IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks dian tang. I have OHSS and need a very high protein diet but am finding it very hard to eat so many eggs so was wondering how everyone else consumed the whites..

Usagi, congratulations! I'm so happy to hear u conceived naturally. U give hope to us who failed before. I'm dreading to start the 3rd cycle.. not sure when or where to start. I dun think I ovulated properly these 2 cycles after failed IVF. Body temp has been quite low too.

Can I check how often u visit Dr Zou? Twice a week? Or once a week is enuff?
Hi Hoping ForOne, I think u can try eating half-boiled egg whites. Only need to swallow, much easier to consume than eating fully-cooked.
Moo3moo thanks. I am glad to spread bb dust. When I was down, Dr Zou also said there were pp who conceive naturally after failed ivf. So it gave me some hope to keep trying. I visit Dr Zou once a week. I am lazy, I never buy her first week menses med. I just go after menses in first week then 2 nd week, I go near ovulation and 3&4 week once each. Her med n acu really works for me. Last month I was sick, after her acu, I ovulated on same day. I only bd 2 days b4 and on actual ovulation day. Jiayou! Hope u conceive naturally too.
Usagi, thanks for ur bb dust! Before 2nd IVF, Dr Zou's medicine helped me to ovulate on time. But these 2 cycles, it did not seem to work mebbe coz I was sick and physically too tired. I'll keep trying naturally till I feel ready to start the 3rd IVF.

Enjoy ur pregnancy! Hope it'll be a smooth sailing one
Thanks Moo3moo, I still in a state of disbelieve. Hope to see my gynae on wed for a confirmation.

Actually, there was a also a change in my lifestyle last mth due to my changing job. I had to wake up at 6 am, reach gym ard 7+ then jog 10min b4 i went for work. Then nite time i sleep ard 10+. So I dunno what really helps. Maybe i was less stress also helps. I was thinking, shit, i ate so much med this med due to flu n cough, i won't make it this mth. But hubby was willing to try with me. Hence, this explains why i only try 2 times. Last Last mth, i think i tried at least 3-4 times. So luck also plays. Hope lady luck all smiles on us.
Kitty, i used fortel on 12dp3dt and it is a very faint positive.... so fortel is not sensitive if you test much earlier.. if you want to play safe then test on 12dp3dt... all the best and keep that bloat! Bloat after 1week it is good sign...
Holding for one : I also can't swallow so many egg white. Maybe other mean of protein in take that my nurse mentioned are drink ensure milk, eat tofu and more fish . Is ur condition better now?
Hi psp, dr Zou is open tmr from 9am-1pm, half day only! But if I'm not wrong, it's quite packed. I'm supposed to go tmr morning hee
Thanks so much moo and dian. I feel so nauseous its so difficult! The things we must do! Dian ur right the nurse also told me to have ensure and tofu so trying that.. I have my BT on Friday morning and is very exciting but also my OHSS is a great cause for concern and doctor said I have to admit myself tomorrow if it gets an worse.
Hoping for one: after your ET, we still have to watch out for ohss? I am also of risk of ohss . Dur the 2 ww, we will still feel Nauseous? I just done the ER on Friday so felt nause these few days .
Hi Dian

I did read in web that aft ET can still do acupuncture and it help ivf to have more success rate. Anyway, I think is up to individual.

Good Luck
Hello ladies,
Clearblue is definitely more sensitive than Fortel. It's positive
Actually I tested yesterday and the +ve line is very faint. My hubby cannot stand guessing it so we get the clearblue digital today, the one recommended by MC007, and it's shows "pregnant 2-3weeks". He is so happy and satisfied now. And, this is the greatest birthday gift for me
It s actually on 17 Aug but its too early to test then.
My official blood test is this Friday, 24 Aug.
Thanks ladies for your encouragement and for sharing your knowledge here. I learnt so much and this ttc journey is less lonely with you gals. Really appreciate it.

Stay positive and have faith. And, our dreams will comes true.
Jia You everyone!
Hi all,

I have previously failed my IVF and is deciding to embark one soon. I was previously from NUH but I am thinking of going to CARE.

Is anyone at CARE? Is the clinic still at Paragon?
Hi ladies

Thank you. I started popping my pills for that witch. Never feel so excited for the witch to come to start my cycle faster. Silly me.
Dreambear, Dian Tang, 1BB, LuvNHope, Usagi, Baby Smuf, MC007: Thank you ladies for your well wishes

Can I check is it normal to feel a bit breathless or tired when walking or standing for too long? I notice this 3 days when I do simple stuff like grocery shopping.
kittykathy...u at kk? no need call, jus bring the form go down and say u tested bfp..go in the morn so u can hv the result by afternoon
LuvNHope: It's a relief to hear that. I will take easy and rest more. Thanks!

MC007: I m with TFC. Most likely I will go lunch time cos morning have something to do at the office. How I wish I am tai tai and no need to work. Hehe......
i1BB, Babysmurf, my lap was successful. Dr Loh found "unwanted treasures"... One thing I don't understand is that I did HSG back in 2009 and there was no blockage but from the lap, Dr found both tubes were blocked!! Aiyo...

Kittykatty, congrats!
Sunstillshines: maybe over the yrs there is growth? Or is not total blockage. Gd news for you. Congrate. Rest n tiao your body well.
hihi....tomorrow i am gg back to KKH for BT and scan... but after the Lucrin jabs, my menses still no come

wondering wat's wrong...

btw, i took my own leave and resting at home...doing 1 housework per day so as not to tire myself out...
Hi Ladies,
i need some advice. Last nite when i sneeze, i felt some pain on my right lower abdominal. But today whole day i'm ok and don't feel any pain.
Worried that mine is ectopic... haiz, i worried too much cos mc before due to empty sac. i should be 4w+6days now.
Wondering if i should go KKH for scan after work today.
bb, I will be seeing Dr Loh on 27 Aug. The bandage will be with me for another 1 more week... I did not bed rest at all. I still move around as usual. Is this ok?
Sunstillshines, I only bed rest for first day after that I also walk ard. As long as u Dnt do too vigorous things n affect your wound, I think shd b ok
Sunstillshines, good to hear that your procedure went too. Rest well and have a speedy recovery!

Kittykatty, congratulations! Very happy for you! Grabbing your baby dusts

Babysmurf, your AF not here yet? When is it due? I just started my suppression injections on Saturday. Already got bruises on my tummy after 4 days.

My dear Aug cycle buddies , Lil , Babysmurf, Laki, min81, pls jia you for this cycle

My AF reported 2 wks late this month, cycle went haywire. Dh is going for reservice and kkh told me sept is fully booked for ivf. So am postponing my cycle to Oct. meanwhile , I will be rooting for all all you, jia you girls
