IVF/ICSI Support Group

Shainie, i normally have blood clot in menses. Is aspirin used to lessen blood clots? Not sure why dr loh didnt prescribe me? Is too late now anyway....

Shainie, wait till I heal my heart first? Meanwhile, pursue my dream and also travel along the way. That is the plan but will discuss with Dr. TanHH this coming appt.
Niko, me coming 32 this yr. My 1st fresh cycle I transfer 3 embryos and BFP but mc at wk 6. after that did med FET with 3 embryos and BFN. Last yr 2nd fresh cycle and transfer 2 embryos as it is after the rule kick in but still BFN. So for me I guess not much diff for 2 or 3 embryos transfer as problem lie to my own. The very 1st transfer, Dr Loh ask me to transfer 2 but i insist 3, n he say y am i so kiasu.....

I also not scare of the jab etc, but i scare to face the phone call from nurse saying it is negative and you can stop all support now. This is very painful process...... Is just like 生不如死 kind of feeling.
Luv, really ah? I'm wif KKH and Dr told me de-freeze and re-freeze wo. Perpahs like wat Tutu mentioned, need to synchronise. There's quite a fair bit of scanning to be done if I'm not wrong.

Tutu, hhmmm....I really didn't thk of affecting the quality leh. Crap.
Niko, he is so confident in tiao in 6 mth? I Nvr come across any tcm will say that. Perhaps will ask him how bad I am n see... Last time, he told me at least must be w his tcm for 2 mth to see improvements.

Sarah, does he mention anything like that to u before?

Actually, I feel like at cross road, don't know she go ahead or not? But scare not able to take another blow... So lost...
Thanks Niko and Happypinky for sharing your experience with the TCM at Parkway.

Thanks Sarah for the unit number.

Hugs Maggiemee, I also just failed by 2nd fresh and has no frozen. Thinking of going TCM first and start DHEA.
I would love to switch to TFC, but cos my dosage for stimulation is very high, unlikely I can afford it in Private.
So will still stick to KKH if I go for 3rd fresh.
Sarah, me gonna 37 end of this year. So, I am thinking to wait for the criteria to set in since it does not make any different to me right now. The sinseh said I just need to tune my hormones and up my eggs production will do. The rest will be fine. Hence, I am thinking to tiao for a year.

I have seen Dr. LOh before in KKH. That was four years back. I asked for IVF. He said I very young to try for that. Ask me go home try naturally. Sighs...I shouldn't listen to him. Wait till now still zero production. LOL...

However, for your case quite special...just a suggestion only...you need to find out who got the same medical condition as yours as in retroverted womb, ask which doc they are seeing now. Usually doctor who are always doing the same case will have a high chance to resolve yours too. Don't waste too much money and energy...maybe you are loaded...I don't know..but just a suggestion if i were in your shoes.
Chevy, the embryologist told me after my FET that they usually wouldn't refreeze unless it becomes blastocyst stage. But it may differ from case to case. Just focus on your embbies reuniting with you.
happypinky, I suggested to him for a year but he said 6 months will do. I think most likely I have confident in him unless I have wrong judgement by then. Yes, there is nothing guarantee in life and nothing no change in this world except change. Its just like giving a person a job, you need to trust him/her else you won't be using this person cos you always doubt his/her ability. I give him a chance and give myself a chance. If nothing happen at the end, I won't blame the sinseh because I am the one who make this decision to trust him. It is up to individual judgement.

I will be seeing an accu too but not so soon. Just accu only.
Minnie, sorry that I missed out your question on the Ban Choon Chan's address but I believe Sarah already given you the exact address. If you are going for the 3rd IVF, I would recommend you to get your body ready.

I know age is catching up for everyone. No one able to escape that but I hope everyone will have their babies at the end of the day. What are we looking for rite now is the final production.

I wish you all the best and good luck!
Yeah heard frm my doc also that he don't thaw and refreeze embryos again cos embryos might not take it as they are really fragile..so in my case like luvnhope's, they'll just thaw 2& see how 1st..

Woke up early to test opk again..negative...but my discharge very egg white-ish and stretchy..makes me so confused!
Now I am doubting the quality of the opk I got..
Tutu yes aspirin help to those who have blood clots. In West they use aspirin not only in IVF but to treat blood clots which it taken few months.
Niko, understand that lot of women have retroverted uterus. N i read that if for IVf wise, it does not matter on the position of the uterus.

Happypinky, the tcm told me to give him 2-3 mths last yr. But now the problem is on my thyroid, hence I have to wait for my thyroid BT next mth to see how. The TCM actually quite good, he always tell me not to worry, he is here to help me.... At1st I thinking to switch but DH say he have confident on this TCM. And I also feel quite relax seeing him. Dunno y also.
Niko & Happypinky, The very 1st consultation he did told me my progesterone level not good n need to tiao before can go for IVF. He say if I nv bother on the progesterone level and also my lining, it will affect the implantation. Hence he say he focus on this issue.
Sarah, ic...I am not sure about retroverted uterus. This is the first time I heard this from the sinseh too. But since you mentioned it is fine, I think shouldn't be any issue.

Happypinky, the sinseh is not those hard selling type nor pushy. I think he just mention what is fact and what he can do only. He never insist me to see him for 6 months.
Niko, ya, I find him quite good. And the med is affordable. The waiting time I use to it liao, I always go q at 6.30am. His wife also quite nice... always smile smile.
Sarah, for me if I have given a person's a job, I won't doubt his/her ability unless proven otherwise. Doubting will make me exhausted and tired only. Kinda wasting time...rite?

I am quite okay with the sinseh. But don't get wrong msg hor, I don't get any commission for saying good thing abt him. If he is not good one day or unable to treat me, I also have to change. No choice rite?
blurxuan and babylew...thanks for yr suggestions. I am taking VIT B complex and Dr Tan actually giv me med for nausea but the side effects is drowsy so i didn't take cos at work. hope i can get used to it soon but thevomit taste is so acidic...blaekkk..

bruno...how's yr ER?
Sarah, hahaha... i Know no commission. I also find him quite good, as whatever I ask he sure will answer and clear my doubt. I can only hope he can help me to achieve my dream.
Hi Niko, don't worry about it.

Sarah, Niko and Happypinky,
I will go with TCM first and get my body ready for the next round.

Yes, I agree age is catching up and sometimes makes us wonder if will we ever be able to BFP before hitting 40. Nevertheless, we shouldn't lose hope and perserve with what we aim to achieve from the start. IVF journey is never easy, but with support of sisters here and positive vibes (and baby dusts), the journey is never lonely. Jia you to all the sisters!
BabyGalore, no need to worry. Most likely it's cos of doctor's appt or different number of patients scheduled for the day. Nothing to do with your embryos. The earlier the better actually!!
My DH scolded KKH personal just now. They told him KKH will send letter to tell why jab was not given. DH said will the return my 2 embbies back. The letter is only excuses and cover up from them. If he find this thing cannot be settle he will not hesitate to complaint to MOH. We are trying hard to hold our complaint. None of the explanation is saying that this thing won't happen again.

Sorry ladies I have to pour it here. I hope my matter did not disturb u all.
We are here to listen and support you.
Just pour out whatever you feel like it, hopefully you will feel better.

I am not pining on any high hope despite what nurses has said. I don't think stopping the cardiprin (aspirin) will helps me much. The flow is really like normal menses liao. I think have check more than 10 times today. Really heartbroken
KittyKatty hugs. I have no word to comfort u dear. U ever try do hpt?
Babygalore don't worry about ur ET being forwarded. It's nothing got to do with ur embbies. Everything will be fine for you.
Shainie, Hugs.... we understand how u feel. We all here to give each other support. Hope u can resolve the issue with KKH soon and u can concentrate on next cycle.
Hi ladies, I am new here. Basically, I've undergone 6 IVF attempts - 3 in Australia, and 3 in Singapore. We've had 1 ectopic, 3 miscarriages and 2 non pregnancies, but we've finally passed the first trimester for the first time! Wish us luck!

However, my purpose for posting here is to garner support for the legalisation of egg freezing for all women. Opinions voiced by doctors like Dr Tay Eng Hseon only makes things harder for people who have trouble TTC. We need to speak out against such dissenters!

Please check out my Facebook opinion piece, comment and like it if you can - my dr, Dr Ann Tan, is fighting for this legislation and believes that we can do it with enough voices. Thank you!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150811674090995&set=a.208509590994.140952.627810994&type=1&theater
shainie..hugs! write to MOH if the matter doesn't fulfill your needs then write to newspaper. Give them social pressure..but importantly is what is the outcome you want to achieve. You want monetary compensation?

actually it worried me also, i ever wrote to MOH regarding IVF waiting time, When my first appointment in KKIVF, i saw my complaint letter printed and filed in my folder. i am worried they going to do something "special" to me..
Thank you Sarah and LuvNhope,
Just do not want my next cycle then pregnant get spotting problem (touchwood) I will not get the medical support again. This is important.
Chevy, you also on natural with aspirin. Same as me then, i start aspirin on D2. Don't know until when because there put 4 weeks, so if my ET is D19 or D20, the aspirin will most likely take until the preg test. But i will ask again if to continue after ET, all i know is it thin blood.. but how it exactly helps in fet, im not sure. Guessing to myself that maybe my lining was too thick previous cycle so they give me this to thin it? Did your Dr say why take aspirin?

Luv, its me who request blastocyst as i see some posts on blastocyst and it seems like higher chance. I have 8 frozen embryos so thought if want to try.

The blastocyst, they will take 6 out, and if successful, say got 3, they will take the best 2 to transfer and freeze the 3rd one back. Im keeping my fingers crossed that more will survive so i will not lose so many at the same time. And also im thinking if they survive the 5 days, they will be the strongest.

CelC, i also continue my Conceive well gold during my fresh cycle.

Shainie, its ok. We are here for one another.
we do not have anyone else to vent sometimes, but here everyone understands one another because we are in the same boat.

Kittykatty, hugs. Please try to be strong and don't be too sad. Hope it may turn out otherwise. Maybe stopping the aspirin will really help. Whatever it is, everyone is here to support you. Jia you.
Huh! Think I completely missed the boat Liao this time! I used 1st urine sample leh

Anyway my clinic answered and said today supposed to beo my 19th cd day and reasons opk negative also I might not have ovulated this month! They said if I hv more opk test sticks I can try to test thru the weekend if I want to be sure but she also said most likely hv to wait another month lor
*boo hoo hoo*

Understand your grieve..I lost mine due to unknown reasons and it well might hv been not enough support..I'm sure sisters here will lend our listening ears de..

*hugs* be strong fellow sis..
Dont care they want to put in or what. Fed u with them! Just now the Service Manager call my husband telling him my support is enough that 's why no jab given. He ask him back how do you know the support is enough? The service manager cannot answer. We are not to find fault but it is time for them to improve their services. Is it that everytime we encounter spotting have to go to pvt clinic /hospital? May as well there is another hospital for IVF only in Spore so any problem go to that hospital.
Luv, thanks for the info on aspirin. So it helps blood circulation. Im still wondering if it can help thin my lining haha. Because i keep thinking lining got problem.

Thanks, i hope my embbies stay as strong as they can thru the 5days, and hope i get BFP this time. Now trying not to stress over the upcoming fet, as i have been losing sleep over it.
Hope everyone here gets their BFPs as soon as possible! Jia you!
I should also add that Dr. Ann Tan is also fighting to legalize PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) so that we can screen embryos and select only the ones that are viable. This will mean less $$ and heartache for all of us undergoing an already painful and expensive process.

Look forward to your support at my facebook page!
ChrisL, First morning urine is usually not the best for OPKs since your LH surge usually begins in early morning when you are still sleeping and may not be apparent in your first morning urine. If you test in the early morning, you may miss your surge entirely since LH levels may already be reduced by the next morning. Late morning or early afternoon is usually best unless the instructions suggest otherwise.

Check this: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/Faqs/Ovulation-Prediction-Kits--OPKs--.html
Hi ladies,

Haiz, I'm warded again for spotting. But this time at Mount E. Went to the OB that my gf recommended and he insist to ward me as there is still spotting. He also give me a jab immediately. He said for IVF cases, max support has to be given. He says will monitor and if needed, he will give another jab tomorrow.
Kiki, hope your spotting stops soon. Sounds like you're in good hands. Take care!

Chevy, good to check your options with the doc and hospital.
Chrisl, did you do the folicle tracking with your gynae?

This cycle I tracked my cycle and did scans. At D11, my folicle was still quite small as informed by my gynae after his scan. Today is my D16 and the folicle grew so big! Gynae suggested that if I want to do an IUI today. Today?! I was not really prepared. I was on my own. I had a ovulation triggle jab. So quickly I telephoned hb and he rushed to the clinic. I had my IUI done today. My pocket is very empty now...

Hope to spread some baby dust next month.
