IVF/ICSI Support Group

sunstillshines - remembered it was uncomfortable rather than pain. especially when i get off the bed, like something loose inside.

but i got indigestion, very gasey inside, especially after meals.

lin, I did not feel giddy nor nauseous after the op. I was quite sleepy. But after I got back to the ward, I watch HBO.
I think maybe I have too much fats and so the pain inside cannot come out...

What did dr loh find inside? My lower jaws connected to my neck areas were in pain. I thought I was too heaty and ulcer coming... I took the pain killer. Now no more pain on the jaws area. I did not finish the last 2 tabs. Now my stomach area is a little pain when I use my fingers to press on it, else ok. Yesterday I started to drink the EYS fish essence. I heard that this essence can increase the healing process.

How many key holes do you have? I have 2 bandages - one on the left and one at the belly button. I don't have any on the right side.
Lil Ponyo: I think acupuncture help us to relax and prob helps In blood circulation. Later after u have the scan she may ask u the follicles and the lining thickness . I rem I told her I have no appetite and after her session I was eating fine . Did she suggest another package to u or ask u to do ala carte sessions?
Hi Prosepina/SunnieHope/Bodysmurft/Lilponyo:
Thanks for the well wishes!I am now in a stage of unbelievable. Although the nurse told me that i am on one month pregnant on 8 Aug but not much changes on myself. Dont have the pregnant feeling. So I am quite looking forward for the upcoming scanning appoint on 28 Aug.. Will update ladies here.. Ladies, have to jia you and never give up ok!
Hi Prosepina, Kattykitty...

i'm still trying naturally with TCM for these few months. Mayb plan to try again with FET/ fresh in dec.
But recently just had a big quarrel with DH. Make me step back 2 steps and reconsidering if our marriage is really strong enuff anot to bring in a kid into the picture anot...sorry for the ranting...

Kittykatty, did you continue with TCM for this FET? You rest the whole 2ww? so happy for you...=)
Prosepina, when are u starting again?
Cocolee: now there ur pregnant. Your baby is still a small small bean. So do take care of yourself n eat if you can.

Kitty baby: tcm is to tiao your body. Take time off from Ttc. Can "see" that you r very stress. Maybe plan a short trip with your hubby.
lin, dun worry, i felt the pain and cannot get up normally too. you should be feeling better these few days. It took me a week to get up properly. But think you should inform the clinic of your dressing. It shouldnt be soaked with blood. Am worried that it will stick to ur wound and will be hard to be removed.
kitty baby, i will be doing it only in 2013..Why you want to do fresh in dec? i thought you still have frozen embryos waiting for you
or you plan to change doctor?

i hope you are ok! indeed,like babysmurf suggested, a romantic short trip to win back each other..
sunstillshines: wow u so strong! i puked twice. i cannot watched tv cos it made me giddy.. i did not eat the painkiller cos i dunno if its cos of the pain killer that made me giddy n nauseous or the GA? the pain we experienced cud be due to the GA hor? dr loh proudly said he took out 2 dermoid cysts, 1 polyp, endo at womb and back, and cleared my partially blocked tubes. i had 3 holes. wic ward were u at?? yr tubes were fully cleared already? btw does the fish essence stinks? i've been eating fish evday and the fishy smells..

laine: i told dr loh and showed him my bandage the day i was discharged. he said its ok leh... haiz. his clinic nobody ans..
Prosepina, I only got 3 embryos left...which i dun have high hopes.

Yup, i am oso looking for 2nd opinion. not planning to go back kkh.
dont said that kitty baby, since left 3 why not go back and give them a chance, dont waste ma.. u can try natural FET then not much cost incurred..i also want to look for 2nd opinion, but think about cost, that pull me back! sigh! undecided
Dian_tang, Dr Zhou keep asking me if I still feel hot at night. I wanted to tell her that yes because my blanket is so thick that I always feel hot! Ha ha! I'm still taking her meds which is supposed to help blood circulation. No, she didn't ask me to sign up for another package yet but this weekend will be my 5th time and I still have 4 weeks to ER. Will see what she says when I see her.
lin, lainelaine, I think I know why I don't have the same symptom as you. Because I only have 2 keyholes - one on the left and one on belly button. I asked Dr Loh before the op why the keyhole is on the left, he told me he will be standing on the left. How come you have one more keyhole on the right? Or Dr Loh forgot to op on me???!!

Yes, Dr Loh said he has unblocked the tubes. He did not tell me where is the location of the endo. I think I was in 4C ward. Were you there also? Were you watching the korean drama on channel U? Maybe I saw your husband... He wears specs?
Hi ladies, I just started my 2nd fresh cycle. doing a short protocol this round with Dr. Matthew Law in KKIVF. Anyone else doing a short protocol?
Lin, if doc says ok, should be ok bah. Cause for me, i called the clinic about my spotting and the nurse asked whether my dressing is soaked. For me, it wasn't but since she asked, i tot it shouldn't be. For me, there's just a bit of old blood on the dressing and when it was removed, it's abit stuck to the skin.

sunstillshines, dun worry! maybe he went in and there's nothing to be done on the right side? Dr Loh is so experienced, shouldnt have any issues. If you are still worried, can check with him during your review.
sunstillshnes: i was in ward 6A. initially i was supposed to be in ward 4, but dunno why last min they changed me to 6A. was urs a 2 bedded? my neighbour also lap under dr loh.. i thot she was u, she smiled at me.. haaa..

i got 3 holes cos my cyst located at both left n right ovary.. did u ask him if ur endo is serious? he said mine was nt tt serious...
laine: ya some old blood covering 3/4 of the bandage loh.. i also quite ks, when i shower i taped the 3 areas with plastic, and i shower only once now.. and as for spotting, it seems i dont have any now liao leh. wonder if its the blood stuck inside agian???
Lin, dun worry. Tho my spotting was long, my menses suddenly stop at day4! Haha! I also dun care la...doc say must be positive! I tink must impt is to relax and just try ur best! Gd luck!
Lil n kittykatty: I am on long protocol. Ok on going easy once stimulation starts. I am ready to take leave if I don't feel well or too stressed. Jia you to you both too!

Kitty baby: it can be stressful so good to just talk to hubby how you felt and hear from him too. Communication is the key, simple but can be tough too. Take care!
Lin, u r doing fine.. think some ppl experienced differently.. for me no pain except abit uncomfy kinda feeling..when i walk, i walk v slowly.. i never felt nausea at all.. n im same as sunstillshines, i only have 2incisions -one on the left n the other on navel.. can't see the wound on the navel .. i kena "suan" by dr loh when i asked him why i only have 2 incisions. My left dressing also have dried blood n I asked the nurse if should change the dressing and was told if there's no instruction from dr loh, then no need change. When i recalled, I think coz our wound is still v v raw so better leave it alone n wait till next review n he will change the dressing...
Hi ladies,

i will be embarking to this IVF journey soon and hope to get some support & knowledge from the sisters here...

I ahve been ttc for a few years but no valid & did my lapro recently.. redo my hsg test & MOST LIKELY my right tube is blocked with my egg O-ing with it so no way i can get myself preggy.
Have a long discussion with my hubby & we agreed to go through this journey and hope we can get successful in the end... with u ladies too!

*waves waves* Hi dian_tang & lil ponyo!
Congrats Kittykatty

Kittybaby hav a good talk together. Mayb talk or discuss over dinner. Or even take a short break n njoy e special moments together. Take care dear
Anyone has any tingkat to recommend? My ER is getting near, and I was thinking of ordering tingkat for 10 days (2 weeks)...

Laki_gal, there will be another injection to prevent ovulation when your eggs are bigger. So during that time there will be 2 injections.

A warm welcome to new_comers
I'm on short procotol in Aug, now it's already CD10.
Good moin ladies!

I will be seeing my doc @ KKH this saturday and is very nervous and going to do the BIG decision.. haiz..Just a question: How long do we have to wait to do IVF in KKH?
dian tang, i had a scan last tue n d nurse told me i got 24 follicles, 2ml gg back for d scan to c how they react to d puregon.

Juz dont knw y feel v tired recently, not sure itiz of work or d medication. Can easily go to bed at 9+
bb, do you intend to try naturally for a few months first before deciding on next fresh cycle?

Wondersss, I though your tubes would have unblocked after you done the lap. How come it is blocked again? HSG only check if it is blocked. Can it help to unblock the tubes?
Laki_gal: wow.. that 's good . see how big they grow.dun worry abt anything just keep happy and relax. If sleepy, just sleep early. I felt tired too.
sunstillshines, I have googled and there is no real proof that by doing the HSG test will unblocked the tubes. There is high possibilities but not a true fact so i also don't know how true is that..
Hopefully while waiting for my IVF, i can strike naturally. :p
sunstillshines, i only taking like 2ew per days haha coz morning quite rush to prepare then at nite af dinner already v full so can only manage to tk 2. Is there a min ew i need to tk now?

dian_tang, now im trying to relax n not to think too much, kep watching drama to distract my thinking haha. Kep gg to bed about 9+ dis 2 days, gg to b pig soon *oinz oinz*

wondersss, yup who know u wont need to go for dis big step. Good luck for ur natural cycle.
Laki gal, I think the min is 2. But this is very personal. You can increase your egg white intake now. Not only EW gives protein to folicles, it will also help to ease bloatedness if you have any.

Personally I enjoy half boiled eggs. Easy to swallow and very delicious! You can take out the eggs from the fridge and let it cool down to room temp. Wait for the water to boil in the pot. Once you see bubbles coming out, switch off the gas. Wait for the bubbles to disappear then immediately put in the eggs and leave it there for about 4 mins. After that you can have nice nice half boil eggs for your breakfast.
Laki_gal: Thanks for the encouragement!

Just wondering what is the reasons for eating egg whites? Also i know there is this immouncal drink for? Any enlightenment?
My er is confirm on this sat... et on Mon...
My follicles are not growing evenly... n not too many as well... but have to be positive... n tell myself... we just need 1 superstar !

Oh... kkh ivf queue very long... I book my ivf in mar n now then start...

Having injection will make us sleepy... n tired... so just rest well lah...
serene: *gulps* so LONG!!! waited for 1/2 yr..that is really long.. but issit due to everyone rushing for dragon bb???
I thinking if wait so long then maybe go 1 round of SO-IUI...haha.. very contradicting hor
sunstillshines, yup i oso prefer half boiled egg coz cn mix w pepper n dark soya sauce. When im taking the hard boiled egg, juz feel like stuck at my throat n hard to swallow. Haha. ok will try ur suggestion, 2ml morning will tk to mk it for my bf, thks ya

wondersss, d ladies here mention tat tking ew cn help in protein. im at high risk of ohss so i need to up my intake for protein so tat y i tk ew hehe. Ladies, correct me if im wrong.

serene, wow u fast, gd luck for ur er n et. Yup we juz need 1 to strike

Keep us posted ya.
Wondersss: you try to ask them the dates for IVF and reserve the date I believe it it due to the year of dragon. I try to book in may in Kk and they said only can start in aug . So I switch to another hosp .
