IVF/ICSI Support Group

Yes follow Calzz method I oso do the same but I added longan will give some sweet taste then will not be sourish.
oops sorry...I dunno how turn on the pm leh..very sua koo me

Can give me your doc massage ctc no.to try?
Wanna to compare the Mina malay lady massage n yours one see which is better.

My massage lady say better not massage after O in case it alters n affects implantation taking place..probably because she will chk position of womb n correct irbid needed that's why dun encourage after O.

Ures will correct position?

Hehe.. She say I'll hv 2 kids..
ceraine, yup it taste not bad... i didn't put any sugar or longan... i did ask the massage lady, she said she ok to massage so i went... hmm... but ytdy she concentrate on massaging the intestines and colon there lah... and yup she say she wanna help me move my womb higher too... coz she say sometimes we sit in office too long no good...

faithbb, pm me ur email add... oh btw, mine dun use any oil to massage...
Anyone of you experienced medicated FET and success at 1st try but with a last 2 frozen embryo? How long till the BT? how many MC?

With KKIVF Dr Loh SF. Intending to start the next mid-year.

Appericate your informations.
hi joanne,
ur temp had always been good... =)
fingers cross for u...

hi ceraine,
how are u super bored at home?
then how u feeling liao?

hi calzz,
when u starting again?
Hehe.. U wana come accompany me yah.. I be glad to welcome u wor. K lah.. Move ard do light stuffs, watch DVD etc.. Oli thing I still can't manage to nap, probably brain too relax Le...

Tummy bloated again and heavy... Same lor lower n centre ab painnpain on standing n walking. Juz kitchen to dining rm nia..

Juz add 3 eggwhites n had Immunocal morning.

Will let d nurse access Tmr if ohss test needed...

Meeting up this sat yah? Enjoy lohzz
day & pink M,
Wow, both of your levels are high too! Even higher than mine! Pink M, i think yours shld be confirmed at least twins... So happy for you! I'll stop BTs... haha.. shall guai guai wait for wk6 appt.

congrats for seeing the heartbeats of your two cuties! U and hubby must be super happy to see them! Enjoy the 9-mth journey!!!

by the way, did u go AMC early in the morning? after the scan, they'll ask u to get an appt to see Dr Loh on the same day? Is the appt time close to the time u finish scan or it's a few hrs away? My hubby say no appt time, so I'm curious... :p
Ladies who just BFP:
Do u have bad lower backache? How to soothe or prevent huh? Will this last long?
My lower back aches by mid day & worsens as the day go on. During yesterday's 2.5 hrs meeting, I had to stand by end of it cos due to backache, cannot sit anymore...
Pink M,
I was just sharing with sesame n day the other day abt bad backache in early pregnancy.
I used those microwaveable gel heat pads from pharmacy. It's quite big so can stretch across the entire back. Every night apply few times.
The ache went away gradually so I can't remember exactly how long it lasted also. But definitely by 2nd tri no more.
Day / Rainbow:
Do u gals still cramp & bloat? I find that as days go by, cramping has lessened & bloating has increased....
Do u all feel the same?
pinkM - I do have backache since 2ww but its due to my ohss. I bought a back support & try to walk more in office. It got better when I was around 7 weeks as baby start to take in our hormones
Pink_M, I tried using Wintertime's heat packs. It works for me, but expensive cos u got to throw with each usage...

Rainbow, kkivf will arrange 1st scan date together with the AMC centre scanning. My appt time with Dr Loh is 245pm, but need to go for the scan 1hr earlier at 145pm. It shd be stated in yr form.

After u register in AMC, please go clinic D immediately to get a queue no. The wait is super long.
Pink_M, my backaches also better now. Mild cramping once in a while will hv...bloating increased esp after meals. My both sides aches at times.
pinkM - yes! Ning say it will subside as baby start to take in the hormones. my early pregnancy days I only have 5 mouth of rice & I already cannot swallow anymore food. now I can have a full meal without any problem
then what about achy ovaries? I seem to have aching ovaries on both sides from time to time. It's very annoying cos it won't go away. Did anyone also experience the same?
Faithbb and Leor, I reply liao..

Calzz, I forgot tell you tat massage per session is 1hr, best to do fertility massage only before ovulation. After ovulate, if you got visit Dr Zou can do accu.
soul, yes, I experienced it after my ER. This could be the after effect from the ER since u hv many eggs retreived. It will ease off by end of 2ww. If it is still v painful,u need to alert Dr Loh.
Oic. Cos the online info I found so far not very useful. The aches come and go and when I move abt in my chair, I can feel it more. I thought it was because I didn't finish my course of anti-biotics!

Drink lots of water and use hot bottle to ease the pain. It helped me alot. Drink warm water. I had very bad pains on the day of ET also. But Dr Loh will prob tell you (like what he told me) that it's nothing.
Ladies, came back from KK after my wk 8-9 scan. Manage to hear very faint heartbeats in Rm 5. Opted to see Dr Loh in TPS for my 3rd visit (Jan 2011) onwards since many feedback TPS waiting time is faster.
Btw, Dr Loh doesnt seem to be in a good mood today. Felt that his moods also quite swinging like pms. Haha.
hope4baby, I was also still in pain when I did the ET. Actually the pain lasted from ER till 2nd wk of 2ww...Ya drink lots of water and maybe try heatpads.
Do NOT use heatpads/hot bottle after ET tomoro. If you want, only today to ease the pain before tomoro. Also, go pig out if you want. That time miracle wanted go yum cha. I wonder if she did. I wanted to eat out but was down with a lot of pain, in the end only managed a little porridge.

You can ask about the grading I suppose? And how many fertilised, how many frozen. But I guess the embryologist will inform you after the transfer as you lie on the chair. You also get a photo of your precious embbies. =) Good luck!
miracle and I did D3 transfer cos coincidentally, it was a public holiday the day before our ET. I always assumed it was 3 days. But the ladies here say KK's protocol is 2 days.
I never avoid seafood and spicy food.
I still eating it coz we haven't go into 2ww ma !
Still can eat lar...
Still can drink coffee and tea but better dun drink too much.
Tea is liang one.
ladies - those in 2ww pls avoid coffee, tea & cocoa! it will affect implantation. I only started drinking after BFP, one cup of coffee a day cos I can barely open my eyes by 11am. tea I siam totally cos too liang liao
For those taking TCM medi, please refrain from taking too much chilli also as chilli will affect the absorption of the TCM medi for your body.

Dr Zou also told me if our womb is "han", taking chilli will make it more "han"...so if possible try to cut down.
sesame, ya lor, just got feeling he wanna end the session quickly today...I wonder are all the gynaes the same, gotta endure their occassional mood swings.
I m still feeling bloated especially after meals. I still do feel occasional cramps / twitches on my pelvic area. Am still battling with backache and I started putting heat pad on my back ... Hopefully it will soothe the arch.
mina, i also never avoid seafood and spicy food coz i dun eat them very often lah... and i dun drink coffee at all coz i dun like... i still drink tea occasionally thou... but now i try to replace my morning tea with red dates drink...
I m still having d aches n twitches too, ESP Lhs.somemore sis is here..had fair bit of standing n walking... Feel d aches intensifying Le..
Am thinking to fry tomato egg later... Hope I m up to it...

Hehe... Gota wake early for my jab.. N P test Tmr..
hi ladies

to check - must we get a referral from the polyclinic to KKH's infertility clinic or just call the Central Appointments desk (tel: +65 6294 4050) to make an appointment with one of our IVF specialists. can choose to see Dr Loh?

thanks for the advices.

Oh crap, I had 2 sips of Pokka milk tea yesterday during dinner. Crap crap crap.

I'm not so worried abt my aches and pains now cos I am having AF symptoms liao. I feel like crying. I dunno if its just the hormones or if AF really coming.

Does anyone know if ET fails, when will we get our AF? It will definitely be before we have our preg BT right...
