IVF/ICSI Support Group

LookingForward - effects of OHSS will come after ER. During that time, drinking 100plus and water, etc may help relieve some effects if mild but if serious, it won't stop OHSS.

To maximise chances of not getting OHSS, need to start drinking water BEFORE ER (ie. once start Stim stage). Take 2L of water a day & eggwhites too. There is still a risk of getting OHSS if overstimulated, but apparently the water & proteins helps flush our body to prevent/reduce the overstimulation in the first place which happens DURING the stimulation stage (I don't know the scientific reason how this works).

Hi, I just started my gonal F. How many egg whites to take ah? Just now after injection, i felt my heartbeat pretty fast. Hope is not due to the drug but more to work stress.

good afternoon all! can anyone re-starting on fresh cycle share with me, how long did you rest before your second IVF? I dont know if 2 mth rest is sufficient although doctor said ok.. thanks!
jia you tahope.. better safe than sorry.. i moved around q a lot the last round.. failed
Have anyone of you taken birthcontrol pills before? How many days after you finish your pill pack should you get your period? I am taking mercilon for my medicated FET. I want to plan a trip. Thanks in advance.
Tahope, congratulation on your ET. Rest and relax for this period. If you are not too tired, can go a short walk if staying at home stress you. Just go to not so crowded place but stop for rest whenever you need. Remember not to tired yourself and stay stress as low as possible.

Usagi_2011, check with your Dr why you have the fast heartbeat. Could it be your first Gonal-F jab, so a bit nervous. Or could be due to work? Does it go off later? Observe tomorrow again. You can go to the following website to update your status on the spreadsheet. We share information there.
Hmm, no feel of stress but juz bored. After pregyl jab feel tired. Now feel like a pig... Eat & sleep nia. Looking forward to thu progesterone BT hope support is enuf.
Hi BabyJourney, before SIS test which is before IVF, Dr Loh did scan on me n found some lump inside, so he said to be sure need to go for SIS. After that, we met again to arrange for the surgery. In the surgery room, he also talked to me for awhile before I went to slp. It's just like when we are doing ER, very fast n painless. Only after woke up need to take some painkiller. But within that day I didn't feel much pain n bleed anymore. My surgery was done on Monday, & he gv me whole wk of HL.

Yes, can claim from medisave.
Thanks for checking up on the raspberry tea for me
Ladies, i am on 3 days of 450iu gonal f. Went bk gyne scan. Says no change in my estrogen n my
Eggs nvr grow. anyone encounter the same thing?

I am so upset.
he say monitor until thu. Ask me stop gonal f and reduce suprefact to 25....

say if still dont grow..have to abandon cycle.
I am super upset now. Just did surgery last wed to remove a cyst. 6 wks of suprefact...if now cycle abandon all effort waste,

futu, i am not surpised coz i am high risk n complicated medical condition makes me his most complicated patient.
Hi Ron and Joyfaith, thks!! I have made another appt to talk to my gynae. Were both of u also via ICSI?

Seems like most sisters here are with KKIVF. Anyone with Dr Yu SGH? I will be starting my injections nx mth after inducing AF. Hope everything smooth smooth.
Hi Chrisl

Thanks for the info, oh dear, i took most of your mention today, half cup of coffee this morning, extra chilli to my lunch, extra rice to my normal portion as recently i get hungry very fast, cold drink at night, hee hee

Hi JoynFaith / Ron8129

Thanks for the info

Hi Usagi_2011

I started my GF injection last sat, i didnt encounter any fast heartbeat, if u still have it tomorrow better check with your doctor

Hi Hope_4_bb

Hugz hugz, jia you, jia you, dont worry, u will sure to have good news on thu
Thanks for the kind advice, JoynFaith and Looking forward. Today's my first gonal f. I see the reaction tml nite. I think maybe due to work ba. Rushing the deadline before I go on HL maybe late next week. Then today spent like 1/2 day at SGH; thinking abt my work in office. Stress.
Hi all,

Can advise if exercise (like dance class) is okay during Stage 1 of Lucrin injections?

pinkdoll, I actually share the same concerns over ICSI as you, but also worried that fertilisation rates will be low via pure IVF.

Sisters @ KK, do you know when we are allowed to make a choice regarding IVF or ICSI? Will the doc advise us on the better option?
Hi Usagi n Joynfaith, yup I'm with Dr Yu SL. Are both of u under her care as well? Ya I agree that the nurses there are very friendly n helpful n they know me by name. Was so surprised when one of the nurses greeted me by name.
looking forward~ think should be ok lah as it's not everyday..cos it might be very 'xin ku' for you if you're very bloated...drinking enough water is crucial

aiyoh usagi try to take it easy ok? think 'relaxxx'..when you're off work try not to think of work anymore..

lovenHope doc advices no high-impact aerobics, strength training, etc.

Coolcool i was on diane35 previously, from what i remembered i took one everyday for 21 days then there'll be 7 days later pill free, this period of time, AF will come. But im not too sure for your case as you're taking a different medication..i've tried to google and check a little for you..you might want to read more here?


but for more info and to be sure, call to ask your doc or nurse. They will be a better position to advice you

hope4bb Im a bit puzzled as you mentioned that last wed you went thru an op to remove cyst? And why didn't doc advise you to rest a little 1st before going on to injecting? I think it might be a bit that your womb didn't get to rest and recover..but dun be discouraged..you might want to try royal jelly supplement, as it's known to increase egg count ans quality. im thinking of getting soon too
but do ask your doc 1st as you said you're high risk

tahope you like tvb hongkong shows or anime? or go rent some movies & hv a movie marathon
like what i did hehe
Tested with HPT this morning and result was disappointing.

Hope_4_bb, don't be discouraged. Stay up with your positive spirit. You can check with your Dr whether you can try as what Chrisl has suggested on the Royal Jelly.
JoynFaith...hugzzz..are you going to BT? Maybe you will get good news..

Hope_4_bb: My case is that I don't have enfu qty but after stopping injection, the eggs still grow to abt 18mm.. so don't giv up..
Hi ladies

May I check the royal jelly sell on babydustshop is with proprolis. Is this or pure royal jelly is better to help us. Pls advise. Thank you.
Hi MC_007

You still the medication in your body.Do try naturally. Continue take your vitamins and drink red dates longan water.

As for egg whites, I not too sure about it.
Chrisl, thanks for replying my quiry. So nice of you.. you even google for me. k. I will ask the nurse when I go for injection on Thursday. What stage are you in now? I guess, my ET will be in mid Nov. I have 5 frozen embbies. Now thinking hard of how many to transfer.
mc_007, yap, coming this week. I'm not sure either. I'm prepared for it.

Coolcool, you can only transfer 2 maximum from 24 Oct 2011 onwards.

I've done some research and Royal jelly with proprolis is the best combination. But I ordered from Iherb and it's cheaper.

May I have a refresh on the stages of fresh cycle. Things like stage 1, 2, for how long and for what purpose I have forgotten. Will appreciate if someone can refresh me. Thanks in advance

On Lucrin stage, what food to take and to avoid?
Hi ocean

I also heard the both royal jelly and proprolis cannot be combined. Have to take it separately. Or is fresh one better?
Can someone share what is the procedure involve in short protocol in Fresh Cycle?

Ching, it applies to all with effect of 24 Oct 2011. Have you decided which Dr and hospital to do your cycle? Have you seen your Dr and when are you going to start?

Ocean, if you are on long protocol, here is the procedure:
1. Call IVF Centre when your AF start (Fresh red flow).
2. Start Lucrin at Day21.
3. About 12 days later, go for blood test and vagina ultrasound (u/s) to check whether you are ready for stage 2 - puregon/ gonal-f injection. If not, go for another u/s as per advise date. Lucrin will continue.
5. A week after stage 2, go for u/s to check follicles size. 2 or more day's interval scan might be conducted depending on egg development.
6. Nurse will advise when to go for Pregnyl jab at a specific time and when to stop lucrin jab.
7. ER will be done 2 days after Pregnyl jab.
8. ET will be done 2 days after ER.
Hi Hazel / Chrisl...thanks...am doing so now.
Now I really feel like eating the B & J ice-cream in my freezer...keep open & close the door.... Ha ha ha. It's so HOT staying at home.
Now 5dpt & only have on/off cramping. That all.
Tahope, control your graving on ice-cream, it's not advisible to eat cold stuff now. Switch on the fan and let it sway left and right, hope that will cool you down at least.
hope4bb.. I am injecting puregon (400) for 3 days and 600 for 2 days but only 3 follicies.. so have to abandon and stopped injection, but subsequent scan 2 days later showed that the 3 follicies grew to 18mm.. therefore can convert to IUI.

Dr say that I am not responding well to stim..

So you still have hope since qty is not an issue.. giv them time to grow..XD

Joyfaith. I didn't eat. Open the freezer door take a look tell myself I can't eat & close the door. Did tis few times. Ha ha ha.
Though there r occasion rain but weather still hot & stuffy.
