IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi December, yes I remember you. It wasn't too long ago. Good luck to you too!

Piglet n Minnie

My scan scheduled on 21/10. Seeing dr HH Tan on the day after the scan as dr Loh away. Anyone encounter dr tan before ? How is he?
Hi ladies,

Can I join this forum? I am been a silent reader for quite some time. Very happy to see that all the sisters here are very supportive to each other....
and of coz, I wish that I could collect the baby dust from those bfp sis soon!

I have been trying very hard to be pregnant for the past 4 yrs... Failed 4 fresh cycles and 3 FET
After the last failed cycle last year, I told myself that mayb I am not fated to carry my own child, but me and my husband really love kids. So, we planned to go for adoption. After few months of waiting, the agent contacted us and there was one baby gal for us. We met the baby and we brought her home for one night. After spending one day n night with the baby, I realized that I m not ready for adoption, not as what I thought I m totally ready for it. I felt very sorry to the baby. Ever since that, I told myself adoption is not the journey for me..So, I m now back to IVF! Really hope to collect the baby dust from those bfp!

For my past cycles, all were done in Msia. But this round I m trying at Kk. Initially am thinking of seeing dr.loh after all the necessary tests n checks, but very sad to know that he is leaving soon
dunno shud I switch to TMC or not... Can anyone tell me roughly what is the cost diff? Also, I m not immune to Hep B. Do I need to take the antibiotic before I can start the ivf? Also, hv been reading that someone mentioned abt Hep C before. Do I need to take the antibiotic for that also? Kindly advise...
Hi Ching
You are welcome to join us. Now is a must to test for hep B,C and HIV before starting IVF program here. All U need is to make appt to consult the Dr slowly the nurse will advise step by step.
heheh ya minnie, let's look forward to our 2nd bb but not sure you can make it cos by the time you are ready for ER or ET, Dr Loh not there anymore at KKH. Anyway check with him on your visit.

Dr Tan HH is pleasant looking. Perhaps you feel good when you will see him 2 weeks later. haha
Hi piglet,

Thanks for the info. I m just thinking of speed up the process.,. Very desperate hor.. :p

My 1st appt was on 5-Sept, then dr ordered some BT and scan for me. 2nd appt is today, 6-Oct and I am asked to do a hysteroscopy on 24-Oct, then only they arrange another dr appt for me..is it normal that all the appt will be arranged for such a big gap in between? Or bcos that I m under the subsidy group? For non-subsidize, means that we can choose dr, right? And what is the diff with seeing dr in clinic D and TPS?

I am thinking of getting all the necessary immune jabs done before my next app. If my hysteroscopy turns out fine, then hopefully I can start the ivf right away. Do u hv any idea when can we start the ivf after immune jabs?

for IVF, there is no subsidy or non subsidy patients.. all IVF patients are non-subsidy..u will get your lum sum subsidy through govt if u are a sporean and haven use up.
if u really wan to speed up the journey, i suggest you choose the gynae u want and head straight to see him. Im just curious, what happen to the baby gal now? return back to agent?
Hi Sugary,

I am not entitled for the grant as I am PR. How abt medisave? I understand that we can claim 6K for 1st time. So, we will pay in advance then claim back or how?

Ya, the baby gal was returned back to the agent. I felt so bad for doing that. Luckily the next day, another couple decided to bring her home. Actually after we sent her back to the agent, we kept thinking of her.... But no choice, we are really not as ready as what we thought...
Those who have gone through FET, do you feel sleepy by afternoon?

Sugary, do you mean you did acupuncture during your past 2ww during FET cycle? Are you doing for this round as well? I've eaten 3 brazil nuts just now for my first time in my life. They are yummy but heaty. Just 3 of them, immediately I can feel the heat in my throat. Guess I will just stick to 3 pieces since I get heaty easily. Was planning to drink honey today since the past few days felt heaty but somehow the heatiness was gone so dropped the idea. Today start to get hungry fast... do you have this symtom?
Linda, dr tab is good! I saw him a few times during dr loh's absence. He covered dr loh n did c section for my friend's twins. Her GP who removed the stitches said it was one of the best done he has ever seen! Oh ya.. Young n good looking. I m also seeing him that week at tps since I insisted of having a review. If not, must wait 5 wks to see dr loh after he is bk. So dr loh asked me to are dr tan in his absence.
All symptoms to me are faked cos I always have preggy symptoms which turn out to be AF symptoms. The only symptom I hope to get is one-off brown spotting. That's a very Gd indication. No la, the accu is before ET haha didn't explain clearly.

After the cycle, they will bill u, then will offset medisave and pay cash. But I kind of forget how the payment wrks, maybe other sisters can help?
Hi Miracle Baby... I'm on long protocol with kk and the schedule as follows:
- D1 - AF arrived, call KKIVF, the nurse will advise you when to collect Lucrin
- D21 - Start Lucrin
- 2 wks later - Baseline ultrasound & BT
- then GF injection depend on the result of BT
- 7 Days later after GF injection - 1st scan
- 2nd & 3rd scan (1-3 days interval depending on egg development)
- then I/M pregnyl (at night)
- 2 days later ER
- 2 days later ET
- D17 BT

I'm trying to figure out whether baseline ultrasound is one-time or need to go few times, can anyone advise?
Hi Noy

Thank you for the details. As I read, I recall a little. I remmy I got 2 times scan each during lucrin and puregon period then ready for ER few days later. However it depends on different woman. Can be more than 3 times scan cos of the lining and egg growth i think.

Anyone overweight can success the fresh cycle? yeah I am very overweight cos of last yea birth + recent failed FET
Hi Noy

Thank you for the details. As I read, I recall a little. I remmy I got 2 times scan each during lucrin and puregon period then ready for ER few days later. However it depends on different woman. Can be more than 3 times scan cos of the lining and egg growth i think.

Anyone overweight can success the fresh cycle? yeah I gain a lot of weight from the last year birth + recent failed FET

Hahaha yeah lo... Dr Loh said to me " lucky u know what u want and didn't put 3!"

I thought he wanted me to put 3 because I am tall =p
Piglet, my little joy n hazel
Thanks so much for dr tan HH info, I heard fr the nurse today also she said dr Loh actually is guiding dr tan along the way.

Thanks. Hope u recharge urself fully after tis trip

Sunnie gal n noy
Sunnie gal wat scan u r going on 21/10?

Thanks n welcome to tis thread
Haha ya lor... Fully agreed with u there is one lady extremely over weight, bfp on 1st ivf but hcg drop, finally delivered a cute boy last yr thru 2nd fresh Ivf, and today bfp fr fet
And guess who?

My little joy
There is me haha
Hi sisters,

Can advise what food is good to build lining?My lining always on the thin side ~ 6.5-7mm. Hv been using viagra insertion for my last cycle n manage to go up to ~10mm. Does Kk dr provide Viagra for lining?
Sunnie gal
Congrates to u 2.. Wat time is ur scan? and when was ur BT for hcg? Sorry maybe i missed ur post?
Singapoh put 2 , tummy already very very pertruding, can't imagine she has triplets .. Think she will walk falling in front
Thanks again
Did u try accupuncture before? N u mention u r pr, how abt ur hubby is he local? For myself I m pr too, but cos my hubby is local, so I still can take govt grant 2.7k instead of 3k, but I not sure did they change the policy.

No, my husband is also PR... We can only use our medisave. Roughly what is the ivf cost in Kk? 10k?

As for accu, yes, I m now doing it twice a week under dr.zou. Hv been doing the accu and taking her medicine for one month plus. Hope that could help to "bu" my body

Red bean soup help? Oh... Will start to drink it... Thanks ya!
Linda, u know this plc at KKH level 1 where KKH holds function? It is along the corridor towards McDonald n koptitiam. There is a big posture there on a book written by KKH drs. Dr tan is one of the writters. He actually has also won a no of awards. He got promoted quite fast. 2009 he is just an associate consultant but last yr sept when I saw him during dr loh's absence he is already a consultant. He just recently started clinic at tps too. Previoulsy he only sees patient at clinic d.

He has much better bedside manners than dr loh too. :p
Ok... Actually I can see his face thru google net, jus wonder he is so young n has become consultant, wonder how his skill n etc? Cos for dr Loh he is well known for his cool , fast n steady delivery skill, even my work place an ex anethestist she also like dr Loh, so jus wonder tis dr tan how
ektin, you can buy cooler bag and ice container (rectangle shape) from Daiso that cause $2 each. Their ice container is good enough that comes in different size that you can choose to fit your cooler bag size. A better ice container brand is Coleman. For better cooler bag, you can get from OG and Takashimaya. You can try Metro or Istean too. A better brand is Coleman but I cheaper version that is good enough is Lock & Lock.

Sugary, I've seen a bit of spotting on toilet paper once just now after wipe. Wondering was it from yesterday's transfer or implantation. Will the pulling effect continue after implantation?
For my last Ivf in 2009 in Kkh total was abt 9k. But last time i was only using 10days puregon jab cos I under short protocol. But after that Kkh started using gonal f, then now got menopar? And many other drugs n if u r on long protocol the cost will b higher.
Anyway after u had consulted the Ivf dr ( u planing which gynae ? ) since dr Loh is leaving? The Ivf gynae will refer u to Ivf nurse for further instruction on cost, etc provider if ur gynae giv green light to proceed Ivf.
Linda & Mrs Ching,

This is my 1st IVF cycle. First BFP after TTC for over 3 hrs.
I did my 1st BT on 30 sept (14dpt). Reading was only 182.
Had to repeat reading on 3rd Oct(17dpt), HCG level up to 502. I'm glad it went up.
Nothing close to yours :p
Now, waiting anxiously for 1st scan on 21st Oct
Hi ladies fm kk,
I am very curious. You all are talking Dr Tan HH is pleasant looking and even got his pic posted up. What about Dr SF Loh? Got his pic? Pleasant looking? Please satisfy my curiosity. hahaha....
Sunnie gal n sunstillshine
For dr Loh, I just like him, eventhough he is super busy, waited 2-3 hrs, sometimes his hair so messy but still can crack cold jokes , but I m gonna to miss him soon. Anyone is seeing dr Loh the next few days? Can u all ask him wat is his charges like in thomson in terms of consultation fee, scan fee, delivery charges.... Reali feel so sad he is no more in kk
Linda, dr loh is v well known for his good skills. Even the AMC nurse can tell me my gynae aka dr loh is gd!

dr tan is calm & steady too during the c section op for my friend. Dr loh is in his late 40s (I better dun say his real age here...). 6-7 yrs ago when he s abt 40, he is already a senior consultant & 2nd man to ex-head dr sheila loh. He rose to be head after sheila left for raffles.

Dr tan shld be mid 30s at least. Dun forget medical sch here is 5 yrs, NS is 2.5 yrs. That means he was abt 28 yrs old after gradating from medical school. After that he still need works his way up from a MO before he can choose his specialization. From KKH website u can see his credentials which needs a few yrs to achieve also. So, he is like the younger version of dr loh.. A few of us feel that he iwill be a promising dr loh's successor one day.
Sunnie_gal, bedside manner refers to the way a doctor interacts and communicates with patients. A doctor with good bedside manner is a good communicator, while one without a bedside manner may offend or may be overly abrupt with patients. A good bedside manner might include showing empathy, being open to communication, involving the patient in health decisions, and helping the patient feel at ease. A poor bedside manner can manifest as arrogance, failure to listen to a patient, abruptness, dismissal of a patient’s fears, and rudeness.
Hi Piglet02
Mi in stage 1 now, yes only lurcin

Thanks, Jane for the cycle's info

My little joy & happiness, sure

Linda, Congrats

Hi tea, no pain at all if you really do 3 finger down if too far away so times a bit of pain or bleed, i learn as i inject, i also scream when my family doctor wants to inject me, you can image how scare of needle i am, but i managed to inject myself daily so it wasnt that bad

Thanks, Noy for the cycle's info
