IVF/ICSI Support Group

Koirc : See! Congrats! So happy for you.. **grab grab baby dust** Share Share? Do tell us what did you do differently for this cycle.

Mei80 : 21 frozen? Thats all a lot - don't worry too much since you have so big quantity! I have 3 frozen and I hope I dont lose all of them after thawing.

Sigh, so restless at home.

I try to stay positive; if really no jackpot, I'll go for FET next month Oct. Also no, then go for another fresh cycle in Dec/ Jan. Dr tend to take leave during year end period is it?

How long does a medicated FET takes? Does it start from CD3 with frequent scans at KKH, then follow by ET and few days of MC to rest at home? So means need about 2 weeks thereabout?

Wow u still got so many frozen embies left, no wonder ur gynae suggested to u to do d5 blastocyst
Btw, I m also doing fet tis month
Hi Koirc, congrats, all your efforts have paid off, stay positive & relax.. Hope all of us here will strike the jackpot very soon.. Baby dust to all!
Tanny : Dnt worry, My gf always saying important is good quality not quantity.
Linda:When you doing FET? I will be at next monday.
Thank you sisters! I am overwhelmed by your well-wishes. Thanks for standing by me during this time! *hugs*

I will continue to eat well and rest well. Sorry, I don't really have any tips to share. The only thing I did differently was I am less conscious this time round. But I did go to TCM to tiao my body after the first round.

All the best to all the sisters here in 2WW. I will still be around. Still need lots of advice from all of you!
I m still taking the med to build up my lining, next week scanning
So u will b v soon into 2ww, jia you
For sister in Kkh
For those did fet before, will dr Loh issue HL or MC and how many days? Can we ask for up to blood test date?
Linda: I fail my fresh cycle. 2ww is bfp, but after 3more weeks gone.Very sad.i ask my gynea,but he never tell me / explain any reason.
U under which dr/hosp? Dun be sad. Jus like I told my close gf when she was miscarriage I told her things happen for reason, such as could be the embryo is not healthy to develop further but at least u know u can get bfp(preggy), and now she is preggy again . So I m sure ur dream will come v soon.

Hi Jessica
I knew HL can give for fresh cycle up to blood test date. So u mean fet also can ?
Koirc, Congrats!!! Enjoy ur pregnancy!

Linda, for FET we are only give 2-3 days but definitely not up to BT. U may try to request and c how.

I'm currently in my 2ww. Have been feeling rather tired and restless, and aft nap, my head feels kind of heavy and slight headache, is it I sleep too much? Any recommendation what can I do in this 2ww?
Hopefully for a little dragon gal 

Ya cos my workplace kinda stressful ok will try to ask dr Loh for more HL then
Faithbb: I also just started my 2ww on monday. V sianz hor, same like you like nothing to do.... I go my mom place chat with them, then watch DVD, lunch, surf net, take 3pm nap, followed by dinner then time to go home already. Did u subsribe to scv? maybe hv more shows to watch.

Tmrw I need to go back Kk for progesterone blood test. What's that for? See enough a not? Wonder should I go back to dr Zou to take ATY.

So far for me feeling v normal no heaviness or headaches. Mayb unsleep too much or did u hv afternoon sun. Try to sleep in a cooling room?
Koirc, Congrats!!! Spread bb dust around...

I just came bk home from ER... gt 25 egg out of 28. But I ask nurse whether they will call me to tell me how many egg mature and fertilize. She say wont. Only on the day of my ET then will tell. Is it like this?
For fresh cycle dr Loh will issue HL from ER till blood test date
So I jus wonder fet will give e same, but will try to as dr Loh on that day for my fet transfer
Fatefully, 25 eggs retrieve is a good amt. Can I check with you when you did your HCG jab, is it done on Monday night (24-hr) clinic? Was wondering what if need to jab on Sunday.
Went for scanning today, the folic & lining only improve a "little" bit... Ms. Africa told me still have two chances for the scan - Fri & Mon. But if by Monday still no improvement will have to cancel the FET... ... :-(
Tanny, mine is FET, so next wk I'll be back to work, won't hv time to think so much. I dun kn y I was so sleepy. Aft bfast I was watching tv then trying to read but i was lile so sleepy so it was like 12+, end up jus sleep on my couch. It might be the sun cos when I woke up, I was pespiring n my head kind of hurt. Could barely open my eyes when I c the sun, so I let dw the curtain n was much better. Nw I walk ard my hse preparing my longan tea.

Noy, maybe there will be a miracle, drink some longan red
dates tea to bu xue as well.
Linda, I'm on natural FET. Ms. Africa mentioned if this natural FET is cancelled, the next one will be med FET.

FaithBB, longan red dates tea??? Any ideal how to make?
Thanks FaithBB and fatefully!

Sophia - my reading this time is 427. Is it normal? My fresh cycle reading was only 87!
Noy, is very simple, jus put some red dates, longan, I also got add in some wolfberries. U hv to remove the seeds of the red dates to prevent heatiness. Rinse the ingredients then add water n bring it to boil. The longan will give off some sweetness but if u prefer it to be more sweet, u can add in some rock sugar. Hope my explanation is clear.
Hi ladies, the mc issued by KK specified it's by "reproductive centre". Can I request the staff at ivf centre to change it to "clinic D"? I have to submit my mc to the admin staff of my co, who is the most kaypoh in my office. She will not keep it p&c. If she knows I have fertility issue, my whole office will know within 1 week. Anyone has any suggestion what can I do?
Dear sisters, thank you for the encouraging words. Emotionally, I've recovered much. It helps me more when i'm in this forum reading up on all the sisters' updates.

Koirc, you hv lifted my otherwise dowdy wed. CONGRATULATIONS!!! "BBDUST, BBDUST, BBDUST!" Haha! 427 is a healthy number. Another 2ww to HB rite?

yes, I started lucrin 2 days after you. Get to start Gonal f the next after the first scan/ E2 bloodtest. Find it fast too! If everything's ok after tomorrow's scan, ER will come soon. All the best for your scanning too.

Koric, congrats and have a smooth 9 months ahead.
Thanks FaithBB, is clear enough... ...

Linda, I have 2 frozen embries... and I hope my condition would be better if I can make it to the FET.
Mm, you can get your mC changed. Hv u done your ET? If not on the day of ET tell the nurse that u can't claim the MC as ur office wun recognize if from reproductive centre the moment u arrive. She will see to that & get a duty dr to reissue. After ET picks up from the nurse. No issue. I changed before.
Anyone on crinone? Normally after inserting, when wipe across, do u feel any fresh crinone cream or not supposed to if insert correctly? Keep wondering if it actually went in.
Thanks Hazel. I failed my first cycle in July. Will do my 2nd fresh in Nov. In 1st cycle, I used my annual leave. The mc still sitting in my drawer. For next cycle, I est my er/2ww could fall on end nov/early dec which clash with my peak period and I am not suppose to take leave. So no choice have to make use of the HL. So I can ask the nurse at the counter to help? I find the nurses at the counter not so friendly...
Hi whitetiger - no worries there sometimes is some crinone gel when wiping but should not be too much. Usually, I try to lie down for 5-10min, find that less/no gel comes out. Hate the Crinone residual that comes out after a week, though!
Hi whitetiger,ron8129
I remembered the nurse told me the best time to apply crinone is when you are going to bed,that means after the insertion of crinone, dun get up,go to bed straightaway, then you are quite safe to prevent it from flowing out.

Dear ladies, i just started my first injection of
Suprefact today. Anyone same cycle as me? I am doing at glean eagles. Appreciate any advise
