IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for replying
...yeah i do agree... was tinking of gg to TMC but sorry to say that "case" make me doubt so...

I heard that IVF is very painful...is that so??? Coz today i was doing the HSG test for my tubes and it was so painful that I screamed!!...
in the end i give up...

yeah...doctor ask us to try for IVF...my hubby and i are 32-33 this 2012..but doctor say we must relax ....haiz...

Saggie, tmc ivf now has a new medical director, dr loh seong feei. He was the head of reproductive medicine & ivf of KKH before he left on 31 dec 2011 (yes, 2 days ago). He is v reputable n has v good skills. He is known for his miracle hands.. Many of the ladies who got pregnant r his patients, including myself... Most of us are following him to tmc because he is the best & most dedicated dr we hv came across. We onky trust him.. If u hv the time, read the past threads in this link.. We talked abt him alot..

Even sisters here, a no were his patients, n some r following him to tmc too.. He has revamp the ivf centre at tmc...no worries abt that..
Saggiegirl - actually there is a talk on fertility options on 14 ja. U can click on the ad banner on the top of this page & it has the details. Dr SF Loh who use to head KKIVF (now medical director of Thomson fertility wef 2012) is giving the session onnfertility options and what is ivf, etc. U and dh may want to go & find out more & speak to the doctors there. I think regularly, NU.h also organizes ivf info session for prospective patients, u may want to call NUH to ask for more info.
Saggiegirl, Ivf is not painful. Lots ppl afraid of self injection n afraid of the jab therefore some ppl might feel scare on the jabs. The rest is like ohss which may affect some of women. Other than that all the process is not scary in fact. To me the negative result from whole process is painful....
Nurul, The whole process for ET is not painful. It take abt 5-15min for the whole process only. Very fast. (this is based on my own experience with dr Loh) I don't know how abt other dr....
ER - not painful, as i was sedated.
ET - not painful, took 5-10mins.
- ve result after 2 ww - very painful.
Doctor - SGH
ER was quite bad for me cos of the no of eggs they retrieved. I found the jabs hardly anything compared to the bloat after ER!

What really helped me was constant Gatorade (non gassy) in place of water all day and egg whites!
Yeah. I agreed. BFN most painful. I aso scare of pain, iui to me is quite pain but as mentioned earlier, I think dr hh tan did a good job for ET, I dun really feel pain during the process.
To me, the worst pain is to mc after BFP.. This is a cliche but very true: "Hope for the best & prepare for the worst. Persevere on. Real success is only after bb is born alive & healthy."
Sashamama, thanks for your advise and I've tried but it only subsided my itch a while. Mine is due to different humidity from the travelled country and here that caused the itch. Yesterday finally went to see my family doctor while also her clinic finally opened. Sad that they don't accept phone call to get Q no. and I waited 3 hours for my turn with walk in registration. Had applied the lotion but at times the itch came back. Will check out later and if continued, will pop the anti-itch tablet. Just don't wish to eat too many medication while TTC. Even I also cancelled my TCM appointment since I'm coughing.

Ching, I'll go for long protocol since follicles will grow evenly. I've booked for Feb/ Mar slot. Do I call KKIVF for my Jan AF in order to start in Feb? In the mean while, will try natural but now sick. Hope to recover fast while waiting for my ovulation. Was wondering I will ovulate this month. I did not last month so AF reported. I wish I could conceive before the procedure. Now, I'm fear of the needles when I think about it. Don't know why I have the feel, which I don't in the past. I hope I can overcome it when the day come.
Dear angelxuan,
It is up to you and DH if you wanna change TCM, sometimes it's better, sometimes it makes no difference, I guess must see 缘分! Anyway, I feel that there is no harm getting a second opinion, try a first appt with another TCM if u wish! It was cos I wanna 2nd opinion that i switched to dr loh and it is indeed a lucky and right choice for me

Dear JoynFaith,
Oh i see, I never experienced that before, can't advise much. I agree try to acoid medication when TTCing lo. Some anti-itch cream has steroid content. I used before as I had sensitive skin. I visited the famous skin doctor at maple clinic in tampines. 8hr-long queue!!!
Ivf is not painful. I agree with hope.
Injections - no painful. I tot blood test is more pain - I totally detest it.
ER - no pain during since was sedated. No pain after it too.
ET - no pain. V fast. 5min only.. Just like a pap smear feeling.
I did IUI too, also no pain.
HSG - also no pain; just some discomfort.
bFN - pain and sorrow in the heart. Some discomfort n Pain was when menses came after failed iui with many big blood clots.
Sarah : I asked for 7 days of hosp leave n got it for my fet. I said dun wan mc cos I used up all my mc already. I'm Under dr sf loh who have now left for TMC. Try yr luck ok. Btw I din tell my boss in advance- lol I just told him I'm on mc for 7 days when I got the mc chit.
Angel Xuan : Tcm @ Clementi v v long q. Best if u can go weekdays else u need to make apptm 1 mth in advance. I seen him for quie a while but not v consistent; cos sometimes really sick of waiting plus my hubby not v keen to go Tcm poking. Some days they r open in the pm so maybe that's y nobody pick up or closed if he is traveling. Not been going there for few weeks now.
Tammy, tks. Last time during my fet I also ask dr Loh how many days mc I can get n dr Loh told me up to me to decide n he will gv. But coz that time dun want to let others know so only took 1 day mc n the rest with annual leave.
Hi Tanny, thanks. Will try calling again. If can only make appointment 1 month later then I'll stick to dr zou first.

Hi Babysmurf, suggest using a pill reminder case too. You can then prepare all the tablets in advanced once a week and carry it with you. I used to forget too, now always put in my working bag and never forget again.
Thanks AngelXuan and i1BB
i'm going to make an apptmt with my gynae to check out why my period went MIA.

Hi Saggiegirl, u really need to be mentally, emotionally and physically ready to do IVF, its no breeze. not to discourage you but the whole process can take quite a toll on u. Emotionally, quite obvious, the wait and anticipation and disappointments... quite exhausting. Impt to have moral and physical support from hubby, family and workplace. As for physical, it can be quite painful for some of us, especially if u get hit by OHSS. lots of bloating, cramps, injections, etc... But a lot of us are doing it, enduring all the pain, just to be able to have a baby of our own. What i am trying to say is: Explore all options first before embarking on IVF. Think it through. Good Luck
I used to keep a set of all my vitamins and medication in my working bag. But these few days stock run low forgot to prepare another set.
Hi Ladies,

Pls advise the cost range for IVF with ICSI with Dr Loh at TMC.

Now that Dr Loh has left KK, and other good doc to recommend?

TMC is private... no govt sub. i think the medisave is S$6k, S$5k and S$4k from 1st to 3rd time of IVF ( can't remember the amount, as i used husdand's medisave in my 1st ivf....)
for Private hospital no Govt co funding. For govt hospital, u will get 3K - Govt co funding (3 times max), 6K Medisave withdrawal (1st fresh cycle), 5K, 4K for subsequent cycle.
oic... thanks Hope & Sarah!

Do you have any other good docs to recommend for govt hospitals. exploring options, besides Dr Loh.
Maybe you can double check with the ivf nurse whether u shud call on D1 of ur jan menses? Even if we call on D1, but we still hv to wait till D21 to start the suppression, right? If u r suppose to use ur jan menses, then we can be cycle buddy..
I m hoping my menses to come so that I can start earlier

At the time being, rest more and hope that you can recover from sickness soon. Just relax and dun think too much on the jabs... Stay stress-free...
Babysmurf, i think u still hv to check hpt or BT to double confirm, coz if confirm pregnant, good to get support as early as you can.
Hi all

Can anyone tell me what is e procedures difference btw IVF and SO-IUI?

I'm intending to try IVF after 2 unsuccessful IUI.
thanks BooBoolina...

Really, seeing a lot of mummies going thru IVF is really very emotional - the wait, the pain, all sorts of emotions.

I think support from family, spouse, workplace is very important.

Workplace....dun want to talk about it...the crappy shortie male boss keep harping on my tasks and in a 'fit' of anger, i shot back to him 'cant you leave me alone'..I think he was shocked that i was so daring. But I really need some quiet time to do my tasks ...if not i do till 10pm also cannot finish..

I spoke to my mum about this and i cried over the phone. I know I sounded very silly and stupid but I need to let off some "stress"..

I am considering IVF with KKH as all my medical reports/records are there...any feedback for Dr Tan HH??
Dear Babysmurf,
Any AF cramps? And best to go for BT to confirm in case you need support!

Dear Agnes,
I know some sisters here are transferred to dr Tan HH and Dr Matthew Lau and a few others. So far good reviews for dr tan HH. Unsure about the rest cos most of us at KKivf last year are with dr loh. Any other gals can comment?
Dear saggiegirl,
It happens when we are under stress, where we just let off even at our bosses. During TTC, you must stay stress free. Especially during the IVF process. When you are happy, there're happy hormones secreted that aids in pregnancy. When you are stressed, bb can sense. So let off steam here if you need to!!! Nothing is more important than TTC and having a bb in our arms, so don't be too bothered about your work. There will always be time and chance for work. But to have a bb is not that easy for some of us. So we gotta focus on bb-making more than work

Maybe you wanna make an appointment with KKIVF? If you wanna choose doctor than is private rate I think. Or can any other gals advise?
Sashamama> good to hear about gd reviews for Dr Tan HH.
.. My hubby surname is also Tan...

true. I do agree on the 'happy' or 'feel-good' hormones.... just now after crying, I feel better. Can concentrate at work...and 2 other meetings later...haha...

Doctor ask me to get referral letter from polyclinic, then go KKIVF centre....say got subsidy...

But I am 33 this year...considered old for IVF?

Saggiegirl: for IVF no subsidy even with polyclinic letter. With polyclinic letter they will refer u to clinic D in Kkh to let their MO review the. From there internal refer u to IVF centre. Everything in IVF centre or test referred by IVF centre is private rate.

To speed thing up. You may arrange directly with kkivf.
