IVF/ICSI Support Group

Moomoo - *waves* good to hear from to you! ya, many sistas have graduated.. but it's ok, our turn will come soon

Miracle - i just started stims. *fingers crossed* Hopefully will have some babydust to spread for your Aug cycle.

Hopeful - with TFC. Glad to have someone go thru 2ww together.

Kimmy, glad you are feeling better after yesterday. Today I had some sharp pains too... thankfully its gone away. I'm so scared of taking the pregnayl jabs! Not because of the jab, but the after effects! Tonight going to eat fried rice with 3 egg whites. haha

just wondering, I have one more pregnayl jab on Saturday... how come its your last already ? :S Today I went for the BT to check hormone level.. hopefully they don't call me, becaue calling is bad news! and I don't think I can take anymore bloating!

Su! Embryo donation! Wow! That will be a good deed indeed. But must think carefully lei.. because it also means that your child... :S So much ethics to think about.
moomoo and all, just to clarify again, the diet list i have is actually more relevant to pcos. Sorry for the miscommunication earlier.
Hi Su! How's yr ET? ;)

Hi wongval!
My bad...sat is my last as well. Haha I overlooked. Went for jab at 12 earlier and take BT. Yea nurse said no call is good news so I'm hoping for the same too! Yes!! I can't take the side effects of pregnyl. Sharp sharp pain! But my bloating also subsided quite a bit. Also went to collect embryo report. Turns out they retrieved 11 not 12 follicles and they took 4 to develop and observe but didn't make it. So only 4 mature and found out the 2 inside me is grade 4 (one last min made it to grade 4 by turning into 5-cells).. I'm dreading thenside effects after today's jab.

Hello tzac,
I'm on short protocol too... Yea seems like dr Loh is recommending short one..

I did not tell him abt TCM but when he say my embryo report, first thing he ask me is did I take TCM
and ask who I did TCM with. I don't dare to tell him so I just say I go to the AMK one and he ask me "Zou Yu Min ar?" Then he started his anti TCM talk.
Mm maybe he just guessed? Cuz other sisters who took tcm and their egg quality quite ok. Mine also quite bad, only 4 out of 11 survived... (and I dint take tcm). It's ok, jiayou k! Rooting for u! ;)
kimmy: thanks! yap, putting hope into FET.

bnb: thanks! hehe... need the embbies to cheong. :p

awt: thanks! received yr pm.

su: yap, yap, the 2 emmbies in u most important.

haha... cos due to my condition of difficult to conceive, my wish is to have as many kids as i can afford.
so more emmbies means more chances to have more kids lor.
ermm... yah lor abt embryo donor, hmmm... i am not qualified and also not suitable, cos i will keep thinking where my embryos go to.
dont know will have emo attachment if happen to know.
v complicated.

flower: huh... u mean the quality is due to tcm?
dont think i have chance to see him before i start my next cycle. so let it be ba.

tzac: good luck to yr ET! are u also with kk / dr loh?

ineedmiracle: i'm also the last person to have baby in my circle of friends.
my friends are already having #2, #3, #4, #5, and believe it or not, one with #6. envy!
my hubby has 4 siblings, so my MIL was still commenting why so hard for me to conceive.

luckily they not giving me pressure on this, more of empathy, cos they can see that i have already tried my best.

flower, kimmy: i din tcm, dr loh also said egg quality lousy.
but he added that so long as developed into embryos with acceptable grades, then egg quality doesnt matter liao.
Huh?? I thot TCM is suppose to help? No??
What is Dr Loh's reasons for being anti-TCM?
I have been Taking TCM medicine from the marine parade doc for past 9 mths n only started acupuncture with Dr Zou for 2 wks.. So shd I continue or stop??
Huh?? I thot TCM is suppose to help? No??
What is Dr Loh's reasons for being anti-TCM?
I have been Taking TCM medicine from the marine parade doc for past 9 mths n only started acupuncture with Dr Zou for 2 wks.. So shd I continue or stop??
grace n wongval, i dun tink i wan to donate my eggs eggs away. like u all say, they r my bb too, wil b wondering where n if they r hving a gd life. ;p

kimmy, my ET is oki. juz wondering how my embbies r doing inside mi. i dun hv total bed rest. coz in e morning i hv to go to my mum place. smetme when my sis nt ard n my mum is busi w hsework, need to help take care or carry my 3 mths old niece, smemore my 8 yrs old niece damn naughty.
Can any sisters here advice what e purpose of e progesterone blood test? Any level of indication which we need to be concern abt?

Would there b any diff in level bet jabs n inserts?
Hello bbliss!
How r u feeling? I think progesterone BT is to see if you require additional support for the pregnancy... I didn't receive a call though... Did u call them?
Hi Kimmy, I feeling too good to be normal. Lots of u seems to be bloating, discomfort etc. Wonder m I normal.??!!

As for e BT, ya. Nurse oso said no call mean ok. But I dun understd ok mean wat lor.

Times flies rite. We r on our 2nd week of e 2ww. I feel rather stress.
Bbliss, maybe cuz we on pregnyl jabs that's why bloat but now my bloat subsided too. Perhaps u r one of the lucky ones who don't have bloating? ;)
Yeah I'm also curious ok means what lvl. Wanted to call Kkh to ask but forgot and now past their working hours already...

Yea time flies! Just one week ago I was looking forward to ET and keeping my bladder full. Hahahaha
bbliss, kimmy and su - guess what! The nurse called me.. and I was so scared! But then she said she called just to inform me that the levels are satisfactory. I didn't ask her specifically what she meant though, but just trusted and was happy!

I'm glad for you guys the bloat is going away. Mine is still there, and I keep burping. Its so uncomfortable. Trying to make sure I drink lots and eat more egg white. I hope it doesn't get worse tmrw, because the day after my pregnayl jabs are always the worst.
Grace: Here's dr zou address/contact:

Blk 505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8
Singapore 560505
Tel: 6456 0833
(they are closed on every wed)

I also got her details from this forum, some older threads.
I understand that needs at least 3mths to tiao ur body before embarking on the next cycle. jiayou ok! who knows u may strike before tat. While i was seeing her i always hear her saying this person that person strike on their own naturally or after failed cycle and that makes her v happy. enjoy and pamper urself during ur short getaway.

F&F: Actually I already heard that dr loh is anti tcm de and anti bbt charting. i was prepared nt to tell him abt me taking tcm shld i fail this cycle. Coz he will think its due to tcm loh and don wanna upset him. I am surprised that he mentioned dr zou. ha ha...anyway go according to ur heart and your individual comfort level whether to take tcm. Reason i took is because i also read that accuputure helps ivf patients to improve d chance of getting pregnant. So i give it a try. Dun wori so much on tis ok, I wish u best of luck in ur next cycle. jiayou too!
Hi wongval,
At least u got a call! Eeps! I didnt.. Now I'm concerned. Haha yea once I wake up I take 2 egg whites as my bfast. ;) I keep farting at night though...oops. Haha

Hi blessings,
Yes I think dr zou is a very nice lady & very warmth. U can also feel her sincerity when she ask about you...been gg to her since last July... :p
flower - oh really? sorry, not sure if I missed any of your threads, so you're seeing Dr. Loh tmrw? Means you didn't BFP?
Let us know what he says!

my emrbyologist told me that my eggs are granular...
dunno if that affects my chances. anyone knows?
hi grace,

jiao you, don't give up. tiao your body 1st before embarking on next journey.

Hi hazel, babymaking

Have been very tired since last week... so embarrassing keep yawning at work from 3pm onwards. ooh i don't have cramps at the moment just feeling pulling and tighness around the belly area think womb is expanding. Every morning I wake up, will feel bb lump either on my left or right and sometimes centre. I eat alot in the morning and lunch but didn't gain much weight. So will ask my gynae 2 wks later on my 16th week scan to see if bb is growing well.
dear ladies,

I jus finished a 3 mths luvrin jab for curing my swollen womb. Then today went back KKH for scan n blood test. Nurses say i m ready to start tomorrow for puregon. Jus to check with you all is there food that we have to take more or avoid huh?

Yo hrd nurses say cannot do exercise huh? I oso see dr zuo for acupuncture only cos dr Loh share before that the medicine cause bad egg quality. Mi oso scared so jus go for acupuncture. I read some of the threads. All of u are very brave. Cos not sure mine is considered to be a short cycle cos I jus took one jab of lucrin n the rest is start tmrw puregon.

When shld we start eating egg white huh? What food shld we take more? No more massage or jacuzzi etc rite?

Mi first time do after two miscarriages naturally. Hope to succeed this time. Yeah jus wondering whether do u gals share with your boss huh? Yeah thinking of taking leave for the 2WW. Cos the previous FEw weeks MC cause my performance grading to be poor n thus affected performance bonus badly. Sign. As if we wan it to happen.

Share with me your tots okie, sisters
Chris, is really tough to be pregnant & working! I sleep at 10plus everyday n wake up at 7 feeling tired! Thru out the night wake up at least 2x for toilet. During the day, dun feel gd at times (not sure of is MS). It gets worse by late afternoon. Reach home after shower I lie down. N can doze off! So, I understand how u r feeling. Well, just got to hang on!!
My hb has 5 siblings and whenever pil ask him y dun hv bb( they will ask him, not me... Haha) my hb will tell them no money no time hv bb.....
hi all

im officially in 2WW... had my FET done this morning... gynae gave me progesterone support to be inserted day and night...

i read that some of u are still eating egg whites after the ET, may i know wat is the purpose? shd i continue with the brazil nuts? wat other things i shd eat and not eat, do or not do??

yes lo, dr loh is anti tcm and anti bbt, also anti using opk.

hahaha.. i asked him b4. he say waste of $,also no need opk strips or stuff, just BD every alt day.

wow so many ladies trying this month..

ineedmiracle : oh i like yr hubby reply.. now relly dislike pple asking me : r u trying? even neighbours also ask when we meet them at the lift lobby with their kids. sianz. lucky my mil nvr ask but she sometimes hinting like saying ..."also good to hv kids hor". i pretend nvr hear. my hb once jokingly say.. next year give her twins, and my mil laughed so heartily... i told my hb to keep this a secret, cannot tell anyone not even mil. i feel so stressd if pple know and if not successful, i feel very pai seh..My sil (my bro sis) already got a son 4 yo now.

awt : tks for the diet. its good for me - relating to PCOS.

as for the eggs, i rem some sister saying using first born eggs. whats that huh? i just buy mine from ntuc or mkt. shld i start on eggs after ER, or ET or even during stimulations stage?

pau le: i heard egg whites supposed to give u protein and prevent ohss.

dr loh with kkh for more than 10 yrs already is it? i saw a photo of him taken in 1998 at kkh.
hi hazel,

Me too.. i'm now in my 2nd tri and according to wat my frens and doc says normally 2nd tri is the best and we won't feel so tired. But seems the other way round le. this 2 weeks i like sleepy pig...wake up around 6plus...go to work feeling tired, after lunch around 3pm sleepiness kicks in...And I'm working in a bank need to be vigilant at all times but I'm basically 1/2 dead by then. When i reached home, i can dozed off around 8.30pm while watching tv and wake up and drag myself to bed around 10+++ hahahhaaa

Even on weekends, i'm also very tired and sleepiness kicks in around 2pm+++ i can even skip my favourite shopping. I used to love shopping alot. hahhaa this is one thing my hb is very happy cos now i dun have the energy to go shopping.
Good morning ladies

May I check if i have cysts can i still take royal jelly as a supplement? I failed may FET in June cycle. Menses just come. Will it be too soon to do FET this month again?
Sunbelle, pau le, in summary, muz rem to avoid all e liang food. Egg white can start taking nw if yet to regardless whether ER or ET coz we need protein intake. Food which r rich in protein n vit shld take more. Some sisters will encourage to avoid soya bean products. Meanwhile, u can oso take chicken essence either pure made or those ready made Brands type.

Aft ET, can take lots of red meat that wat e nurse shared wif me. Haha. If u can take beef, tat would b very gd but muz be fully cooked ya. (for me, due to religious, can't take beef so take Babi instead

Mumwannabe: first born egg mean 初生蛋. Can b brought at giant, ntuc. Otherwise, can try those eggs with vit.
tanny, First born egg heard is more nutritous than normal egg.

Cheichei, if got cyst better dun take royal jelly, it will make it grow bigger. Did u consider remove ur cysts before fet again? As that may hinder ur bfp chances. Dun waste ur embroye as i think u shd tiao urself well first before try again. 欲速则不达。means want do fast may not hv good result. Better tiao to hv optimum condition for ur womb before try again.

Pau le, u shd take brazil nut and some durian (since now durian festival) during ur 2ww.

All the gals in 2ww, Gambatte!!
Cheichei, the cyst will disappear itself after few cycles for some ppl, and also some of them by tcm medicine, you might want to consult DR Zou for better understanding if you dont want thru operation.
Thanks Gamabatte!

Welcome Pau le to the 2 ww!

Kimmy, su and bbliss, how are you guys feeling? I'm still bloated and feeling terrible.
Morning wongval, Su, bbliss!
Eck this morning I felt a sharp pain again but this time didnt panic bcuz I knew it's side effects of pregnyl. So went to stuff my face w eggs, warm milk and bak zhang and now much better.
Btw I called Kkh to check on progesterone level just in case they forgot to call me. All they told me was ma'am u just
Pass so just wait till pregnant BT day ok.. Then I said I wanna know number exactly. After a while she said ok it's 442 or something and I ask passing mark she said 60. So my question is ain't 60 for inserts? And if it's really 60
How is my number just pass? I remember reading somewhere there's a passing of 225 but can't remember...
Kimmy, wow, 442 is quite high right? hehe, but I have no gauge at all! I have sharp pains on and off too. I also took eggs this morning.. then almost puke it out
I really feel bad. I wonder how long this will last.. being so uncomfortable and I think I'm on the verge of breaking down liao.

su, yah, no energy at all. No position (sitting, lying, standing etc.) makes me comfortable. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night because it was so uncomfortable.

hey gals
for those who are bloating during during 2www, hang in there, the bloating will get worse when it's a positive and will last till almost end of 1st tri.

now still bloating and on top of that have severe morning sickness, so add on puking to that, but it's all worth it, so hang in there.

for those keen in the doppler, the BP is already up - preggy brains, i can't remember who expressed interest previously, but you can check out this link:

email me if you have further enquiries at [email protected]

i used this model for my 1st pregnancy in 2008/2009 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              2008/2009      end_of_the_skype_highlighting and it saved my little one's life, so am strongly recommending it.
