IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Ladies,

I've been scheduled under Dr Marianna from KKH for IVF in July. Read through the posts and saw that some of you ladies out there highly recommends Dr Loh.

Do you think its possible to request to KKH for a transfer of doc to Dr Loh? How to go about doing it?

Thanks for your advice!

Joanne, u spent so much at KKH for ivf? I didn't spend more than 8k incl govt grant of 3k. My gf who just did recently also spent abt there..
Hi May,

I am also doing in July with Dr Marianna. I didnt though of changing her cos since day 1 of my check up I have been seeing her and my Laparoscope surgery also done by her.
Hey gals,

SF Loh's charges are private at KK right? I considering PC Wong at NUH, I think the charges are also private. Is there still govt subsidy for these docs charging private fees?
Hi mms
Dun worry, as long as u did ur ivf at kkh, u will hv government grant k..

Hi melodi
All the best to ur et today!! Has ur fever recover today? JY woah..

Morning gals!! No monday bluez today.. Yeah!!
dr.sf loh oso has a private "Suite" upstairs near the kkh foodcourt.the suite is shared by dr.sadhana n others.he charges abit more than downstairs clinic.however if u see him at the suite u must register again as 1st consultation and not a transfered consultation.the consultation hours are usually after 2.30pm and certain days only.do check with the nurse for the timings.

the "suite" looked like some fancy hotel lobby w vending hot drinks n itz quieter.the waiting time oso abit shorter compared to clinic D.went to see him there once.however ER/ET will still b done at ivf theatre.

as for dr.sadhana,u can only see her at the "suite" during pregnancy stage and not ivf.ivf consultations still done at clinic D.
sisters on 2ww..enjoy ur free time!

sisters on ER/ET..good luck!
btw tis forum is quieter now coz some sisters hv started another group at FB so they moved there.

but i'm sure tis forum will become abuzz again...
Hi melodi
Hows ur et? Now shd be on the way home resting?? welcome u to the 2ww too..

Hi serene
How u feeling today? Shd be better now hor? All the best to ur et tomorow too..;)
Hi Hazel. Actually I also not sure what is my total charges at KK till now but sure not so much yet.. maybe I estimated too much in the beginning... hehe.

Hi Ron. Feeling so excited for u... Thurs is your big day!!! All the best! BFP BFP!!!
Hi gals, just home
My ET is quite pianful due to narrow path that block the tube. SF Loh has to change to a smaller tube and he took some time to put that in too. He said rare case but i think luckily is done by him cos there not much blood actually compare to my IUI last time.

I transferred two grade 3 and 2 today. The grade are not very good but I am happy already since there is still chance for it to get implant.

Any sisters have such grade but get BFP in the end? Please give me some confident.
Out of 6, 3 fetilised but the last one is grade 1 only so they discard it. And every 3 days I need to go back KK for Pregnyl injection too
Is injection better than those tablets type. Last year IUI, the hospital give me those tablets form to swallow. What's the different?

This cycle I am too stress already and a few times emotional breakdown due to small things. I think that affect the quality of the follicles ba

Next cycle I must do a fresh one ago. Oh no those needles ago. Really hope this time can be a BFP for me.

Btw how many eggs must we eat now? Or can i drink immunocal mix with yakult. Can eat dishes with ginger right?

Wow...so many questions! :p
hi ladies, the embryologist called just now. Out of 7, 2 fertilised. And both of them good grade : ) So my ET is scheduled tomorrow. I m more relax now. Hopefullly both my babies will stick tight tight to me and BFP.
Today, my abdomen still quite painful and abit bloated. Dunno later can go Dr Zou there for my last accupuncture.
hi qingwei - congrats for starting the journey. the jabs are abit scary at first ;) but you will find the strength to get through it. <jia-you>!
melodi - hey, that's great. welcome to your 2WW. i am on pregnyl too. how much iu are you taking?

serene - good news too! today can relax and wait to be reunited with the babies.
Hi serene, happy for you. At least you have two good one
mine fertilized 3 but only two usable n grade not too good also.
anyway I will not give up hope also
Jia you! hope we all can BFP together.
Melodi - Congrats to a successful ET! Now dont worry so much and enjoy your 2WW k?

Hi Serene - Good to hear that. Just rest well today and prepare for your ET tomorrow ya!!
so nice watching TV on Monday morning
just watching Guiliana &amp; Bill - she is going for her FET after OHSS.
Hi melodi n serene
Yea for u gals...;) welcome to 2ww.. Must continue stay positive k...;)

Hi melodi
Is it due to urs is day 3 transfer so grade of embroye drop? If ur et is yesterday, maybe ur grade 2 &amp; 3 is grade 4 too??
So if urs can survive many days outside, ur embroye will be a strong one to last for another nine mths in ur tummy k..
rest well.. Bet u didnt sleep well last night.. Now can relax well k..;) hows ur fever? Recover? Yes, u can take ginger food but dun get too heaty and fall sick again woah.. Me take two ew n one immouncal per day now.. cant answer on ur jab as if not wrong, for er more than 15 eggs at kk, we r given progerstrone to insert via virginal. Else we can choose to inject daily at gp if scare to use insert. Of course most of us choose the insert at least no need go thru pain daily again.. For less than 15 eggs,kkh will give three days one injection. I think injection will be gd too..;) take care... Whens ur bt for progestrone and hcg?

Hi serene,
Yes, go doc zou place is gd as it will sooth ur womb area when the heat lamp shine on ur womb.. I went there once before my et too and she say someone who retrieve 60 plus eggs actually request to hv the heat lamp shine the top for one hr, dun need to do accu for back at all.. Will u be taking her medi during 2ww? Can help me asks the hubby of doc zou one question pls? How much it cost for 2ww medicine if we get 14days medi fr them straight away? As i worry he calculate the amount wrongly last wk.. Thk u so much..;)
hi Melodi - this round i am given 3x 1500iu - on ET, Et+2, ET+5. Last round was 2000iu per jab, but they reduced it this round. not sure why different - maybe you are younger so u need less support?

Must talk to the babies to grow &amp; implant themselves strongly everyday, ok? no need to worry anymore for next 2 weeks.
Hi J03, I am not sure too why the grade not good also. Is grade 3 consider average? So disappointed when SF loh said my eggs not good
anyway I will trust them to implant properly.

Hi Ron, I am in mid 30 already. But this cycle too many happening for me already. Anyway we must have faith in our embies :D
Hi ron
May i know u hv retrieve how many embroye and howany fertilized..

Hi melodi
Dun give urself additional stress as ron is not fr kk so her hospital protocol maybe different fr u..;) relax k..
Hi melodi
Yes.. Grade 5 is best. Grade 4 is Good and grade three is average. It is stated in the embroylogist report past to u after ur et.. Dun worry too much of wht doc loh say.. Dun forget he got magical hand..;)
Melodi - This SF Loh also very funny one la... He always says grading is not important la. Average grade can also have BFP la. So dont worry. Juet rest well during the 2WW..
hi J03 - it was on Style Channel. they didn't say successful or not... I had 12 mature embryos and 8 fertilised. transferred 2, froze 3, and 3 more not good enough to freeze. i think my embryos quality is also average only, so always cannot survive to freeze.

hi melodi - my support is different since not from kkivf, but we just trust if good doctors that it will best for us (and i think u gals have one of the best in town!). and yes, i must remember to keep on having faith in our embbies!

when are your BTs? J03 and clb same day, right?

my BT is actually on Thur 7/4, but since i got MC until Fri, I am going back to work only next Monday.. hhahaa... either celebrate or cry on Friday.

babydust to everyone..
Thanks for giving me confident
I remember moo told me something b4 that even having bad grade doesn't mean no hope already. Thus, I am still not so sad. Will talk to my embies everyday

My progesterone test is on the 8th April ( err... Why need to test this?) and BT to confirm BFP is on 19 April :p HL until 20 April. Oh oh just realize they did not pass me my HL.

Hi J03, there is no report stating that to me lei. Maybe because I have no frozen embryo ba.
Melodi. They need to test progesterone as they want to see how your body is reacting to the medication. If necessary, they will increase the dosage... You have to check your HL as they indicated as MC when they pass to me. I have to tell them to amend to HL..
Hi jt
Though it is mc that i receive but below, there is a choice tick hospital leave ah.. U mean u request the mc header to chamge to hl instead?
It is no use to me as am taking my own leave.. Will be going back to work on next monday..;(

Hi melodi
Oh.. Maybe.. Hmm.. Our bt for progestrone and hcg day is only one day difference.. My p bt day on coming thursday and hcg on 18th apr.. Hope all of us can bfp in two wks time..;)
My mum just bring me sumptous homecook lunch for me..cant imagine that i finish everything.. So full till i cant take a nap now.. Burp...
Gals... I take dabao so sianz till nothing to eat last weekend.. Is always porriage or fish soup... Start to get sick liao.. Wht u gals eat for meal huh?? Any gd suggestion after i go back to work next wk?
J03. I dont take porridge or fish soup only. U can also take zhi cha, rice with vegetable/fish/meat, fried mee hoon, mee soup etc... as long as balance diet la
Hi ladies, just rush through my work and submit the report to my boss. phew.. veri tiring leh.

Do you happen to hav the list tat we keep track of when implantation will take plc for D3 transfer? I remembered seeing someone posted here b4?
Hi serene
Oh u still go to work? When u going to doc zou place? Can help me asks my query written to u this morning? Thk u.. Btw, is the list below wht u want?
3 day transfer- 
1dpt...embryo is growing and developing 
2dpt...Embryo is now a blastocyst 
3dpt...Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day 
4dpt...Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining 
5dpt...Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining 
6dpt...Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining 
7dpt...Morula is completely implanted in the lining and has placenta cells &amp; 
fetal cells 
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood 
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops 
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops 
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT
hi joanne, me work at home. yup will b going to dr zou there for accu. mi not taking the 2ww med but will help u to ask how much is the 2ww med? how much did u pay?
Hi serene
Help me asks doc zou hb when u pay him for the accu.. Hmm i pay $130 for one time accu and 2ww medi.. As sometime my hubby will do accu too but that day he didnt do and just come to fetch me so i forget to asks him separately how much is the medi and worry he thot my hb got accu. Now if i call him to asks will be so funny.. Thk u for ur help..;)
hi J03, can eat most things as long balanced diet and stay away from spicy, raw egg (including mayo) &amp; stuff that may give you LS.
Sooo happy to see ur purple word again...;) really a trademark of u!!! How are you? Suddenly feel like seeing long lost friend..;D

Hi serene
I see.. Then thats correct..;) thk u sooooo much... ;) wht did doc zou say abt ur good grade embroye? Did she say U seems like having ohss? After accu, u feel better now? Btw, why u not taking her 2ww medi??

Hi gals
Cant nap..;( maybe bec i am making chicken essence so something is boiling in my kitchen and i dun dare fall asleep as later overslept and if my pot run out of water then very dangerous... Does anyone here start take durian already?
<font color="aa00aa">Hello Joanne...eh, dun nap now, almost 5pm aleady, if nap now tonight can't zzzz ren ren ba</font>
Ya shoes
not sleeping liao n sipping the essence... Whts ur plan now? Btw, why u n miracle suddenly disappear, u gals chat in fb nowadays huh??
ha ha J03, I just took 4 seeds of durians. I love durians so take that as an execuse to reward myself today after ET
But drinking lots of water now in case fever come back :p

Hi shoes, welcome back. I have been a silent reader during your cycle that time
Hi melodi
So u hv recover fully today? Thats great but bec u just recover, better dun take now.. Can start fr 3dpt to 9dpt.. As that period is implantation period.. Also, each time take 2-3 seeds per day.. Must control woah as when embby is in us, we cant afford to fall sick now...;)

Hi gals
Do u all perspire alot? Me keep perspiring if just walk in the house.. I must sit under the fan and dun move else sure perspire.. Sweat man...

Hi blue
Nice to see ur post too.. Maybe bec i am still reading the march achieve (hope to catch up now) so miss the pp more..;)
hi j03, dr zou said grade not tat important. is e no of cells which is more crucial. tomolo i will ask my embyrologist during et. dr zou said i dun hav ohss as tummy no veri bloated. she told me is norm to have pain in abdomen area. i kept breaking wind while i m in e mids of acc. so embarassing.

HI J03, thanks
Actually i am not sure when to take too and how to calculate the implantation period. So today is 1dpt or 0dpt? Yes I perspire alot too. Just walking and sleeping at home with fan blowing. CAn we turn on aircon?
