IVF/ICSI Support Group

miracle baby, can I ask you, did you go on any short trips after you found out you were preggy? I have a trip planned in mid Aug... to the beach somemore.. haiz...

Hi blessing, u mean we can take 'pao Shen'? Is tat consider Chinese herbs? Similar to u, I staying wif my mum so in fact all dinner will haf fish, meat, home make chicken essence etc. But apparently I tend to feel guilty whenever I c my mum busy cooking these for mi, buying tonic for mi coz I dun noe hw firm m I gg to b preggy n seems tat wasting her efforts if..... Even my hb, wat I crave for, he will also go buy bk for mi. All these actions make me really guilty n afraid.

I been praying hard tat e Embbies remain safe n ok in me. Beside praying, there really nothing more I can do. Asked Dr Loh aft ET, wat can I do to improve, guess wat is his ans ?

yup went for a trip in 5mth plus pregnancy after dr scan and confirm me safe for travelling and gave me a cert to br presented upon airport checkin as rules & regulation for those above 5mths.
Since your travel date is too close, you need to wait first for bb heartbeat then your dr confirm you fit by scan before you are allowed to travel safely.
I went before I was tested
hazel, those with KKH

i have to do the oscar bloodtest at AMC 30 min before the doc's appt, is it possible to request to do scan at the AMC before the blood test.

call me negative but i want to make sure beanie is ok first before dong the blood test. i tried postponing the bloodtest but they said the last draw is at 430pm.
pineapple can be substituted with brazil nuts - both help the same way during implantation - as they both contains high levels of selenium.

abt 4-5pc of brazil nuts per day.
wongval: my embbies are grade 4 via ICSI. I also v tempted to go out coz i am a person who likes to go out shpg eat etc. Now i am really guai stay at home as much as possible during d 2ww. and i also no mood to go out as i m also v worried of my results. So i think its normal. But if u can be relax that will be ideal. even at home i also walk around but din touch any hsehold chores. If your body can take it and dun feel tired i think its fine to go out awhile. But doc told me to avoid crowded places to reduce getting infection or sick at this time.

Miracle: congrats and nice to hear u that you are successful in ur first cycle! wish u another successful round this time. Dun be too nervous like me, hee...i know its hard to control. But try la ok.

Bbliss: nod nod. I had the same sentiments as u! my mum busy cooking for me etc i also had d same guilt and ask myself if gone case, she wld b v upset. To keep myself sane, i keep praying and talk to my embbies to hang on. Tat gives me some comfort. stay strong ok. i m sure u can make it! Dr Loh's comment is always so farnee! short n sweet. Until dunno how to continue his sentence. ha ha oh ya yes pao sheng is chinese herb, i think ur mum will know. Can add in to the soup and cook. In addition, my inlaw also prepared gao li shen drink for me. i heard tat one is super heaty but can keep womb warm. i drank that twice during 2ww. but dun get urself confused wif all these. If ur mum knows how to prepare jus eat. If not, then i think eating a balanced meal with high protein is equally good enuf.

Awt & hazel: u must take care of urself at work ok. Dun overwork or carry heavy stuff. Try to rest more if u can. Awt: when is ur next scheduled scan? mine is on 2 aug. hazel, do u know by then what do i expect to see from this first scan? how many weeks are you in now?

Grace: How are u doing? Are u okay?
hassle to make another trip to kkh just for the blood test, that's why arrange it on the same day. but thought they got common sense to put the doc's appt first before the bloodtest - evidently not
thank you blessings....
Your first scan is to find out whether you are expecting one or two. Next scan day is heartbeat.
Do enjoy your pregnancy now and take care!
I did my oscar bt one week before the scan so that I can know the two results at the same time. Bloodtest result takes a couple of days while scan will know on the spot. Bt will usu precede dr's appt cos you wont know what time u finish seeing dr. When's your scan?
Hi sistas,
my FET failed as my eggs didnt make it through the thawing last Friday. I have 10 pessaries of Cyclogest, 1 bottle of New Obimin and 2 bottle Nature's Farm DHA (250) for Fetal Development which i bought last Thursday. Interested sisters please pm me or email [email protected]
blessings, my next scan is 26-july..
yeah, will be to see if twins or singleton and heartbeat..

hazel dear, this morning, i experienced some mild mild cramping that comes and goes. read that this is common as the uterus is expanding? did you experience that too? and also feedback from friend the same thing (hers lasted till wk10-wk12), just that hopefully no spotting.. i am so paranoid now with "spotting" since my mc last year and i didn't remember i experienced that when i had my girl.
Awt, is muscle pulling or cramps? I think is former lah.. Cramps is the whole abdomindal area. Muscle pulling is at one particular plc. Cramps r not very gd. Dun take too cold stuff n tell the dr next visit. Muscle pulling is fine.
Usually can feel more after 1st pregnancy coz we more sensitive. Muscle pull can be womb expanding for growing fetus or increased in blood flow to the womb. U notice the next time u feel the pull. Is only at a particular part not the entire lower abdominal area.
My little joy, are still in 2ww or bfp? If 2ww, ok to cramp now & then coz of implantation.

Cramps affect the whole lower abdominal area. Muscle pulls r at specific part of the abdominal area. Can be left, right or centre.
still on 2ww till next mon.
feel more on centre... sometimes left sometimes right.
I never experience like that for my first cycle success. More like a worry to me :x
hazel: thks. Now i am still v bloated which makes me v uncomfy. it gets worse throughout d day. Not sure if you know how long will i cont to feel this? coz its kinda affected my appetite. How are u feeling so far?

miracle: thks too, now i know what to expect at the scan.

Awt: Din know u had a girl liao. u are v blessed! how old is she now? actually my hcg level is 1523 which is quite high i got a shock too when i learnt of it. HB likes d idea of twins. But i got abit of fear dunno how to manage it next time. maybe i m thinking too far and too much le for now. whatever it is, is a gift from god. i will count my blessings. lets await for our scan results. good luck!
Blessing, yes, bloatedness gets worse during the day. Well, it will get better but will not go away completely., My bloatedness is also still there. Got to bear with it, no choice. it will come to a stage where it is more bearable. When we r pregnant, our digestive system slows down. As bb gets bigger, she may press pn the stomach too. Worse if u hv twins. So appetite gets smaller. Just hv to take more meals at smaller quantity each time. Pls dun skip meals, it will make u feel unwell.

Avoid those food which worsen bloatedness. Eg porridge & apples. 100plus will soothe the bloatedness.

Now we know is not easy to be a mother right? That's why the saying "mothers r the greatest"! We hv to go thru 9 mths of discomfort. For me, my hip joint n upper thighs are aching continuously. I hv bad aches at night when I sleep too.

For the little one(s), ENDURE!
I keep eating every hr or 2. If not, nausea will be worse n I feel really unwell. I need carbo. In facts, pregnancy books will tell u carbo will curb morning sickness. eat MS, dun eat MS even worse. Eat bloated but dun eat MS worse. I choose to eat! Bloated, dun walk too fast, dun talk too much I m ok. If not I will pant Like I m out of breathe! So even if cant eat, just take a few pcs of wheat biscuits, drink orange juice, 100 plus. U will feel much better than not eating.
My little joy, every pregnancy is different. I hv more frequent muscle pull at earlier stage this round compared to first pregnancy. I guess tummy muscles r looser coz we preg b4, so more sensitive to every pull n discomfort. Tummy is now obviously out n clearly visible that I m pregnant though I only put on 1kg. Office folks are gossiping behind my back. The daring ones will ask me if I m feeling ok, but nv direct qns. I just say I m getting fat!

I look at the pulls n discomfort positively. I tell myself uterus is expanding for the growing fetus. Do u know that every wk, fetus grow at least 1cm in early weeks?

So dun worry abt the pulls. Think positive. Our bb can feel our mood ok. Last visit to dr Loh, I felt really uncomfortable when he was scanning on the abdominal area. I was worried coz I dub recall experiencing that kind of discomfort in first pregnancy during scans. I asked dr Loh is it ok? He said of course, coz scan will send sound waves to fetus n disturb her. I guess we are just more sensitive now as is not our first time.
I feel you are already an experienced mother! More motherly to me
I m truly grateful to you for a lot of positive encouragements. I will tell myself I will be a mother again!
I also pray you will have your own baby in your arms real soon!
My little joy, I dun wan to live everyday for the next 9 mths in fear & worry. So hv To think positive & be happy right? Time passes faster that way too.
right right!! no point worrying unnecessarily and think happily looking forward to the baby's arrival.

Thank you for being here to support and encourage us above yourself. God will bless you everyday with a safe & smooth pregnancy.
miracle baby and hazel, good luck on your journeys!
Its really good to learn from your experiences. Thanks for sharing!

Kimmy, just wondering, do you feel bloated after your pregnyl jab? I'm feeling damn 'full' today. whole day already.. not comfortable at all.
Hazel, really? Man.. how long does the bloat last?
Its really not comfortable. I can't even find a position that can 'relieve' the bloat!

May I knw what's the grading of ur embbies? And u transfer 3day or 5day? Can u share with me what did u eat/do before ur FET? I am also paranoid over my previous mc and still considering whether I should cultivate till blastocyst. I still have 8 frozen left. Do u think should I take the risk? I am hoping to maximize this time as my 5 yr storage is going to due soon. Really dilemma.

hi gals, confirmed a bfn yest.

the nurse advised to book appt on our own as follow up and managed to book for later today.

so i guess have to tiao body a bit.
any idea what can be done?

which tcm anyone seeing / acu?

blessings: thanks! it's not time for god to give me the gift yet.
will try again.
haha, yest i even had nightmare that my frozen egg din make it.

i guess i'm thinking too much. :p
Hazel: does that mean bloatness is e indicator to preggy? If not such symptoms, means fail izit? Dun haf to wait till end of 2ww.

Sad to say, till nw i really dun haf such symptoms so presume gone case le.
Bliss, bloating in last wk of 2ww is a gd sign. But no bloating does not mean gone case. everyone is different. Just like some get MS some dun.
grace, hugs.. yes, take this time to tiao the body properly and try again. Jia you!! yeah, don't think too much for now. Actually, I heard cordyceps improves fertility? so hub to take as well, can try to google. and a friend told me that to have good blood flow, the most effective way is to exercise. I will try to get the list of things to eat from the friend and pm you.

blessings, wow! that looks like a confirmed twins!! congrats!
yes, children are blessings from god, you will be able to handle when the time comes la. My gal is going 4 this year.. so need to give her a didi or mei mei.

Ocean, i transferred 2 and they are grade 4 (with 4 cells and 6 cells), 2day transfer. actually, i didn't take any in particular cos i was concentrating on getting well from my flu during the cycle but i heard from a friend that her gynae gave her a list, so i can pm you once i get it from her. but i did make hb take chicken essence every other day before the ET for a week. As to whether to cultivate to blastocyst, I am not too sure. Maybe Hazel can advise? do you know roughly the cause of that mc? for me, i had a feeling that it was from carrying heavy things plus the follicle took a long time to mature (cos i am pcos). so i just make sure it wasn't like that this time round.
Help! Does anyone have sharp pains in abdomen until can't walk or stand properly. Ow.. I'm in tears and on the bed now. Today is day 7. I can't even lie properly.
Just called Kkh and they ask me observe. If still very pain then go down 24hr see doc. They said maybe I retrieve 12 eggs which is quite a lot and bloated that's why. Argh. Now a bit more bearable, back to bloating and I feel light-headed.
Kimmy: I had bad stomach pain n vomit last sat too. But e nex day, I feeling better le.

Normally, nurse will ask to monitor e pain coz scare is ohss. U may want to try drink 100 plus, isotonic drink to ease e pain n bloatness.

But if pain really persist n u tend to feel breathless, pls quickly go A&E coz tis is no joke. U may wan to google ard for ohss symptoms as there mild, immediate n severe. No harm reading ya.
hi kimmy, wongval n sisters, sorri hv nt been active in e forum. i been feeling terrible for e few days after ET. e doxycyline, cabergoline n pessaries side effects r making mi super tired, nausea, bloated, constipation, smemore vomited yesterdae nitz. i scared is ohss.
since ET i hv lose my appetite coz feeling bloated. i been eating sour plum to curb my nausea, prune for constipation. drink honey water, ribena, red dates tea n plain water liao. y i stil feeling like tis.
duno how to tahan e 2ww.
Hi bbliss & Su.
Thanks...I was in bad pain 5 min ago that I cried in front of my family earlier on. Now gone a bit. Nurse also suspect it's ohss...I felt a short while of breathlessness earlier and that freaked me out. Got nausea feeling..
Still monitoring for 30 min b4 I decide whether to go Kkh 24hr. Really? 100 plus can ease the bloat away?
Kimmy, are you on Pregnyl support? it contain hcg and causes symptoms similar to early pregnancy. You may (or may not) get some on & off muscle pulling sensation around the ovaries/womb area that lasts a few seconds but not continuously. Usually effects comes 1 or 2 days after the jab day, for about one day, then it subsides. Maybe some feeling of nausea. But it shouldn't be that painful until tears and cannot move.. if it continues, please call or go to hospital & ask them to check as fear of ohss
