IVF/ICSI Support Group

Jessica, as far as I know, egg whites have lots of protein which helps in boost follicle growth plus the egg white helps to ease bloatness and prevents OHSS. Don't think protein bar have the latter effect. I also had 3 failed SO-IUI previously. Hope IVF can succeed for all of us here.

tanny, I did acu with Dr Zou from last Nov to Mar this year, alongside the 3rd SO-IUI. Everything was normal, including lining, no. of follicles, etc, but still failed. Very disheartening. One thing Dr Zou mention was that my pulse always very fast. I can't seem to relax esp when I visit her.
I see sf loh at Private suit from day 1. Pregnancy or not pregnant. Not all ladies at tps r pregnant. Can tell easily who r the preg ones n who r not. Preg ones will come out of dr room with scan photos of bbs n they hv a blue booklet instead of the white appointment card.
I just had a scare! I felt my panty was stained and thought AF reported as I had slight cramps since yesterday. Went to toilet to check and it was some white discharge. Is it normal to have white discharge though?
Heartbeats, yes, a lot of sisters here are with KKH. So far I've only met two others who are with SGH but haven't seen them on the forum lately.

If I remember correctly, Dr. Yu gave me MC for my first appointment with her. You can request.
Hi Usagi, I think in SGH, they will decide if u will be on long/short cycle depending on all the blood tests taken. So no worries.. Ya, the "trial" procedure is recommended for patients who have not done any IUI before so that they can see if its ez to do ER and ET. Anyway, if you are not sure of anything do not hesitate to call the nurses there.. They are very nice and patient..

Hi Heartbeats, I was with Dr Yu. 1st appointment will not be a MC. And all the MC issued will be from SGH O&G
Hi Hopeful, you're with Dr. Yu too?!! Finally found another person in this Forum.

Are you in 2WW too?
Hi Heartbeats, ahhaha.. ya most of the sisters here are from KK. As what Dr Yu told me the 1st time I met her: SGH is like a boutique... Shorter que, but more ex..
Thanks for the info. For Dr SF Loh patients, is the wait at Clinic D as long as the wait at TPS? What usually happens at the first visit with Dr SF Loh? I'm afraid to wait hours for him and then have a 5 min conversation with him. Ha!

Sorry to ask such questions. I'm a newbie at IVF.
Hazel, you are always so enlightening. Your words give us the courage to perservere and the direction to pursue. I'm very thankful for your presence in this forum and your willingness to share, filling it with so much knowledge and wisdom. Please continue to visit us even after you have graduated.

I've been feeling down since this morning. Had to go back to work after the urine test and pretend nothing is wrong with me at work place coz like some sisters here, no one at work place knows wat i'm gg thru. Its a male-dominated environment so all the more i can't share. Back at home, same thing. Only DH knows. The rest of the family, not even my mum, knows wat i'm gg thru. She has this twisted perception tat IVF is 不正常, baby come out also will be 不正常. How to tell my own mother when she has such perception??

Even my SIL has to unknowingly add fuel to the fire. She's 42 and already a mother of 3. She told me recently she is planning for the 4th one. She said she will conceive the 4th one in Oct juz like she did successfully with the other 3 so tat all 4 kids bday will be in july the following year. When she said tat to me, i felt so much pain in my heart. Tat nite in bed, i ask DH y is it so difficult for us then i broke down.

So I have no one but DH and you forum sisters to share my pain. Sorry if i have unknowingly doused anyone's joy. Juz need to offload.
DH, thanks for the info. Shall try the instant oats first and see if i like the taste.

Sunflower, I also tot its 24 Oct as i read the date from this forum but today after the urine test while having the post-mortem with Angela (i'm wt CARE), she told me its 1 Oct. I asked her a few times. She said confirm its 1 Oct. She even said if i start nx FET immediately after AF, i may be able to transfer on 30 Sep to beat the deadline. Now i'm confused...
Tanny, i'm with care. This recent failed FET, 3 were thawed but 1 didn't survive the thaw, from 3-cell became 1-cell the nx day so discarded. The other 2, 1 was quite active, thaw at 3-cell, nx day 5-cell but the other 1, thawed at 3-cell, nx day still remain at 3-cell. In the end, transferred 2.
Thanks tanny , winniepooh, will ask nurse Tom abt more suppt again Tom.

Anyone do strict bed rest after ET? Cannot tahan. Already, I get headache from too much lying on bed.

Amelia - read in straits times, also say date is oct 24 for the rules revision to take place.
Hi gals,
It true quality is more impt. I didn't kw 28 folic consider dangerous.. But I hope at least few is gd quality, as I hv severe endo so I am worry ab the quality of my eggs. Wish me luck for tomo.
Amelia, ur time will come. As long as u dun give up, there is always hope. As for your sil, dun hv to be bothered by her. I m not as nice as u, I will retaliate if I were u n tell her off. Anyway build up ur health now. Do some exercise regularly if u can.. If u are more fit, u hv more energy n stamina when u r expecting. Dun be like me, breathless always n low energy level now..

Is gd that fewer pp know u r doing Ivf. U will face less stress also. If they know they will keep asking only n will only add tl ur stress. Take care.
Amelia :

Hugs hugs! It's good to pour out - understand how u feel. In this journey you don't walk alone. All of us here is going thru the same and support each other ya?? Stay positive ok?? Hugs!! It will come to you soon. For now, stay exercise.... I wished I have started exercise too. Now I also get breathless easily.
I bought brazil nuts from vivocity pat's oven $4/100mg as well as carrefour@ $5.65/100mg. Felt that carrefour that one is nicer! Somehow pat's oven doesn't taste as good. Hb says so too.
Hazel, totally agree.

Tanny/sunflower/koirc/whitetiger, thank God for understanding and empathising sisters-in-arms like you all.

面子问题 also play a part. I hate to see other ppl's 眼光 at me when they know I cannot conceive naturally and have to resort to artificial methods to have a child. All my married colleagues are fathers/mothers with no difficulty. Within first year of marriage all conceived. Its like attend wedding one year then following year attend baby full month. One after another all like tat. Relatives also same. Very 顺. Many a time, i wonder y only me 不顺. Haiz...God's will. DH always tell me pray hard and leave the rest up to God.

Hazel and tanny, are you gg to do prenatal yoga after clearing your first tri? I heard its very good for strength and energy plus easier labour too. Juz tat those with no yoga background might find it a bit tough in the beginning. Tats wat i heard. Don't know true or not.
Wow, Hopeful, it's so exciting! Take good care in the coming months!

Amelia, some sisters here also didn't share their experience with anyone else other than their hubbies. I shared with some gfs who are more open-minded. Some are really old-fashioned, treating IVF is a taboo. I totally understand how you feel. I didn't tell my family members too. Don't worry, the sisters here are all very supportive. So hang in there!

Whitetiger, you should try to take a stroll. Doctor advised me not to stay in bed all the time. A bit of walking is good apparently. Eh, maybe just walk around in the house?
Hi koirc, thanks..

Hi Amelia, *hugs* .. It's a tough journey n u r not the only one who needs help to b a parent.. Stay positive.. Just remember law of attraction.. So we need to stay very positive to absorb in all the energy to b preggy...
Hi kanelmo,
The wait at clinic D is usually abt 3hrs.. I guess Dr Loh will find out more abt ur medical conditions, maybe some scans before scheduling a date for your ivf. You can ask him any doubts u have abt ivf..
Hi Amelia, though i m new to this thread but i do understand your feeling cos my mil also passed such kind of remarks to me.. She said she had 4 children without any difficulties (just like as & when she likes,she can get pregnant at anytime)so why can't i & she sounds like all the problems are from me.. so sad to hear that kind of remarks but brave up, i m sure we can hv our very own baby very soon.. dun be dishearten, trust in yourself.
I'm having crampy feeling now too.. Everytime i feel got some liquid flowing out, i prayed hard its not AF... this feeling really sucks hor... Ur bhcg tomorrow? All the best ya!
whitetiger : i din hv strict bed rest too. i just laze around at home, watch tv, read books, surf internet, nap and eat. i go to my mom's place to pass time too. morning i go, evening i return.

I feel your pain too. Let it out, take a good break before trying again ok. Support from friends and hubby really helps. Just think that your journey is a bit longer than others with kids already but you will surely get there eventually. Big hugs!
Hmm maybe i'll check with kk when i go for my bhcg test on 12th.. Will keep u update k? Me abt same as u, but i thawed 2 embryos, 1 of the from 4-cell to 3-cell, so had to thaw another embryo.. Ironically this embryo which didnt make it is a grade 4. So grades doesnt mean anything..

As for sharing with family members, all my family members know abt it.. I dun think i'm the kind who can bottle everything inside me..dh may not be around at times, so i need all the support my family can give.. Am v glad that all of them are v understanding and concerned abt me, esp when i had ohss during my fresh cycle.. If u feel u are the emo type and need family support, maybe can share what u're going thru with them..? No doubt some may hv the misconception that ivf is a taboo thing etc, but im sure evebtually they'll understand what u're going thru and be more sensitive... Jiayou! U still hv alot of support from the sisters here!
koirc, good luck for your bt tomorrow!

amelia, take good care of yourself now so that you will be in optimal condition when you try again!
Thanks Hopeful. My procedure to be done on this thur. Will ask the nurse again. She said my doc is dr yong though for IVF. Congrats to you for becoming a mother. Yeah, here mostly from KK it seems. I choose SGH coz nearer to my workplace.
Sunflower & Sophia, thanks! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed to the result tomorrow.

Btw, sisters, I've had constipation for the last 2-3 days. I took prune juice yesterday but it didn't seem to help. Then I took prune juice again today and LS (diarrhea). Is this normal?
Ameila, m already in 2nd tri. Dr loh said swimming is gd to relieve all the muscle aches, etc. Too lazy to go for any lessons.. Coz already tired after work n wkends the only time to rest.. Furthermore, next mth I m starting antenatal class on wkends...
i m new to this thread.Hope everyone fine.Next mon i will done my FET.But this morning my gynea inform me that they will use my frozen embroy(D3) doing Blastocyst Culture (D5).I very confuse that the previous frozen embroy is D3 can change to become D5? anyone can advise? Thank You!
Mei80, that is gd. It means they will culture it for another 2 days before doing et. Do u have a lot of embryos? Culturing it for 2 more days, they can select the better ones for et.
Anyone seeing dr Loh? Can help me ask. Not sure if I can continue with my vitamins after my ET, now in 2ww. Like coq10, omega-3, spirulina and royal jelly? Emailed dr Loh but no reply.
Thanks, Queenie & Ron!

Just came back from my blood test and I am very restless now. Can’t wait to hear the result…

Btw, I had diarrhea again this morning after breakfast. I don’t know if I should be worried about it. The last fresh cycle, I also had diarrhea. Then a few days later, I got very bad cramps and AF reported. I am so scared that history will repeat again. Sigh.

Can someone tell me what should hCG level be to be tested positive?
Good luck for BT today

For me, diahorrea was a symptom of pregnant because I had that for 3 days leading up to BT and gynae later said its due to the progesterone your body is producing for the bb.
I hope it works for you too
Ok, sisters! Just received a call from the hospital. I passed the test! Yay! Keeping my fingers crossed that all will be fine... Cos I just read online that sometimes, the medication is still in the body and will cause hCG to be high. Hopefully, this is a real case and not a chemical pregnancy like the last time!
Koirc - If you are on any meds with hcg, the clinic would be confident the effect is gone by BT date, so it's a likely a real reading. Now for the next 2ww. It's impossible not to worry, so just try to not worry too much & congrats
Hi, Thanks your info. I still got 21frozen. Really scare the embroy can survive or not?
Anyone is plan going to FET by this month?
