IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi, have been a silent reader for a while to prepare myself for my 1st ivf. Was encouraged by the support and advise given to each other posted here.

I will be starting my stage 1 next week. Will need advise along the way I think cos I still very blur...haha. Hope I can complete it with gd results! Hope everyone can!

Jonjonbear.. Hugzzz! Meanwhile, just take this time to take a rest first and tiao your body before you start again. Jiayou!

Mc007, jiayou! Wishing you all the best for this cycle!! Sad that I can't be your cycle buddy. Nonetheless, I hope to receive babydust from you.
hugs for you..

think actually you can almost start immediately (if there're available slots for ET depending on your hospital--do check with the nurses) but if you want a short pause might be a good idea too as this journey is very taxing mentally and financially..but till then continue with the folic/multivits/LRD/etc..that's what i am doing now.. till i start again maybe next month in May

Hey you're back! WOw you sure shop till drop in bbk hehehe ;)

hi Kittybaby and welcome~
Might be a good time to start on folic acid/multivits etc now..Are you taking any TCM as well?

The late AF is due to hormones being haywired most likely cos of the stimulation jabs etc. I had that too when i had my failed 1st fresh..late for some 2 weeks and i remembered was very light flow..you might notice the change in flow too
Chris, my AF last month during my failed cycle come so early and this month AF has been late! Thank for your advice! Great day ahead
Hi all sisters here, I'm new to this forum. I did icsi at kkivf and currently in my 2 ww. I only manage to transfer 1 6 cell embryo on 2 nd apr and lucky that dr said my precious Embroy are good grade! I need to go back kkivf center to blood test tomorrow. Can I know those experience b4 that, what kind of blood test about? I think my chance are low as only 1 Embroy transfer, any sisters here success with 1 Embroy transfer ? Can we stand long hour during 2ww? As my job requested stand long hour.
Hope 4 BB: Mine is medicated. I started ocp on D2 of menses...Burselin (Superfact) on D21..Not sure whether ur dr practise the same though...
Lavender, there are sisters who succeed with 1 embroy, so dont worry too much. i think the Blood test that you are going for is to check your progesteron level. If the level is low, ur gynea will give you more support. I think it is better not to stand too long during 2ww. If can, take leave and rest.
Hi Lavender,

I think u better rest well, normally fresh cycle got 2 weeks mc. Take more Ensure milk and brazil nuts. Think the blood test is to check if your hormones sufficient, if not they will give u more supports. Jiayou!
Hi lavender, welcome to this thread!
Not sure what your blood test is for, as it is only a few days since your transfer. Could it be to test progesterone?
I had my embryo transfer on 31 march. Had two 4-cell transferred (2 days old). My blood test for progesterone is on Saturday.

Are you given any leave to rest? Best if you don't stand too long.
Hi Jeanne, Cas and Chevy,

Today I had my blood test, how are u guys? Super upset by stupid hubby. Scolded me for being slow when he fetched me to Sgh for blood test. I slow as I boil water n throw rubbish for him lor when I moved to my parents' house to stay for 2 WW. Where is the TLC? Super angry, and slammed the door of the car when i alighted. Going to ignore him.
Hi usagi, calm down. Not good to be angry. Quite normal to have minor tiffs & he was probably not thinking about what you were doing as he could be worried by the traffic or worried about late for work, etc. he should apologise after a while, I think. Maintain your communication and let him know how his words make you upset. Sometimes men just not sensitive enough.

By the way, what blood test did you take?
Hi Jeanne,

To test for the progesterone. If not enough, then go back to Sgh for more supports. Ya, he sort of sorry in his way. Not angry anymore. My bt also same as u on 16th. Think Sgh faster.
Cool,, I just did my ET this morning, retrieved 12 eggs. To my surprised, according to the nurse they managed to retrieve some from the left ovaries cos during scan, none can be seen. Now I'm praying hard that the eggies are of good grade and fertilized well. My left pelvic area is abit painful and cramping feeling, do u experience it?

Usagi, dun be angry, sometimes man are very insensitive and now our hormones changes, will get angry easily. My hubby always made me angry too haha, gotta calm myself down
Hi usagi,
Good to know you're feeling happier now. I had really bad hot flashes last night accompanied by palpitations. This woke me up at 3am and I couldn't find a comfortable way to lie down. I have a feeling it is due to the progesterone inserts.
Congrats Ladybuggy to your ER. Hope they are of good qualities!

The hypocrites are from work, not my dear hubby. Hubby asked me to ignore them. They threatened to find a replacement if I mc so long and frequent. Challenged me if I notified in advance about my absence.
Hi Lavender, welcome to the 2ww club..
quite a no of us here too...

Usagi, no unhappy already ok! Those hypocrites not worth your tears or emotions.... If it really bothers u, take leave or mc. Don't need to face them during this emotional period.

I also did blood test today, no news yet... They say will call to see if need to go back or not.. For the progesterone level thing.

It's definitely the inserts causing those hot flushes... I'm been having them for few days..

But I also having some cramps like pain..like menses cramps... Feel worried... Anyone else experience before?
Hi Sarah, they never exactly said replace me but the gist is there. I am foolish to be upset, just ignore them, as if the co will die without me! Why dun notified? Is there a rule that stipulates so? So cannot put u on impt project? I said I never said that! My big boss asked for volunteers n I tell him in the face - I won't volunteer. If he choose to ignore me and put me in n the project starts these 2 weeks, my problem?
Usagi: don't be upset. Ur beanies is more important. Job can always find. Money can always earn back. Stay zen. Ur beanies can feel u. Stay stressful.

These also happen to me when I just start my IVF. I come to a stage that telling myself this is my last try. Will not let my work affect my emotion. At the end of the end of the day, when I look back I had no regret. Even to have a baby in my hand is more important
Usagi, If ur boss do not have issue for u to take HL then your hr shld keep quiet wat.... jusr HR y they act like big boss.... We IVF patient really need to go thru a lot of issue. Last time my HR do not want to accept my HL after I came back from work. The worst thing is that I have to face my miscarriage n the failure n face the HR problem.

Mayb we shld write to minister for help.... hahaha.
Usagi, like everyone says... Stay zen k.. Dont stress over this! Those people don't understand or dont try to understand what we are going thru, so they talk in those manner.. Just ignore them.

The blood test kk say will call.. Didn't say if it's ok, they wil not call. So weird one but it's 3pm already and no call yet.

Thanks Biggly... Maybe I'm bring paranoid here... My menses like cramps just started these 2 days... Feel scared because it's such a familiar pain I get every mth so having all kind of thoughts...
Thank u babysmurf, my hubby said the same thing, our life are more impt than work. I am prepared to change job when I came this far to go on mc during peak. But is not that very peak yet lor, my co's announcement only due next mth, I can make it when I go back when now all the subsi doing closing.

Sarah, the big boss got issue, he must be the one to tell hr call me, sure bushuang tt I gave him aero plane. Is govt hospital mc, for a listed co, I dun think they will deny. If they do, I complain to MP and ask mp to ask Mom step in for discrimination.
Hi Cas, I have also been having cramps on and off too. Sometimes it is quite painful, sharp pains. But usually I don't have cramps before AF.
Don't worry... think it is very common. It can be the side effects of the inserts also, or hopefully it is the implantation cramps, when the embryo goes deeper into the lining.
for my case, my gynae said the pain towards the end of 2WW was because my ovaries are over-stimulated, hence, they have grown too big and thus creating pressure on my abs, for you gals, if u r in the midst of 2WW, it could be implantation....so dun read too much into the symptoms....just wait for the urine test or BT =)
Usagi, no use even is govt Hospital's HL. Coz we are not covered under employment act eventhough employment act stated HL must be accept by company.
Hi usagi, you are right that you shouldn't let the hypocrites affect you. Relax and watch tv or something. They have to accept HL, right?

Work will always be there. If you write to MOM, they will also be on your side. If you ask MPs, they also will support you, as SG birthrate is falling & they want to increase it, right? So relax, cos your company can't just replace you like that, without getting into trouble.
Sarah, hugs, hr sucks. Sometimes, I think I just convert to do hr, dun think it is tougher than finance. Not angry le, I always felt better after I cried.

And the hypocrites did send me get well soon hamper.

Dear Jeanne n cas, maybe could be implantation pulling. Since is 5 days post transfer for u gals. nurse also asked me how am I. I said usual with good appetite.
shall go back to my PPS - city huntER and 屋塔房王世子.
Usagi, dunno y lot company do not have HR who are more understanding. Infertility is already cause us problem yet we have to face so many issue again.

Ur co still not bad and did send hamper to u leh....
Hi Jeanne you also having the cramps? Guess it might be part of the side effects or symptoms.. Mine only the first day I got very sharp pains... Then nothing much... Slight pain but I thought its due to my ohss... Now ohss seems to subside all so felt weird why I have such cramps...
Oh, dont think too much... Stay zen! Haha and Let's all hope for gd news!
Hi Sarah, oh.

Some HR can be so unreasonable. How about if employment contract said that you can take up to 40 days HL and 14 days MC a year? I thought that they must honour this.

Hmm, but my colleague in previous company once wrote to the MOM, cos 2 months after getting a pay increment, she hand in resingation letter, and then boss said, the pay increment is withdrawn because you resigned. Then MOM also write back to say that this is not an acceptable action, although they are unable to "take action directly". So my colleague, using this letter went to the boss to say this is not acceptable practice, and also threatened to write letter to Straits Times, so in the end, boss give in.

Hi Usagi,
Whoa, at least got hamper, should cheer you up!
Jeanne, Yes, all employment contract stated 60 days HL etc. However, HR will tell you that the 60 days HL is not covered for reproductive issue etc. Mom cant do anything as my fren did wrote in to MOM on this issue before and the reply is subject to company policy. Sad hor....
Hi Usagi, like my dad once told me..... U dun sell ur soul to the company, no one is indispensable and easily replaceable. Why let urself be affected by their unappreciative-ness? I always wonder y HR always does not help employees but only serve the high mgmt? Perhaps it's really their JD lor. Hehehehee...... Dun let it get to u ya! We must stay happy for our embies!

City hunter is the Korean series staring rain? I just finished my supernatural s6

Usagi, the HR matter regarding mc and hl is always an issue. Once U preggy another issue rise up when u need to take leave or half day. Unless the company is supportive then we are not having problem.

Sarah, reply u.

Jonjonbear hugs. Rest well b4 U embark to ur FET.
