IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sugary, thanks!
Pre-suppression stage to be exact. Cos i haven't started the suppression drug yet. Right now just taking oral contraception pills to prevent cysts. I'll be taking Buserelin for suppression. Has anyone tried that b4?
Thank you Sashamama!

Can I know if I need to continue with the intake of protein drink before my next FET? Or I only take them after my next ET?
Thanks sashamama! In fact I can walk ard much more today with little discomfort
Hi Mel, thank for your information, i'll drop an email to Dr Loh tomorrow. Last Dec, i fail my 2nd cycle, i told Dr Loh that i'll start my 3rd cycle at TFC, he said that as and when i want to start, just email him.
Happypinky m gg KKH.. She said eat 4 half boiled egg white..coz took alot of eggs out n need e liquid to recover inside.. i done ET n she said after tt eat..
hihi all

for those gg for bt soon...GD LUCK...juvi..jia u

for all the new sistars...welcome...

abit nervous for my ER tml..will kk call me b4 ET to let me know how many eggs can make it?
Mc_007 u will b sleeping so dun worry... i was told how many eggs fertilised on ET tt day.. they didnt say grade or number only said 2 best 3 average 2 below average..

here's the spreadsheet that is shared with all the sistars here. Click on each sheet for information. Taking eggwhite is to prevent OHSS especially you so many eggs retrieved. Beside that taking high protein food can aid embryos quality and growth.

mc, kk will not call you before your ET, they will only inform you on the day of ET not like NUH and SGH. My BT is next tues, still long leh.. kk will only do BT on day19. Im getting some AF like symptoms like headaches, sore boobs, backaches, no other feelings that make me feel that i hit the jackpot hahha.
babyjourney, pinky, i1bb, blur xuan and ladybuggy...thks for yr well wishes..

ladybuggy, yr symptoms may be gd ones..me having sore boobs too..dunno why..lol
Hi sisters,
Thanks for your encouragement. I have accepted it and quite ok now.

Leap gal, may I know what brand of royal jelly you took and where to buy? Thanks!
Hi sisters, just read more of your encoragements from yesterday's archive. Thanks very much. I did manage to cry it out at night, and also told myself that now I have 4 babies in heaven, cos 4 embryos, and maybe one day will be able to see them. I also prayed and surprisingly, now I feel the dark cloud of sadness has left me. Have come to terms with it in just one day when I thought I may be upset for at least a week.

Hi usagi,
I have stopped the supports for 3 days and still no spotting, no sign of menses. Instead I have wet, transparent watery discharge. Is this normal? Maybe it will take a few more days?
So worried when all say cannot carry heavy tink but i HUG one 5kg rice to a short distance to e car tis morning.. so worried.. is there any systom i need to tk note to know whether e embroyo has stable inside??
Jeanne, I am not sure. Maybe. Normally i have spotting b4 BT, then once i stop med, the menses come. If you worried, go see TCM to flush it out?

I have been having heavy menses since sun until I felt my head heavy...I hope this stops soon..Every 2hr-2hr+, i gonna change..

You also be prepared for a heavier than usual flow after a failed cycle as this is normal after a failed cycle. Take care, gal.
Blur Xuan, how many days post transfer r u? If I'm not wrong it's still very early rite? Implantation prob hasn't started yet so dun think will affect. Dun worry. Just b careful from now on.
Hi usagi, I think I will wait for it to come naturally. I told my husband that after the menses this time, we will go universal studios and sit on all the roller coasters and rides! Then eat sashimi for lunch!
Sigh....really don't know what's happening inside my body...it had been D47 since my last AF. Was given 2 wks TCM herbs (10 days before/ after AF and 4 days during AF) finished all 10 days herb, mainly to flush out the toxin in the body cumulate during ivf, my AF still not reporting. sigh...
Givemehope, a big hug to u, u r a brave lady, u definitely will be bless wi BBs...our dream will soon be fulfilled. Take a good break for the meantime. Jia You!
BigBear *hugz* too, thank you.... I do not even dare to cry in front of hubby. He is also very sad.

Jeanne, I am experiencing the same thing... Wet watery discharge but I just stopped all supports today... Hope AV will come very soon... Just want to get out of this cycle soon.
Hi givemehope,

Do take care. Maybe it helps when both of you and hubby hug each other and cry together? I found that this helped me.
You still have your frozen embbies waiting for you... take heart!
Hi Bigbear,
Wow 47 days is a long cycle! Is it confirmed that you didn't strike suddenly, that's why it is not coming?

Which month did you do your ivf & how many months does it usually take to get back regular cycle?
Luv,nurul, what kind of oral medicine u girls taking? I'll be collecting lucrin on 27april and start injection on 30april. Nurse didn't prescribe any medicine for me wo
mc: jia you jia you! U will only know e results n data before ur ET, unless its bad news, then Kk will inform u. So pray hard tt they dun call u be4 ur ET. Who's ur Gynae?

Sisters, I woke up this morning feeling very nausea n went to toilet to puke...... Hope it's really a good sign

Blurxuan: u just be careful from now on ok..... U can continue to drink LRD tea to warm e womb. U go check e spreadsheet on e timeline of e embbies then u will roughly know when ur embbies start to implant.....do eat nutritious food k? I've been eating spinach n cod fish for my meals, lotus root soup lah n all. Just avoid all cooling food n soup like any form of melons, cucumber n watercress soup. Lotus root w peanuts is good n easy to prepare..
Hi Jeanne, I did the HPT last sat which is D44 unless is not accurate. My last failed cycle on Feb and AF reported on 1 Mar. Really strange, never been so long before....
Givemehope: cheer up and dun give up. there're successful stories of couple who failed 5 ivf but ended up conceive naturally. Did you ever try ICM & accupuncture? If not, better consider it to adjust & balance your body to create a better environment for conceiving/implantation.

Egg Factory: From internet sources, for 3 days PET, it's advised to lie on the bed and minimize the movement and It's not advisable to exercise either. In fact, my HB n parents asked me to lie down all the time after ET...

Mc: all the best~~

Juvi: best wishes for ur BT!
Ladies, in case you are interested to know What Happens After an Embryo Transfer:

Once you complete your embryo transfer, you will have approximately 1½ weeks to wait before a pregnancy can be detected. The following tables outline an approximate timeline for what happens during a successful pregnancy after a 3-day transfer (3dt).

3-Day Transfer (typically sg ivf uses 3-day transfer, if im not wrong)

DPT One - The embryo continues to grow and develop, turning from a 6-8 cell embryo into a morula
DPT Two - The cells of the morula continue to divide, developing into a blastocyst
DPT Three - The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell
DPT Four - The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
DPT Five - The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation
DPT Six - Implantation continues
DPT Seven - Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop
DPT Eight - Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream
DPT Nine - Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
DPT Ten - Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted
DPT Eleven - Levels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy

just to share, for NUH, BT is on PET D13. For some successful ones, preg test on D9 could show +ve already.
