IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ron
Ya.. First Ivf.. R u with kk too? When will be ur lucrin injection? Me start on next Thursday... Is lucrin or puregeon easier to inject?

Hi serene
I see.. Hope ur cyst will disappear soon..;) so that we can be accu buddy, ivf buddy n bfp buddy..;)

Hi jok
Oh.. I think ur er/et will be earlier than mine as my predicted er/et shd be end of march.. ;) lets jiayou together and hope both jj can bfp together too..;)
Hi sistas, can i check wif those who had earlier bfn on ivf...the menses shld come after the bhcg. But what abt after that cycle? How long does the next one come ah?
Am on mc wif flu and cough again. Thinking of seeing dr zou today to get flu med on the pretext of asking her abt accu for my next cycle, heehee. But now my med making me drowsy liao.
Calzz/janice: thanks. So looks like no see dr zou. How is she like?

And i took my first conceive well pills today. Quite ok wor. Managed to swallow them without prb.
Joanne - I am not with KKivf - hubby not singaporean so we dont get any rebate. I did the short protocol (antagonist) last round, so went straight to Gonal-f on day5 after menses. This cycle also probably will do the same, so likely if all ok (fingers crossed!!) will ET mid-March. You are doing the long cycle? if yes, we will be around same time!! yea yeah.

If 2nd one also unsuccessfully, then planning to change to long cycle and then I may have to ask u abuot the lucrin jab... but hopefully we both BFP by then..

Serene - hope your cyst clears up and we become March buddies.

Val - I am also waiting for the 2nd menses after the BFN, so thanks for asking the questions..
The doctor recommended that i do home test for ovluation this month just to see if the cycle go back to normal & ovulating regularly.
Ceraine, when will you be seeing the dr to check your lining? I think our FET cycle should be quite close. Why do you need to load so much protein?
Ron8129: just curious. you can choose to go long or short cycle in the same clinic?

For myself, I am taking the GonalF for ER and for FET, I am on Lucrin jabs. Do you mean you can choose to have ER using lucrin and FET using Lucrin also or taking GonalF for both ER and ET?
Val, drink warm water instead of normal temp. Conceive well not dat bad lah jyz a bit big n smell hehe

Calzz, Mayb cos of d med? I m actually looking forward to tmr's bt. Can go out hehe
val, dr zou's very nice... sometimes very motherly too... but of course if first time see her, she is quite quiet...
Ron: menses came on the day i did my bhcg. Then now passed my 25 days usual cycle still no sound no sight. Bbt still high. In fact dr loh say i can do next cycle. The first one is usually messed up one. So tot of asking to hb a sense of things.
Sunstillshines - you nickname is positive! Yes, after my BFN, had a review of the cycle with the Dr and we discussed what changes to make to 2nd cycle. One option was Long or Short protocol. There is apparently no difference in the number and quality of the egg, except for long cycle, all the eggs start to grow at same time, so won't have some big and some small by time for ER. I haven't done an FET coz clinic we want to go another round fresh cycle (we only had 2 to freeze last round). Kan-cheong & excited for next cycle - so choosing the short protocol.

When is your ER?

As my church pastor frowns upon accupuncture, I was never comfortable with it. Physician Xia had suggested twice (when we were trying naturally) that we try accupuncture but she probably could tell we were not keen so she never mentioned it again thereafter.
hi ron8129, me will b doing short protocol(antagonist) in Mar too. May I know why r u doing short antagonist? My 1st ivf get abandon at suppression stage due to cysts developed in both my ovaries and my E2 is super high. My doc suggest doing short protocol (antagonist) since long protocol is not suitable for me.
Hey sistas thank you for all the well wishes ... Couldn't name each n everyone of u tho..... Hope gd luck comes to all of us when it's your turn

Just reach home..... M at hOme resting .... So sleepy .... Gg for a nap now ... I'll b back
Im back home from ET. Thawed 4, one did not survive, transferred 3. Rested at care for an hour then went for lunch at din tai fang. Now home. Bloated and tired.

Did you hv a progesterone jab after ET? Now you are on what jabs daily? Must prepare myself 1st and hope i dun get any calls frm ning today... Lolz
Ron8129: I have completed my ER in Nov. Due to OHSS, I have to terminate the program and rest my body. I am undergoing FET this cycle. I am currenly on Lucrin jabs and progyvona pills and cadiprin. This thur I will be visiting dr to check the lining.

Miracle: Well done! Rest well during your 2ww. I hope I will join you next week. Why do you feel bloated? Were you unconscious during the transfer?
Hi ron
I see... Me will be doing long protocol and shd be later than u er/et since urs is short protocol..;)

Hi calzz
All the best to ur bt..

Hi serene
Cyst will go go away k..;)
Been feeling bloated before ET.... Then after meals will be worse. Must be the hormone med bah... Im conscious during ET... I tot oni knock us out for ER not ET?

Yeah ur ET will be very fast de
Serene - sorry to hear your first cycle was abandon. We <jia-you> and try again!

We tried the short protocol the first cycle coz it was easier on the body (and shorter). We have male factor so no issue of hormones on female size, so no need to do suppression. But i think all these the first time the doctor is testing only one-la! hahaha.. like cooking curry, sometimes must add more spice, next time add more coconut milk.

Miracle - enjoy the 2ww. Hoping for BFP for you from your 3 little miracles!
Miracle.. Wow, 3!! Good good.. Triplets awaiting to call u mummy ... Gave ample rest yah..

Me praying everyday that my precious 2 survives so I can transfer 2...
Miracle, sorry jyz wake up fr nap. Yes Angela gave me pregynl after et n ordered 3 more for me due to my age. Are u given after et? So yr next bt is on sat?
Im hoping too!! ;)

Im not so hopeful in striking 3. Haha nw i oni wan sticky sticky embbies.

I was given a progesterone jab. Not pregynl cos tot pregynl is hcg? Im oso on fraxi daily... Ouch
hi miracle.
Great... have a happy and good 2ww...
=) waiting to hear ur bfp news...

Hi flowers,
Rest well... =) enjoy ur 2ww and bfp with miracle together...

Hi sun,
Me previously always abandon cycle becos of ohss in dec... Then did fet in jan... But failed...

Hi valteen,
Hope u get speedy recovery soon... U better le ma...
miracle - u on asprin already still need fraxi? I was give progesterone once during my 2ww cos my ohss cramps were too painful
Miracle, b4 et I was given a jab (I think it's progestrone) then after et another (pregynl?). U oso need fraxi? Needle v thick hor?

Winnie, me too asprin n fraxi jab leh
Tats wat i tink but angela wan gv i just take lor. When the lab take my bt, angela say thick so gv me fraxi... Then she say might hv to take one more bt see hws the bt.... What time will bt results be out??

Sat im gg back for 1st bt. You too right?

Yah enjoy 2ww..... So far so good.... Bloat bloat continue will be good haha
Miracle, yep sat last one b4 beta bt. Angela told me b4 et d jab is to relax the muscle n after et the jab is to make the ovary work. She said as we age, our ovaries tends to become lazy lol
Miracle: just now you said that you have been bloating eversince before your ET? Did you take Immunocal?

Sticky: I thought you are had fet in Jan? Now you are in 2ww?
hi, i remembered reading in some old threads that there is a TCM doc for hubbies in Clementi? Does anyone has the address and information? Thanks
