IVF/ICSI Support Group

Chris, perhaps we are similar...cos that's my issue apparently too...my follicles dun grow well...but once dr up the dosage to more than 400, i suddenly hav a lot of eggs and risk of ohss.. but already quite a number of sisters have proven to us that it is really the quality that matters...even if there is only 1 embryo but as long as it is good after fertilisation, the chances of preg are equally high..so we just hav to keep reminding ourselves of that to stay postiive...

Dreambear, your follicle size are good.. 7 eggs are not consider too low. I remember when i did my ER last fresh, this lady sitting beside me told me that she only have 3 matured eggs. As mentioned, quality is more impt my dear, don't be disappointed. Dr zou is really like mother hen to us, previously i talk to her.. i also have tears in my eyes den she gave me a pat on my shoulder say.. dont worry.. after the treatment, will be fine. She sms me after my BT, asking how is it, aiyo.. i so touched haha

Where's Laki_gal, wonder hows her BT
Thank you Chris for the explanation on suppression. Woah... Learning new things... dont know IVF can be so... long a journey... and so complicated.

Im thinking of seeing a TCM also, but can only go after work. Ermmm... Dr TSB, can I see her in evening? or Weekends? Where is her clinic? If too crowded, probably I'll just go to other tcm nearby like ma guang.
Dream: I just realise that I made a mistake again. Dream isn't dreambear
well, it didnt help me when I was on 400iu after 1st scan in growing the number of eggs either.. Haha. Long definitely isn't for me; overly suppressed.

I hope there will eventually be studies on this group who don't respond to stimulation as well yet have "good to go" initial investigation to have breakthrough in fertility treatment; instead of having another additional medical term hanging over our head.

Cheeka: you r welcome. No problem, I learn along the way too.
TSB only see weekday I think. Her Chinatown consult is every Mon, Wed and Fri and yes there is evening.
Dreambear : I know how u feel cos I felt so shit last time n this time round when roland told me I dun have much to harvest ... I also damn sianz ... Try my best, jab so much, whole life also never do anything bad but why does this happen to me Loh ... Cannot stop crying and hubby dunno wat do, my mum also cried ... Can qualify for Taiwan Drama Loh ....only people who been thru this knows how we feel.. The relax. Dun worry comments are good to hear but doesn't help lei ... How to relax and dun worry... ??? Again we Cha Bo lei ... Control of emotions is not our forte ... We need outlets so pls dun deprive yourself of that, be kind to yourself... Want to cry just cry plus crying produce endorphins which makes u better :)

Compared to people in the past , we damn lucky Liao. Can still do Ivf .... Last time dun even have ... If have also too expensive for people to use ...

Oh btw one of my embies 不振气! say bye bye Liao in day 3 so I left only 4 where 2 is my modest studio apartment tummy. But at least all grade 1 so nothing much to complain Liao... Hope studio apartment can upgrade to landed in few months time haha ...
Oh dreambear u wouldn't believe this ! I summon the courage to pee in the pan!!!!!! So embarrassing but felt damn good ... Arhhhhhh.....
bubb, u are resting now at the ward, you brought face mask? I'm always laughing at your comments.. ahhaa..esp the upgrade from studio to landed.
Dreamie / bubbub, is not the no of embroyos.. we just need 1 to implant and become our baby!!

I also had only 6 follicles and in the end only 4 retrieve and lastly left 2 to survive and transfer.. but i was not discourage bcos i believe just 1 embryo is sufficient!! And it really implant!! too bad turn out to be a chemical pregnancy..
Im now resting before my next cycle in MAy.. so once implant.. stay positive and happy is the most important part...

Jiayou n hope to have more good news coming i[!!
bub: wow, all grade 1! congrats!!!
dreambear, dun worry, anything can happen! they will start to grow! Does it mean follicle count is not accurate? Haiz...i keep asking him to redo my blood test for AMH, he say no need...jialat...
My dear Chris, Yes, dreambear is me! Lol, Sorry for the confusion.

Bubbub, I felt better after crying out. Silly me hor, but boh bian, cos we all are cha bo mah. I know it's still early to determine, but I agree with Chris, that I tik I'm a slow responder to FHS bah. I hope my two 9mm eggs will catch up e rest of their siblings soon, cos mummy is waiting for them. Wah bubbub, grade 1 sia!!!!!!
Bubub - Congrats on ur ET! Welcome to 2ww! Quality really is more important! Not like mine, quantity so many, quality don't have.. Hope my only 2 希望 growing well now!
Dreambear : 1 more thing .... Roland doesn't like to give a lot of fsh coz too much of it in the body will also affects implantation .. That's why people with frozen seem to have higher chances of pregnancy ... Also this time round roland will a pill called nifedipine just before and after ET to relax the womb....

I love shoes and Peh has very comfy slippers lei .... I wanted to buy 1 pair but they said cannot, customized for Peh . Dreambear, remember to check it out... A bit like Croc but not croc.... They should set u a retail store cos my hubby looks so good in the scrub uniform

Thanks laine ! Haha lady buggy : glad I make u smile Lah
Dreambear : 能哭是福, nothing to be silly about
the last round I want to cry also no tears, that one lagi jailat cos constipated.

Grade 1 doesn't 包吃 one hor... Not like durian. A lot of sisters also got bfp regardless of the grades... leave it to fate liao...The first cycle also both grade 1 but their cliff hangers skills not up to perfection yet... Hope this time round the hand muscle stronger...can hang on.... Maybe eat durian later haha.

Baby steps : thank u thank u!

Positive : fsh means puregon or gonal f, the stim medi ....

Laine : leave it to uncle ....he knows best
no need mean really dun need... He also dun want to waste your money....haha he saw my monkey butt red face and went yeeks!!! And ask why did I do that to myself haha ... I told him vain loh, make myself prettier so embies want to stay mah .... My hubby was tempted to pass a cheque to embryologist so that we can pick the gender Kekekkeekeke...
Bubbub, so u got to use e freezer this round itiz, heh. My last cycle 2 are grade 2 n transferred into my tummy. Haiz, I also tik tearing is fine, but too much no good. Wait bbs tik mummy dun like them. But it's not, it's e fear n anxiety lor.

Why I didn't see e PEH shoe in Nov when I did my lap? If I see it, I may Kapo hm, Lol. I only see they promoting e PEH friends n i like e little bear. I will check it out how to get that bear hm. I'm doing mine in Mt E lei, so can't look out for e shoe this round. I tik this x I wanna ask my Dh to go in when I do ET. They already adv book MT E OT for me on Sat 830am liao for my ER. BTW, out of his 4 clinic assistances, 3 of them r preggy!!!!! I told him I wanna quit n work for him lei, Maybe I will be preggy soon, Lol.
SSS, i love to watch AFC too!! Antral follicle count (AFC) , in which the doctor counts the number of antral follicles (also referred to as resting follicles) present in the ovary on Day 3 using vaginal ultrasound scanning. Antral follicles are small follicles , usually about 2-8 mm in diameter. The number of antral follicles correlates well with ovarian response. A normal total antral count is between 15 and 30. If the count is less than 6, the prognosis is poor.

For me, my count was 16. Hence my gynae chose to believe AFC rather than my low AMH of 1.5.
lainelaine, no papaya after ET. As such, also no papaya after ovulation if u r trying naturally. i read an article said that papaya is good in stimulating hormone (雌激素)which produce by ovaries but pregnant lady got to avoid it.

dreambear, u have good size of follicles. Quality is more important. JY!

muff, durians have selenium which helps in implantation.
so many posts to read!

asiafrighter> when is yr bt? u can drink chicken essence on the days u nt drinking tcm..

chris> me also poor responder to stim. all the best for yr bt next mon

bubub> gd luck to yr 2ww. gd that u have frozens!

lakigal> hw are u? hope things are fine ok..

dream> i think u are ok lah, cos aft increasing yr stim dose, u manage to have alot of matured eggs. my dose 450 since start, and only 5 matured. the rest nt growing. this is really poor responding..

ladybuggy> i email u..
After reading my post again, something doesnt sound right.. Haha.. We can and should feel happier cos we got reunited woth our embies, but shouldn't feel less happy even if they arent the most perfect grade.. Hehe...

Cant believe there's still 2 weeks to my BT! Time going abit slow... Haha..
Dreambear - i was very touched too.. My embies are grade 3 but i nv had a doubt about them.. im sure they are fighters! This story further affirmed my belief.. =)
Good sharing baby steps! Made e shed a tear.... Sob sob

Lets all not get too obsessed with grading.... Lower cells could just mean a baby gal mah cos slower in division ....even better, gals are borned to fight so will definitely catch up ... look at us all today

Got womb, got ovaries means got chance. Some succeed at first round while needed more rounds... Got a few GFs had their womb removed at young age, 要都没有! the fact that all of us are here, we really have to count our blessing.

Btw u gals heard of 7 eleven? Taught to me by my tcm doc... In order for body to full relaxed, take 7 deep inhales and 11 exhales.... It will relax and invigorate the nerve system....
Dream: I with TSB for medication. Then just before cycling till ET I go to dr Zou for accupture. Now currently 7mth preg Liao. Hope it help.
Hi all,
Anyone with NUH. I will start my short protocol this month. My menses probably will come on 27 this month. Understand that I need to go down 2nd day of menses. However 28 is public holiday. Anyone experience to go down on first of menses?
Hi ladies, I'm interested to proceed with ivf as I think I've failed iui at raffles hosp. Just like to know what is the queue like in kkivf or nuh? Also, is there a need to redo all the blood test n SA test we did just 1 or 2 mths ago in raffles if I am to transfer to a govt hosp? Will kkivf force patients to go thru lapro before ivf? Do we need referral from polyclinic? Paiseh, a lot of qns...

*wave* min & cheeka
Paiseh, didnt reply earlier.. Something sad happen again.. …>_<…

Sunstillshine: you got your answer from dreambear

Positive: what did I explain leh?

Lin: ya, unfortunately. Just do our best. I think I was more affected the first cycle, now ok le.. Just limitation of science
thanks for well wishes.

Bubbub: it's true. Adoption is always another option

Babysteps: the link refuses to work now leh.

Maomi: wherever u decide to go to next, just bring the report, the gynae will let u know if u need to repeat or do some other tests if necessary. Your question is interesting on the lap tho.. Why would any hosp force u to go thr lap unless u absolutely need it? On getting referral, not too long ago there has been some advice on this matter, u can check back.
Laine : ya hor not easy lei....Kekekkeekeke.....my BT should be next Monday to check the progesterone and the following next mon .for hcg ....

Chris : bunny as in a real white flurry rabbit or Hunny bunny kind of bunny?

Do u gals have weird dreams after ET? My dreams are so many and weird...got tomb raider type...

Btw not sure how u gals get ur hubby involved but I managed to get him more attached this time round. Last time he looks quite bo chap. so I made him named the embies this time round and he named it after cars that he wants .... So now he is more precious haha.... But beware too cos I got a lot of death stares from him since ET ... I was trying to pick up hair clips on the floor usimg my toes and use the toes to fling it onto the table and he scolded me big time...
Good morning ladies! It's another day again, another day nearer to our dream &amp; hope to become mummy! Jiayou!!

Bubbub, which day after ET will u be doing acupuncture? U decide or Dr Zou will advise?
Positive: the bunny already enjoying herself over the rainbow bridge. The person I got them from did not take care his bunnies well la, I have different issues. Haiz. I also worried abt the rest that remain if they can live it out.

Bubbub: real one la... Can touch, can eat, drink n poo type which u need to groom and clean up after one.. Haha!
I didnt get my dh involved in that sense but find that he show more care towards me. I feel this is impt; afterall the kids do grow up n have their own lives and our spouse is the one who will grow old with us and hold our hands to the grave..
people who has kids tell me one la.
Dreambear : I did acu before and after transfer .... Then I think will rest for today cos I did a day 3 transfer.... So will do again on day 5 and 6 cos that's where implantation takes place right? Plus day 6 has another jab.... If the purpose of before and after acu was to relax the womb, this new pill that Roland added seems to do the trick already.... Cos in the afternoon After ET I went with my mum to this acu which is very painful but very very accurate placement cos u literally feel each xue wei hit every time she poke. After the pill when she poked, so not painful as before cos I think the womb relaxes a lot...

Chris : hahahahaha wow what an animal Lover! Good good! And that's so true for hubby...my GF always warned me that its easy to love your kid more than ur hubby so must have a lot of self awareness....
Dreambear, thanks for your info about AFC. This is the first time I heard about AFC. All the gynae that I have seen did not mention about this before leh.

Positive, that day I drank the packet type of Ensure milk in raspberry flavour. I cannot take the taste. Now I am taking the ensure milk strawberry powder type. The powder type does not have the medicine taste. My first choice was the chocolate flavour but I am very sensitive to heatiness so I bought the strawberry type...
Good morning all.

~WAVE to Maomi~ How are you? So sorry that ur IUI failed. Me and dh are also planning the next step to do IVF at NUH, not immediately, but probably by this year. Not really sure how the procedure like... or how much... so cant really help you there. When do you plan to do IVF?
I saw TSB yesterday. She said that payaya, old cucumber, normal cucumber can be eaten. I think she said that because I am taking her medicine. Her medicine is heaty enough to counter the "coolness" from these cucumber.

Bubbub: yup I like animals. Had different ones over the years.

Sara: next mon

Sunstillshine: on your d2 or d3 scan, your gynae will def be counting your AFC; it gives a gauge on how many eggs may be retrieved.
