IVF/ICSI Support Group

sunstillshines: my ins can claim if stay for 6hrs (prudential). did u chk with yr agent? but if stay overnight then no prob on claiming lah. i dunno if dh can stay overnight with u leh.. dunno if hospital will charge extra if he staying? u checked with hosiptal already? that time i stayed at raffles hosp (sinus opt) and they gave toothbrush and toothpaste, but nt sure thomson got or not.. i think i only bringing one small towel (for my face) and a spare panty in case got stain or anything.. but i rem that time i wore the hospital gown and they gave disposible panty, and then i was so weak i din even brush my teeth or wash my face! lol
do u know if we can get complimentary parking??

tutu: u can chk PM in your registered email account.

dreambear: big hugs.. dun despair! we're rooting for u, dun give up!

snoopy, i1BB: i think aft lap i will try for 3mths, if cannot, then maybe dec do ivf.. then aft then plan again loh.. if i go work, i think i wont have time to try leh. so stressed, my sisters always complained abt their work, i listen already also scared to go back work now. if want, is also part time or temp bah..then my hubby only son, he die die also must have a heir loh (so traditional rite). sighs.

Prosepina, thanks. I am not sure of my AMH reading. My DHEA dosage is 25mg* 3 per day. SGH also got DHEA.

Thanks Leor, mc 007, kittykatty, biggly and pokoyo.

Yeah biggly, I am the one who resigned and went on job interviewing like crazy. I attributed my 2nd failure due to my ex CFO who is a total jerk. Anyway, is over now.

Mc 007, when i first change job, i stress leh for the first 2 weeks, i think i adjusted to the pp in my 3rd week. Now still a bit stress over work. Where is the mummy thread u in? i joined the 2013 thread - ivf mummy, never see u leh. I saw Chevy, Tutu etc.

Congrats Melody123. Take care.

Dreambear, hugs. Tiao your body now and try naturally for the next few months. U might be lucky.
Snoppy, sorry to reply late as i seldom come in... I bought bio-oil which u can buy in watson or guardian but i duno if effective coz i juz bought it. It also good for stretch marks too.. so can "soon bian" apply it on tummy way before we bfp ;)

Lin, I also didn't know that I need to wait so long and that waiting time can make me have cold feet but I still stayed on lah else dr loh might "ban" me.. hee hee...
I stayed in 1 beded which I need to upgrade to premier ,I think coz it kinda cost me ard $100 more than normal 1beded coz all the normal 1beded are fully occupied. My hb stayed with me. The nurse was ok... I thought I needed to use bed pan n I dare not move about on the bed coz scared will hurt my wound so finally 6 hrs after my op, I called for the nurse but the nurse asked if i can try slowly get down from the bed n go toilet myself? My mind went blank for awhile...haha.. then i told her i will try... surprisingly i walk quite steadly to toilet n the old nurse waited outside for me n she quickly came in to help put on new pad for me n i was v embarassed... her action was v fast.. plus she prepared everything nicely for me such as hot flask n warm water with straw n cover...so i gave her a thumb up.. during my 1day stay, i only see a few local nurses including the old nurse... the rest are foreigners... after dr loh suggested to do lap and after much thoughts, I see him again at o&g clinic and who told dr loh when i wanna do lap after counting my cycle with him...
Dreambear, hugs... i do understand your feelings as i failed many times too.. but stay positive as ever... if there's a will, there's a way.. hope u feeling better now
Lin & sunstillshine
I stayed premier 1 beded n everything is provided for.. they gave me a set of toiletries including my hubby's... bath gel, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes n comb. My hb stayed overnight n paid $75 which included breakfast only. They will give u disposal panty when u ask them... i like their disposal panty coz v comfy
there's 2sets of towels provided as well n yes! They give us complimentary carpark.. i jokingly told my team mate that I'm checking in 5 stars hotel n tmc 1beded premier is really good though its my 1st time doing op n staying in hospital.
Hi hi aug buddies

You all started your cycling. I still waiting for my witch. Don't know whether to pop pill for the witch or wait for it to come naturally. Haizzzz
Congratulations! So wonderful to hear of ur good news, after all the hardwork!
And u did it naturally!!
take care of ur self. 1st trimester is very crucial. So go easy. Don't stress ur self.
See u around at mummies forum.
Hi all, I failed in two fresh IVF (ICSI) and one ET. My husband has poor sperm quality and i have one blocked tube. To add up to the problem, my doctor couldn't retrieve the eggs from one of my ovary because it is too high.

i am considering to quite my job to prepare for future ivf. i have built my career for more than 10 years and i am also worry that i cannot take the consequences if I fail my ivf again. am at the cross road now, any advice, lessons learnt will be very much appreciated.
hi all,

i juz tested positive using clearblue digital hpt. it's 14dpt today, not sure if it's a real +ve... and if it is, anything i need to do now? my bt is on next tue.
Lin, I think I won't get to meet you. If each patient's op time is 1 hour apart, then mine will be at 1pm. Wah... I think I will be very cold at the waiting room...

I am now checking with my agent if there is a need to stay overnight to claim insurance. If no, I will not stay...

What time will you start your fasting? Alice told me mine start at 2am.
Mc 007, tested Liao......my cheapo Fortel hpt show -tve. Maybe its really cheapo so cannot detect anything yet. I shall try again probably tomorrow or Sunday. As long as I don t see red and before BT I will not given up yet.

I don t why but this FET I feel more calm compared to my previous fresh cycle. I will continue to pray hard for myself and for all the ladies here to have our dream comes true soon
Haro haro lybaby!! *wave wave

Congrats ling... Have a smooth 9 months ahead n yes, clear blue is very accurate.

Kittykatty, fortel brand not accurate de n it's not as sensitive as it claims to be. Use clear blue better. Try again n good that u keeping the faith! I wish u all the best! Jia yo!

Sunstillshines, I didn't stay overnight n I can claim. I'm with prudential though.
Sunstillshines: Jia you Tmr.

Ling: congrate

Kittykatty: don't give up. Try again in 2 days time.

Chris & luvnhope: Dr Tan only give me pills to pop. Have not tested. Maybe test on Tmr or Monday. Heehee

Laki gal: Jia you. U r 1 step closer to your dream.
Hi all,
Is acupuncture useful for ivf? I may start ivf at nuh end of the year.... So heard that acupuncture is good for ivf. Anyone doing this also?
Hi all,
Selected outlets of Guardian is having promotion on Blackmores. I am not sure which outlets but at least Nex has the promotion. There is more discount with passioncard. Do go and check it out. My receipt with my parents. But I think there is 20% at least. More discount with passioncard.
sunstillshines: ur opt is at 2pm? alice told me to fast from midnight leh, my opt at 9am.. she said like 8hrs fast

i also scare while waiting...
Lin, yes i stayed in premier 1beded coz all normal 1beded are fully occupied n my hb wanna stay with me coz its my 1st time doing op...i juz get my final bill from tmc n all r claimed under ins except for the upgrade to premier so i only forked ard $100 cash. U also have to see what kinda ins plan u have.. my medishield plan is as chrg n rider is also as chrg.. so all can claimed under ins.. hope the info helps

Stay calm n pray while waiting for your turn... everything will b smooth smooth de..
i1bb, jiayou okie!

Riana, may i know who is your gynea? We have a sister here whose gynea also cannot retrieve her eggs as her ovary is high. She went to see dr loh and he managed to retrieve eggs for her n she just delivered a beautiful baby. Dont give up. Money can earn back, carrer can rebuild but we cant turn back our biological clock.

Ling, congrats.
1bb, babysmuf, MC007: Thanks for the encouragement

I shall try again tomorrow with Clearblue.
My hubby is so glad to hear that Fortel is actually not sensitive. At least still have chance.
Thanks all. Hv really been very lucky this cycle as i had thought it was a gone case. Didnt think will bfp cos i hv been non-compliant in a few key areas during 2ww - Didnt really hv bed rest (the real bedrest i had was a 2 hours movie at gold class right after et), hv been carrying my 2 years old boy as he wasnt well n cranky, hv been going to work n doing household chores as per normal coz didnt want anyone else to know of my ivf quest...

Am thankful to the sisters here for the advice n experience sharing, am thankful to dr loh for his magic hands and am most thankful to the one up there for answering my prayers!

Jiayou sisters! If an old hag like me can bfp, so can all of you!
Congrats to all whom have been successful... grabbing your baby dust

Wanna ask you gals what other things to do or eat during stimulation phase? I'm on my 5th day of injections now. I have been taking HongZao Tea daily, eating 8 egg whites, wearing slippers at home, keep tummy warm for 30mins daily, having royal jelly, COQ10, folic acid, vit D, red bean soup once a week. Scanning reveal that my eggs are not growing too fast (now biggest is 8mm), so I just wonder what other things I can do to make this better.

Previously, I have quit my job, and rest for 11 months. During this rest, I have undergo 1 failed Clomid-IUI, 1 failed SO-IUI, and 1 failed IVF. After all these failures, I decided that I should start working again... as my finances are drying up from all these treatment costs with no income. Whether we want to quit and focus on IVF is a personal choice. As we all know, getting BFP is a chance. There is no guarantee that once you quit your job, you will get pregnant. So, quit your job to relax and be stressfree, not becos of want to get pregnant... And when you're not stress anymore, miracle might happen. Just my thoughts on quiting job for BFP.

I'm doing acupuncture for all my IUI, IVF. Though I have not yet succeed, I would say that it make me feel better... and my lining did improve (one of my biggest problem is my thin lining). And the advice from TCM on what to eat and do is good.

Really hope that I will be successful this time... Crossing my fingers...
Ling: congrats! salute to your determination to have a second one.

Serene: I hope the best for you too. I am not exPert but think that you have doing v well already. don't worry and may you get your wish soon too.
Ylgoh: I was on IVF program now wit NUH same as u. Acupuncture is useful as it can relax the uterus . When are you starting the IVF?

Can any sisters advise if I can go acupuncture after ET? Thanks
Hi ladies can u help me during my 2ww. I know it's important to take egg whites. How do you prepare this? Are the egg whites meant to be eaten raw.
Thank you
