IVF/ICSI Support Group

Shainie, I have been thinking on and off about you. Quite worry about you but now I am glad that you are fine. Are you still in your confinement period? Remember to take more tonics supplements after 12 days and drink DOM or Martell occasionally. I haven't finish my DOM and Martell yet but now it is too heaty for me. The weather is too hot and my body a bit heaty.

I suppose to do a fresh IVF next month. I have the slot already but I may have to postponed till next year. There is no concrete decision now till I meet Dr. TanHH for my next appt which will be around mid of June. He want to see me too for some other discussion esp about the new drug "Elonva".

Will you be using the new drug? Or ?

Joanne, thanks for the info. Will call KKH IVF to ask again. Thinking to do one shot 3 embbies transfer. Don't want to waste time, energy and money. Will be doing a fresh IVF.
Niko Kam sia ah! sure no problem!
hehe 良药苦口 mah..jiayou and yes keep us updated!

FouFou Niko actually even in western countries it's considered weird to wear masks even one hv a cough/flu..ppl will really look so much at you on why you're doing so. Once i was contemplating to do so but was stopped by my hb..he said
...i attributed it to be a cultural thingy lah

cas crossing my fingers for you and your cycle then!
Chrisl, yeah I do notice that. LOL... When I was in HK, Shanghai, Taiwan and Tokyo, the people there always wear mask when they are sick. I think kinda cultural stuff. Their masks also very colorful and cute. However, I think it is a good culture though because the virus won't be spreading around easily.

HappyPinky, drink more water. Try to drink milk once a day in every morning. Take chicken essence during noon time. The chinese medicine take at nite rite? If you are taking chinese medicine on that day, don't take chicken essence.

I am thinking to see Dr. Zou in AMK. Just a plan.
Niko Im doing confinement for 2wks only. However still avoid liang food. Im nursing my health now. Have not ask Dr Tan abt the new drug. Dunno know yet. Only see in July. If previous I feel like to delay my cycle this time if possible want to start the soonest. Really want babies. My mum old liao. This yr She is 69yrs so she really want me to have children
Niko, my TCM med no discount la.... Hahaha. I guess is due to diff type of med prescribe based on individual condition. He will cut down the med once he feel v got improvement. For me I dun feel any diff after taken the med, mayb becoz previously I already see other TCM hence I dun feel much diff or feel heaty after taking the med. Hope u hv a good review today ya....

For the tummy warmer, uniqlo is not selling now. As this is for winter collection hence only sell end of the yr.

Minnie, The address for the Tcm is blk 81, #01-636 Marine Parade Central.
Niko, for the rules for maximum transfer of 2 embryos instead of 3 is started last year October. However there is some exception to the rule, women age 37 and above and couples Who have tried at least one treatment unsuccessfully can still transfer 3 embryos. Hope this help....
Niko michi, cas, when i said menstrual cycle i mean the whole cycle, i.e. Standard is 28 days. My cycle is normally 32 to 36 days so im wondering im hearing so many spotting episodes here n there in the forum before preg bt, is it becos those who spotted have a shorter cycle? My bt is tomorrow n got really emotional n worried last night. Dont know how to get thru today n the wait for THE call tomorrow!!!
Point for discussion: Are we compromising the chance by transferring 3 embryos? Human are not meant to carry more than 1. Trsfing 3 increases implantation chance but if all 3 implants, can our womb take it? A friend of mine did so iui 2 mths ago n now pregnant with 5 ! She needs to go thru 2 cycles of selective abortions. I cant believe this n wonder if its ths negligence of the hospital for such to happen. I so wish theres a technology to freeze foetus, she has to remove 3. On the contrary, we are trying so hard to even have 1 implanted.....
Babygalore, i dont go kk so im not sure but i think they should so u can decide on the number to trsf, blastocyst or not and prep yourself! Call them if they dont call u. U have thd right to know.
Tutu juz now morning had cramp like menstrual cramps. So far no spotting. Mayb on e day itself of BT. I dunnoe. Dowan to think about it. It do werks previously for me wif duphaston.

How about u? Never intend to do HPT? Waitin for tomorrow? Wah how cum so long for ur results to b known to u?
Nurul, i transferred 2 morulas last wed i.e a day 5 trsf. so i think im on track for bt. I asked loh if i could test earlier than next tues, n he said ok if im anxious. Im shortening the agony!

Was it u who mc twice before? Do u know why?
gd morning all...didnt get to read the thread yst night as the nausea and throwing up is killing me..making me so tired and xin ku...

for transferring of 3 embbies, there will be no govt grant...i almost wanted to transfer 3 as i am already 38 but since this is,my first Fresh, i can't.

babygalore, kk wont call u de..u only get to know when yr Dr is gg to do the ET...well unless not even one make it (touch wood).. so better that they dun call...lol

Joanne, think i will take dr zou med till she ask me to stop. i think at least pass 1st tri..cos i hv twins and i am old, i think better play safe...did Dr loh did any scan for u? yr spotting stopped?

bruno..gd luck to yr Er..

Kittykatty, think u may wan to go for bt...if bfp like Joanne, better get more support
Good Morning ladies.

I write to KKH facebook today abt my incident. Eventhough how strong I am just cannot accept my lost due to other's negligence. This really hard. I try to forget this but it haunted me. I do not see any improvement from them. Seeing sisters here go to pvt jab for extra support meaning to say they never care. I could not understand y we have to go to pvt hosp for jab when we are KKH patient and they refuse to give jab to us. Why KKH so afraid to give additional support? I just could not understand this? Every complication sure refer to KKH even it is from pvt hosp...
I cannot get rid the incident on 28/04 fr my mind.
Sarah, Nurul, MC, Tutu,
My spotting is like pink. Slightly more than Wednesday. But, yesterday totally no spotting.
I think I am dpt 11. ER on 12May, ET on 14May. Is it early to go for BT?
kittykatty nurse will not allow u to do BT before d14pt but no harm to call them and ask. I think they will tell u to monitor if get heavier they ask u to go to O&G.
Nurul Oic coz most PCOS patient will hv low progrestrone level. Yup I do. Don't know in earlier stage only discovet during my test and scan at IVF ctr.
MC, are you taking vitamin B6, it does helps with the MS and nausea. I have being vomitting after every meal for past 2 weeks and feeling nausea the whole day, but after my Dr prescribe me with B6, it does help to make my vomitting goes away, now only left with little nausea.. are you in week 7 now?
Chris, yepz he did mention that early transfer is to be expected. What saddened me is to thk that none of my embies will survive thawing lor
Nurul, sounds like your issue is low progesterone. if this is the case, you should focus on keeping your progesterone high. Im PCOS, retrieved 36 eggs and suffered OHSS between ER and ET. But my progesterone level has always been good. above 30 without support and 65 with support. so im pinning all my hopes on good embryo development and implantation which is not within my control. So you should ensure you keep your progesterone level ideal. i told my doc i feel so well I don't have confidence im preg. He then gave me a prog boost even though i don't need it - he joking said "let me give you some discomfort!" I was told i will have muscle ache after the jab but my skin is hard as iron, i felt nothing yesterday!! Sigh .... i have been crying a lot - trying to release some happy hormones....
Shainie I hav low progesterone onie in pregnancy. My doc did several scans n found nothing. So I guess I got none. For me
I olwaes remind n tel myself dat GOD knew better wats e best for me. It happens for a reason. There olwaes a reason behind each failure. Each failure hav a blessing in disguise. U can't get everything u want in life.
Cas, Dr did mention to me that perhaps 1 of the reason of failue is the grade of embies wasn't as good. Whatever the reason, we need to move on

Hmmm....it didn't occur to me to ask him how he know hor....Guess I my mind blank liao hahahaaa.....

Mine will be natural as i collected asprin too. When did you start taking asprin har?
Chevy, actually frozen embryos are harder to become blastocysts cos they already have an additional hurdle (thawing) to overcome. It's easier to have blastocysts with fresh cycle. But then again, if your embbies make it to blastocysts, means they're really strong!! In any case, even if transfer earlier, doesn't mean no chance of success. Stay positive!

Shainie, it's understandable that you're still feeling the pain. You're a strong lady. And will have your little bundles of joy soon.
Tutu for me low progesterone is one of e concern ESP when I m pregnant. I do agree embryo development is important. It can b a D3 or D5 but if e embryo stop developing it can never make it to implantation stage. We can't noe e development cos its in our womb. It's beyond control. We can onie hope n pray for e best while waiting for e outcome result

Btw dun worry much. Some ladies here doesn't have any symptoms yet they stil BFP.
Nurul, thanks for having me in your mind and able to understand my frustration and fear. I don't have many to speak with and that frustrate me further. I try speaking to a few close friends but becos they fall pregnant naturally so easily time ang again, their response can sometime be hurting than helpful. I know they don't mean it but they just can't understand us. I don't blame them but I also don't enjoy talking to them anymore...... Sorry for being such a high maintenance this morning. From this moment on, I will be positive and pray hard on the next milestone... stay in touch...
Luv, I use crinone and i do have some " coming out" when i wipe in the morning. It could be clear, so slightly stained with blood and because I have some greenish and yellowish discharge, the excess crinone that comes out is stained with my discharge too. when you say discharge, do you mean the excess crinone ( which looks like cottage cheese) or condensed milk like discharge?

btw, nurse told me it's normal to have brownish discharge.... but i didnt ask if she was referring to crinone or vaginal discharge...

sisters, anyone got discharge during stimulation? today is my D14 of menstrual cycle and i got white discharge like i normally had (fertile period) i thought we will not ovulate and hence will not have fertile discharge??
