IVF/ICSI Support Group

Piggy, good luck for your et today. Remember update how many thaw & transfer lata yah! JY

Shoes, flowers, miracles, me anxiously waiting for your baby dusts.. will stalk here whole today for BFP news!
gd luck gals for your BT!
Good morning ladies,

Wanna ask for those who doing fet (medicated). While taking progynova pill, do we hv to avoid BD ? Meaning safe sex?

Piggy.. Good luck & all d best for ur et
Morning girls. Good luck on BT.

Piggy good luck for your et

Girls can I ask do u girls get constipation? I did my et on wed, have not gone to the toilet. How?
hi apple, after my et till now... i ok le... pass motion smooth smooth everyday...
u must drink more water ar...

hi bless,
wat blood test is that? which stage are u at now?
Apple, everyone is different.. during my fresh I constipate like hell! Only release every 3-5days & everytime had to force hard. I dunno cannot force until Dr Zou told me it will affect impantation. So drink more prune juice!
hi lubna,
i dunno abt kkh... didnt go there ma... haha...
the meds are cheaper in sgh... but hor... the ivf cost more exp than kkh... service ar... heard the gals say both side nurses ok... but sgh waiting time is not short lor... so far, i quite comfy with them... so ok lorz...

hi bless,
oh thats soon... nice... mine is onli 4dpt onli...
Sticky u did your et on Monday right.so now is 4 dpt. So mine is only 2dpt ah? I did my et on wed

Rest well ok stcky tomorrow implantation day! Good luck
Lookups CEO I'm sorry.
. Now prepare your body for another try ok. Eat heAlthy and exercise to promote blood circulation.

Piggy how many embryo u put in? U at which hospital
Ok piggy pls rest well while waiting..

Blessbaby how many embrio did u put in? And who is your doctor?

What have u been doing for the last 1 week?
piggy ... congrats ... enjoy ur 2ww
ur embbies thaw this morning ? remember u say u left 3 emb right? so u tsf all huh ?
Blessbaby: I am also in my 9dpt. I don't have any cramp feeling leh... also no constipation.

Time really pass too slowly... only 9 days... still have 8 more days to go...
sun, 1st week already feeling the pulling even till now. was told cos my E2 is quite high that's y my tummy will feel discomfort
Calzz & blue : thanks for ur wishes ;)

Minako: ur 3 embbies will be like mine all survive and transfer all 3 not worry so much ;)

Sun: mine from raffles hospital ;) the doctor don't want to wait so thaw in the morning 6 plus transfer at around 1030 am she claim that survive rate higher not sure true anot .. If I bfp then true if bfn then not true hahaha
