IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sisi,
How many days are you after ER? If you are in the early 2ww, the brown discharge will be the old blood from ER. And if its more than half way of 2ww, this may also means implantation blood. Not to worry dear. When is your BT? I just went for my progesterone test. So far so good. My BT will be on 19.
Tzac, Congrats! You pass your PSLE
Continue resting and in no time you will past your O level.

Hi Kimmy, Yes Im with Dr. Jin. But I won't be going there for awhile. In fact Im supposed to go back after the ET, but my DH doesn't allow me to. He is worried I move about. But in my last cycle, I do went to Dr. Jin regarding my MS in my first trimester. I remember I went for accupuncture to help me reduce my nauseaness. But I cant remember if she did any accupuncture on my stomact.
Hi Fateful, not to worry. RElax, we are all here go thru the same procedures. If you have queries, you just let us know and we will try to help you as much as we can, because we all have the same Goal!
Hi Sunbelle,
You no need to fast for the progesterone level. Weell that means you are one day before me
I just had my level check yesterday. Is your BT on 20?
Hi Hopeful,
My DH also doesnt agree for me to check earlier. Hahaha but after ET as he need to go back to work, I have to go home by myself. Before went home, i went to pharmacy to buy 2 pax of tester. Havent use it yet though just in case I check to early and got -ve will feel disappointed. Im planning to check it on weekend. Then the next one will be on tuesday.
Just Faith - thanks for the assurance. i will stay with ji sheng tang since i am comfortable with the senseh. Was thinking of seeing Dr Zou because a lot of sisters here go to her.

Are you with KK? This is my first IVF and unsucessful. Will be seeing SF Loh this sat. Do you know if doctor will explain why the implantation failed? I wanted to prepare myself for list of qns as SF Loh is always rushing.

Do you mind sharing your FET experience? How long did you rest before you start your FET? I still have very minor pain on my lower left abdominal. Suspect its the pain from ovary after the ER where i had 24 eggs retrieved.
Fatefully - i am like you when i first started my IVF journey. Worry about injection and side effects of the medicines. But afterall, the worst part is the 2ww where it's all about waiting. If you ask me again, i will probably go back to work after 1 week rest from the ER/ET so that my mind will not think about the symptoms and making myself stress up.

For the jab, i do not have the guts to jab myself. So i did it at GP. I am lucky to find a GP that charge me little for daily jab.

All the best to you
Lovebell - i didn't realise you just got your negative yesterday. sorry to hear.

I shared this earlier. Often we want to know why ivf failed, but most of the time no one (except God) knows the reason. Sometimes IVF takes a few tries. I found this website a good starting point to prepare on what to ask your doctor when you see him, so that you maximise the time to discuss how to improve on the next cycle, what is the FET protocol like, what is the success rate, etc, instead of focusing on why the previous cycle didn't work. If he can pinpoint a reason for failure, that's great, but often it's just a matter of luck & giving it another try. This is overseas-base website so some might be irrelevant but it gears you towards what to ask your doctor during post-failure consultation. Many other resources out there, but this is a good starting point. *hugs* again & don't stop trying.

Hi sistas who are using Puregon for stims, can i check if you are being charged separately for the Puregon pen ($50 for the pen)? I read in some earlier post some sistas wanting to sell their pen for $30?

If yes, let me know as I have a pen from my earlier cycle & would be glad to mail it free to any sista who hasn't started their puregon. If can save $50, why not, right? I am with pte so the pen is "included" in the price, plus I will prob stick to Gonal-f in future cycles.
Hi Lovebell, Sorry to hear your news. But Im glad u have pick up the pieces and start planning for FET. Like what Ron said, its only God knows the reasons. Doctors can only guess.

My first IVF also a failure, got positive first but turn out to be blighted ovum. The doctor cannot explain clearly why, he only guess that it may due to lack of chormosome.

My 2nd attempt was 6 months later and Im not using FET because I knew theres something wrong with my embryos. I went for another fresh cycyle. My preparation will be exercise, eat helathily, eat multivitamins, accupuncture, and during my 2ww I drank Ensure Milk (recommended by fellow IVF) without fail. And I succeed, I gave birth to a boy.

2 years later after giving birth I try another one and this time FET as I still have 2 frozen embies left from my 2nd cycle. Same preparation except accupuncture. I got pregnant but have to abort it due to baby development. I think its because I sometimes forget to eat my folic acid (due to my severe MS) So dun forget to eat folic acid its important.

This is my 3rd cycle after 6 months break. I went back to accupuncture and this time I eat 2 folic acid per day just for precaution. And still drinking my Ensure Milk. Im currently in 2ww.

So if you want to start FET, you better Tiao Yang your body and mind. Once you feel you are fit, you can start the process again. So dun give up
Hi Lovebell, sorry to hear ur failed cyle. In fact I am worry ab the side effect more than whether I can hv a bb. But seeing all the gals went thru, I also hv to be brave to face it.

This morning I called KK to double confirm my collection of the 1st jab. It seem that they dont hv my booking record, but when I mentioned I am there to collect my 1st jab she say "oh then u just come dw to collect". Arent there suppose to hv a records that I am going dw to collect? Is it the same for u gals in KK?
Hi, lovebell,
Usu aft failed cycle, sisters rest abt 2 mths can try fet liao.. But of cos there r sme sisters who chiong aft resting 1 mth & there r some who took a longer time to get themselves ready for fet.. I personali rested for 2 mths, although initiali I wanted to take a long break.. But sisters reminded me tt embbies may deteriorate in quality if they stay longer in freezer.. Perhaps u can try asking ur TCM & see wat he says as he knows ur body condition well..
I do agree very well w Ron.. & I gave up trying to find a reason for my bfn fresh, as even both my docs (TCM & Dr Loh) r puzzled y I didn't succeed w such good conditions.. Don't give up, k?
Hi Justfaith & Immel, thanks god, haha today there are no more discharge, so happy..

Hopeful how's your BT today? Need to give injection or not?
Hi Sisi, dunno yet. They will call later if I need to go back for injection.. Now queuing at Ban Choon Chan.. Faintzzz.. Que so long.. Ve been here for an HR already. Think need to wait for another 2.. Zzzz zzz....
Hi Fateful, Yep they do that to me too. But not to worry, once u r there and they took out your medical records, all will be cleared. Not to worry about the side effect so much. Every medecine will always have a side effect. For me, injecting puregon will cause me severe headache and not to mention put on weight . But I feel worth it
Hahaha we women born as fighters.
Hi Sunstill, Just went to the gym and also do yoga. I feel yoga is quite good especially for those who have backache. Help to stretch up your muscle. Try not to exercise during your menses and no exercise when u injecting your puregon.
For those who are doing Yoga, you can do prenatal yoga during your pregnancy.

If you are starting injection, no raising of leg or abdomen exercise. No strenuous exercise too. You can do alternate breathing when you wake up in the morning or before sleep when all the lights are off. It helps to bring fresh oxygen to all parts of your body and regulate your breathing. It can help to destress and relax too.

I find that through years of Yoga, it helps in my concentration, balancing and strength. It also cultivate my patience and be calm during emergency situation. It helps me to take things easier and build up your confidence too.
Hi Joynfaith, thx for ur advice. I'm avoiding spicy food, orange juice now. I dun like ginger drinks..
I'm taking Ranitidine (for stomach ulcer?) and Gaviscon liquid now, in additional to taking small meals and not sleeping the whole day, esp after meals. This heartburn is somehow worsened by all the hormone jabs.

I've had my progesterone result today. It's 112. Nurse said very good but I checked online, it's high for 1st trisemester. Mebbe that's why it's causing heartburn & bloatedness yar.

Sisi, glad to hear ur spotting stopped. How was ur day at work? I can't say I'm looking forward to work next wk wif all the weight gain, heartburn n bloatedness..

Imel, we have the same BT day! Are u gg to take hpt? Do u know when the pregnyl jab effect will wear off? My last jab is this Sun.
Lovebell, of course u can ask Dr Loh why your IVF didn't make it. He may or may not have reasons for it. Sometimes we really need luck.
. I personally think IVF is a stressful process. From stimulation to ER/ET. Worrying about egg quality, fertilization and implantation. Every stage is stressful. Hence it is really really important to stay positive n relax as much as possible. I don't want to resign to fate that we will be childless forever. So I keep injecting positive thoughts that as long as I have a womb, I will go through all means to make it happen. You will become a mother one day. Trust me. IVF babies are really the most precious.

Prayhard, good to see you here. Yeap, I m doing fet this month. No time to think about the fet outcome. My 7+ month old is keeping me busy all the time. I delivered natural last december. My womb n lining has been good so far, according to Dr Loh.

Sisters, why aspirin is used in FET? I am doing medicated FET. What's the purpose? Is it ok I start to take folic?
Hi Lovebell, sorry to hear abt ur bfn. Stay positive & be strong

I still think it's better to rest at home after ET. At least during implantation wk, 6-10 days after ER. All the best for ur next cycle!
Hi Moomoo, I think u r bloated and cause the heartburn. Try not to lie down flat when sleeping. Your progesterone level so high. Mine is 100.33. The nurse said good level. I forgot to ask her what is minimum level. Mine is not on pregnyl, Im on progesterone daily. Pregnyl will cause bloatedness even worst. I asked for the change from doctor on ET day beacuse my tummy was bloated after the ET. But if u feel bloatedness till now, its a good sign.

Im planning to take hpt. May be on weekend. I believe should wear off by then. I bought 2 just in case I got a negative, Im going to try again on tuesday.
Hi Imel, I checked online, 1st trisemester: 9-47. 2nd: 17-147, 3rd: 55-200. So ours are in 2nd trisemester, or even 3rd.. scary rite.

What's progesterone daily? Is it an injection, taken daily? What's the brand name? Sorry for my ignorance
I'm taking pregnyl injection every 3 days, 1000 units. My last jab is on Sun, so I think I can only take on tue.. dun wanna get false positive.
Moo3moo - if your last pregnyl 1000iu is on Sun, following Tues may be too early to test, unless you want to test daily to watch it go out of the system. Wait for at least 4-5 days gap minimum to be safe.
Hi Moo3moo, the level is quite gd, keep it up!!

It is not easy to work while we r on 2ww, guess wat?? I saw a resignation letter on my table this morning, my accounts going to resign. Oh wat the hell is goin on?? Yesterday a staff of mine was late for half a day. Alamak how to take it easy?? So many hassle ahead of my 2ww, signnn

If any sister got mc, better stay home n relax. I hv no choice as it is my own business so hv to monitor it.
Hi Hopeful, I mentioned all in ng/mL. I divided result from KK (in nmol/L) by 3.18.

Hi Ron, thanks! In tt case, I'll wait for BT on next Fri. I've seen enuff bfn during natural ttc period..

Sisi, in ur case, no choice then. Pls take care of ur health, take nutritious food & rest well!
I m confuse. Can anyone help?
I called SGH and these are the results. How to interpret?

Oestrogen 12,455 (E2 test. Is this = hcg)
Progesterone 582

I am not on any injections. The last injection i had was the one taken 2 days b4 ER.

Am starting anti-biotics today. So Sinseh Chan is not giving me any medicine to eat..
Hopeful - E2 is not HCG, it's just another hormone test (to mainly measure estrogen). There should be a range in the BT results that shows what is acceptable, etc, maybe u can ask to see during your next visit (I don't know how SGH works). Basically, as long as it's high enough, it's ok. These are hormones that are critical in the luteal stage (post-O) to hold & support the womb for the baby to implant and grow. No need to worry about the number as long as the nurse says it's high enough.
hi Kimmy - good, today v bored at work, my colleague on leave, no one to chat with. BT next Tue. When is your next scan?
Hi Ron - oh you're back to work? I thought u were on full 14 days HL. Yikes, colleague still on leave from long national day weekend? Chat with us here lah! hahaha.
Oh! My next scan is next Tues too! Crossing my fingers and toes for you! Keep me posted of the goodie news!

Hi Sarah,
From what I know, there's no particular fish to avoid although books have mentioned that deep water fish such as tuna, shark should be limited to only 2 times a week throughout pregnancy. I suppose if you eat in moderation, it should be okie. Hope this info helps!
Hopeful, it is gd that the progesterone level is high so u do not need to gv a second injection. Now juz relax n wait for next week BT for final results.
I will chk with them tml what the result means, last time I only ask them my hcg level and dun know why this time hcg level is not mentioned.
Hi Sarah,
I was told by a gynae not to eat shark fin, salmon, mackerel, saba fish because they are high in mercury. You can eat sheng yu and cod fish.
Kimmy - ya, back at work this cycle. I work part-time & job low stress anyway, can shake leg check forum hahaa... Another hour and i'm done for this week
Good luck for your scan too.
Hi Sarah,
Imel's reply makes sense. Yeah, I limited my salmon intake but completely (so far) cut off mackerel & saba fish.

Ron - oh yes! I rem. u telling me that. I used to have ur arrangement too, work only tues - thurs. Very shiok! Work 3 days and still get paid! Haha but even with that I wasn't 'relaxed' enough. Hahaha. Yay! Kudos to the weekend Ron! Thanks for the wishes :D
Sarah, you should avoid fish that contain high mercury and deep sea fish such as Shark and Sting Ray. One of my friends told me to avoid seafood such as prawn and crab during pregnancy period.
Oh oh--- I'm feeling a sore throat and my first purgeon going to start on tue. How how? Maybe I eat too much bu? Just drank chicken essence last night, royal jelly and coq10 this am. Shld I start to drink cylrysanthetum?
Ron - thanks so much for the url. It is really informative.

Imel - thanks for sharing your episodes for my reference... at least not so lost. I am drinking Nestle Anti-Col. Maybe will try Ensure milk

Fatefully - i only have mild side effects during my puregon jab. Had headache for 1 to 2 days. Feel tired and can sleep as early as 8pm. Sometimes blur vision which i think its due to tireness. For the jab collection, KK has our record. So far i have no problem with this. I think maybe the nurses were too busy on Wed where the clinic is very crowded as Tue was PH. No worries. I find KK nurses very nice and their needle poke is painless.

Queenie - thanks for telling me the frozen embbie quality if stay longer in freezer. Are you doing natural or medicated FET?

And thanks all sisters for the encouraging words. Will keep the spirit UP UP UP!
I have already signed up for yoga class ;)
Just faith, u shod take folic acid even before u start FET. Usually 3 mths prior. Women who r planning to conceive, whether natural or not, shld start on folic acid as early as possible. I nv stop folic acid these years, Am surprise dr loh nv give u.

Aspirins is to thin the blood, hopefully to increase success rate & reduce miscarriage. Does not matter if FET or fresh. I m still on my aspirins now from ER. Dun intend to stop coz of my prior history.
I shld hv also signed up for yoga but now too late. Need to start injection already.. HoPefully positive then can go for pre natal yoga!

May I know how will we change during the injection stage? Like fatter, bloated, vomit, giddy? I'm supposed to go to work so worried abt how I may change...
