IVF/ICSI Support Group

LuvNhope, nope. I chose to DIY at home

Dee, yes it's pergoveris. Read from some US website that it's a new drug used with gonal f. Prof is giving it to me to improve the quality of the follicles. He reduced the amount of gonal f and added pergoveris. The latter is quite painful to jab though...

How r u?
Ocean, I know how u feel. My girl is 4 and I had 2 miscarriages too in 09 and 2010. I have auto immune issues. Take it slowly k? While I want to give my girl a sibling, I still think they will cope well even if they are the only child at home. Don't give yourself too much stress... Hugs... U can pm me if u need to talk.
LuvnHope, the uterus is big cos of the stimulation, IVF patients tend to have that. When I was doing my scan, I was told my uterus is big too. Can actually see 2 sacs during my scan, but 2nd one appears empty, so it's singleton
I personally prefer singleton too, cos not too sure of my health condition, very afraid not gonna support well.

Joanne, I thought Duphaston may cause nausea, read it somewhere or someone mentioned about it. Anyways, I always react badly to drugs. Last time when I was on clomid, also had nausea and extreme tiredness, so have to stay in bed about 3 days during the clomid consumption days, awful. Hope this ms now will not affect fetus. I have stopped taking the mom milk powder in the morning, to cut out iron, see if it helps...
Dear mummies to be, i have delivered my baby girl in sep and she is conceived through ivf. I have balance syringe for lucrin injection to give away. Hope to share bb dust and good luck to all.
Collection from tampines.
Pls Pm me if u would like to have it.
Joanne, do you experience soreness in body now? Back aches? I'm starting to get these... It's so hard when cannot exercise now.

I see. Hope the size of the uterus doesn't cause any problems with pregnancy.

Did doc say what will happen to the second sac? Yeah, singleton pregnancy less risk of complications. Safer for mom and baby. That's one of my concerns too, but i told myself so long as i succeed, it doesn't matter to me if it's singleton or twins. I'll be happy either way.

Hope you're still taking in some food and water despite the MS. Try to eat frequent small meals whenever possible? Think on the positive side and remember that MS is a sign that baby is growing well!
Hi tromso
Oh.. I think depend on individual then.. Maybe depend on whether ur body can take it..;) I hv soreness in my boobs and always feel very bloated especially at night.. Tired n breathless easily too... Me still take the powder since i want my babies to grow bigger and didnt consume any other vitamins now..;) u take care k..

Hi ocean
Hugz to u.. I know u n tok to u before.. Dun get too stress k though is not easy as i am stressful too.. But my boy is already 8yrs plus.. Gap even bigger with his siblings now n i dun think he can play with them.. Maybe can help me take care them only... So as long as dun give up, still hv chance.. May i know how old r u?

Hi luvnhope
When is ur bt? Hope u hv a wonderful christmas gift this year that is BFP..;)

Thanks for your well wishes!
I hope to have a BFP as a lovely Christmas present too! My BT is on 28 Dec.

Is your boy a single child now too? Has he ever mentioned wanting a sibling? My girl would love playing with her cousin but she hasn't mentioned abt wanting a sibling. Maybe she's still young, heheh...
Hi Luvnhope
Yes, he is alone now and tts why i hv been trying so hard for past 7 yrs.. No.. He never request but i feel bad so hv been trying hard..;) ur daughter will hv a sibling soon too..;)
Meryl, LuvNhope, ceo38, tub, Joanne,
Thanks for the encouragement. Thou it's sad & disappointed but I believe our perseverance will pay off someday.

Dr Zhong, EYS quite good in fertility but won't really go into detail & explain much of my condition. Each time seeing her is feeling my pulse, acupuncture then medication. But still no good news after sometime. And it's really expensive. Each visit about $200 with medicine for 2 weeks. That's why I thought of trying Tan SB since there's lots of good raves. By the way, Dr Loh only consent with Dr Zhong & Dr Tan SB.

What is auto immune issues?

Sorry, I thought u were from 2008 thread.

I am 29 this year. Are you pregnant now? Have a smooth pregnancy.
Tromoso ; I think maybe my system too insensitive. Hv taken clomid and letrozole too but also no reaction, no bfp also. Puregon also no side effect on me except the bloat nearer to ET days. Whatever it is, the final result is what's is important - the bfp and the bb!

Joanne : I think I'm v strange until now I still don't feel tired.. Worried about little one again.. Always wait for my LS to assure me bb is ok.. How often r u gg now? Twins means u will get more tired easily... Take care!

Im planning to return to guan yin temple at Bugis to return my thanks. hmm what must I bring besides flowers? Fruits ah? Or anything else? I see people give sweets, what's that for? Say thanks too?

I will also go back to shuang lin Si at toa payoh to return 30 eggs. I will let u all know when I do that, and u all can take the egg ( it will be hard boiled!) for my baby dust n bfp! I took egg from shuang lin si previously too from a bfp couple.. Prob I go in my 12 weeks.. See how maybe can go earlier... And also ask for a smooth and safe pregnancy and delivery...
Thk u luvnhope and ocean.. Hv been thru alot too.. Now only can pray hard for every scan i go, babies are growing healthy with strong hb... ;) ur turn will be here very soon too k

Hi ocean
Yes, EYS is very expensive.. I seen doc zhong and doc xia before too.. After knowing doc Zou accu point is same as doc Xia, and doc Zou medi are get fr same factory as EYS.. I stop going EYS as they r so expensive due to their brands which i cant afford too long...u can try doc Tan SB.. Think she really not bad too and much affordable..
Hi Tanny
I go there once per week and going for my scan on coming wed.. Pray hard baby growing well.. Ya, i think beside tired easily, also spotting easily.. Praying hard n tok to them daily..;) btw, r u buddhist too? Same as me.. ;)
Best to rest more to tiao your body after any op. When I removed ovary cyst b4, the doc said the outside wound takes a week or so to heal but inside, it'll take abt a few weeks to a month to fully recover.
Hi ladies, just had my ER this morning. I'm feeling very nausea and vomited few times. I don't seem to be able to take any food. Even drinking plain water makes me puke. Anyone encountered similar side effects? Btw, may I know normally will the doctor prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection? Thanks!
What you're experiencing is normal. Happened to me too. We're the unlucky ones who unfortunately react adversely to the sedative. Other than nausea, I had fainting spells (really scary!) and yes, the thought of food is repulsive. But the good news is, it gets better! I felt much better after a few days. Nausea might last longer cos of the remnant hCG from the trigger shot. But that will subside abt 10 days after the trigger jab too. If you get BFP, it'll all prob come back, but it'll be all worth it then.

Oh yeah, I was prescribed antibiotics to be taken on night of ER. Though I suspect it probably all came out of me again, hahah...
Ocean, u r still v young at 29! Time is on your side!

I hv lupus antibodies and thyroid antibodies
LuvNhope, Ceo38: Thanks for comforting! I feel much relieved knowing that this is normal. Managed to call my doctor.. he said not to worry and I don't need antibiotics. I'm wondering why I was not prescribed with antibiotics...kiasi...lol

Yeah, I'm really grateful even though only managed to retrieve 5 eggs. Hoping one or two will be fertilized. Fingers crossed
Glad to be of reassurance! Of course, if your symptoms do worsen until you're experiencing breathing difficulties for instance, don't hesitate to check it out with your doc or go straight to hospital.

Best of luck for your ET!
Hi Tub,
I'm ok .... waiting to start my 2nd fresh next Feb. How about u? You have started your stage 2 injections now? How's your scan results?

Any idea how different is menupor from pergoveris? Anyone with success using pergoveris?
Dear HOPE,
I visited Dr Zou before my first fresh. Then when I started on jabs, I stopped. Then I transferred to KK Dr Loh who put me on 10-week lucrn. All the way, I didn't see Dr Zou or take any TCM already. You wondering to continue TCM during Lucrin is it? Did you ask Dr Loh?

Dear BFP sisters,
Did you gals read my previous 2 queries on how did you gals calculate your EDD and how many weeks pregnant are you? Is it by ER date, ET date or after first scan and wait for doc to tell you? I'm hoping to have a better gauge of how many weeks I'm in now cos I am worried after not seeing anything last Thu. Appreciate your replies pls. Thanks in advance!!!
Hi Ladies, did a natural FET on 5 Dec (2 days past ovulation) and my menses is due today based on natural cycle. Started having brown discharge this morning and it seems like menses is on its way but my blood test is scheduled on Thur. Can anyone advise if I shd go for the blood test today? It shdn't be implantation bleeding since it's alrd 13 days past frozen embryo transfer rite? I have been tracking my bbt. It has dropped from 36.7 yesterday to 36.6 this morning.
And if I go for the blood test at KK 24-hour O & G clinic, do I have to bring the BHCG blood test form as I don't hv the form with me now? Do I hv to email Dr Loh to ask him whether I shd go for blood test? Or can I go straight to the O & G clinic? Afraid tt they will not entertain me.
Chocolate - before u go to hospital, test on HPt first. If positive, then go to 24 hr clinic and tell them positive but bleeding. If today is d13 past transfer, most hpt can detect already. Good luck, hope for the best prepare for the worst. Take care. If u decide not to go BT today, whatever the outcome, pls do still go on Thursday (if didn't BT earlier).

Ladies, if you all bstart bleeding around d10+ past transfer, please do hpt. Dun worry about about going to get early BT or not first, first thing is do HPT at home. And if positive, then rush over coz it's easier to get attention at 24 hr clinic when you tell them hpt is positive but bleeding.
Thanks a lot, Ron for your advice. Oh ya, I totally forgot abt testing hpt. This 2WW is really nerve wrecking cos was always on the lookout for symptoms and my menses is so zun that the brown discharge appeared this morning. Anyway, it suddenly stopped liao. Not pinning any hopes though cos last cycle, my full flow took some time to come too.
Hi Chocolate, I heard if is brown discharge, there is still chance. Mine is fresh red, so no chance (though nurse said there is a few ladies bfp even fresh red.)
Hi LuvNhope, thx! Like you, I also want to give my boy a brother or sister or both (though I don't think I've that good luck)... but now I left with 3 snowbabies and I'm very near to 40.

I want to "gamble" all of them at one time for the next ET but have to think hard hard whether to follow Dr. Loh or ???. The nurse said for ET no difference on the doctor, I wonder... ...

After my boy, I've failed one FET and now the fresh ET, maybe nearer to 40 system not so good liao... even the no. of snowbabies dropped... ...
Hugs Noy. It's natural to feel disappointed. U will never lose if you don't give up trying ok. Take a break, relax and chill, cos u deserve it! And when u r ready, try again ya
You will succeed one day. I know it's easier said than done, but dun give up.

How old is your son?

Hmmm... for ET, I thought the skill of the doc shld be good too so that minimal damage is done to the embies? But that's just my thought.

How's your 2ww? Any symptoms so far?
Morning LuvNhope, none at all.. (boring)...
Lolx... Only Yst Abit constipated then stomach kinda alot of wind till I can't walk fast n kept letting out air (sorry to b gross..hehe)... But when reach home I finally managed to do "big biz" after tat, ho liao! No feel anything leh. Today shd b 4dpt for me hor? I transferred on 14 dec.
Hi Ceo,
Yeah, think it's 4dpt for you. Read somewhere that progesterone causes constipation. Had that problem initially too. Now I try to make sure i take my fibre and water.

Btw, how come you can opt to do the prog shots yourself? Tot KKH doesn't allow since it's intramuscular jab?
LuvNhope, Mmmm, Mayb it's my mistake, pregnly is not prog jab rite? I think I mixed up. I'm jabbing pregnly once in every 3 days into tummy area leh... Is pregnly prog jab? How abt u? Any symptoms so far? This time round, I can't b bothered much abt symptoms nor did I take bbt. No confidence thus think kinda waste time to b bothered. Hee
Thanks Noy for giving me a glimpse of hope.

I guess bbt is a very gd indicator of pregnancy rite? My post ovulatory temp is usually 36.6 - 36.8. This FET with the additional progesterone support, it's still 36.6 - 36.8 and despite the red date wolberries drink everyday. Anyway, I am prepared for the worst alrd. Am so frustrated with this ttc route. Alrd done the best tt I could although we don't hv serious issues. Hv normal FSH, gd tubes and gd womb (according to Dr Loh) but just don't know what went wrong. A fren with many other rather serious issues can get pregnant NATURALLY yet I am still here struggling. Life is so unfair!

Noy, at least you have a boy. I admire your desire to have a sibling for your boy. Good luck to you for ur FET and may your determination pay off soon.
Howdy Chocolate, I feel for u. Exactly apprehend what u meant. It's like we study reeeeeal hard for the exams n yet we fail whereas some ppl dnt have to do anything at all but yet pass with flying colors! Did whatever we could n just couldn't understand the failure. It's natural n ok to feel dejected some times but dnt let it eat into u ok. Jia yo! For the sake of having our bundle of joy in our arms one day...We must persevere
Ceo, oic... yours is pregnyll jab. Yeah, so it's like the trigger shot right? How come they allow u to do yourself? Hmm... Or maybe i'm mistaken. Pregnyll contains hCG right? So u'd have to wait till after you finish your shots for any HPT?

Is this your 2nd cycle? Staying positive will definitely help. You might get a lovely Christmas present

I don't take BBT too. Never have, too lazy, hahah... I had some on-off cramping sensation. But then again, i try not to read too much into it cos i'm afraid of disappointment too. I guess cautious optimism is all we can have.

Chocolate, you never know until the BT results!

LuvNhope, he is one year old. :)

Hi Chocholate, test for hpt like what the rest says and decide your next step whether to go to 24hrs clinic, hope to hear good news from you & good luck to you!!!
