IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi dawn

i had my OHSS...i jus did 3 bloodtest last wk...my last bloodtest shown 46.5, almost to normal.
No further test requested by KKH...today very bloated again...tat'y seeking for advises...

Yes i hv drank immunocal...
Janice...hey, congrats on your BFP!!! I'm happy for you...

Have a smooth 9-mos ahead k...
*grabbing baby dust for my next trial*
the cough mixture reali make me so drowsy.....when time to wake for medication, i still feel so high!!!! hahaha
had earli dinner caused feel so hungry.. but no appetite...cooked maggi mee with salmon n minced meat...but no appetite...wan puke...still half bowl...cant swallow...

hows your bloat? Angela must be pleased with the big tummy le...

how come 2ww so many things cant eat, but when bfp, what junk also can go into tummy?
hi miracle,
oh dear... rest well... hope u be feeling better soon...

hi love,
ren ren ren...
i not gg to tell u wat i had for lunch... later u kill me...
<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - take some soup? Me bloat subsided a little but tum tum still there la..like a watermelon. Last night was bigger but I took 1 packet of Immunocal cos cannot tahan. :p</font>
you can also try ginger tea. get rid of wind...then not so bloat? up your immunocal. But if u bloat all the way..then good news on the way.. =)
hi baby,
soon u be fine... =)
bfp soon...

hi dawn,
i dun believe in unexplained fertility le... =)
and u will bfp soon soon too...
miracle - 2ww is crucial cos got implantation mah, u will not wan to regret say "if I know I shouldn't eat". after bfp first trim also many things cannot eat, all the liang food that we avoided during the cycle continue during first trim. 2nd trim I bo chup already, I eat anything that I feel like eating
et like that lor... nothing much... i so moody... the nurses consoling me and i ignoring them....
cos my cells low cell ma... i like cannot be bothered with anything... jus get it done... anyway s partly becos my hp low batt i cannot surf net... so i wanna get home asap... but end up also so long then reach home..
<font color="aa00aa">Sticky, Janice just shared that her low cell count embies also did good...so please don't feel down!!

Remember you've done so much pre-work to prepare your body and your body is now in top notch condition to grow those embbies!!!</font>
this morning my hubby commented that my spare tyre very big. ARGH looks like i will have to slim down soon else how to fit into my working clothes? alamak!!!!
thanks ron...

hi miracle,
after bfp liao... can buy better work clothes... haha... u even got the right to change ur entire wardrobe...
i'm curious...which med or jabs from care will cause bloat? Pregynl will right? how about progynova and progesterone jabs?

ron, dawn
but even if bfp, this tummy is still too big for 1st trim...hahah...how to tell pple im not preg when that tummy so big!!!
Shoes - maybe u can steal a tip from my SIL. she very skinny but tummy in 1st tri was v big (natural baby) &amp; she didn't want to let her boss know, so she bought wrap-around skirts.. because you can adjust the waitline, that gorgeous buldge at the tummy doesn't look so big. coz if buy skirt or pants too big, then fall off the hips..
<font color="aa00aa">Ron, I not preggie already LOOK preggie...so ermm...dun think that will work hahaahaha

Just had dinner...so hungry but can only eat a little...later eat again hahaaahaha

Miracle - sore boobies - good sign
yah...now butt pain pain...=(

haiz....now sore boobs and bloat may not equal to good chance lor. cos Janice dun have and bfp...others have but no...so just medicines and jabs causing all these hormones to go haywire
Fell asleep lol

Shoes, yesterday after seeing tcm I saw a family eating curry fish head. I told my dh I wanna eat. He said b4 dat ask u to eat u dun wan now cannot eat u said u want to eat lol!!! Now I suddenly feel like eating mince pork porridge but dh already cooked soup this morning n asked me to steam fish n cook rice for dinner later hmmm.... Feeling giddy now...

Miracle, dun mind abt the tummy... Dat day I still tell my dh, if bfn then I nd to slim down cos tummy so big!!! Now no nd to slim down so u too no nd to slim down, it'll go bigger n bigger!!!! Today i wear a loose dress n my tummy is so big cannot hide. I told dh better not go off cos everybody wl ask. Dh said it's our confident lvl, til more stable ask ask lor lol

I ask Ning 4 weeks tummy already so big? She said cos we ivf gals got lots of hormone inside.
<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - don't say that la...Monday is already done! Waiting for some tummy space to free up before I take Dr Zou's meds</font>
Yup Ning once said IVF ladies get big very fast...
for me 4 weeks already can see...but somehow in the later months i did not balloon as big as i thot I would... hence I was big the "normal" way...
Sticky, now i can conclude cells doesn't matter le.. Hv gd rest n dun think so much.

Miracle, ning told me dun anyhow say in forum cos every individual is different. Sore boobs gd leh meaning hormone lvl is high. Somehow I've strong feeling u n shoes wl bfp!
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - Ning always shake head say we talk too much on forum...I say then what else you want us to do during 2ww? HAHAHAHAHAA</font>
Miracle, I did take picture of the kit from care. Actually stupid hor, I dun dare to take hpt now leh....

Shoes, hehe...I went in on sat while waiting for calls n I saw grumpus, pinkD, syrah, pandawife hehe.... But I look look see see cos not confirm yet hehe... Still prefer here leh
Shoes, Yan she complain to my dh. She said yr wife suppose to relax but go forum n stress herself... My dh gave her a shocking face n HUH? Hahaha
<font color="aa00aa">Janice hahahaa...your husband probably doens't realise the trouble you get yourself into at home hahahaahaha</font>
