IVF/ICSI Support Group

R u having phlegm? If yes, better avoid lemon for moment.
I usually cut a whole lemon into slices, n squeeze the juices into boiling water.. About 2 cups or slight more.. Dump in d lemons n simmer about 15 mins... Add honey or Sis sugar ( but honey preferred)... Drink when warm.

What supplements did Mill say?
The sheep or human placenta??
Mill, I'm quite sure we've been eating sheep placenta la... The thought that I might have been eating human placenta is making me nauseous again now though I've tried whole morning to curb it!!!

Yes, ttcingbb, quite anxious to see hbs!

Bb is a healthy size? U have no MS yet? MS makes the whole pregnancy package less fun leh... Sigh....
Soul, trying to catch a nap, can't.
Jurong pt is a mrt station away. But I can't go there later than 5.30pm in case I run into my colleagues...mil still not here yet!

Feels like going neighboring temple pray pray but inaccessible. Lots waking needed n need to take shuttle bus.
I was contemplating not to take the med since the worst was over. But in the end as I was still coughing badly at night I finally took it. I intend to stop once recover def.

Thanks for the tip. I'll try out the drink.
ceraine, please guai guai stay at home...after bfp, u hv lots of chance to go out. If u want to go out, go downstair or nearby blks shops to walk walk for a while..dun go shopping centre la..

syrah, drink more warm/hot water for the cough. Avoid chicken, oranges.
Checked w kkivf... Can jab lucrin & puregon on different sides...

Can anyone advise how many days of puregon do u jab before proceeding er? Kkivf dun wan to even estimate for me... I'm having 300units... Looks like a high dosage to me...
Hihi, Nice to see you again!..Yes, I will continue with Dr Cheng and next scan will be scheduled on next fri and subsequent scan will be just before xmas. When are you starting your fresh cycle ? Remember to stay positive okies...
happybb, puregon will be between 9 to 14 days, it depends on hw well yr body respond to the drugs. That time, I hv 12 days of puregon jabs.
soul, same here, I was also contemplating of changing doctor since Dr Loh is always so bz & sometimes temperamental & I am only carrying singleton. However, I procrastinated since he knew about my condition all along & also dunno whether the other gynae would be better too... Hopefully, after changing to TPS will be better...

sesame, I dunno abt AMC closed in Dec, since I am gg for BT tmr which is 1 Dec, dunno whether to go Clinic D or AMC...hmm
Yes..bb measures @ 4.9mm and heart beating @ 128bpm. Dr Cheng checked my ovaries too and declared all healthy and well. Also asked if its abnormal not to have MS!..He said I am really lucky and asked me enjoy and don't think so much ya!
Tks, sesame...

Hv been scheduled to go back for scan on day 8... If cannot proceed to er, how often do we hv to go back for scan? How many units puregon did u jab?

Trying to estimate how many days leave to take...
happybb, I had my 1st scan on day 8, then day 10, then day 12. Then on D12 night, I am scheduled for hcg jab at 24hr women clinic. I think averagely is abt 3-4 visits, will not exceed that frequency. I am on 250iu puregon initially. Then on D8 onwards increase to 300iu.
Yes yes, Dr Cheng printed 3 different fotos with measurements of the scans too. I think i will keep staring at them till my next scan...hee! Go check the size of your bbs and their heartbeats rates during your next scan too.
Oh no, I had very bad stomach flu 2wks ago n the dr gave me a jab to stop the vomiting. He told me no point he give me oral med cos I'll just puke it out anyway. The jab was very effective n stopped my vomiting immediately. Then at least I could follow up with panadol for my fever n oral med for the nausea after the jab wears off.
Do take care n stay very well hydrated !
Hi soul
Congrat ya!! So envious and happy for u..;) must be very stress to swe the result at first hpt test right?? And once positive, cant cover ur happiness hor.. Take care ya..;)

Hi Day
Congrat that u hv see ur bb hb.. Very touching moment hor.. May i know ur hcg level when test ur blood? Rest well too..;)

Hi sesame
Just read ur post abt red date drink make using slow cooker.. Actually the most nurition and nice to drink red date tea is to boil overnight using slow cooker.. I hv try both way of boiling and using slow cooker red date tea.. The slow cooker made one is most tasty and nope, the water level remain the same unlike boiling method which will water will evaporate fast..during my confinement period, my hubby and confinement lady made the red date drink at night so that i can drink it next morning.. Next time after u give birth, better to use slow cooker to make the reddate tea..;)

Hi Ann
Hv seen parkway sensei before too.. But give up after two months as medicine trouble to brew and bitter..and i feel uneasy to see doc so openly with pp can hear whts wrong with u as he got no room.. Also, feel he not so hygene as always blow nose.. Hee.. Lastly, no accupuncture here.. But most important is u r comfortable with him..;) hope he has magical hand for u..;)

Hi gals
Had went to ivf consultation yesterday.. Now my hubby hv abetter idea and he was shock to see the success rate is only 30plus percent which is less than 50%..i hv to convince him that we still hv to give it a try no matter what..;) btw, am going doc zou place tonight.. Anyone else going?
Think as my doctor couldn't cfm if it was stomach flu or MS she went on the assumption it's not. I wasn't running a temperature n no pain in the stomach. Only symptom was the vomiting n body aches. The vomiting only worsened aft I returned from the doc. Thx for the tip though. I'll take note of it.
she mentioned Immuvital..did you take that too?

I'm always around here.. haha.. juz that I take 1 day to finish reading around 3 days postings.. I will be going for another review before confirming when to start..
oic.. hehe.. I heard this vits before.. Angela oso never ask me take..

Can I ask is there any reason Angela asked you take this immuvital? and also how much you pay when you collect the medication?
Ladies,i'm back to the forum. Had MIA for a month since my stimulation in mid Oct.....and today I finally BFP!!! I cant believe miracle happens. Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks in the clinic, heh.

What I want to tell everyone (including silent readers)is, all of us are tough ladies going through this journey, pls do not give up trying. Embrace hope and for those who had failed before, go take up a second opinion if need be. I myself had gone through many hurdles to finally see a positive result.
Thanks TTcingBB & Pink M. My BHcg is close to 400. Didnt ask the exact, blur me

Pink M, i'm grateful to Angela's magic brain and Dr Paul's magic hands, cos i'm one tough nut to crack. :p

Baby dusts to Miracle,Ceraine and Soul this week! You trio will BFP BFP BFP!
Hi ladies, I am planning for ivf next Jan. My af is here today. Sad day for me : ( Tis is my 2nd failed IUI cycle. Anyone is under NUH? I hope to know more about the ivf procedure in NUH. Thank you.
Minako - many tks, throwing u a bucket of bb dusts, u jiayou ! when r u planning for next try? FET, right?

Miracle - yes, u gave me the miracle support in silent, i'm grateful for that. I stayed away from the PC during 2WW cos my symptoms r awful. Bloated tummy with bigger boobs. breathless most of the time. No implantation cramps though, so i thought no hope liao.

Pink M - hehheh, this morning she was still saying it's like mixing cocktail, every concoction is different.
hi soul, ceraine, congrats on ur bfp : ) I am reading the 2 weeks ago posting and tat time both of u were doing ur ER and followed by ET. N now both of u bfp. I am happy for both of u and it has been beri encouraging for me to try on ivf.
Holidaygal, Yeah.. Fet for me but both Dr Loh & Dr Zou on long leave in dec.. So postpone & start when dec af comes.. not so rushing, more time to tiao & can enjoy christmas! Waiting for yr end bonus also.. Ha!
Congrat holiday gal!!
So happy for u.. Is this ur first ivf fresh cycle? Care to share wht tips u do this 2ww and how u tiao ur body? Go accu by doc zou too? Today is ur dpt wht day when u do bt as i think 400 is quite high.. Maybe multiple? How many u put in? Take care ya and u wait for ur result at clinic today? The gynea must be happy and touch too when see u drop tears..;)
Hi Soul,
Can share yr bfp tips before n during 2ww rest?
Wat u had done/eat n po at d same time tiao yr body pls share with us...r u on fresh or FET cycle?
holidaygal... really happy for u coz if i m not wrong, your journey was quite tough one rite?

Btw, u were with Care since u start yr first cycle? u dun hv any embbies left fm first cycle?
stickyBB, yes it has been quite a tough journey for me. No, my first 2 cycles were at NUH, doc dint manage to find out the antidote for my case. I dont have any embbies prior. I'm glad we seeked a second opinion and it's amazing i can even bfp.
joanne, similar to most ladies,i followed the dos and donts during the 2WW. I slept a lot during the 2WW cos my body was very tired and warm. I did Accu at Dr Zou only during stimulation onwards, dint take her meds. I believe I also benefited from taking immunocal as it strengthens my immunity and overall wellbeing.

holidaygal, COngrats!!! We ladies here will always be glad for and celebrate other sisters' BFP. That makes it so encouraging and warm here. Take care and rest well! =D Thanks for the babydust!

Serene, faithbb,
I have not gone for my blood test to confirm the BFP yet. Once I have, will definitely let you all know. =)

I did, however, make my poor hubby buy me the correct HPT - which is the Clear Blue one. I tested it this afternoon and it is a positive. =D I call it the most powerful stick - cos it's the most sensitive brand and most recommended by everyone I know. hahahaha. "The stick has spoken..." (maciam Survivor)

Buddies, MUST JIA YOU OK!!! No stress, relax cos another day's over! We're nearer to Friday already!
