IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - last night took PANADOL liao...go eat something la...me just woke from nap cos phone SMS went off...

Hokkaido, its not a great indicator of BFP but we do need good levels of P to BFP for sure</font>

Hi shoes, thanks! BFP on your way soon
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks Leor...MeloDi...no choice le...really cannot put much weight on foot...so hopping around...now waiting for my energy levels to go up so can hop to shower</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Leor...haha..I lean against wall to shower...tink by the time drag chair there take one more hour liao...ROTFL </font>
Hi piggy
Hv just check with doc zou..;) she say ok to drink as long as no plegem... Me happily drinking now..;) hope i am fine tomorow..
joanne ... i mix the immunocal with orange juice too cos tat the only 1 juice i dun put in the fridge ... every morning I will mix it and drink b4 food .. got to stir longer lor in order to dissolve the powder.
Thanks shoes and Mina. Haha, guess I dwell into it too much. Can't help not to play this guessing game during the 2ww.

Janice, you could be having twins as the pulling sensation is stronger.....relax and enjoy your your growing tummy.
Hi ladies,
I been to Dr Zou a few times already and got 2 kind of medicine from her, 1 before O and the other after O. Not sure if next time, can dun get the medicine from her? Will she be angry?
Hi trouble
She is ok without medicine and just accu.. So no worries k..;)

Hi piggy
Oh no.. Better go take one litre of orange juice today to recover fast.. Tomoro et.. Cannot fall sick woah..

Hi jok
That is a gd idea.. Me mix with HL strawberry flavour milk so can hide the smell.. Hee...but i always let it not so cold by wait for one hr... Hee...
Minako: Im on medicated la.. maybe is the insert? actually im already started my insert to prepare for tomorrow ET
I think not really fever maybe i should use the word feverish :0)
joanne ... tat's y use tat orange juice which they sell in supermaket w/o the fridge ... early morning where got so much time to let it cool ... i chop chop mix &amp; drink than got to leave for work liao ...
Miracle, dh juz called said he feels like eating porridge so he'll be cooking fish porridge (again.....) so no pizza or spaghetti for me tonite
. Wah u hv been eating Maggie mee quite often hor? No good leh.

I hv been laying on sofa. The pulling n pain is making me very pek chek...

Hee... I had already told my baby must bless aunty miracle n aunty shoes with baby too... Told them they will be seeing u tmr lol
Yeah janice! Thx!

I eat mee w/o the seasoning. Actuali oso no good. Bt duno wat to eat. Actuali u can tell ur hubby tat baby craving for spaghetti / pizza mah. Lolx no appetite for porridge.
miracle, there are lots of stuffs u can stok up at home de le...
like roti prata, then u can add an egg to it
or like me add cheese inside... frozen roti prata no need to defroze when u ready to make them ma...
ready made pizza, can be baked within 10mins...
there are plenty of healthy food other than maggi mee...
even fish fingers got cod fish ones...
<font color="aa00aa">Sticky, Marks &amp; Sparks brand...cod fish ones...quite yummy and not at all that pricey I felt</font>
Sticky, ya lor kept tempting us hng!

Shoes, oh ya hor, forgotten abt my sausages hehe. Oh dh buying spaghetti for me Yeah!
<font color="aa00aa">Janice...hahahha...see, now we even know what foods you have at home!!! Oh good good...your husband really dote on you</font>
hey mine is home cook assam fish... may not be that nice... but is sour and spicy enough...
love, ok i go try... cod fish fish fingers are exp... they cost over $10bucks for a small box...
i prefer western food... or fine dining... or simply pizza... =)
miracle... i aiming for a huge pizza this weekends... so sinful... so much for controlling my diet... *faint*
<font color="aa00aa">Sticky - forget about diet la...we go through so much already...treat ourselves nice ba...

Yaya, cod is expensive, try Marks &amp; Sparks...</font>
