and same, high 20 mins, low 30 mins. Mix with first boil. Then pour out half to drink. Another half for next day. Usually is today boil, drink 2 days, rest one day then boil and drink again.

Yup. U can see her in the evening. But really not easy to wait at night. I prefer aftnoon. I see her twice a mth.
Dream, I use stainless steel pot as the lady told me is ok. I lazy to buy the electric pot which they sell and I think is abt $150, quite bulky.
Nite time is super long, I remember 1st time I see her, my appointment is arn 830pm but i only left her place arn 11pm. Yawn, really long.

Chris (reddesk) - hug hug

Positive calm - probably a good sign. For me I don't feel anything at all, jialet....only felt nipple is sore but I think is the med.
Asiafighter: thanks

Dream: I am using electric one. From soaking herbs to the 2nd time brewing about 2.5hours total. No need to watch fire. After its ready, it will beep. Pour out n put Somemore water for 2nd round. Each pour-out will naturally be a bowl. I didnt believe it in but my in-laws pass me their pot so use it. It's much easier n if they sell it, I guess it should be ok.
Whoever want the electric pot can pm me. I bought mine fm Malaysia,abt the same price but different currency.

function wise not like the one they selling. Mine can't do double boiling.just for brew medicine.
asiafighter, I don't think is a sign. I think is the support insert too. I feel the whole body v warm even in the aircon room. I also feel v "peh chek" for no reason and have problem getting to sleep at night. I think the insert will drive me crazy..
Asiafrighter, cannot use stainless steel pot to brew because there are ppl who got stomach ache brewing in stainless steel. Suggest you use the cornell ceramic pot if you don't have the traditional or the electric pot. I don't think the lady at the counter who inform you can use stainless steel pot is the regular lady who helps to do the registration....cannot be leh...

I use the traditional clay pot which look like a kettle type. After brewing it, I will pour out like pouring water by draining through a sift. For 2 bowls, I pour 2 times.

Babysteps, did you use 2 pots and brew together if you also need to boil dh medicine? I used 2 traditional pot and brew them at the same time and keep track of the time using a timer.
Chris, now I know that the scan on D2 or D3 is AFC.

Did you all record down the sizes of the folciles during the AFC? but you are on the chair, how to record??
Thanks for all the helpful tips on Dr TSB med...woa...really needs efforts...i ahv never brewed med before...
i hav a type of pot whereby u will boil the soup in a pot...n after that, just put the first pot into the second pot and the soup will contineu to cook on its own without any fire or electricity...that's not slow cooker, right?

so for each boil, the med will last 2 days? the next day med will put in fridge and heat it up the next day? is ok to boil at night after i come home??

so effectively, need to boil twice a week?
Sunstillshines, huh? Is the register lady the younger one who told me is ok Leh. Bcos I only have electric cooker. Seow Liao lah. Then I wl have to buy the electric cooker
. But I feel ok after drinking the medicine.
Sunstillshines: yup. D2-3 scan is to check if there is cyst n to do the AFC (Antral follicle count). It's just 1 number so easy to remember. The doc don't usually record the d2-3 follicle sizes. Some might even record endo (lining) thickness also.
Dream: TSB meds usually is brew one day for 2days consumption. Then there will be either a 1 or 2 days break. So brewing abt 2-3times/week; depending on how many days break in-between. Usually the day u brew is the day u need to drink for day 1. Then you refrigerate the day 2 med n drink it next day after u heat up.
Hi sisters,

Doing my FET soon and just wondering for those who did FET, how well did your embbies survive thaw? I only have 3 day 3 frozen embbies.
Maomi: Take it easy okay. Stress is no good for us.
Ping chang xin.

Lin: TSB has night clinic? But will it be difficult to get appointment? Or is walk in allowed? I know last time I went to tan kian sing but he can only see us during day time. So have to take leave all the time, and I quit. I intend to start probably in May or June...
think all husband the same hor.. my husband also alwys say "up to u lor" when i ask for his opinion. cos i cant decide then ask him rite.. haiz. positive, my cycle fail he also nv console me, he just sat there n watch tv.

dreambear> yr husband is so doting to call u evday while he's at work... mine dont bother. when yr stim ending?

girls> i think 2ww normal to feel hot..

sunstillshine> no need record the afc sizes cos they are too small anyway.. just rem hw many follicles u have is enuf

lskigal> hw are u?
cheeka> yes, but i nt sure the night clinic is wic days, but queue is longer at night..i wonder if she sees on wkends? other sis can help. cos i seeing her at ntu, day clinic only. must book appt, cannot walk in, too many patients.
Hi Gigi,
Thanks for your reply. My embryologist just called and told me out of the 2 thawed, one is gd but one reduced cell size from 8 to 4. Not optimistic abt that one so got to thaw the third one. Hope I can at least transfer one like u. Gd luck!!
Baby steps: try to stagger with your hubby's meds ..
Sometimes will still crash but my hubby always say do mine first since man's intake can be more flexible.
Chris - Cos only can cook after work.. I prefer if we same day drink so I stand in front of stove on day, finish the cooking.. If stagger means I almost everyday must stand in front of stove.. hahaha...
babysteps> u v funny. maybe buy those electric ones better? i also stagger, if i brew mine on mon, means my dh on tues. but my dh said he dun want take tcm le.. he said effect so slow.. prefer to just take supplements..
Lin - I'm lazy... wahahaha... That time we were thinking ttc take tcm awhile will tio so buy clay de cheaper.. who knows, 一看就看一年.. already doing ivf le.. hopefully quickly tio! No need electrical.le !
Baby steps: lol! I cook my herb and hubby cook his mah.. We help each other Lo
he does not like to cook both on same day unless no choice cos it will take half a day. Haha.. I also think same as you so also didnt buy the pot then. But now that using, find it easier.
Positive : haha am like u! When I drink hot soup, must shower one ok? I felt like I been thru sauna,... Always feeling warm n annoyed. Now feel very wakeful at night and tired in the morning .... A lot of weird Vivid dreams too ....it's all becos of the med inserts ....

Lady buggy : hahaha I show my hubby and he looked at me and asked .."whAt should be the model answer arh? Cos ask if should buy or not .... Should be just buy if u are happy mah, dun buy if u dun want to. Got deeper meaning beyond that? Then I explained about how hpt is very stressful so it's not a simple buy/not buy decision. But the ability to face the consequences if it doesn't work out well and should u even go thru the test. My hubby said orh...then question is not fair. Kekekkeekeke ... Men dun get it huh?

Dreamirene : do u see dr zou? If yes, can buy there.... It's very good. No fuss and easy to clean. I bought one for my sister in law too cos a lot of effort is mitigated.
hahahahhaha...bubbub...i really salute u to bother explaining to ur hubby.. i never ask hubby whether to take hpt...i bet he wld just say take lor.. and he never ask me if i take hpt.. unless i tell him... guys are just so hopeless hor.. that's y sometimes i feel as though i am taking on the fight myself and i question him if he really wan to hav kids..

Dr Zou sells the electric cooker? so i can just put all the herbs in there n let it cook on its own? when it is ready, it will jsut beep and tell me? like a kettle? i dun ahv to stand there and monitor..cos i dun ahv the time to do that at ngiht cos sometimes hav to rush work..
Dreamirene :Haha yeah I bought quite a few already heehee...they dun come cheap but the one I bought from dr zou is the best. Csn also cook soup and never never dry up. It will sing when its done
no need monitoring at all.... Cos I have to cook 4 times A night.... For me and my hubby and this makes its very easy for me.... TSB sells for 128 and I think dr zou sells cheaper.... Can cook the red dates tea too..
bubbub, woa...u bought a few electric cookers already? let me ask mil if she has anything similar before i buy from Dr Zou..

thks, lin...not bad...drink 2 days and rest 2 days...ahhaha...nowadays i hav prob keeping to Dr Zou poweder for twice a day...very sian...so very often i only drink t night
Cheeka, TSB seeing patients at Chinatown tcm shop every mon, wed and fri. Better call to make appointment else you will be very sad to go back without seeing her if you walk in. Usually we have to wait for more than 1 hour. Many time, dh and I go home at about 10pm after seeing her and there are still somemore patients behind us.

Asiafrighter, I think that young lady is very new. Better check with Pi Li who is the middle aged lady wearing spectacles. She is more experience. Seriously, please don't brew the medicine inside the stainless steel pot.

Also, after you have brewed the 2 bowls of med, you have to keep them in ceramic pot such as corelle pot. After you drink the 1st bowl of the med, the reminding med you have to keep it in the ceramic and keep inside the fridge for next day to drink.

Babysteps, why didn't you consider to buy one more clay pot and brew your med and your dh med at the same time? Really save a lot of time standing at the stove. But have to make marking both of your clay pot so that you will not mix up the 2 med!
Dream, I have taken Dr Zou's medicine before. For myself, I think TSB's medicine is more effective. Probably because it is freshly brewed and is stronger. As for Dr Zou's medicine is in powder form and I think the number of herbs used are limited and the dosage are lighter compared to TSB's leaves and fruits medicine.
sunstillshines, do u mean the second bowl of med has to be kept in the cooker and together, the cooker to be kept in the fridge for next day drink? can the cooker fit into the fridge? how abt leaving the next day's med in a bowl for keeping in the fridge?
Dream: I think they want kids but they are not so "complex" like woman. Haha.. We are a "network" thinker and they are "compartment" thinkers so we can drive them nuts! Hahaha!! Dr Zou's meds is powder so no need to brew one. The electric one I have will beep once it is ready. It's only purpose is to only brew herbs and nothing else.

Sunstillshines: I agree, surprising the brewed herb is much easier than gulping the powder twice/thrice a day.I just keep in a small porcelain bowl and keep it fridge tho.

Gigi: likely implantation. Rest more.
Gigi: just rest more n continue your inserts. If there is any red bleeding then u need to call the hotline u were given ok. It should be good news for you ya. Don't worry
bubb, yah.. this morn he gave me the same ans when i asked again.. angry. I still dont have the courage to buy the HPT, yest i was at watsons staring at it but didnt buy. Maybe i will get it later when i buy dinner.I have no implantation spotting.. cramps is like getting more frequent today esp in the mornings, felt like AF is coming anytime. I just cant help thinking neg, scared to see only single line on the hpt.

Gigi, like what the others say.. it might be implantation spotting. Rest more, avoid carrying heavy stuffs and doing housework.
Hi ladies,

I'm new to this forum. I just did my FET yesterday n am now in the dreaded 2ww. Am feeling abit down now, cos my embbies were not of the best quality. I had 6 frozen, of which the best 3 were 5, 4 and 3 cells grade 1-2 in day 2. However, when they thawed these 3 yesterday, the 4 cells collapsed n became 2 cells grade 3, so they discarded that one. Then the 5 cells, which was doing fine from 9 am when they thawed, suddenly disintegrated into a 1 cell at 4.20pm, 10 mins before my transfer. So they had to emergency thaw another one, which was a 2 cells grade 1-2. So in the end, I transferred that one, plus the 3 cells, which survived, but was unequal in cell size, n not exactly growing since 9am. I was really so disappointed yesterday, cos if the supposed 2 best ones could not make it, then what r the odds for the not so good ones. Oh well. Now can only hope for the best. This is going to be a longggg 15 days, haha. Anyway, I wish all the ladies here all the best in this arduous, but ultimately fruitful journey.
Positive, yah.. thats what i have been consoling myself to keep cool but very hard leh.. plus the stupid hot weather making me so warm and hot-tempered. I wanna drink cold drink but my hubby kept stopping me. But today already 16dp2t, no spotting (touch-wood x 10) :p,i start to spot 14dp my last failed cycle and neg hpt on 15dpt. So should i be glad?

hazelnut, your nick makes me wanna drink coffee now. Don't think about the grading and trust that the snowbabies guai guai stick to you.
I'm ending my 2ww in 2 days time, jia you!
Thanks ladybuggy n Chris, I shall try to remain positive. Think this bedrest is messing with my head, too free ah, start to anyhow think. Work will be a welcomed distraction, ironically.
Hazelnut: true indeed.. I just kinda "hang around" too myself.. Haha.. Relax, cheer up ok! If you want, you can do some work if the distraction proves constructive
ladybuggy, actually, i think u can test now...if i were u, i wld cos it is already 16dp2t and everything still looks positive...so i wld be very hopeful...
jia you!
Thanks Chris, I'm a workaholic la - I actually went back to work this morning cos I had an urgent meeting, then I felt so guilty for not resting so I came home after the meeting n took a nap. But after the nap, nothing better to do, bad TV, empty house, so i took out the photo of my 2 embbies n got sad again. Think I better go back to work tomorrow, just got to consciously remind myself to walk slowly n take it easy. R u in your 2ww as well?
Dream, this is the pic of the clay pot and the Cornell pots that I am using.

After brewing the 2 bowls of med, I will pour into the Corelle pots (lowest pot for my med and middle pot for dh med). The smallest pot (the one on top) is for use to heat up the medicine.

Sometimes, we will brew the med one night before we drink the next day. Therefore, both bowls are poured inside these Cornell pots and store inside the fridge. The next day, I will scoop out one bowl from the Corelle pot and pour into the smallest Corelle pot and heat up. I will repeat this step to heat up if dh need to drink med too.

There are many time that I ended up with more than 2 brewed bowls of med(sometimes 3 bowls!) so I will need to store them in the Corelle pot instead of just keep in fridge with a bowl lor.


Chris, ya lor. The brewed med don't have to keep reminding myself I have to drink it twice a day, esp I still have my supplements to take and 3 meals!! Not adding if I need to take EW. hahaha...
