IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Bnb
Thk u sooo much. Of course wun forget those days n u..;) remeber to take the kumpung chicken essence to bu urself..
All the best to u too..;) will root for u..

Hi flower
All the best to ur et with many fertilized embroye.. Btw, how many are retrieve that time during er?

Hi mina
All the best to ur scan tomorow.. Dtink more red bean soup these few days... Jiayou!
still here, reading silently on and off. been feeling very down, maybe becos of the intermittent nausea, vomiting and bloating. no appetite and super moody. can't sleep well at night and super tired. add on that my 23mth boy is in his terrible twos and exerting his tantrums nowadays, and i can't even carry him or discipline him as he tends to throw his body/head on the ground or backwards and i can't catch him fast enough without risking his legs kicking me. feeling so helpless as a mummy.

sorry for the long grouse, just have to get it off.

i am freaking out over wed's scan - that doesn't help with the mood either.

hugz, it's not easy to go through this but you are handling it well. hang in there. re: MIL's issues : "MILs are created because the devil can't be everywhere at the same time"

as long the blood patch dun increase in the next scan, shd be ok, it gets absorbed by the body later on but better to reduce heavy movement/action so as not to agitate the womb, the worry is that when the blood clot comes out, it can pull the sac along with it.

i was reading this blog, it says that viagra can increase the lining - and it's a proven method in the US. first time i am hearing of this, so you may want to check it out. if u want to try it out, still in time as it's takes 2-3 days to work.


the same blog also has a lot of info about auto immune issues which results in either failure to implant or early pregnancy losses.


which brings me to another point (which may not be valid), if the fetus/embryo is considered foreign, wouldn't taking immunocal which strengthens our immune system encourage our antibodies to attack the embryo since it's foreign entity trying to implant?
I would like to ask does endo kind of affect the ivf from getting bhp? I will be doing my 1st ivf in aug. Kind of worry cos I hv endo.
Hi Joanne,
Hope you can get answer for your doubts soon.

Do take care.
As Ron had mentioned in her post, if a new dr has the same answer as the first one, it is quite clear and maybe you may want to think of other solution.
If there is a way to solve your problem, you may want to consider the new suggestions.
In any way do it with an open heart and try not to get stress (i know it is easier said than done ;p)
I share the same concerns as fatefully. Do any of the sisters here with endo bfp in ivf without having to remove the endo before embarking on the journey. Will endo affect imPlantation?
babymaking, thanks for that link. It is so informative. Frankly, I also suspect I may possess NK cells.

I am just wondering if I am heading south for my next FET.
J03, I'm 10 weeks preggy, first pregnancy in my 5 years of marriage, now waiting for my second scan. Throughout the ivf cycle, I can't help feeling how drug infused ivf is, just no choice that we have to embark on it. That makes ivf pregnancies even more precious, so can feel strongly for u. Just rem, no matter what, you got to stay positive and relax coz i'm sure it will help a lot in pregnancies. I used to rush to meet deadlines until I keep feeling so much stress in my stomach that it hits me that it is not worth it for me to sell my soul to the organization and affecting my health and fertility. I'm contemplating resignation to be a stay at home mum since I will want to try for a second child again before hitting 35, and the nature of my job is unsuitable for pregnancies even though they have family oriented hr policies but it doesn't help with the daily workload and inevitable spill over to weekends.

No matter what, you have a good talk with ur doctor to help u with your next cycle. Take care, gal
Hi mummies

To check with those thru FET before or presently, is it highly possible to have D2/D3 transfer after CD14 ultrasound scan? I worry it may crash with my work schedule.

Another thing, is it safe to travel or have rides at USS after ET?

Thanks for sharing.
Babymaking, guess with another child is more tough to rest inthe day? I m still in bed reading ur post. Just woke up. Not working today. The so frequent toilet visits are making me super tired. I will most likely sleep again later after food. Try to rest more. I m not thinking abt the upcoming scan until tt day. So I dun feel much stress now until the actual day. Rest more ok.
Baby making, thanks for your advice, I'll reduce in whatever I can and hopefully by the next scan the blood clears up..
Hope your mood brighten up soon, can understand how u r feeling.... Hugz

Sistas,I've got a bad cramp kind of pain on my abdomen last night around 3 plus. It was really painful and lasted for 5-10 mins. Feels like the cramp pain was from the abdomen till my left thigh and it was really painful... applied ru yi oil and tried to go back to sleep... Now the pain is no longer there, should I do anything about it? The pain was something I've never experienced before...
Hazel - thanks for confirming PGD is not available in SG. That's what I remembered my doc telling me too! I think I first saw it on a documentary & it was just so sad when the couple who failed like 5 fresh cycles did finally did PGD & found out all their embryos had defective chromosones. Glad you are staying relaxed until next scan - just chill and cope with the MS.

Sunshines - replied!

J03 - send u PM.
Hi Girls

How r u all? Not been able to chk the thread regularly, somtimes being a silent reader.

Congrats for all who were able to succeed, and best of luck to others.

After failed fresh cycle in May, Iam going for FET now (July end-Jun beg). Waitg for my AF to start FET. Left with 9 embies, 2 grade 4 and rest grade 3.

First time Dr Loh transferred 2 grade 4 embies, dint make it though. This time I asked him to do BC. Also hv opted for Med Fet. Hoping for the good.
PGD is available in Singapore but not for gender selection. i remb asking back in 2007 and it was not available then but i think now it is available in NUH, KKH for selective patients.


see this woman's experience

hang in there, although there are so many advances in ivf, some are not adopted locally yet so can always check with yr doc.

can relate to the frequent toilet visits, i try to limit fluid intake 2 hrs before bed but still the same, still wake up 2-3 times at night. i tried not thinking abt the scan but can't get it off the sub conscious mind - till having scenarios playing around in my head even in my dreams. i think i came up with all the worst case and best case scenarios in my head the last week.
sistas - thanks for the update on PGD. Always good to learn new things.. esp on a Monday when I not in a mood for work.. hahaha..
Daintreez, Dr Sadhana did tell me that if I experience any intense pain or bleeding during the wait to my second scan, I am to go to 24h clinic immediately. U may want to follow up with a gyne visit to rest ur concerns. Occasional brief dull pain is normal as stomach stretches as long as it is not sharp intense pain.
Ritzc, The pain was bad even though it was for that few minutes, my hands was shivering then... if i go kkh without an appt now i will walk into their 24hrs clinic? thanks
Frankly, I don't feel safe about seeing 24h dr since there r so much negative press. Instead, I will try to call up clinic D and get hold of the gyne. U under SF Loh right? Thought he is more personable and contactable. Maybe other sisters under SF Loh charge can advise Daintreez?
Daintreez, meanwhile dun worry too much. I get dull pain all the time just that once I feel it coming I massage the spot right away before it escalates. Could also be gastric pain. So get reassurance from gyne better.
Dr loh dun hv clinic on Monday. Unless his schedule has changed & I dunno.

If dun go 24hrs, just walk into a pte gynae clinic for a scan.
I wonder what's The value of doing PGD even if MOH approves... Since it cost so much. Can just do kayrotyping test to rule out chromosome defects at m/c. every embyro is different, even if one shows chromosome defects does not mean others will unless it is genetic. There r other tests to conclude if is genetic.

Just to share my experience with u, I had a sudden massive bleeding episode during Wk14 and scan showed that there was blood clots btw the uterine walls and the sac. As you are still at the Trim 1 and pregnancy may not have stablised yet, the best remedy is to bed rest as much as possible. With ample rest and as time passes, the clots will either be absorbed by the body or passed out as spottings.

As long as see RED spottings or feel any pain, please go down to your dr for a scan to ensure everything is alright.
PGD is more to find out genetic conditions rather than chromosomal defects. A child cld be 100% normal chromosome wise but has alot of genetics defects. on the other hand, a bb with not 100% proper chromosome stands to have other health problems which can be also termed generally as genetic problems (say hole in the heart, cleft lip)

Testing genetically for parents are not as good as testing the embryos. Say parent a and b tested genetically they are ok, but bb C came out w lots of genetic problems. Bb C's siblings stand a much higher chance of the same genetic problems which if the mum does IVF, testing of the embryos will help in finding out.

I doubt the parents can go thru having another bb with the same or worse genetic prob bb C has.
Can anyone share with me the whole short protocol will take how long, as Im thinking of applying leave? From day 1 of menses to BT for pregnancy is abt 6 weeks?
Daylesford, thanks for sharing your experience with me, so far my pantyliners are still clear, just the pain that shocked me last night... will continue to rest as much as i can... thanks so much again
hi Mm and faithfully,

i do have endo and not to be a wet blanket but it do affects a little on the implantation part. But its not necessary to remove endo b4 ivf. got to see wat your doc says. there are pros and cons. but don't worry, cos i had 2 ops to remove endo and it still comes back but i still bhp naturally. I've a few frens who shared the same problem also succeeded in having kids. So dun worry just go with an open mind cos if you worried to much like wat i did last round the stress level will affect your success rate.
hi babymaking,

Dun worry, your coming scan will be alright just stay coool... Do you get to see doc for your scan this round, if yes maybe can ask doc for remedy or advise on how to relieve your vomitting. For me, i can't take milk, which kind of worry and now taking calcium pills supplement... i'm worried that my calcium intake is insufficient. I envy my sil who can eat very well and drink lots of milk and not puke, she gained 7kg in her 1st trimester and altho she's now 4.5mths preggy her tummy is very huge like 6mths+ preggy.
hi babymaking,

Dun worry, your coming scan will be alright just stay coool... Do you get to see doc for your scan this round, if yes maybe can ask doc for remedy or advise on how to relieve your vomitting. For me, i can't take milk, which kind of worry and now taking calcium pills supplement... i'm worried that my calcium intake is insufficient. I envy my sil who can eat very well and drink lots of milk and not puke, she gained 7kg in her 1st trimester and altho she's now 4.5mths preggy her tummy is very huge like 6mths+ preggy.
Thanks, Chris. I'm just a little confused. I went to see 2 gynaes, one advised me to go for ops before ivf to "ensure my womb is in good condition" but the other gynae said ops not necessary increase chance of success. Did u go for operations before u strike? Did your friends strike without going thru ops also?I know endo come back 6 months after ops.
hi bluenosebear,

hahaha u should see the 2 of us standing next to each other, i'm 10weeks + and she's 4.5mths. Like last nite at my mil's place eating steamboat, my mil commented that i lost weight and asked is it i not eating well etc.. cos compared to my sil its really a big difference. could be also i couldn't consume milk, but very funny before i preggy i used to take 1 glass of milk daily now after taking my stomach will be very bloated and i'll suffer from indigestion. My fren suggested to me to ask for samples of prenatal milk such as ammum, frisco, dumex to try out and see if at least one will fit me. Oh I had yogurt (yami yogurt) peach flavour last friday and after taking it for 1hr i got diarrhea...so hb very kiasu asked me not to take 1st wait till my 2nd tri then take...
Hi MM,

I went for laposcopy to check is there any problem with my tubes and doc found that I have endo and a severe case. Doc managed to clear some out but nt all.. so doc suggest i go try IVF and so here I am. I am also worried whether endo will affect my IVF process. I went to goggle abit and found out that somehow it will affect. I saw some ppl with endo laposcopy done after few mth later they get preggie naturally.
Hi Mm,

wat's the size of your endo? if is below 3cm then can leave it alone... mine was around 3.6cm (2nd endo) and i asked 2 docs advice too..one advised me to go for ops and the other advised me not to...cos actually ops may cause scarring and adhesions to your womb which may affect your chance to conceive. Especially if you have already gone through 1 ops b4, then its not advisable to go for another one unless the pros outweighed the cons. Like my 2nd ops, i really regretted thinking the advice of a "blurr" doc to go for Ops... and it came back less than 1yr later when i see sf loh to do ivf.. he too advised me not to go for 3rd ops cos the more ops you do u are infact reducing your egg supplies.. hence i didn't go for the 3rd ops and went ahead with ivf and 1 FET altho i didn't succeed but i eventually conceived naturally instead with my blood cysts now 3cm. I'm thankful to the advice that s f loh gave me. Yes, my 2 friends who strike same as me went through 1st ops to remove endo, but when their endo came back after 6mths, they still concieve naturally, and one of them succeeded through dr zou. tats why i'm a strong believer of tcm as a few of my friends who were advised by some "branded" docs tat they can only conceived via ivf or to go through some expensive ops managed to conceived naturally via tcm.
Hi Mm,

And the stupid doc (dr fong) advised me to go for my 2nd ops told me after my ops that my endo was pretty severe and that i got alot of scarring tissues etc and that i won't be able to conceive naturally...without ivf. i was devastated after my ops to hear the news from him and he also didn't do a very gd job for me cos after the ops i had very severse gastric reflux till i was hospitalised after 1 week of my ops. Anyway i proved him wrong this round.
Hi Chris,

I am currently under Dr Zou care too. She told me 89% of her patients got endo. My gyna told me I have serious endo but she nv mentioned the size... she oni show me pic of all the small small red dot and told me she cannot clear all. So which mean I still have endo even when I go for my 1st IVF.
Yes. The doc that wants me to go for ops is dr Fong Yang. He wants me to do ops Right before ivf. I dare not to do as I am worry the ops may cause my body become weaker. We need our body to be strong before ivf , right? Somemore the ops cost 5k. If the endo not clear, have to take med for a few months. I believe my cysts are smaller than 2cm cos I only saw some small dots ( smaller than my optimal follicle) during scan.
Thanks Chris. I will stop worrying and go ahead with ivf.
Oh my god Dr fong yang? you are seeing him too? no offence but i had very bad experience with him...his the doc that a chinese tcm ying chuan highly recommended me and who is the one who recommended me to go for ops and said if not i'll not be successful in my ivf and i'll waste alot of $$$$. I was really stupid to have listened to him and not my regular dr seng who told me not to go ahead. i trusted this dr fong yang and went ahead with the ops.... Cos every ops these private doctors can earn $$$from you. i even had an argument with my hb went he persuaded me not to jump into the 2nd ops and to consider. Please if you can change doc immediately... S F loh is more an honest person than he is...

My fren went to see dr fong yang too when she was tested preggy. And during the 1st scan, he told showed her bb's heartbeat and did a blood test and as the hormones level was on the low side he asked her to come back a few days later for another checkup. And the 2nd checkup, he told my fren that there's no bb's heartbeat and that she must have miscarried and did another blood test for her. The bloodtest results came back positive with low hormones count and this time he told my fren she has ectopic pregnancy and said that he'll do an ops to remove the bb. As it was my fren's 1st time getting preggy she trusted him and signed the papers to do the ops 3 days later and in the meantime dr fong yang asked to do another blood test on her again. My fren and her hb was devastated as its like taking a roller coaster ride in a week where you are told that you are preggy one instant and the next instant ectopic. Luckily my other fren recommended her to see another gynae for 2nd opinion the next day and during the scan the doc showed her the bb's heartbeat. Her hb was soooo pissed off with dr fong yang and never went back. Her daughter is now 2yrs old.
Oh my god Dr fong yang? you are seeing him too? no offence but i had very bad experience with him...he's the doc that a chinese tcm ying chuan highly recommended me and who is the one who recommended me to go for ops and said if not i'll not be successful in my ivf and i'll waste alot of $$$$. I was really stupid to have listened to him and not my regular dr seng who told me not to go ahead. i trusted this dr fong yang and went ahead with the ops.... Cos every ops these private doctors can earn $$$from you. i even had an argument with my hb went he persuaded me not to jump into the 2nd ops and to consider. Please if you can change doc immediately... S F loh is more an honest person than he is...

My fren went to see dr fong yang too when she was tested preggy. And during the 1st scan, he told showed her bb's heartbeat and did a blood test and as the hormones level was on the low side he asked her to come back a few days later for another checkup. And the 2nd checkup, he told my fren that there's no bb's heartbeat and that she must have miscarried and did another blood test for her. The bloodtest results came back positive with low hormones count and this time he told my fren she has ectopic pregnancy and said that he'll do an ops to remove the bb. As it was my fren's 1st time getting preggy she trusted him and signed the papers to do the ops 3 days later and in the meantime dr fong yang asked to do another blood test on her again. My fren and her hb was devastated as its like taking a roller coaster ride in a week where you are told that you are preggy one instant and the next instant ectopic. Luckily my other fren recommended her to see another gynae for 2nd opinion the next day and during the scan the doc showed her the bb's heartbeat. Her hb was soooo pissed off with dr fong yang and never went back. Her daughter is now 2yrs old.
Oh my god Dr fong yang? you are seeing him too? no offence but i had very bad experience with him...he's the doc that a chinese tcm ying chuan highly recommended me and who is the one who recommended me to go for ops and said if not i'll not be successful in my ivf and i'll waste alot of $$$$. I was really stupid to have listened to him and not my regular dr seng who told me not to go ahead. i trusted this dr fong yang and went ahead with the ops.... Cos every ops these private doctors can earn $$$from you. i even had an argument with my hb went he persuaded me not to jump into the 2nd ops and to consider. Please if you can change doc immediately... S F loh is more an honest person than he is...

My fren went to see dr fong yang too when she was tested preggy. And during the 1st scan, he told showed her bb's heartbeat and did a blood test and as the hormones level was on the low side he asked her to come back a few days later for another checkup. And the 2nd checkup, he told my fren that there's no bb's heartbeat and that she must have miscarried and did another blood test for her. The bloodtest results came back positive with low hormones count and this time he told my fren she has ectopic pregnancy and said that he'll do an ops to remove the bb. As it was my fren's 1st time getting preggy she trusted him and signed the papers to do the ops 3 days later and in the meantime dr fong yang asked to do another blood test on her again. My fren and her hb was devastated as its like taking a roller coaster ride in a week where you are told that you are preggy one instant and the next instant ectopic. Luckily my other fren recommended her to see another gynae for 2nd opinion the next day and during the scan the doc showed her the bb's heartbeat. Her hb was soooo pissed off with dr fong yang and never went back. Her daughter is now 2yrs old.
sisters anyone can help me.
I had a pinkish spotting. Do I need to monitor it for 24hrs or I just go to 24hrs KKH. Today is d21 past transfer. My scan will only be in 2wks time.
Hi Shainie, you had mentioned red bean soup in one of your threads. Just want to check is it ok to drink it during the lucrin injection preiod or do I drink it during the purgeon injection period? I just started lucrin today.. Thanks in advance!
How much is ur pink spotting ? Suggest u go dwn to kkh to get extra support (proluton jab). When u r back, bed rest as much as u can! U can cook lotus roots Glutinious rice porridge n eat till the spotting stops!
