IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Neil/qingwei, dont know leh, Dr zou said during 2WW should feel bloat then chances higher..
but everybody is diff so no bloat doesnt mean no chance ok..

Queenie, when is your BT?
Amelia- took the egg white when I started injections- togrow the follicles. Drank it down mixed with boiling hot Milo. But cannot tahan that throughout so sometimes I take e.g. Omelette, chawamushi, egg on porridge etc etc. During 2ww, nurse also told me to continue that egg white or immunocal.
Hi all, is anybody 1 2 share to order the immunocal from Fung&Goh? That time i called up n said if buy 10 boxes it will free 1 box. And they also can deliver to different places. I intend to buy 3 boxes
2ww ladies, dun worry about the bloat, initially mine also subsided after a few days, but with pregynel jabs I became uncomfortably bloated again. Think I get side effects from the jabs, coz I tend to get bad back ache at night after the jab and will be woken up by gripping pain in my stomach in the wee hours. That last a few agonizing minutes then I will go back to sleep.. Hubby ask me whether I want see doc but i'm
fine by morning and will just wait after my BT this fri.

2ww is a drag. Hang on and stay positive!
Since most of us will be on hospitalization leave during 2ww, can I check what sort of reasons did u give to your boss if u did not disclose that u are going through ivf?
hi sarah, meaning it is still $100 per box, but with free delivery?
immunocal is meant for 2 ww to reduce bloat is it? and can drink with milo or yoghurt type right?
Hi ladies, i wld like to join you all for the 2ww. This is my second attempt on a slightly diff protocol but sad to say only had 1 good quality embryo to transfer. My bt is 23 may. Have been resting alot but am very bloated abt 3dpt. I think its the two pregnyl jabs i did after transfer.

I also cannot sleep well at nite. But sleep alot in the day. This morning 6.30 am i was woken by a terrible uterine cramp which subsided in few mins but i have no increase in weight though my tummy is so bloated. Craved for sardine puffs like mad. Had weird dreams too. Anyone exp similar stuff?

Btw i get my brazilian nut from colds storage. Brand is nutri. Good luck to all
babybun, on my hospitalization leave, they typed the department of the ward as kkivf. But my hubby's outpatient leave, they typed as KK Private Suite. So maybe u can ask the staff to print out the hospitalization leave according to your needs if u r not disclosing.

Mabel, I was woken up thrice by terrible stomach pain on separate days. Usually go to toilet to see whether I can purge. The last time it the pain was so agonizing that I can't purge and also didn't manage to make it back to bed, just lie flat on the floor to wait for it to be over. Ahh, we suffer so much, hope can bfp.
My BT on 27/5.. Long way.. How's scan todae? Ur ER confirmed liao?

I oni told my immediate boss tt I m gg thru ivf.. As for the rest of the colleagues, I shall tell them is woman's prob & brush them off.. Wld tis work for ur co?
Kimmy & the rest of the sisters,
Tis is wat I learnt fr the seniors & time to contribute:
Immunocal & egg White are to be taken during stimulation stage.. contain protein to aid eggs growth.. Oso to prevent OHSS and relieve bloatedness during stimulation stage..
U can start to take abit during lucrin stage..

Hope the above clarifies..
Ritzc - themost guilt i feel is towards my five yr old who is very stcky to me but i cannot do much with him. Told him wat i am going through n he says " i know mommy, your tummy is painful becos of the big egg inside." i burst out laughing at his innocent comment. Let all stay positive. When is your bt?
thanks Queenie for clarifying.
clearer now. yes! We all want to aid eggs growth. hehehehe. so you take them alternate days or together?
what's lucrin stage? (sorry ah, still waiting for my turn in jun)
and how's your 2ww so far?
Hi Sistas >> I am back to work, SIANzzzz.... loads to catch up on, just got back from Lunch and trying to catch up with the forum :D

Seems like loads of 2ww sistas this time round :D
aiyoh. my chinese physician told me not supposed to climb stairs during 2ww..... i already went up and down the stairs many times since ET. hope it doesn't affect implantation chances...
Oh yes ladies i want to share one great method to ease acute uterine cramps.gentally rub your back from mid spine down. Pain subsides very quickly. Can do it youself or best get hubby to do it. It worked wonders for me.
I m at the airport, leaving for HK. Dr Teoh think better off for me to fly n get my support there esp the pregnancy BT.
I din know KKH give 2 w HL. So nice. I actually planning to go back to work day of ET but my boss advise me to stay home n work from home if I feel bored.

Babybun, I told my boss n colleagues working closely w me that I m going thru this. They are so supportive n covering my work so that I have no worries.
Sisters, who are in the same 2ww, jia you!
I will still be in this forum when and would love to meet up with wonderful Sis here when I m back if you gals are keen.
Hi Queenie >> When i was at my 2ww, damn sian at home, now at office, damn sian coz too much things to do, wahahaha, win liao lor, dont know how to please myself, but good thing, tomorrow holiday, so give my system sometime to boot up :D heehee.

Hi RitzC >> Dont have wor, i think i went out with the Sistas for lunch makan, and was sharing with them. Went and see my DR and he ask me, how got bloat bo, than i said no, his reaction was, HUH, like that huh, maybe you late implentation, i almost fainted on the spot, that was 6th day after ET. Anyway, like my DR said, not still too early, only when we hear the heartbeat, than the "BATTLE BEGINS".
Bb nn, wow, u v lucky to have no symptoms!
I thought I no symptoms too until lately I start getting stomach pain at night and now bloatedness.

Nell, have a good trip and take care!
Jia You to me... another 150 mins to go... Jia You Jia You...

Hi RitzC >> Dont worry, each of us will react differently. We all diff mah, so how can have the same symptoms. Just be happy.
Nell - Really? what a coincidence!
BTW, now I am still cool but when that day comes, I am sure i will freak out when the phone rings. I dun intend to do HTP before bt. Disappointed by HTP too many times already

You have a good trip and stay in touch! Take care!
Just when I mentioned that my CM is pretty dry since ET, I just had more CM a while ago. creamy white. Anyone can share about CM or is it not impt at all?
BB_NN - my BT ib 23 May, same as Nell. Today is 10dpER.

Though I am bloated like I am 5 months pregnant, I am eating like a glutton. It is scary. If BFP ok...if BFN, I will need to lose weight liao. Feeling fat though my weight is still about 45kg.
Hi Mabel >> wah. u feather weight lor, dont worry, bloat only gas mah, hehehee... in fact should be light, coz gas can lift u up :D hehehe. anyway i am joking, just take it easy and rest ok :D

For me, same CM is dry too. like spell dry.
Hi Queenie / Mabel / Nell >> Ok got your BT dates, at least u have something to look forward to. Please add on to my list :D
Hi Mabel >> my engine have not started for today yet, and i am already on count down mode to go home, hehehe, later for all i know, my boss also in this forum talking, than i will kana from THE BOSS. heehee..
Hi all, I'm trying very hard to keep myself updated but can only get snippets here and there.

I'm in 2WW now and I think I kept doing the wrong things. I had stingray on the day of ET only to find out that it's high in mercury. Talking about ignorance. Sigh!

Nell - you were not alone. I went for ET on my own too cos hubby's traveling. Have a good time in HK.

Queenie - do you mean your BT is on 27 May? If it is, then it's the same as mine.

Ok, now can someone tell me what's CM?
hey bb_nn, nice to see you in the forum again.
ya tmr is public holiday again, so i can understand why engine a bit diff to start. ahhaha

queenie, you're the next one for bt right?

bingo must be undergoing intensive accu this week i think... maybe i'd make appt to go in the noon to.. i didn't go last week..

nell - take care during yr flight.

sarah - mm order without me then. becuz i've not tried b4 so i'm not sure if i can even go pass 1 box. thanks for initiating though!

mabel - u are so light! 45kg! im envious :D the moment i start on any injections even at iui stage, most ppl was asking me how many months...-_-
Hi Koirc >> dont worry too much, i first day after ET whack carrot cake with extra chilly, after that have laksa and nasi lemak, also have papaya inbetween, also also Rojak, got mee siam also, only to meet up with Sistas about a week plus later to realise all cannot eat, hehehe... aiyo, never mind lor, at least i happy eating those, can only consol myself :D i think a bit it ok, not like you have a while stingray.

Hi Kimmy >> my backside pain, i went to the loo for a break, to my horror, there is the toilet SEAT and have to seat some more, pengz...
