IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dream, I am not willing to spend money for the electric pot so I make do with this traditional cheapo pot which can last me for months.

However, there are plus point in the electric pot. Save time! and don't have to watch the fire on the stove.

ladybuggy, if cannot tahan the wait, then test! but remember to continue the support that you are given until bt date. Very important! Never give up!!
sunstillshines, really big project for brewing medicine. i have one traditional pot also but now is kept deep inside the cabinet. i find it so troublesome to watch fire, i always got overflow le,find wasted the medicine. So in the end i bought one eletric pot fm Malaysia(those china ppl stall) and i have peace of mind, just on the power, then check after 1 hour..no need to watch fire
i bought mine less than SGD40, so i think is quite worth the time
Lady buggy : if u dun want to test using stick, tmr morning just check your bbt. If its still high, I am going to congratulate u
so far, I used this method on some of my GFs and accurately predicted theirs ...
Positive, sorry I don't mean to make u nervous abt your thaw. I just needed to vent abit, cos I think men don't fully understand the anguish n mental roller coaster we go through with each scan n blood test n readings. My DH is not even in town lor, best. Dunno how he can plan his biz trip until can fall on the same week as my FET, this is called BAD planning. But he really really felt super bad abt it, when the doc confirmed the date for the FET (mine is a natural cycle), he was so stressed n panicky that he couldn't sleep the whole nite. So I shall forgive him la, haha. I fully expect to be treated like the queen of the universe when he's back tomorrow for the rest of the 2www though. Hee.
Hazelnut: ohh.. If u go work, don't stress ok. Then u are just having "workaholic" symptoms then it won't be difficult for you to find something to keep you busy.. Hahaha! ;) Ya I am in my 2ww.
Sunstillshines: ya, that time I had to set timer in my phone to make sure got interval so phone beep until I also like "need to do/eat what now". Haha.. After taking brewed herbs, stress went down..
I can think of another positive point, no need to keep so much pot in fridge. Hee

Bubbub: yup, u are right on the bbt. ;) but take bbt must be zai la, else one will follow the temp, roller coaster up and down.. Even affect my hubby.. So funny when I see his response u know.. Hahaa!

Hazelnut: your hubby does sound very guilty.. Wahahhaahhaha!
Hazelnut : pls pls vent all u want and this is the definitely the place to do it.
u are right, no one can understand how painful this journey is except us.... And I am sorry to hear what u been thru but what matters most now is the 2 peanuts u have in u, give them a good envt to thrive n prove to u that grading doesn't matter....so long as u have faith in them, they know too and will try their best.

There is this Chinese saying I noted down somewhere....cos it kept reminding me not to take what I lose too hard...my mandarin sucks so takes awhile to type this haha...


Chris, haha yes he is guilty as charged! So many ladies in this thread u see how many have to actually drive themselves to the ET, n then drive themselves back afterwards, wah biang eh. I'm so fickle minded hor, got work everyday dream of nua-ing at home, now get to nua at home, then actually want to go to work. No wonder my DH gets confused by me all the time, though I wouldn't admit my fickle mindedness so I told him he's confused only cos he's simple minded, haha. But I do feel better now after ranting abit n crushing some candies.

When is your BT? Good luck good luck!! Waiting for your good news.
Bubbub - wow thank you very much for taking the effort to type the Chinese saying, it's very true! Ok I shall remember it to heart n have faith in my 2 little peanuts. I tell myself maybe its 天意 that the 2 good ones disintegrated just before the transfer, cos obviously they would have resulted in BFN n more heartache. So maybe these 2 lil ones inside me r the late bloomers that were not the first choice, but ultimately are the RIGHT choice. Jia you jia you little ones, grow grow grow! Mommy loves u to bits already n if u make it all the way to 9 months, I'm so gonna spoil u rotten!
Oh by the way I had a 19mm follicle for this natural cycle n we did BD day before n day of ovulation. Wouldn't it be funny if all of them took n I get triplets?!! Hahahaha *happily daydreaming*
Hazelnut: I was laughing at your thoughts.. Is good that you are so positive
keep it up
haha! Who knows right, always a possibility. My BT on mon. Thanks, 平常心 ;)
Had a good nap just now & hope I can sleep Tonight. My last scan tdy still shows 7 follicles. One 18mm, two 17mm, one 16mm & three at 12mm. Well, they hv all grown & I'm so proud of them.... So ET confirmed on this sat & hope the three smaller ones will continue to grow, grow & grow!!!
Hazelnut : no prob! Good to see u picking yourself up so quickly! Ur peanuts are going to be so grateful for it cos now they see rainbows, butterflies and flowers blooming....heehee. I am a firm believer of they feel what u feel...

Chris : me cite about your BT!

Dreambear.: jia you jia you! Lets see if u choose to pee in pan or not haha....:p

dun b quick to write off yr embbies..never give up until confirmed by BT..JY!

btw, what brand HPT kit did u use?
Bubbub, I used the pan when I did my lap then le. This x I will not ren, will call for e pan! I hope this x GA effect will not be as bad as my previous rounds.

Ladybuggy, dun conclude so soon. Bubbub shared previously that hpt failed on her but actually BT was actually positive. Remember, dun stop your support.
Hi girls

Today took my progesterone test and result was very bad, went back to take jab for more support. I'm very worry, I never has such a low level before. Also my lining has never been so low .......:'( . I think chances are slim again ....

Have a few query - is it becos after my FET, hormone has not go back to normal (but I do natural FET)?
My menses for this month also have few days of spotting which usually wl stop arn 6-7days?
1st time taking TSB medicine, is it the medicine does not suit me? Which cause the above.....feeling sad

Please enlighten me
Asiafighter: don't analyze now first.. U still in 2ww.. Just go with the support and stay positive.. Don't stress yourself since it does not help ok? "A fear of failure should not be chosen over the hope of success".. JY!
Asia, Maybe we look at it this way. It will be better for u cos u hv more n extra support from the rest mah. Must continue to be a fighter Ya! JY!!!!
Dreambear, yah..I will continue my support..

Jelly, positive, I used guardian in house brand, hcg should be able to pick up by now.

Can't help to feel depressed, can only hope that BT will bring good news.
Prosepina, your electric pot is so cheap! But I have already got used to the troublesome brewing...hahaha... already become robotic..

Chris, you are right lor. if use electric pot dont have to use so many pots and block up all the space in the fridge.
Asiafrighter, don't be dishearten. Now your support is up again. Perhaps you want to continue to take your bbt. Usually TSB med will keep body warm and increase the lining leh...

do you know what was your lining thickness before the FET? Did you inform TSB about your lining thickness? How was your temp during these few days?
Sunstillshines, regards the pot u really strongly recommend me not to used it. Think tomorrow I wl go dwn and buy from TSB shop.
Previous FET was 10mm but this time only 7.1mm. So I suspect is it TSB medicine as this is my 1st taking it.
My temp is god, did go up
I'm really upset.
Lady buggy : yes yes learn from me..., pls dun stop support! Btw guardian damn lousy hor,... Remember I said my GF also didn't get bfP even though she is 6 weeks pregnant.... U never know ya? Pls dun give up.... Dun test anymore babe. Let it be.

Asiafigter : dun conclude yet that it's a failure and try to understand what causes the failure cos it just gives your embies unnec stress.. It is not until Bt so hold to the faith.... TSB medi is very good so pls continue so it too...it helps with implantation....
Positive: the quote come from the link that Babysteps share w us ;)

平常心 ;)

Ladybuggy: don't be disheartened. there is always hope!

Sunstillshines: my fridge always a lot of things. When I was using Cornelle pot, I pour into small bowl also.
Sunstillshines, I did tell TSB that is why she scold me for not coming earlier to her when I decided to do natural ivf.

Positive, taking the progynova pills and the utrogestan .

Thanks Chris (reddesk), dreambear, positive and sunstillshines.

I will try to cheer up
Bubb/ Chris, thanks for the encouragement, so touched.. Want to cry liao. These 2ww are really torturing.. I thought this time round I will be more steady pun pi pi, but still..
I only bought 1pc, so no more testing until BT. Wanna take BT tomorrow, hopefully kkh allow.
Asiafrighter, remember to find out from the lady called Pi Li at the shop, on how to use the electric pot.

Some ladies find that red bean soup can help to improve the lining. Maybe you want to take that?
Ladybuggy, have faith ya. U never know! Don't give up yet ya. Rooting for u.

Yo asiafighter, chin up, u did the prog bt n more support given to u now right? Try not to brood over it. 平常心
I1BB - yes, the jab hor, super pain Sia. The medicine is powerful. Now I still can feel the pain n can't really walk normally.

Ok, sunstillshines I will ask pi Li tomorrow. Thanks dear

Thank you for the encouragement . I will make myself occupied and not to think too much.
Ladybuggy: don't give up yet. Wait for BT. Some hpt is not do effective to pick up the reading.

Ladies: I use stainless pot to brew TSB medication. Mixed the 2nd brew togather. Then the 2nd day med can keep in Tupperware bottle n keep in fridge. Depend on individual condition. For me I take 2days sometime rest 3days cos too heaty. If sick I stop first. Jia you. Bbdusts to all of u.
Asiafighter: gd to take the jab. Continue TSB medication. Cos jab last afew days only. But TSB medication u need to take everyday so is in ur body to support.
Asiafighter, ya that jab v pain de! *sayang. Nvm la, for bfp sake, tahan ya! Jia yo

Ladybuggy, kudos! Gambete!
Last injections of lucrin, puregon & luveris tonight!!!!! 开心.

Btw, I told dh that his injections skills getting better le, I dun really feel him poking into my tummy when he administer my jabs.
Dreambear, well done! You have come so far and finally jab free for next couple of days. So when is yr scheduled ER?

GOodluck and best wishes to yr ER in advance!
Jelly, tmr night got to do the trigger jab at my GP at 830pm. ER on Sat morning. Just drank milk, hope k hv a gd night sleep later n asking my smaller follicles to grow now while rubbing my tummy, heh.
sunstillshines, thanks for the photo! u are very systematic! i think if i were to switch to tsb, i wld buy an electric cooker. so that i can still do other stuff at night...

ladybuggy, dun give up ok? like wat the sisters said, u never know till BT.. furthermore, u wrent using a CB test kit. sleep well tonight n give a ring to kkh tmr. jia you!

Asiafighter, hav u been seeing TSB all the while or did u just switch just before doing FET? did she mention how long u shd be seeing her before doing FET? Any idea how does TSB med help us? to up the body temp?
Hi !!! How's your baby ? ... Planning for No.2 ?
My FET plans got suspended becoz I Kena thyriod. Hais ... Dr Cheng recommended An endocrinologist n now I m popping PTU to bring down my levels.

Oh, did u had any frozen embryos ?
If we decided to use CARE, we r basically using their lab n OT. The rest of the supports n monitoring are done at WCCA.

When do u plan to start cycling again ?
Morning ladies! These 2ww is soooo boring that I am turning mouldy ....

Lady buggy : re u going for BT today?

Asia : Anything like LH and p which can be supplemented by medi is ok. That's why blood test is done to identlfy if u need more support.... It's a preventive measure more than a conclusion. It's like cooking mah....while cooking u need to constantly taste to see what's lacking....put more salt, sugar or pepper when needed. It will still turn out to be An excellent dish after all...

Dreambear : wooooohoooooo!
Bubbub: .. Then I m "molded" liao.. *smack the flies*.. Hahaa!
Kum Yin's BT tomorrow too. All the best to your BT girl

ladybuggy, all the best today if you do yours today ;)

Bubb/ Chris, discussed with hubby, we decide to go tomorrow. I called kkivf, the nurse advise not to test anymore, she says since to spotting or see red, come down tomorrow as scheduled. I told the nurse, I tested neg so don't need to wait anymore, she replied me 'you how know not preg, some BT turn out +ve'

But my cramps are getting bad
, nurse say is a common. Everytng is common to them, me like gam Cheong spider asking many qns. Argh...
