IVF/ICSI Support Group

Anybody handled by Dr. Matthew? The nurse said likely Dr. Loh will hand my case to him... ... any ideal how experience he is?

Hi LuvNhope, ya it contains HCG which cheats the ovaries to produce prog (or so I've read)... Lolx.. Dnt knw leh, they gave me options to DIY, KK jab or go GP. I just chose DIY. It ain't difficult. Jus mix the solution into the powder n jab into tummy. Ma chiam menopur....

Ya this is my 2nd fresh alrdy. Felt sian cos I was telling u my first fresh, I was a goondu, know nothing at all, no supplements no accu & yet retrieved 10 fertilize 5. Transferred cell 8. Even for FET, after thawing still grade 4 n cell 8. Whereas this round, took dhea, accu, supplements, cut caffeine, did whatever I cld, result yet so bad... Turned off... -_-"
Thank sahsamama, please do take care now and have a wonderful holiday in malaysia.
I did abit of online searching about this lucrin thingy. Some experts say TCM can be helpful throught out the lucrin period. I guess i will chat more with dr zou which she might needs to change my medicine abit and seeking apporval from dr Loh too. It's seem like dr loh do appprove dr tan and dr zou's TCM method ..... Hmmm....
Hi Noy, I helped u googled.... Here goes:-

Clinic 1: NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic
60 Nanyang Drive SBS-01s-68
Singapore 637551
Tel: 65921732/ 65921733 (By appointment)
Consulting hr: 8.30am to 12.30pm (Mon, Wed, Fri) & 1.30 to 4.30pm (Tue & Thurs)

Clinic 2: Health & Beauty Pte Ltd, Traditional chinese medicine centre
No. 38 upper cross st,
Singapore 058341
Tel: 65344131 (By appointment)
Consulting hr: 3pm to 8pm(Mon, wed & fri)

*Remember when making appt time, must mention Dr Tan Siew Buoy name.
Your boy is still quite young. Age gap won't be too big from his future siblings.
My girl's already 4yo liao! Well, on the bright side, if i do succeed, then at least she can help me out with simple tasks like passing me the diapers, hahaha...

The human body is hard to understand right? I also xian sometimes when i see my frens getting preggie so easily, one kid after another. Then wonder why so different for me and all the sisters here. Really hope we both succeed in this cycle!

I'm also transferred to Dr Lau. But I'm still hesitating n thinking of transferring to Dr Sadhana instead. Not sure if that's a good move on my part.
Ceo, is dr tan running 2 TCM clinic? I came cross that some sistas said dr loh actually approved Dr Tan to provide TCM medicine to sistas who 2ww. Can i safe to say that Dr loh actually do recognise his medication?
Hi Joanne, sorry, missed out on your post earlier. I hvn't tested hpt yet. Don't hv the form cos am at my in-law's place now. Discharge miraculously stopped (keeping fingers crossed and hope it's not menses) so intend to test using cheap hpt tonite when I go hm cos need to use first morning urine one rite? Per Ron's advice, will go to KK to request for early BT and get additional support if get positive HPT.

Thanks Ceo78 for sharing what I feel. I am slowly telling myself to be resigned to fate cos no matter how I try, my goal seems to be out of reach.

By the way, why do u need pregnyl jab? U requested for it or ur gynae prescribed for u?
Am asking cos I know my progesterone is on the low side. On my ET day, I asked the nurse whether I can request to hv progesterone jabs cos I had a miscarriage before and in my first fresh cycle, my prog level was slightly below the passing mark. She said no need and many patients asked before. She said in natural FET, the body produces its own progesterone unlike a fresh cycle where the hormones r controlled. She added that in FET, we are given cyclogest and that is alrd a kiasu step to provide additional progesterone. Agreed with her then cos it sounds true but I asked my hb to check with Dr Loh again just in case. On tt day, he was in a hurry to go off after the ET and he also said no need so we never insist. Thinking back, if my result really is negative, I will regret not insisting in hvg the prog jabs. At least if I hv the jab yet still fail, I know we really tried all means liao.
LuvNhope, ya lor. I am just hoping for the best n preparing for the worst (more like the latter though)... Sigh

Hope, I'm not seeing Dr Tan but from my ltd knowledge, dr tan runs two clinics and dr Loh ever told me personally tat she is one of the few tcm tat he trust. He says she knows her meds well n her meds can b trusted. He was telling me all this while transferring embryos into me... Zzz Lolx
Hi chocolate, I requested from dr Loh if he can give me additional prog supports n he replied ok. Initially I tot pregnly is prog jabs but I think it turns out not. It's hcg but will trick body to produce prog. Actually I dnt knw anything abt my prog level in my first failed fresh n FET. FET I was given inserts too. So I have no freaking idea y was pregnly prescribed to me instead of prog jabs. I'm rather confused between this two. Any sisters here can enlighten me? Hahaha... I'm sotong. N pls dnt think too much cos for all u know, yrs
Might b implantation bleeding... Maybe late implant? Still got hope dear
Ceo38 & Dee, thx for the info. on the TCM. So quite a few of us will be handled by Dr. Matthew Lau... hm... ...

Dr. Tan seems not very convenient for me and no weekend clinic... any comments on Dr. Zou Yu Min?

Thx Hope!!!
Ceo38, why not her meds? Dr. Tan no weekend clinic also... a bit tight for me if I'm going into TCM and may need to visit often.
Hi Noy & Dee,
I'm with Dr Matthew Lau. He's a very patient and approachable doctor. Although his name is not as often mentioned as other doctors in forums, but I personally have faith in him as my IVF doctor.

I did my 1st fresh cycle with him, which was unfortunately cancelled as I was hospitalised due to OHSS. I'll still be doing my FET with him in Jan.
LuvNhope, tt's sounds wonderful... your girl can help out and be a little big sister. :)

I'm thinking of Dr Sadhana as well... ... but I don't know... ... or just let fate arrange the Dr.
Noy, I'm not exactly sure about the normal wait time but it seems that there's no need to wait that long for FET. My fresh cycle was cancelled early Dec and just 3 days ago I requested from Dr Lau for me to do FET in Jan. He only asked if I was feeling okay emotionally and he went on to arrange the FET for me.
Hi Hope,
I will follow him to TMC for post op care because can claim company insurance .... (although I think there is probably nothing very much to review after the op).

As for the 2nd fresh, i have not decided yet. I just done up a spreadsheet for the breakdown of total cost in this whole IVF process, and I spent a total of $10,300!!!
Cash: $1,900
Medisave: $5,400
Govt co-fund: $3,000.

[Out of which, my gonal F & menupor injection alone already cost $3,300)

So, if I follow Dr Loh, it would mean I need to spend at least additional $4,000 cash ($3,000 govt co-fund, $1000 fm reduced medisave due to 2nd cycle), on top of the miscellaneous cash items of about $1,900 (which include items like consultation, bloodtests, sperm storage, HCG jabs, registration/counselling, sonohysterography etc etc .... *next cycle should be able to skip some of these charges since no need to do some of those tests anymore*) .......

Erh ... looking at the above, I may most likely stay put in KKIVF for the 2nd cycle.
TriciaT, oh yah! FET seems to be shorter waiting time and I'm near to 40, think got privilege... hahahha... ...

Dee, I'm also thinking that path of road but cost is a very factor.
Hi Chocolate & CEO,
According to a very old thread here few years ago, it's KH's policy abt who gets HCG jabs (15 eggs & less) & who gets progesterone jabs (15 eggs & more). The reason 4 the diff is becos HCG jabs cause u to bloat. Because hving 15 eggs & more is a lot and u may already bloat fr hving so many eggs, they don't want to cause u further discomfort by giving u HCG so give you progesterone jabs instead. Hope this helps!

Thanks for sharing about Dr Matthew Lau. He sounded like a caring doc. That's quite a comfort actually.

I googled their credentials previously and:
Dr Matthew Lau: Asso Consultant (reproductive med, IVF, Andrology)

Dr Tan Heng Hao: Consultant (reproductive med, IVF, laparoscopy & hyster)

Dr Sadhana: Snr Consulant (reproductive med, IVF, Adolescent & Gynaecology)

Andrology: branch of medicine concerned with male diseases and especially with those affecting the male reproductive system

So it's the "andrology" part that made me wonder if it's better I chose Dr Tan HH since I had laparoscopy ..... lol
Govt co-fund: Same $3,000 for 3 fresh cycles (if both couples are Singaporean)
Medisave: 1st cycle $6,000, 2nd cycle $5,000 and 3rd cycle $4,000
Hi Noy, I dnt like tcm taste n yes u need to make apt with dr Zou.

Hi dee thanks for the enlightenment. Mmmm.. So pregnly got same effect as prog jabs hor? Hee
Dee, thanks for checking up on the various docs' credentials.

Noy, I think u better call and make apt. First visit best go with dh, bring all test results
Yeah, a lovely thought which I hope will come true soon.

Ah... thanks for clearing up the mystery over why some get prog inserts and some get pregnyll jabs. Thank goodness i din get the jabs then. Was bloated enuff as it is!

You know of anyone else here in their 2ww? Seems like we're the only 2 so far?
LuvNhope, I wasn't very bloated... Shd i be happy or sad abt it.....Lolx.... No leh I also no idea who else in 2ww. Guess we r the only "talkative" duo! Muahaha
Thanks Dee for the info on pregnyl n HCG jabs. If I hv to do FET again (only left with one frozen embryo), I'll make sure we insist in getting additional support.
Ceo, yeah, we're the two "ji zha" ones here, hahah... Well, I guess we need an outlet to keep our sanity!

Don't worry abt the bloatedness. I think it was more to do with the number of eggs retrieved cos it's the follicles filling up with fluid again inside us after retrieval. Hence the swollen ovaries. Even read that the ovaries leak blood or what not into the abdomen area until they're healed over (gross right?). So the more "leaks" you have, the more that adds to the bloating too.
I rem during my 1st et n fet, i had inserts n jabs daily to help on my progestrone. but my 2nd et in late aug, i do not have all these additional support cos care nurse said my bt results show my progestrone level good enough.
I m aso not sure shd i go accunpuncture since we ve decide to do et before cny.
Dr angela passed a remark tat it will b good tat i ve abit of ohss cos tat show my ovaries working well. but i didnt for the past 3 tries.
Anyway care knws my allergy case well, i cant take asprin at all, currently she wants me take cqo10 150mg n fish oil capsules daily.
Hi dollygal, I'm like u. No feel of bloatedness too... Sigh... Guess ovaries not too hardworking... Y dnt u consult Angela if u shd go for accu as well?
She didnt encourage nor object to it. she only said most impt is exercise, if no time then go for brisk walk for 40 mins, she said tat helps in blood circulation.
Dee, I posted on pergoveris here but seems like no one is taking them so I'm not sure about the success rate...

I'm at my second stage. Today is day 11 of my gonal f. Going for scan tomo. Day 9 scan was 7 follicles, 9mm.

I've been feeling tired during stage 2 jabs. Is this normal?
hi ladies,

i'm currently in my 2ww,fet on the 9 dec and dr loh gave me cyclogest 400mg inserts.i hv been reading ur past posting saying that implantation bleeding is normal but today is my day 10 and there's nothing,is it normal?my next appointment with dr loh is on the 21 dec,wat should i tell or ask him abt?
Hi Tanny

I'll be starting my IVF next year, Mar or Apr (appointment with Dr Loh next week to schedule my IVF).

I'm interested in the healing session, when is the best month to start with?
