IVF/ICSI Support Group

i1BB, your turn soon. Very soon.
How are you? Remember to take fish essence after your ops on next sunday okie. Helps to heals faster. Cook some tonic to BU and avoid seafood and chicken for a few days. Rest as much as you can. Dont carry heavy things. Keep warm. Wear socks and slippers at home okie. Sorry very naggy. :p

ya since after ER I got 6 different pill to take lucky now only left 3 of them and one of them is HCG which got to take 6 pills per day so don't know injection or pills is better because after i take it will make me sleepy.
I am also don't want to worry too much .. not thing to be done now just rest and enjoy this time ... i got 6 more days to go and i think you also about the same .. let's do our best
Hope, i wanted to rest leh. But when I woke up in the morning, I feel ok, so I auto come to work. At the end of the day, I lie flat on the sofa or bed when i reach home. hehehehhe

You take it easy okie. Go sick bay sleep if you dont feel well. As colleague to buy lunch for you. Mai pai seh ok.
how's your BT? Good news?

Usagi, welcome to 2ww. Rest well

Ladybuggy, how was your pregnyl yesterday? Not that painful right?
All the best for your ER tmr!
Thanks BBjourney, no lah, u not naggy...I need such advise de cos I first time go Operation leh... hehehe...

Thanks Hope! U take good care hor... n rest well...
Hi Pancake,
My hubby just told me that his company decided to send him to America next week for 2 months. He asked for time to prepare, might leave on the 16th. That is the day of my BT. Wish that he could be around to hear the news in person.

How about you, when will you be going to HK?
you may ask him to go with you for BT result but if he can't maybe you should ask your mom or someone should go with you to give you support.
For me my husband will be here this weekend and stay til BT on Tuesday which is i feel finally i need him.
plan to go back depend on BT if thing go well my husband will wanted me to go through 12 weeks or stable period.
for me i can't plan too long just day by day first ha ha
later i meeting my friend to afternoon tea ha ha but of course will drink other thing . for you also go out meet your friend then can have a relax and happy day
how about you any plan today ?
Hi Nurul, Fou Fou, Baby Lew,
I am starting my Lucrin jab this coming Monday about the same time as you gals too.
Very kan cheong and excited at the same time.

Good luck gals!
Hi Pancake,
I'm not sure what time my husband's flight is on the 16th. I intended to go back to work on the 16th, as my hospital leave ends on 13th. My mother is very excied about this, but she makes me feel kan cheong about the result.

So nice, your friend is free to meet you. Most of my friends are working, otherwise busy at home looking after baby. I am resting at home and also doing some simple non-stressful work.

Dear Cas, Chevy, Usagi,

How are you spending your 2ww?
Any strange symptoms to report? haha...
I feel hungry easily, but just half a plate of food will make me feel very full, even a bit nauseus & cannot continue.
Then 3 hrs later, i am hungry again. Does anyone experience this?
Hi Jeanne...today is like 4 days past transfer right.. Feels like very long. Almost everyday I went out once to buy food. Short distance like 10,15 mins walk. That is all. Mainly I stay at home.
Now considering if can go out further or longer like meet friends for half a day or what... But stil a little concerned.
How about you? Got go out take a walk?
Nauseous too... This morning just vomit but only acidic juice or something. Don't know why.. Stomach stil as bloated...
I feel hungry easily too. But when food comes, like no appetite.
Adverse to strong smells... And keep having hot flushes, last night woke up and took blanket off! Too hot even though there is aircon.
Guess its the side effects of the inserts??
i1BB, I also had my first op last Oct and those are the things that I did. Try not to have cold drinks for the first week okie. I think it is important to take good care of your body after the op and who knows you might strike naturally.

Sisters who are in their 2WW, jiayou okie. You are almost there.
Jeanne, it is normal to feel hungry easily and can't eat much when the food is infront of you.
So try to eat small meals. Don't overeat for each meal.
For me, I find it so uncomfortable and bloated if i eat a bit more. So during the 2ww,
i always eat about half to 3/4 of my normal portion of food for each meal.
Hi Jeanne, Cas and Chevy,

Today is my 2nd day into 2ww, so I dun feel anything. My appetite ok as per normal. Everyday I try to take immunocal, some eggs, lrd tea, brazil nuts, conceive well, ensure milk n eat meat,fish etc plus 100+. I am sure I put on wt. oh, later try to eat some durians. I am being kiasu coz I didn't do much for my first fresh. This is my 2 nd, so I must do more to ensure no regrets. Too early for me to read symptoms. Just watch my PPS.
Cool, yah man.. it's not painful at all, just like ant's bite, the silly nurse tell me its very painful, aiyo.. scare me like hell, after the job i still went kopi with my hubby and friends..kekke
Thanks, im looking forward to the ER tomorrow, gotta endure no food and drink from midnight onwards. But yest sinseh told me that my lining is slightly too thick, from her expression like its not good for implantation.

Usagi, did you go for acupuncture before your ET? Zou sinseh asked me to go back on fri before my ET on sat, im still contemplating.
Hi Jeanne, yepz, much like wat u described
Still experiencing sore boobies though n occassional cramps, feeling thirsty..... Other than tat, quite ok lah hahahahaaa....

Hi Usagi, wah...... Ur intake is amazing! Pei fu fei fu! This time sure can 1!
Me also try to catch up on series hehehehee...

Sgh only take pills 3 times a day. I dun have any inserts etc. also good ba, so I can afford to eat n eat. My last round got no implantation at all. So be kiasu better. But I find it hard to bed rest. So I spend the earlier part of the day on Sofa.
HOPE, I started with half day work first. My work quite flexible, so quite ok. U seem to hv quite a bit of symptoms. Do take care. If can, try to stay at home n rest more. These few days, I always come home for afternoon nap.
Usagi, ok.. i will see how if i wanna go.. wahh.. u eat so many things, i only start to eat conceive well like last week but i didnt take everyday cos its very heaty for me. Last yr when i took it before ivf start, my menses went haywire, therefore dare not to take daily. So during 2ww, gotta continue all the stuffs all the way to when?
Jonjonbear... Big hug for u. Hope u are not feeling too down now... You did your best already and like every1 who grad from here, you wil get your bfp too! Take a break and I know it's hard, but do things u enjoy to take your mind off this. Jia you again!
Cas: Txs for your IVF Information. Really appreciate.

mc_007: Are you gg to IVF as well? Which doctor are you with currently? Im wondering if NUH has govt funding for IVF?
Hi Usagi... U are so disciplined! Take all the bu stuff... I hope to be like u... Only just started taking conceive well.
I bought ensure too but only tried a few times then stop with it.
Feel guilty for not eating more nutritious food, been eating packed meals from coffeeshop!
Ladybuggy, my first fresh failed, doc says could be poor quality embryo. So I try harder for 2nd round. Think conceive well got to take like 3 months before it is effective. Think some other sister mention 2ww - ensure milk and brazil nuts more important.

Cas, no durians today, the stall not open.
the chocolate ensure milk is ok. If can get pregnant will get pregnant. Is all fated. I just do my best to leave no regrets as I have no frozen. The rule to put 3 embryos should allow for exceptions for people like me with low ovarian reserve n no frozen embryos leh. Those pp who set the rule must be those normal pp who dun know the pains of pp like us.
Oh nevermind... Tmr get the durian la...
Yeah Soem rule can be so inflexible. But dont think so much for now... Relax.. And who knows, you will not need frozen!
This mth get bfp! There is more things to plan for le..
so just relax and eat what u like!
Let's all look forward to gd news soon.
Need advice here again, any sisters bfn, stopped progesterone inserts but still experience hot flashes? I still having hot flashes for past 2 nights and acc. to KKIVF nurse, is the effect of accumulated progesterone in the body. Wonder if my progesterone level is too high again like my 1st cycle.
Hihi all

My AF arrived today.. spotting..should be full flow tomorrow and I am going to call KKIVF...finally, the whole process will start. Should be going down for scan on Sat (D3).

PSP, yes.. I am on short protocol.

Told myself to egg white, drink immouncal, LRD, eat fish..hope the response will be better this round.. Dr zou told me yst dun worry about it..if not, stress might make it worse. I will try..lol

To all cycle buddies..let's jiayou together.

psp.. I am with Dr Tan from KKIVF. NUH will have govt funding. so dun need to worry.

Usagi, does putting 3 embbies had higher chance than 2?
I forgot le mc_007. The nurse told me during my first fresh last yr but now with the rule of 37 years old then can put. I can't wait even though I am young in age. I felt pity for my other 2 embryos that can't be put in and can't be freeze. I hate to do a 3rd fresh when pp can do Fet.
Hi mc_007

May I know what is the process for short protocol. I also starting mine on a short protcol for my 3rd fresh cycle. We actually our cycle buddies but i delay mine to aug. Thank you.
babysmurf....for short protocol, will start stim after D2 or D3 scan..meaning we skip the lucrin part and go straight into stim stage..

usagi, i meet the age criteria..hopefully i hv enfu this round..
Hi Sisters!

I fell asleep for 4 hours from 2-6pm, and then had dinner, watched TV.. another day has passed!

Thanks for your reassurance, cool. When i'm awake, I eat almost every 2 hours, but only small amounts.

Wow, usagi, you have good appetite! I also have no embryos to freeze. Also sad for my 2 embbies that can't be freezed. However, i do think that it is quite difficult to handle triplets! Although if i am blessed with triplets, I would definitely still want all of them! Really hope we can all succeed this round!

Hi cas, I also do not cook and have been eating hawker food and coffee shop packet meals all along until only until the 2ww, then i went to stay in my parents' house & have home cooked food. But whether it is nutritious or not, i'm not sure too... haha... my appetite quite selective now. If i don't feel like eating certain thing, i just cannot eat it.

Hi Chevy,
Glad you are coping well. I think sore boobies are a good sign!! I keep poking mine to see if they are sore yet... hahaha... so far no lei...

*hugs* sorry to hear that. Really do take care. Though each of our situation is different, we do share similar struggle & can feel each other disappointments. Don't give up!
Hi Sisters, I have been taking Vit D, brazil nut, LRD alternate day & black chicken soup twice a week....seem like is affecting my AF as it was delay this month after my failed cycle last month. Any Sisters got similar experience?

Dear sisters... Thks for the hugs and encouragement.

Indeed, cried for the whole afternoon, till tired and fell asleep....
luckily DH is by my side. Sigh.... Really heart pain. Still thinking, embbies r still in my womb but going to gone soon.... Tears burst out again....

Dear sisters, may I chk with u all, how long do u rest till u do FET? Wat should I do now till FET? Any recommendations? Thks again !!
